
in Roleplaying

5,680 posts


trish • 23 June 2011 at 10:29 PM

@randomkitty17 Maybe she's in the mood for a pickle. <.< And you never tried blowing into one. xD Oh, wait, ZUCCHINI? Just kidding, seriously, a piccolo?

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 23 June 2011 at 10:57 PM

Pretty close to a zucchini (but not really):

4,319 posts


redfire77 • 23 June 2011 at 11:52 PM

Edgar finished pinning up posters and went to find Sarah. He was going to go to the masquerade, and try to find more out about the Queen.

9,386 posts


smilies • 24 June 2011 at 12:46 AM

I eyed the posters anxiously. A masquerade.... I SO wanted to go, but.... It's too dangerous. EVERYONE will be there, and I mean EVERYONE. But then again, won't it be more suspicious if I'm NOT there? I shook my head. This was one thing I was not going to worry about. I'd managed to get a job, and a place to stay. I was working for a 8 rank family that breeds horses, I'd be working in the stables.

9,371 posts


taffy789 • 24 June 2011 at 1:02 AM

Sarah checked her pocket watch. "I have to go, bye!" she told Mau.
She needed to go to her job, but started to look for Edgar. She wondered where he went.

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 24 June 2011 at 1:09 AM

As Jacqueline walked through the town, she noticed Mia staring intently at the posters.
"Hey. You scared of parties or something? Why didn't you pick up the letter? The Queen left one for you."
She handed Mia a sealed envelope.
"Says she would like for you to serve in the Masquerade with me. Afterall, we're partners now."

9,386 posts


smilies • 24 June 2011 at 1:11 AM

I jumped when Jacqueline suddenly appeared. I hadn't heard her. I glanced at my envelope, frightened, but decided it didn't matter. I opened and read it.
"I can't go there," I whispered.

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 24 June 2011 at 1:17 AM

Jacqueline stared at the girl, slightly frightened herself.
"You can't say no. There is no 'no' to 'The Queen's' request" she whispered and looked around
Tilting her head to one side, she asked "She can make it work... What do you need?"

9,386 posts


smilies • 24 June 2011 at 1:23 AM

"What do I need?" I felt like laughing hysterically. Not a good sign. "I need everyone working for my family outside a 5-mile radius of me!"


4,672 posts


icymuffin • 24 June 2011 at 1:39 AM

Jacqueline grinned. " Oh? Is that all? The Queen isn't needed to make that happen. I can take care of that myself."
There was a chill in the air...
"Though, she will still like for you to attend. Afterall, aren't you curious as to who she is? I haven't even met her myself yet."

9,386 posts


smilies • 24 June 2011 at 1:43 AM

"Not in the least," I said, resolutely. These weird chills in the air (no doubt she has enough servants to have people with fans waving them furiously every time someone mentions her name) were enough to give me an idea of what kind of person she is. And she doesn't fall into the category I want to meet. "Fine, I'll go."

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 24 June 2011 at 1:49 AM

Jackie eyed the girl quietly.
"You're an odd child. They must have kept you locked up for some time. Doesn't your family ever talk about the Queen? Very hot topic in the ruling families. Yep. Lady Clubinne requested some information about her the other day..." Jackie blabbled to no one in particular, as she made her way down the alley.

9,386 posts


smilies • 24 June 2011 at 1:52 AM

"Oh yeah, when my mother's drunk she won't shut up," I rolled my eyes.

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 24 June 2011 at 1:59 AM

Jackie glanced over her shoulder to look at Mia
"You're an annoying partner. Very useless for one thing. And if you left home, why do still call that Lady your 'mother?' You abandoned them.
"Now if you don't mind, keep up with what's going on around town. You need to be useful or the Queen may dispose of you...."
She grinned maniacally

9,386 posts


smilies • 24 June 2011 at 2:01 AM

I opened my mouth to reply then decided it wasn't worth it. She wasn't worth it. I turned my heel on her and walked away.

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 24 June 2011 at 2:09 AM

Jacqueline watched as the girl walked away.
"Awwww~ Did I scare her?" she asked as if to the air around her. "How, boring!"
She stomped and ran down the allwy, clutching two letters. Lady Clubinne had recieved one, now all there was to do was deliver one to the Hearst household and a very special one to the Diamos family. A very special one, the Queen had told her.
Jacqueline grinned.

9,386 posts


smilies • 24 June 2011 at 2:17 AM

I found caring for the horses very calming. What a- I started, then stopped it. Nobles were never meant to lose their temper, I scolded myself. She can think and say what she wants, but I don't give. I smiled and cleared up. I'll prove her wrong...

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 24 June 2011 at 2:26 AM

{Both my charries seem to be hated by yours XD Last post for now}

Jackie leapt onto the railing and pried open the loose window. She slipped the sealed envelope onto the desk and quietly left in the darkness.
"I wonder what's going to happen to that girl now... The Queen is rather quite harsh sometimes. Huh. Maybe I shouldn't have made her mention that she had somewhere to return to..."
Oh well, the party was going to start soon.

9,386 posts


smilies • 24 June 2011 at 2:33 AM

@icymuffin BOTH? O_o

I curled up in my new room, exhausted. The novelty of being a commoner was starting to wear off. I caught myself longing for home, the simplicity... Everything was settled, done for you. You never had to do anything..... That was also the worst thing about it. Boredom, lack of choice.... Sometimes I just wanted to DIE.

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 24 June 2011 at 2:36 AM

{On INSANE too ;p Oh. I was wrong about that being the last post D:
Gah!!! I want to start the Masquerade party soon!! }

9,386 posts


smilies • 24 June 2011 at 2:40 AM

@icymuffin It's because you make your charries so... Annoying and Jackie is just plain unfriendly 😋

1 post


itoke • 24 June 2011 at 2:49 AM

Where am I

9,386 posts


smilies • 24 June 2011 at 2:53 AM

@itoke Eggcave, forums 😋

Deleted • 24 June 2011 at 9:58 AM

Tess sighed. She left the piccolo on the doorstep and ran for the plaza she ran into Mau and fell grabbing her leg in pain.

4,319 posts


redfire77 • 24 June 2011 at 11:58 AM


Edgar saw Sarah and hurried up to her. "I got some money putting up posters for the Queen." He showed Sarah the posters and then held out a couple of half coins. "I'm supposed to get more later, but anyway, I thought that we could go to the Masquerade and try to find out more about The Queen."

9,371 posts


taffy789 • 24 June 2011 at 12:03 PM

"Well, the Hearst Queen will probley make me baby-sit.. But i'll see if I can sneak out of it. If I disappear for a long time, they assume i'm dead, or sick. Those royals think some mugs you everytime you walk though the street." Sarah laughed.
"If you need me, I'll be at the Hearst Villa. Wait for me outside, and if the baby is quiet, i'll sneak back out."

4,319 posts


redfire77 • 24 June 2011 at 12:06 PM

Edgar laughed quietly at the strange assumptions that the royals make. "Ok. I'll probably be at the market trying to get some lunch." Edgar strolled towards the market.

9,371 posts


taffy789 • 24 June 2011 at 12:15 PM

"Don't let anyone see your face." Sarah told Edgar as he walked away.
Sarah walked towards the Hearst Villa. As she entered the door, a bunch of maids were running around, frantic.
Sarah saw Lady Hearst in the middle of the rucus, trying on a dress.
"You're the sitter, right? Well,mabey you COMMONFOLK haven't heard, there's a ball, and I need you to watch the baby." Lady Hearst told Sarah.
"Okay but,.." Sarah fake coughed. "I've been feeling a little sick..."
The maids glared at Sarah, but didn't say a thing, for Sarah knew stuff about them that was ten times worse.
"Then out with you!" the Lady screamed. "Give the sitter a few half coins, and some meat soup.. I don't want to hire another one."
Sarah picked up her lunch, and her pay, and got out of the Villa.

4,319 posts


redfire77 • 24 June 2011 at 12:27 PM

Edgar walked towards the first stand he could find, a stand that was selling bananas imported from southern climates. They were very expensive for this reason, and Edgar decided to avoid the stall in case he was caught. He came to a stall selling mutton, uncooked. It was three full coins a leg, which Edgar certainly could not afford. He let himself be pushed into the stall by a rather fat noble, and as he disconnected from the stall, he took with him a leg.

He migrated towards the tavern, and upon entering, hid his face in the shadows of his locks. He approached the tavern keeper and held out the raw mutton, and a half coin. The tavern keeper looked at him weirdly, but then finally said, "So, you want me to cook that for you, laddy?"

Edgar nodded.

The tavern keeper accepted the coin, and began cooking.

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 24 June 2011 at 12:36 PM

Jackie silently watched as the decorations were being put up. How the Queen got so many people to work for her, she'd never figure out. How she got people to work for her in the first place, Jackie didn't want to find find out.
Everyone seemed in rush to go to the Masquerade.
A man noticed her waiting in the plaza. "You. Go fetch me my suit. It was supposed to arrive this morning. Be snappy!"
She nodded and ran off through the crowd
