Creature Auctions Bug Topic

in Problems & Bugs

344 posts


yileen • 12 December 2013 at 6:06 PM

1. The "refresh page" bug (for closed lots) has been fixed.

Earned a cookie again 😸

2. Yes, creature names can be changed while in auction, just like trades. What do you think about this?

A lot of players who are here for a long while will pay a lot more for creature named Today than a creature named Nh197gwe
People sell/trade names a lot.
If i bid extra EC on ex. a creature with my own name/pets name etc, and the name changes I'd be furious ending up with a creature named Nibbles809 😋

3. Yes, there will be a button on people's Profiles soon for auctions. Coming soon.

Nice ❤️

@lunar - Yeah i've been asking that before! I hate to go back to the list and browse to the pages again and scrolling down to where I was looking at.

4,845 posts


newlife • 12 December 2013 at 7:20 PM

Thanks for taking CC trading out. It was annoying to see so many CC trades and how greedy people truly are :c

I think changing the creature names while in auction is a bad idea, as people can change the name minutes before the auction ends, and if the bidder is seeking the name, not the creature, they will get ripped off and will cause a lot of arguments between the two people.

Those are the only two issues I can find at the moment.

462 posts


megadash • 12 December 2013 at 9:17 PM

I can't select the currency type. I have a screenshot:

As a result, I can't create a lot.

766 posts


lunar • 12 December 2013 at 11:01 PM

Honestly, the CC trades really upset me. The way I envisioned auctions, is that everyone can get a creature in a fair way. Which is all in one currency (EC).
I feel like its just another way of trading CC, so the removal of gifting CC really was just pointless if auctioning it is an option.

203 posts


sophia123 • 13 December 2013 at 4:34 AM

@megadash same here...


1. when i want to create an auction (EC) the system wants me to choose the currency type, but the field is removed... result: no way to create a new auction!!!

2. i reaaly want the right click option to look at an auction. it getting on my nerves when i have to scroll through all auctions again when i was visiting an auction...

3. name changes while auction -good for name wishes -bad if you want the name and the owner changes it minutes befor...

4. CC auctions - well, i said before that i don't really need them and that i think prices will be not fair

462 posts


megadash • 13 December 2013 at 9:35 AM

@lunar & @newlife:
Offering creatures for 💵 isn't unfair. If anything, not having the option is unfair to people who spent real money on a creature and can now only get 🪙, which is virtually worthless in this over-inflated economy.

As far as people being greedy, the benefits of a free economy is that people can actually decided whether or not it's actually worth it. If I ask for 100 💵 for a fully-evolved Tasma, the markets will decide whether or not it's worth it. Otherwise, I'm stuck with it and have to choose whether or not I should re-evaluate the price.

Trust me on this idea. I'm the daughter of a Realtor. I've spend most of my childhood looking over my Dad's shoulder watching people over-estimate the prices of houses. If you're really lucky, you'll find a good house at a cheap price or sell one for a ridiculously over-priced one, but the odds are really against you.

20 posts


hermione0905 • 13 December 2013 at 5:35 PM

I'm having be same trouble @megdash @sophia123 I hope it gets fixed soon :/

Deleted • 13 December 2013 at 6:14 PM

I agree with megadash. For the people who do buy CC, they should have the option to be able to sell their creatures back for CC. It isn't fair that we only have one currency to accept now. And that said currency can't even be used in the CSP.

1,967 posts


novrain62 • 13 December 2013 at 6:37 PM

Am trying to create creature auction with EC (which is the only option listed anyways) and it gives me this error message:

"Oops! Please take a look at the following:
The Currency Type field is required."

4,845 posts


newlife • 13 December 2013 at 6:46 PM

I'm not saying its a bad thing to have CC auctions, it's just that I only buy CC on emergency runs.
If you were around last year, you would have seen that CC seemed like the only currency. You didn't see many people selling or buying things with EC.
If you put CC trades into open beta, that same thing that happened last year would come back again, and EC would have almost no value again.
We are focusing currently on giving EC back its value, not trying to revert it back.

It has been suggested several times to let players be able to buy things from the CSP with EC, but Eggcave would lose its only income. You have to maintain a site, you usually have a monthly fee to have a domain, and I'm sure Eggcave would suffer if EC was allowed in CSP for freezes and CSP creatures.

However, continuing from what I said, you can offer other things in the CSP that you can buy with EC, but don't give many benefits.

Okay, I'll stop now, since my fingers now hurt qq

1,967 posts


novrain62 • 13 December 2013 at 7:01 PM

I agree with @newlife - I hate to see the devaluation of EC again!!! Of course I've voiced this before.

All valid points.

Deleted • 13 December 2013 at 7:22 PM

Maybe CC auctions could only be accessible by users who've bought CC (the way things currently are in this beta). Users who don't buy CC won't have the privilege of having this option. That way ec will be able to gain its value back, while CC can still be securely traded on a smaller scale?

1,967 posts


novrain62 • 14 December 2013 at 3:32 AM

@hydridrainbow - i was going to suggest the same thing yesterday but then deleted that part.

9,263 posts


immortalraven • 14 December 2013 at 3:42 AM

Like that idea and maybe for those how have but don't like seeing them there would be separate tabs for the different types of auctions x3 Cause yeah, EC is still really useless to me o-o except for travels, names and Tims. No one wants it for the better/older CC critters that are worth a lot. Only want CC/other older CC critters o3o It'd be cool if somehow there would be travel auctions like this too x3

3,178 posts


piucca • 14 December 2013 at 10:17 AM


I am getting the same message, but there is no way to change from EC to CC, or back. :/

I guess we wait 😋

152 posts


imcool12328 • 14 December 2013 at 10:42 AM

@ian, it doesn't let me do an auction.

419 posts


mrsgiggles • 15 December 2013 at 6:38 AM

If CC is tradeable, we will end up with a "pay to play" environment.

The folks behind this website decided that this was not the direction they wanted for EC, so they ended CC trading.

So I'm not sure, therefore, why it's back in the auctions. We'll be back to square one, then.

515 posts


squijum01 • 15 December 2013 at 10:44 AM


I am also experiencing the same bug in creating an auction. I get a window saying that a currency field needs to be selected.

Gender Questioning
2,276 posts


univea • 15 December 2013 at 10:46 AM

I agree that EC is becoming worthless. Personally, I don't think there should be CC auctions at all.

1,803 posts


boxofcrayons • 15 December 2013 at 5:59 PM

Well, I see that it hardly needs repeating- but I'm also having the issue with the currency type field.

1,967 posts


novrain62 • 15 December 2013 at 10:24 PM

especially when I see creatures up for cash auctions that werent cash items to start with. that truly irks me!

am patiently awaiting for a fix 😊

Deleted • 16 December 2013 at 12:09 AM

cc is still being traded in the forms of freezes, current csp creatures, etc. instead.

As long as cc can be transferred from one user to another, in any form, ec will always struggle to keep its value. Want to know why?

There's more demand for cc than there is for ec.
Creatures are always evolving everyday and almost everyone wants to use a freeze to keep it in a certain stage permanently. Every month, new csp creatures are being released. No to mention creatures die, and need to be revived. Some players care about certain gender and stars more than others and are always looking for those items too.

Ec on the other hand is spent the most on Tim's and travels.
Other than that, ec relies heavily on users to spend it. And what if that user doesn't use Tim's or constantly buys travels? The ec is stored away for later use and accumulates interest.

The amount of ec being circulated in the economy exceeds the amount being depleted on a daily basis. When there is a surplus of any currency, it's value becomes worthless.

There isn't enough things to spend ec on in order to create a demand large enough to balance the demand of cc.

As much as I hate to bring this up...on neopets, for every 2 new nc items released, there's 2 nps items as well. For every nc event, there is a free event. I log on to that site and can buy something from the trading post with pure nps without ever feeling like I need to purchase nc in order to get what I want because there's always some sort of substitute available.

It might not be as good as the nc item, but it serves a similar purpose and gives me something to spend my nps on.

492 posts


fallenangel1550 • 16 December 2013 at 1:43 AM


I am also getting the same message as others. I try and create a new auction and it wont let me select between EC and CC for currency. When I hit create auction and confirm, I get a response that says

"Oops! Please take a look at the following:
The Currency Type field is required."

I tried it multiple times with no success.

72 posts


_piano_pokemon_ • 16 December 2013 at 2:44 AM

The cc button is broken or was it changed ? All its allowing me to select is ec when creating a aution @ian

20 posts


hermione0905 • 16 December 2013 at 5:02 AM

"Oops! Please take a look at the following:
The Currency Type field is required."

Message for the auctions , can't get in @ian and thanks

4,845 posts


newlife • 16 December 2013 at 9:06 AM

Ian said that he had removed CC auctions.
I suppose in doing that, some code was left behind accidentally and makes the currency unable to read by the system, causing the errors.

203 posts


sophia123 • 16 December 2013 at 10:21 AM

if we could trade items like travels and potions i would have an idea for cc -trading: you could buy cc-tokens (maybe max. worth of 500 cc and min of 50cc) in the cs AND for that tokens exists a limit (maybe max amount of 1000cc per user)...
that would make cc-trading legal, and sets a limit of cc you could offer...

did someone understood what i meant?^^

in tradecenter you could offer cc-items, creas and travels for one lot...
in auctionhall (?) you have to decide ec-auctions or item-auctions...

1,992 posts


Ian • 16 December 2013 at 2:37 PM


Thanks for your continued discussion on CaveCash auctions. In terms of the economy, we want to ensure that the two currencies will be balanced. @hybridrainbow put it into great terms: not enough things to do with EC, which is a basic problem. We are striving to add more site features and more activities that require+give out EC. Once these site features take root, you may begin to see more freedom with CC circulation.

For this time, CaveCash currency auctions are temporarily disabled. In the future, you might see it return as the economy shifts towards more fun things.

I've been able to tally the most recent suggestions (most notably the right-click for new window when browsing) and fix the "Select currency type" error. New auctions can now be created again.

Thanks to everybody for testing. Public release draws near.

766 posts


lunar • 16 December 2013 at 6:29 PM

The right click for new tab option is not working for me

344 posts


yileen • 16 December 2013 at 6:38 PM

@lunar CTRL+Click works for me 😊

Edit: when you hover on the auction there's a lil button appearing below the creature image. It opens in a new tab \o/
