Creature Auctions Bug Topic

in Problems & Bugs

751 posts


crazy4life • 5 December 2013 at 10:07 AM

I agree. EC was just starting to balance out again and you could buy CSP creatures with it and the auctions was going to help that even more, but now I feel like it is going to get so much worse. It'll fall back to no one without CC being able to build the cove they want. And if they do find a creature for EC, it will be ridiculously over priced.
I'm afraid it will drive eggcave once again to being a site where people need to pay to really play and build their cove

5,410 posts


Orderedchaos • 5 December 2013 at 11:10 AM

I'm going to echo the sentiments of @crazy4life and @novrain62. At the moment there are as many CC auctions as there are EC ones, but I don't expect it to stay that way and I fully expect the CC ones to drown out the EC ones. That's not a good direction for the economy to be taking again.

Edit: two of the EC auctions are apparently "mistakes" so CC auctions do outnumber the EC ones.

Deleted • 5 December 2013 at 11:16 AM

I have to agree with the above as well. I really love the idea of CC auctions, but I'm afraid they will definitely drive up the price of critters, equivalent to EC.

I think it would be good to leave the auctions specifically EC. And instead, allow CC to be offered on trades, along with EC, if we really wanted CC to be traded again *which I'm sure most of EggCave really wants!

I think Ian is trying to listen to eggcave demands, which is great! CC trading really helped the economy I think, when people could gift it etc. But the CC auction idea is a little...backwards thinking in a way. Not trying to be critical here.

so yeah, just as evidence there is a user (can I say names?) who is only doing CC auctions, which are overpriced to begin with. And they are flooding the auctions.*facepalm*

1,992 posts


Ian • 5 December 2013 at 1:14 PM

@novrain62 @darthvader @Orderedchaos @crazy4life

There have been a fair number of CaveCash auctions created mostly by the same user (_piano_pokemon_), but of those, only two have bids on them.

Creature Auctions is in beta, which means that the sample size of the market is very small. What I'm saying is that the market isn't suddenly over-valuing CaveCash again because a single user decided to create a handful of what I'd classify as "trial auctions" (likely to end with no bids). The real test of the market is which ones actually close and sell with bids.

But, yes, I do understand the currency concern.

* * *

In terms of the economic ramifications, the whole currency situation has been really interesting to me, as there are ideas from all across the board. "Gifting" was removed to stop the endless scamming and insecure trading, but there have been a number of people who have requested CC trading be brought back in a more official, secure way (i.e. Trade Center, Auctions).

As @darthvader mentioned, just trying to find the balance and what users want, which is why we're running this feature in beta. What I'd like to hear from you guys is your personal trading experience when CaveCash gifting was present. How would that be different if it weren't "gifting" but securely traded?

And, in case you are wondering, no, CC currency auctions may not make it out of beta because of these economic concerns. Beta is all an experiment, and with the trial of these CC currency auctions, I am partially playing "devil's advocate." 😋

1,967 posts


novrain62 • 5 December 2013 at 6:34 PM

I personally believe that Egg Cave has returned to 'normal' and has found it's balance by taking away the CC trading. Whew that was a messy time. Cash Cave currency could be a 'gift' feature, with extra security; or at least make Freezes, Stars ... gift accessible. A few days ago I wanted to gift a freeze to someone, but had no way of doing that.

You are correct in saying this is all in beta, so only a small percent of people are trying it. Again, I find that earning EC for the things you want is totally fair and has value. The EC Auction has been Fun!!! I am anxious to see that get into full swing.

I think CC Auctions will backfire, becoming outrageous.

I am able to purchase CC, but I will not put my hard earned cash into that kind of jeopardy. Seems very risky. To help someone with a freeze ... to even surprise someone with a cash shop egg, is more my speed and to do it anonymously is even more desirable.

Cash Auctions ... asking for trouble.



so that there are TWO different Auctions.
I only want to see EC Auction creatures
or CC Auction creatures, not intermingled.

This would make both Auctions easier to view.

203 posts


sophia123 • 6 December 2013 at 12:00 AM

you asked fpor our experience with trading cc via gifting...
well it worked for me! and i liked that option... yes it wasn't secure! but you had a fixed price for a creature and you got the creature you wnated for sure, because you was the only "bidder"...

i know much users want a way to trade cc, BUT i think the way of auction could be dangerous. it could be that you pay much more you wanted only because of the pressure from another bidder. you understand what i mean?

well, i don't really need cc-trading but my suggestion looks like that:

you can trade creatures for cc only the in trade center, not in auctions.

that wouldn't build the pressure i spoke about. you have a fixed price, could think about it, an buy the creature if the price is ok for you

Deleted • 6 December 2013 at 2:14 AM

1. What you were trying to do
Trying to bid on a critter and grab it last second!

2. What actually happened (paste any errors if applicable)
I was trying to bid last minute, but was unable to. basically, the countdown timer was not the same as the actual close time. The exact close time was ~17 seconds from when the counter was timed to run out. The problem: when the counter runs out, you can not bid anymore, even though technically the auction didn't end for another ~17 seconds. Also, when the timer ran out, the page kept automatically refreshing itself, and the links were unclickable. I had to close the tab, in order to get back to functional egg cave. This refresh happens even if you open a new tab, go back into the auctions, look at the log, click on the recently closed auction, and it will again start refreshing. I'm using firefox btw.

3. The auction ID (if you have it; we can find it if you don't) sorry, don't know

4. Any amounts of EC that changed hands
A few mil, check auction.

Deleted • 6 December 2013 at 11:10 AM

I think it would be convenient to have the option to securely trade CC, whether it be in the auction or TC.

I do understand that CC was the dominating currency before the gifting option was removed, but maybe if it was limited somehow? Or...I dunno.

Just think that CC wouldn't be such a demand if there were more things to spend/invest EC on/in.
User shops for travels, a lottery, maybe small events where new creatures could be bought for EC occasionally, a creature retiring and being replaced in the SAR more often, for example.

Also, it would be nice to be able to gift CSP items, so you could truly surprise someone (for their birthday, or Christmas)...could see how that could be abused though, but not if there was secure trading method.
If I want to give someone something without expecting anything in return, the gifting option would be perfect. But if I wanted to trade for something, and be guaranteed that I would be getting what I negotiated for in return, trading would be the preferred and safest option.

That being said, less scamming would occur with a more secure way to trade the CC itself for sure.

Either way, I haven't had a problem yet with trading CC the way things currently are. Yet I'd be happier if that secure method was implemented, not just for myself, but also for the users who rely on someone else to freeze a creature for them or are in desperate need of resurrection stones.

As far as overvaluing is concerned, I'm pretty sure that the people who do buy CC would set a limit to how much they'd be willing to spend on something. And that would cause the owner of said overpriced item to have to lower their asking price to something more realistic until there is a buyer, or just never get it sold at all.

344 posts


yileen • 6 December 2013 at 12:02 PM

I agree that CC auctions will become massive when public. Who wouldnt try to sell their eggs/creatures for a little CC?

Maybe only certain species can be sold for CC?

I don't play long enough to discuss the economy changes here on eggcave. But as a fairly new player I'd hate to see so much auctions to be in CC currency. Makes a big barrier between paying and non paying players.

If CC autcions go public, I think a sorting button to show EC or CC auctions would be nice. (What @novrain62 suggests aswell).

And I really hope Travels will be able to put up for action.

And a button to "view/bid" the auction so you can open it in a new tab.
As it is now, when you view and bid on an auction you have to scroll all the way back again to the bottom.
When there is a small button, like the "OFFER" button in trades, we can open it in a new tab to view/bid.

162 posts


sammiwolf • 6 December 2013 at 12:58 PM

If the current prices floating around the auction now are any indication, it won't take long to get back to people overcharging for creatures. I understand that most of those auctions will never get bids, but I saw at least one that was over priced that did have a bid on it. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I think if we have people willing in the limited pool to over pay for a creature, when it's opened to the rest we'll have many many more, and it will just keep getting worse from there.

But, I also have a suggestion to make, in the case where CC auctions remain, I'd like to see the two types of auctions split. EC auctions and CC auctions. While I do have CC (obviously) and will continue to buy CC, and may even use it to buy a critter from time to time (in auctions), I will do the vast majority of my buying in the EC auctions, as will most players I imagine. I don't know for sure, but I'm willing to bet the vast majority of players can't and don't buy CC. Why make them slog through the CC auctions to find the EC auctions?

287 posts


katrabit • 6 December 2013 at 10:41 PM


1. Buy a Creature.

2. I ended up with 5Mil more EC.

3. I don't know. ;_;

4. I offered 2Mil, and got 5Mil back.

Can I please have the 5Mil stripped from my account? I don't like having it there. I know I keep close tabs on my EC amounts, and 5Mil (And some change) shouldn't be there.

203 posts


sophia123 • 7 December 2013 at 2:41 AM


i like your ideas for making ec more attractiv. things like that could be really sensefull!!! and they would bring more fun^^

maybe a limit for cc-trading would be nice... i think if someone starts an auction with ... maybe a tine ... users could go crazy and spend more cc they wanted before...

the idea of sorting auctions by ec or cc is good. you should do that^^

trading items would be great. i mean not only travels! the potions from cs too. trades like "freeze xy and take the rest" could be substituted by secure potion trades.

162 posts


sammiwolf • 9 December 2013 at 12:50 PM

I just noticed that one of the first creatures (a Fangtharp) I auctioned last month (27th) is showing in my cove. Or, rather, in my UFT folder. He doesn't show in my main cove. And when I click him, it shows his proper owner. I'm not sure how long it's been like this because I'm not the most observant person in the world. XD

1,992 posts


Ian • 9 December 2013 at 5:55 PM

Thanks everybody for their thoughts on CaveCash auctions. I appreciate it. Let's continue the discussion.

I like the idea of being able to sort.


Yup. The major EC generation bug that *gave* EC instead of *subtracting* it for bids has now been fixed. Creature Auctions are now back online and unfrozen.

Since you were directly affected by this bug, your EC balance has been corrected. Please see your Notifications for the amounts. Thanks for your honesty.

864 posts


sprite • 9 December 2013 at 6:55 PM

I'm curious what steps will be taken to insure there is no shill bidding going on especially where it concerns CC auctions.

344 posts


yileen • 10 December 2013 at 6:50 AM

Looking at the auctions now, it's not very attractive to use with all the CC lots. Only 17 out of 51 are EC auctions. Not very appealing.
I understand that a lot of creatures are worth CC. But as quite a new player it gives a feeling that it's a main source of money instead of EC. My EC becomes worthless when even last months cave creatures will be auctioned for CC.

Deleted • 10 December 2013 at 8:37 AM

@yileen Pfft, people who think they can get CC for /cave monthlies/ of all have it wrong, omg.

344 posts


yileen • 10 December 2013 at 8:42 AM

@poof I know and you do. But people signed up last week don't.
And it "dirties" the auctions.
Didn't know a better word xD

Deleted • 10 December 2013 at 8:45 AM

@yileen Stains them? 😋
But really, even someone who joined a week ago can find out which Creatures are always in the cave and which not, or ask someone about their value lol.

162 posts


sammiwolf • 10 December 2013 at 1:24 PM

I just did a group of auctions to see if the creatures go like they're supposed to from my cove, or if they stick around like that Fantharp I auctioned last month is and I noticed something.

Comment: When you set creatures up for a trade, they disappear from the list. If/when you create a new trade, they're not in the list. That doesn't happen with auctions. I put up two creatures, then noticed when I went to do a third that the first two were still listed, and it confused me. The auctions are showing, so I guess it's ok, but I think it would be easier for the users if the names were removed from the list once they are in an active auction, just like it is in the trade center.

203 posts


sophia123 • 10 December 2013 at 1:57 PM

@sammiwolf didn't noticed that before you spoke about^^

but yes, i can choose the creature what is placed for auction already again, when i create a new auction...
got a note that i can't place that creature in an auction, BUT i totally agree with you. it would be really better if the list of creatures would be "updated" after setting critters up for auctions!

344 posts


yileen • 10 December 2013 at 2:10 PM

@sophia123 @sammiwolf

I could also select an egg I had in trades.
I indeed got the error that i couldn't place it, but it still showed up in the list. As well as eggs already in an auction.

1,967 posts


novrain62 • 10 December 2013 at 2:14 PM

I think it's nuts that people want CC for NON-CC creatures LoL

I still want to see separate lists:
EC tab
CC tab

It is correct that once a creature is in an auction, it should be removed from selection list; i.e. trade center

2,821 posts


lunacharm1037 • 10 December 2013 at 2:21 PM

I didn't realize the bidding was only CC I read the FAQ page & thought i was biddingEC instead I'm assuming I paid alot of CC for something i don't really want. Was just trying it out.

I do agree with almost everyone else that EC will go back to being useless and anything else will be in the auctions for CC. It makes it hard for some of us who don't have unlimited cash.

Not trying to be negative, just my opinion

1,967 posts


novrain62 • 10 December 2013 at 3:24 PM

@lunacharm1037 - I have to agree with your concern(s), as shown in auction now. quite a few cc auctions for non cc items. it will be the norm.

I have always believe that EC should be the most valuable egg cave currency, as most players are underage and do not have access to real money, nor do their parents want to spent money on pixel.

I am able to purchase CC and I enjoy doing so - mostly for 'gifts' and a few freezes. I do not believe that I will partake in CC auctions. Yet, to each his/her own. I just don't want to see EC activity become devalued, again.

1,992 posts


Ian • 10 December 2013 at 4:41 PM

@yileen @sophia123 @sammiwolf

Thanks for pointing this out. The proper safeguards are in place around the TC and CA so creatures can't be traded, offered, and auctioned at the same time. However, we've removed un-auctionable creatures from the Create Listing page. Great find.

In terms of Caves/commons being ran as CC, that's total funniness. The market takes care of itself for those.

344 posts


yileen • 10 December 2013 at 4:49 PM

Hope you're right 😃

And thanks for fixing the Listing!! 😃 Earned yourself a cookie with your coffee 😋 've put up some auctions to see if i still find something funny.

--- I tried to offer on an auction close to it's ending. I got the screen saying i was outbid and clicked the "Go Back" button. The auction had closed in between bidding and loading the page after I clicked "go back".
It did bring me back to the lot, but the page kept refreshing itself every time it was fully loaded.
I hope it makes sense what I'm trying to explain

--- I can't try anymore, as I am out of name changes, but can we still change the name of a creature AFTER people placed their bids on it?
Would be unfair if that's possible, I know we can when a creature is in trades. That's not as bad as in auctions.

--- And, I don't know if it's needed / don't know how others feel about that. But do we get a button on our profile's for the auctions like we have for trades? To see that persons auctions?

Goodnight for now.

766 posts


lunar • 11 December 2013 at 8:21 AM

Option to right click and open an auction in a new tab?

769 posts


dawnfur • 12 December 2013 at 2:54 PM

Not a bug, just an opinion.

But I think the cc option should be taken away, or restricted.

I liked it at first because I can't get cc on my own, unless I get my mom to buy some then use my own money to pay her back, which I only get once a year.

But people are asking cc for non-cc creatures, and the cc creatures they are asking cc for, is a ridiculous amount. ;-;

It's not really worth it in my opinion, it's kind of ruined it for me, and it's only still in beta.

1,992 posts


Ian • 12 December 2013 at 4:43 PM


1. The "refresh page" bug (for closed lots) has been fixed.

2. Yes, creature names can be changed while in auction, just like trades. What do you think about this?

3. Yes, there will be a button on people's Profiles soon for auctions. Coming soon.

Quietly removed the option to create a CaveCash currency auction...
