~:~ Birds Of A Feather Club ~:~

in Forum Games

What is your favorite bird creature here on Egg Cave? (Multiple answers allowed.)

2,061 posts


cubexline • 11 February 2013 at 2:33 PM

"Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new egg cavers a fun new start!"

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

I hope everyone's day is going well 😊

Deleted • 11 February 2013 at 2:36 PM

Time for my daily chant~

"Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new egg cavers a fun new start!"

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!" ~❤ī¸

Deleted • 11 February 2013 at 2:41 PM

"Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new egg cavers a fun new start!"

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"


I never know what i'll say here 😱

1,124 posts


banana • 11 February 2013 at 3:19 PM

I would like to join ^^

441 posts


tetra • 11 February 2013 at 3:58 PM

"Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new egg cavers a fun new start!"

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

Welcome to the club @banana
I see byfelisa approved of you, hope you have a great time here!! 😊

My Sorien hatched (he's perfect ;A;) so I changed my headshot.

I love the new travel Orange Grove. Has anyone got one already? Congrats if you did!! It's amazing, just so amazing. Kudos to the person who came up with it! 😊

2,061 posts


cubexline • 11 February 2013 at 4:19 PM

@banana :

Welcome to BOAF 😊

There are a few games going on and the activities in the newsletter: http://byfelisa.net/BA/BOAFNEWS6.html

You can find the other games on Post #3,321 & Post #3,316, page 111, and one on post #3540, page 119.

So check those out if you want to.

1,124 posts


banana • 11 February 2013 at 4:35 PM

@tetromino @cubexline rhnx for welcomming me! I am on my mobile now, So there is not much i can do, but ill check it out later 😉

Thnx for welcomming me ^^

1,967 posts


novrain62 • 11 February 2013 at 5:20 PM

If you have been feeding @qesque (2 mortals), thank you!! they have both hatched 😊 hopefully we can get them immortal!!

Off to feed the two ROAK coves right now


@world - I had to go to work that early lol I'm back now (sorry for the delayed answer) 😱 - nice poem, btw!
I have to work on mine soon!

Fed all mortals @love23bug and @omeletteater5 today!

Deleted • 11 February 2013 at 5:50 PM

"Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new egg cavers a fun new start!"

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

@byfelissa @cubexline @marie_lily etc...

"The Cobrat"
By @pain

The silver snow gently falls
with shimmers in the air.
Striking your face with pricks like needles,
falls the majestic hail.

A velvet rose sits on the table
blood-red with grace.
A sparkling egg is near,
with scales that are similar to a snake's.

Hatching slowly, a beautiful creature appears
to sparkle and outshine
the rose with its hearts and scales,
simply sublime.

Growing with grace, and power,
and love, it hisses in a hypnotic way.
And amazingly, it seems to be saying,
'Happy Valentine's Day'.

1,967 posts


novrain62 • 11 February 2013 at 6:25 PM

Valentine Poetry Contest Entry

"My Name Is Honk"

My name is Honk.
A hunk of a honk I am!
I make the beach my home
and guard my madame.

She loves my ebony wings,
adores my kumquat beak.
When I ruffle up my feathers,
she envies my physique.

'No ugly duckling' so says she,
A beautiful swan instead.
When I lift my wings to Heaven,
I drop feathers for her bed!

My name is Honk.
A hunk of a honk I am!
More unique than obarns,
and loved by my madame!

by @novrain62 , @honklover62
Valentine Poetry Contest
BOAF - February 11, 2013

I love obarns just as much! lol

56 posts


rockinsia • 11 February 2013 at 7:02 PM

"Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new egg cavers a fun new start!"

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

Great poems guys. 😊

1,967 posts


novrain62 • 11 February 2013 at 8:58 PM

@rockinsia - thank you 😊

407 posts


byfelisa • 11 February 2013 at 9:59 PM

Good Evening Everyone,

How did your Monday turn out? I hope it was pleasant and something terrific happened to make you smile.

Welcome hugs @banana, it is great to have you join us here. Make yourself comfortable and participate in the activities we have this month. You will be added to the list and a member badge made for you also. 😊

@eggs, I just love your Word Art!! The birdie and heart are so cute. Thank you for posts. 😃

Wow, look at the Poem entries so far! You all have written some beautiful poetry dedications. I'm *beaming* with pride.

Here is a joke for you all to chuckle on and enjoy your evening:

Gathering Chickens

The farmer's son was returning from the market with the crate of chicken's his father had entrusted to him, when all of a sudden the box fell and broke open. Chickens scurried off in different directions, but the determined boy walked all over the neighborhood scooping up the wayward birds and returning them to the repaired crate. Hoping he had found them all, the boy reluctantly returned home, expecting the worst.

"Pa, the chickens got loose," the boy confessed sadly, "but I managed to find all twelve of them."

"Well, you did real good, son," the farmer beamed. "You left with seven."

Deleted • 11 February 2013 at 10:16 PM

"Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new egg cavers a fun new start!"

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

Trying to write a good poem! Not the best at poems but oh well. xD

1,967 posts


novrain62 • 11 February 2013 at 10:24 PM

@byfelisa - that is such a cute joke; thank you!!
@colette - take your time :_ Im sure it will be fine!!

3,446 posts


chowchow2012 • 11 February 2013 at 10:26 PM

"Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new egg cavers a fun new start!"

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

Fed all of the ROAK feeding contest required and that's a really cute joke! 😊

291 posts


ljacks • 11 February 2013 at 10:37 PM

Hello Everyone and Welcome to New Members! 😊

Fed @love23bug (All) and @omeletteater5 (Mortals only)
Left them the obligatory sappy card! 😋

I would like to participate in the Swap A Love Bird, please!

"Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new egg cavers a fun new start!"

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

8 posts


chowchow2011 • 11 February 2013 at 10:43 PM

"Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new egg cavers a fun new start!"

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

Lovely poems guys!

1,146 posts


iulianna1 • 11 February 2013 at 11:00 PM

"Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new egg cavers a fun new start!"

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

263 posts


hemester • 12 February 2013 at 2:34 AM

"Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new egg cavers a fun new start!"

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

Deleted • 12 February 2013 at 6:02 AM


Well, I hope others will post something too. I love poetry ^-^


Thank you very much ❤ī¸


"Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new egg cavers a fun new start!"

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

1,967 posts


novrain62 • 12 February 2013 at 6:20 AM

"Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new egg cavers a fun new start!"

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"


GOOD MORNING Feathered Friends!!
Off to work for me, but I will catch up this afternoon!
@world - it's 6:20 am here - yup up early again hahaha

ENJOY your days/nights - wherever you are!!

56 posts


rockinsia • 12 February 2013 at 6:33 AM

"Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new egg cavers a fun new start!"

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

Bwahahaha! That Gathering Chickens joke really got me laughing, I love it. 😸

You're welcome novrain62. 😊

Deleted • 12 February 2013 at 6:33 AM


Thank you, thank you ^-^

GL on your job ^-^

1,194 posts


puppymaks • 12 February 2013 at 7:11 AM

@world NP 😊


I really like a contest this month. Valentine is great here! 😃


"Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new egg cavers a fun new start!"

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

Deleted • 12 February 2013 at 7:15 AM


Me too. Too bad we're going to be sick for Valentine's day ☚ī¸ Are you feeling any better?
BTW, today is carnival. Would you dress up as something? 😃

1,194 posts


puppymaks • 12 February 2013 at 7:31 AM

@world nope ☚ī¸ I'm still sick, in morning I was go in hospital because I was need draw blood again (but this time 2 bottles, no one :/) and... something more 😋

Deleted • 12 February 2013 at 7:36 AM


Aww, poor you. Hope you'll get better soon 😱 ❤ī¸

1,194 posts


puppymaks • 12 February 2013 at 7:46 AM

@byfelisa I posted on a @contests-r-us 2 trades for donation 😉 Hope you like it 😃 Donations are from my sides ( @puppymaks2 and @maksthewolf )

1,166 posts


eggs • 12 February 2013 at 8:06 AM

"Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new egg cavers a fun new start!"

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

May I join the bird swapping? 😃


Sad to see you're sick, hope you feel better! 😸


You too, hope you get well! 😸
