
in Roleplaying

4,319 posts


redfire77 • 23 June 2011 at 3:59 PM

Edgar creased his brow. With every word that came out of her mouth, the girl standing before him seemed less and less helpful to trust. Edgar decided to ask the girl a question. "Who is 'The Queen' anyways?"

2,270 posts


randomkitty17 • 23 June 2011 at 4:00 PM

Mau raised an eyebrow. "Fine. It'll give me something to do." she said.

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 23 June 2011 at 4:13 PM

Jacqueline glanced over at the little boy.
" 'The Queen of Spades.' She rules the Spades quarter. Everyone knows that...
"Now. She is holding a masquerade party in two days. So... the Queen needs help telling everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY, in Calico about it. You two need to post up these flyers and spreading the word. Post them in the bars, the marketplace, the plaza, where ever. Tell people, and tell them to tell other people. You got this? I'll pay you half of the money now, half after you complete this job, 'kay?"
She held out each of them a sack and a pile of flyers that read:

OUTDOOR MASQUERADE PARTY, held by the Queen of Spades
Invited: Anyone wishing to attend within Calico
Location: The Spade quarter
Time: 5pm until sunrise

All guests must don a mask and costume. Those who still need one may borrow a set from the Spade's costume house, paid for by The Queen
Food & drinks shall be served to all

4,319 posts


redfire77 • 23 June 2011 at 4:19 PM

"No, I mean, who is she really? No one actually has seen her right? But you seem to work for her, so do you have answers?" Edgar clarified. He accepted the flyers.

5,680 posts


trish • 23 June 2011 at 4:26 PM

Gracie passed by an alley and saw the boy from yesterday. "Hi Edgar!" Gracie called.

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 23 June 2011 at 4:29 PM

She eyed him
"Due to the fact that all of my clients are from the ruling and upper class, I am required to keep their personal information to myself. Meet me back at the plaza when you are done."
Jacqueline began walking away but glanced back at him
"Though, if you yourself do happen to come to the masquerade, maybe.. just perhaps... you'll find the Queen herself?" She paused and laughed. "That is probably the sole reason why everyone is coming"

4,319 posts


redfire77 • 23 June 2011 at 4:53 PM

Edgar took his flyers and walked over to Gracie. "Hey. I'm handing out flyers for some money. It's the Queen's Outdoor Masquerade." Edgar showed Gracie the flyer, and then pinned it up on the door of the tavern nearby.

5,680 posts


trish • 23 June 2011 at 4:56 PM

"Oh. Well, thanks for telling me." Gracie said. "Are you hungry?"

4,319 posts


redfire77 • 23 June 2011 at 4:59 PM

Edgar shook his head. "I stole a two fish kabobs." He pulled out a half eaten one and offered it to Gracie.

5,680 posts


trish • 23 June 2011 at 5:02 PM

Gracie shook her head. "No thanks." Gracie answered. She pressed a couple of coins into his palm before leaving.

2,270 posts


randomkitty17 • 23 June 2011 at 5:03 PM

Mau took the fliers hesitantly and posted one on a wall in the plaza. She moved on to a cafe, to an inn, to a booth, anything. Soon, that part of town was filled with fliers. She posted one on the inn she went in and continued to hand them out.

4,319 posts


redfire77 • 23 June 2011 at 5:04 PM

@trish what kind of coins? full coins? Half coins?

Edgar frowned and walked after Gracie. "Why did you give me coins?"

2,270 posts


randomkitty17 • 23 June 2011 at 5:05 PM

Mau saw Edgar nearby. She walked toward him.

4,319 posts


redfire77 • 23 June 2011 at 5:07 PM

Edgar saw Mau walking towards him. She was free of flyers. He quickly threw the coins back into Gracie's bag, and turned to Mau. "I guess I better start putting up flyers."

(( I have to go soon D: ))

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 23 June 2011 at 5:08 PM

Jacqueline stood on the open windowsill as usual in the plaza and tossed out the rest of the fliers. They floated down to the ground where many high classed ladies were gossiping.
Soon enough the word would spread around the entire city from person to person. Not a single houshold or orphan would not know about this. Afterall, everyone did seem to be interested...

2,270 posts


randomkitty17 • 23 June 2011 at 5:09 PM

"Hey, what was your name again? I'm Mau. Six of clubs." she smiled at him and held out her hand.

4,319 posts


redfire77 • 23 June 2011 at 5:12 PM

Edgar shook her hand. "Edgar. Two of Clubs."

(( I have to go now D: ))

5,680 posts


trish • 23 June 2011 at 5:17 PM

@redfire77 I dunno. xD

"Maybe you'll need them?" Gracie called over her shoulder. She made a stop at the Barbers, because those people were always interested in her angel-blonde hair.

2,270 posts


randomkitty17 • 23 June 2011 at 5:25 PM

"Huh, nice to meet another person in the Clubs quarter." Mau smiled. "I hope to see you at the masquerade, we might learn a bit more about the Queen." Mau said and dashed off toward her shop. There, a courier was waiting for her. "Hello, I work for the queen. We heard that you have some of the best meat in the Clubs quarter. We are planning to feature meat from all four quarters." the courier handed her a mall bag filled with full pieces. Mau rushed to the back and handed him a sack of sausage. He nodded and left. Mau jumped in excitement.

5,680 posts


trish • 23 June 2011 at 5:33 PM

The barber currently working stopped at the sight of Gracie,"Oh my. Your hair, Gracie! Have you come for a haircut? Your hair is too beautiful!" He said with a slight accent. (I want to add an accent to my charrie O. o) "Oh no, I like my hair. I just came by to.....I dunno." Gracie laughed. She was twirling her soft, straight, angel-blonde hair.

1,903 posts


petpet55 • 23 June 2011 at 5:48 PM

Keeran woke up early in the morning. He could see rays of sun coming through the window. His whole body ached because of yesterday's adventure. He lay in bed for couple of minutes until he remember what he had to do. "My father's office!" he thought and quickly got up from the bed. Realizing he is going away for quite long time he decided to bring his guitar with him. He placed his explorer in old guitar casing along with transportable amplifier and a recharger. He threw in couple of full pieces in the casing as well. Racing down the corridor with a heavy luggage wasn't easy. Upon reaching office door he took a deep breath. "Here we go.." He took a pin from under the carpet and started lock picking. He wasn't skilled lock picker but he probably lock picked this doors hundred of times as a kid. It was more like a achievement to him, than it was snooping on his father. Now he was destined to find the answers. He heard a silent click and he knew that door was now unlocked. He went to the old heavy oak table and started searching over the drawers. He found couple of files in there. He knew there was no time to read them right away so he quickly threw them in the guitar casing and headed towards the exit..

((There's more to this but I sorta exceeded post limit ☹️ Sorry if it's too long!))

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 23 June 2011 at 6:02 PM

Jacqueline watched from the open window as the boy from the day before raced around the house.
She giggled to herself. It was most certainly a joy being able to have this job as a messenger, knowing secrets that no one else did, other than the employer.
She patted her sack lightly. The real papers were now going to go back to her employer. The ones he stole were merely replacements, ones that pointed at something much, much more sinister.
"Oh~ I wonder how long it will take for him to start spreading the word that the other three ruling class are behind it all!" she whispered.
It was lovely being a messenger

Deleted • 23 June 2011 at 8:06 PM

Tess woke up to the sound of a fist being pounded on her door. She yawned and went downstair to get the door. When she opened it her mouth was gagged and he hands tied behind her back. The people carried her through the streets like she was a criminal.....

2,270 posts


randomkitty17 • 23 June 2011 at 8:11 PM

Mau handed the last of the fliers out. She then ran to the Clubinne costume room to search for a mak and a costume. She picked a black silk dress with ravens' feathers on the shoulders. She picked out a black leather mask that was shaped like the wings of a crow. Mau spun around and went back to her hotel room. She sat on the balcony in her usual outfit and waited.

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 23 June 2011 at 8:14 PM

{ @randomkitty17 ~ It's in two days, on there it's only been a few hours XD Your charrie seems so excited~ (mine is ;]) }

Deleted • 23 June 2011 at 8:17 PM

Tess glared. When her mouth was free she yelled. "WHAT IS HAPPENING YOU IDIOTS!" as they rtied her hands behind a chair. "You've been a nauty girl," a big guy said getting closer to her face. "How?" she asked. "Im just a higher class girl!"
"Well nobody knew you were a higher class girl. You faked being poor!" the man yelled at her slapping her across her face.

2,270 posts


randomkitty17 • 23 June 2011 at 8:17 PM

@icymuffin- lol, I know, I just had nothing else to post, just a random post XD she will sit on that balcony until the two days are up XD jk, jk, she's waiting for someone she knows to pass. (so i can do something )

Mau watched as a woman was carried through the town as if she was some dangerous criminal being taken to her execution. "Poor thing. I wonder what happened...." she whispered to herself.

Deleted • 23 June 2011 at 8:19 PM

Tess's rope was untied. She ran and ran, they caught her with a gunshot to her leg knocking her over. She needed help NOW or they would kill her. "HELP HELP! IF YOU HELP I CAN PAY YOU!" she screamed through the streets. She knew these guys wanted her money.

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 23 June 2011 at 8:26 PM

Jacqueline watched as the men carried her off. She pondered what to do for a moment. She creapt up slowly from behind the men and snatched their pouch of money.
Running away she yelled out, "Hey-o!!~ Stealing from stealers who stole from a girl who stole as well~!"
She turned a corner and slipped into an abandoned building...

Deleted • 23 June 2011 at 8:29 PM

@icymuffin she had no money with her.
