The Enabled (Role-Play)

in Roleplaying

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dada_dragon • 20 January 2017 at 1:51 PM

James nodded. "You can use the phone I gave you... Perhaps with your influence, we can find a more peaceful solution to this..."

Andy nodded. "It's certainly worth a try. I doubt we'll be any worse off if it doesn't work..."

"Mr. Vietkov."

The man entered the room, followed by Verity and a very disoriented Kita being led along by a soldier. Kita looked up and saw Vladan, blindfolded.

"Vladan..." She said quietly, feeling a deep sadness at seeing him like this. He had always been so confident... always the one in control of any situation...

"I'm sure you remember Miss Altobelli." The man said, his voice neutral. "She has just informed us that you have misled us about your abilities..."

"I didn't... not intentionally... they..."

"Verity, I would like you to help me out here."

Kita struggled in the guard's grip, but the lack of food and sleep had weakened her and she soon felt a deep calm overtake her again.

"So that you are up to speed, Mr. Vietkov... My assistant here is enabled. While under her influence, Miss Altobelli cannot lie..." He said. "Now, Mr. Vietkov... I'm curious... Do you have anything you would like to ask Miss Altobelli before we begin?"


16,162 posts


bunnyshadow • 20 January 2017 at 2:06 PM



"I'll try my best." Willow said quietly. "Though it may take more than just one phone call."


Vladan scoffed at Kita's voice. He never would have thought he would hear it again, but he supposed he was wrong about her yet again. It was such a shame that after their little heart to heart conversation back at the restaurant, that they would meet again like this.

He heard a man talking, and his words certainly did strike a cord inside him. He didn't bother saying yes, and the words that slipped out of his mouth did so without the self control he so often had.

"Just one."

Maybe it was because of the situation he was in, maybe because he couldn't see her face. It was cruel really, but Vladan supposed he would never have a better opportunity.

"Do you love me?"

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 20 January 2017 at 2:35 PM

"I have feelings for you, yes." She said, no hesitation. "But I will always choose James."

The man raised an eyebrow. This was certainly interesting.

Verity released Kita, who looked around as if she'd just woken from a deep sleep and didn't know where she was.

"Mr. Vietkov, it has come to my attention that I have lost a doctor and two guards because of you... Miss Altobelli tells me that this is because you are able to exercise brief moments of mind control." he said. "Tell me... how does this power work? And keep in mind, if you do not answer, we will ask Miss Altobelli. We've never tested the effects of long-term use of Verity's power, and I would be more than happy to experiment..."


16,162 posts


bunnyshadow • 20 January 2017 at 3:05 PM



Vladan's heart skipped a beat at the first half of her words, but his raised head fell slightly at the mention of James. The man spoke now, knocking him out of his emotional turmoil.

He scoffed at the man's harsh words.

"I answer because I want to." Vladan said lowly. "Not because you hold that woman's life in your talons." He paused now, his words rivaling the man's in hostility. "But because I choose to."

He turned towards the direction of the man's voice. "My power works when I command it to." Vladan smiled. "It makes me god in today's society."

"Once I make eye contact with anyone or anything, I am their master if I wish it so. I can give them any command and they will not stop until they finish the task or until they die..." He trailed off now, smirking cruelly.

"Many have died already." He tried blinking, but the blindfold proved it difficult. "Though there are slight repercussions, though I believe the price is certainly worth the pay."

"I've used my ability countless times, and I've heard that it isn't the most comfortable influence to be under. Something around the lines of knowing what you're doing and still doing it anyway, along with realizing that you are a slave to me, it certainly does break people easily."

"However." He said, an idea surging forwards in his brain. "There are some strange consequences on those poor souls I bother with."

"Quite unfortunate really. The psychological effects that take root."

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 21 January 2017 at 4:17 AM

"I'm glad to hear that you are not concerned for her well-being..." He said, glancing over at Kita. "I feel that I can put her unique abilities to good use... I am especially interested to see the limits of this mimicry ability of hers..."

He patted Vladan on the head condescendingly.

"You enabled truly are remarkable creatures... So unique and dangerous... I can't help but be envious..." He said coldly. "And you... Your abilities are nothing to scoff at, Mr. Vietkov... I look forward to working with you as well..."


16,162 posts


bunnyshadow • 21 January 2017 at 10:21 AM



"I appreciate the compliments." Vladan said thinly. He smiled arrogantly now, despite his situation. "I'd love to tally all the men you're about to let me kill."

"Perhaps we can..." He trailed off, staring up at the man through the blindfold. Vladan could barely make out his silhouette. "Start now with you?"

"I've heard that a man with a will strong enough to withstand my power is one that deserves the respect of a lifetime." Vladan taunted.

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 21 January 2017 at 11:43 AM

"Only a fool accepts a challenge that others have endlessly failed, Mr. Vietkov." He said. "To think that I would be able to withstand your power out of pride is foolish, and I have no interest in doing so. However..."

He gestured for Verity to follow him out of the room, leaving Kita there, unbound but exhausted.

"I am interested to see a demonstration of your abilities." He turned to the two SWAT team there. "Do not kill unless you have to... They are both incredibly valuable to me..."

He closed the door behind him and all that remained were the two guards, their faces obscured by their helmets and Kita and Vladan. The guard removed Vladan's blindfold.


16,162 posts


bunnyshadow • 21 January 2017 at 12:20 PM



It took his red eyes several long moments to adjust to the bright light of the room. He looked around the room, everything was the same as it was before, save for the three new inhabitants. Vladan turned to Kita, holding out a hand.

"I'm cold." He said flatly, winking at her slightly...almost as if he was trying to tell her something.

Vladan waited for her to grab it and he focused his gaze on hers. Maybe her mimicry ability could reach the point where she could read his mind as he read hers.

'The man wants a demonstration.' He thought with a poker face. 'You can sit and watch if you want, but I know that with or without your help I'm going to have both of them bleeding out on the ground.'

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 21 January 2017 at 12:52 PM

Kita looked up at him, exhausted. She wasn't entirely sure what was real anymore. Was he even sitting in front of her right now or was her mind playing tricks on her?

Either way, she took his hand and heard his words. She had no idea what he was going to do, but she nodded slightly. He was definitely far more able to make decisions than she was... She would have to trust him...

'Just do what you need to do.' She thought.


16,162 posts


bunnyshadow • 21 January 2017 at 1:09 PM



Vladan released Kita'a hand. "Ah..." He grunted heavily, keening over suddenly on the ground. "It hurts." He said gruffly, coughing loudly. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the soldiers speak lowly before one of them stopped over.

"What's the issue, Veitkov?" The man said, voice slightly muffled from his helmet.

"I..." He trailed off, coughing heavily. Vladan reached up to rub his eyes with a pained wince. "Earlier...when I used my power." Tears welled up from his eyes, and he glanced up at the soldier with a tear running down his face.

"It hurts...."

"Papers say you have insensitivity to pain."

"My eyes are excluded from that." He said lowly. "I can't see." Vladan said, moving his head in the wrong direction. "I need some painkillers."

The soldier spoke louder now. "I'm over here Veitkov."

Vladan turned in the correct direction now, though he stared blindly at the man. He grabbed the man's gun arm, using it to hold himself up. "Thank you soldier." Vladan said, leaning in close to the man's helmet.

The other man realized too late what was happening now, and Vladan flipped up the visor. "Your boss wants to see what I can do?" He asked quickly, watching as the man standing in the corner began pacing over. "How about you kill your partner and bring me back his head?"

The man under Vladan's control turned suddenly. He dropped his gun, instead reaching towards his belt and withdrawing a blade.

"Hey man." The other guy said, suddenly realizing what happened due to the raised visor. "Don't let him control you." He tried, but was cut off suddenly when he was tackled to the ground.

The fight that ensued was entertaining to say the least, and Vladan edged away from the bloodbath. It wasn't a fairly long one, and after several long minutes, a sharp thud sounded at Vladan's sitting form.

He looked down at the object, a vampiric grin spreading on his face. "Like the show?" The man said both to Kita and anyone that was watching through the camera.

There was a loud crash, and he watched as the one living soldier slammed the door open. Vladan could both smell and hear the vomiting before the door clanged tightly shut.

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dada_dragon • 21 January 2017 at 2:13 PM

Kita looked on, horrified. She had seen Vladan use this power before, sure... but this was far beyond anything she had seen him do.

"V-Vladan..." She stuttered, wide-eyed.

She couldn't bring herself to say more.

"Most impressive, Mr. Vietkov." came the man's voice over the intercom. "Such an impressive wit to match the incredible power you hold... You are a man who does what it takes to survive..."

"However, you have shown that you are not the unfeeling shark that you pretend to be..." he added. "When presented with a target right in front of you, you went for a much more challenging target, which leads me to believe that you do care for this woman."

"And you can bluff and give excuses for your actions, if you so choose. If I am wrong, then surely you will not care what happens to her."


16,162 posts


bunnyshadow • 21 January 2017 at 7:59 PM



"I prefer a challenge." Vladan said through grit teeth. "I have done many things, but I have never kicked someone that is already down." He walked over and picked up the SWAT member's helmet. It had been ripped off mid fight, and lay in a small pool near the center of the room.

"Tell my receptionist to send his family my condolences." Vladan said as he placed the helmet over the severed head.

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 22 January 2017 at 3:26 AM

The man laughed.

"Very well. It would seem that it is time for Miss Altobelli to participate in further tests... We would like to test the extent of her abilities..."

Two new guards came in, their eyes obscured. They hesitated as they saw their fallen comrade, but then escorted Kita, who was not resisting and who was shaking violently out of the room, closing the door behind them.

"As for you, Mr. Vietkov... it would seem that you have significant potential... we just need to be able to point that aggression in the right direction." He said. "Perhaps some time alone will do you some good..."

Then there was silence.


16,162 posts


bunnyshadow • 22 January 2017 at 10:30 AM



Vladan was tired.

He wants to sink into the ground, to hold his head in his hands, to scream and shout and yell and maybe even cry. But he also knew he was being watched and he couldn't bear to show that much weakness.

He wanted to go home.

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 22 January 2017 at 1:17 PM


The healer who had been fixing Kita's right arm stepped back. She stood up and walked to where the other enabled was restrained, once again mimicking his power.

It was one of Vladan's men, though she didn't acknowledge that she recognized him... She found it much simpler to just shut off all emotions... something that her constant sessions with Verity were making easier every day...

She hated that she was becoming their puppet, that she felt less and less guilt tearing families apart as she ousted hidden enabled. She hated that she was rarely guarded... it meant that they knew they had full control over her...

She focused on the power in her and cried out in pain as the blades sprouted from her arm...

As soon as she'd done so, the scientist walked over, and she sat down as he took measurements, snapped photographs, and even cut off a piece of one of the blades with large cutters - an experience that was extremely uncomfortable, but not the worst thing she'd experienced.

"Can I get you to try cutting through this, Miss Altobelli?"

There was a large log set up and she walked up to it, swinging her arm into it. The blade cut maybe a few inches before getting stuck. She pulled it out just as the time on her mimic ran up, and the blades dissolved into nothing, leaving behind large gashes on her arm. She walked back to where the healer was waiting and sat down, allowing him to do his work.

"That was the last one for today, Miss Altobelli." Said the man, who she'd learned from Verity was called 'Mr. Lee', the man in charge of this entire operation. "It might interest you to know that your mimicry time has extended once again to 12.65 minutes."

She said nothing. She was ashamed that he was right there in the room with them, not hiding behind a screen, watching from a safe distance. He knew she wasn't a threat.


16,162 posts


bunnyshadow • 22 January 2017 at 2:04 PM



Vladan spent the lot of his days unaccompanied. The lot of the scientists seemed to have heard of the experiences other had in Vladan's company, and nobody had stepped through the door in days. The only human interaction he managed to get was over the intercom, or the tray of food slid through a crack in a door two times a day.

He assumed that the doctor's didn't know what to do with him or how to handle him. There was no way they could test his mind reading abilities without Vladan also being able to use his mind controlling power. Along with his congenital insensitivity to pain, no punishments that they dished out gave him any incentive to follow any rules.

The door was thrown open, and the loud clanging made him jump. It'd been a while since he's heard that much noise.

"You have a visitor, Veitkov." A soldier said as two more blindfolded and bound his wrists.


"Thank you Dawn." Willow said quietly. It was a good thing the latter woman could teleport, it certainly saved the increased security checkpoints at airports.

Willow pushed the door open, keeping her head low when she walked in. "How are you feeling?" She asked the man in front of her.

"What are you doing here, Doctor? I can't have any Enabled around..."

"I'm sorry sir. But I'm here to talk about just that."

"Make it quick."


"He doesn't need to have a blindfold in my company."

Vladan recognized the man from his voice alone. The dark fell away as the cloth was pulled away by one of the soldiers.

"Why are you here?" Vladan said quietly. He was surprised really, and the soldiers behind him took several steps back.

"I'm here to help you, Vladan." The man said eloquently. "I'm here to speak with the headmaster of this entire operation. Just thought I would stop by to see how you're doing..."

"Not as bad as that time you..." Vladan trailed off, but didn't finish the sentence. He was too tired to fight anymore. His father stood from the seat adjacent from Vladan, before walking over. Vladan buried his face in his hands, but looked up when he felt the warm embrace.

"Thank you." Vladan said thinly. The first time he had ever thanked his father.

"I'm sorry." The man said back. And it was the first time he had apologized.

"Your time is up." One of the soldiers said gruffly.


"I'm not good with politics." Willow said shyly. "I know where your son is being held. Isn't there something we can do about it? To get them out? Retract the law?"

Vladan's father sighed. "I'm a businessman, not a politician, Doctor Zinciri."

"You're smart right? I'm sure you could figure something out."

There was a loud knock on the door, and Dawn poked her head in. "We have to go now."

"I'll try my best...for now I will make his stay endearing."


The door was pushed open, and a soldier stepped in. "Mr. Lee?" He said, albeit a little hesitant to interrupt the man's experiments. "Benefactor Chief Executive Officer Greg R. would like to speak to you..." The soldier paused before continuing. "About his son."

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 22 January 2017 at 2:48 PM

"I am always happy to meet with Greg." Mr. Lee said, smiling. "Miss Altobelli, would you care to accompany me?"

She knew it wasn't really a request... Lately she had felt like his personal pet... he seemed to be testing the limits of her obedience lately... leaving her unguarded... Leaving doors unlocked... and now being in such close proximity to the man who held the key to her "cage"...

But she knew better than to take the bait... Doing so would put her in an even worse position than she was currently in...

"Of course, sir." She hated herself a little more every time she said it.

She followed him out of the room towards his office. She was quite familiar with his office... it was where families were brought for her to check for enabled.

That was the one place that Mr. Lee did not yet seem to fully trust her... She was still under Verity's influence during those sessions... She didn't mind. It made it much easier knowing that someone else was responsible...

When they entered the office, she was surprised to see Vladan's father. She looked down, remembering that the last time she saw him was under Andrew's influence, and she had threatened him then...

"How are you, Greg?" Asked Mr. Lee. He sat down at his desk, across from Vladan's father. Kita stood off to the side, hoping that by some miracle he wouldn't recognize her.


16,162 posts


bunnyshadow • 22 January 2017 at 2:59 PM



The man's eyes flashed with recognition at the sight of Kita, but he overlooked it when Mr. Lee addressed him. "Things have been quite rocky since your men..." He trailed off thoughtfully, considering his next words carefully.

"Things have been more difficult than usual since your men took my son away from me." He leaned back in the chair, crossing his legs. "Vladan doesn't look well."

"I spoke to him shortly and he seems far from the healthy young man I'm used to." The man paused. "I understand that it is regulation to keep him here, but I would prefer if your men could be a bit more lenient."

"I want to know why he is being held alongside all these uneducated thugs despite his well behaved personality."

"My son is raised to be a businessman, not a lab rat. Though he is kept here, I would like him to maintain his position as the CEO of his own company. He has work and responsibilities to take care of...perhaps we could come to an agreement?"

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dada_dragon • 22 January 2017 at 3:18 PM

"I think you'll find that we have been more than lenient, Greg." He said with a smile not befitting the current situation. "His isolation was merely a security measure. I have lost several staff to his... outbursts."

"I cannot reduce security measures until he has proven that he can be trusted, however I am more than willing to give him more comfortable accommodations and allow you to bring him his work and visit. Perhaps this will make him more willing to cooperate and not murder anyone in close proximity to him."

"That aside, you had inquired previously as to whether we knew of the enabled who had attacked you in your office recently... No doubt you recognize Miss Altobelli."

Kita wished for nothing more than to be able to vanish in that moment. Vladan's father had been indimidating when she first met him at the banquet so many months ago, but now with her confidence at all-time lows, she was almost frightened...


16,162 posts


bunnyshadow • 22 January 2017 at 4:50 PM



"I do recognize her." He said agreeably. "I want her to either be transferred to the maximum security prison for the worst of her kind or punished here." The man said bluntly to Mr. Lee. He leaned forward, uncrossing his arms as he tapped his fingers patiently on the table. "I would be more than happy to donate another wing to this building, as long as I can rest assured that she's treated like the criminal she is."

He smiled now. "It does bother me slightly how you can let someone like that wander the halls freely but yet you keep my son in exile."

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 22 January 2017 at 5:08 PM

"This girl has been incredibly useful to me." He said. "To send her away would be an incredible loss..."

He pulled out a file, which Kita noticed had her name on it.

"As you can see, her abilities have helped us root out 16 secretly enabled employees and 37 of their family members. Not only that, but she shown the ability to mimic 37 out of 39 enabled that we have presented her with. She has shown herself to be quite useful..."

"As for why she has more freedoms than your son, it is because of the precautions we have taken in breaking her that we have not used on your son. Additionally, she has not shown any desire to murder any staff that approach her."

"While I can assure you that her stay here has most certainly not been comfortable, if you had a punishment in mind, provided that she could still perform her duties here, I would be most happy to oblige you..."


16,162 posts


bunnyshadow • 22 January 2017 at 5:42 PM



"I'll let you know if anything comes to mind." He said bluntly. It was strange really, the way the man shrugged off his son's murderous tendencies.

"I'll be back in a few days with work for Vladan." The man made to stand. "I expect him to be in the right health and mentality to sign and read papers."

"I expect him to have better living quarters than any other enabled in this facility or I will be extremely upset."

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 22 January 2017 at 6:44 PM

"Of course, Greg." He said, returning the smile. "As I said, I am more than happy to accommodate your wishes. And if you would like to personally oversee the punishment of this girl, I am sure that a few days will be enough time to come up with a suitable way to do so, don't you think?"

Kita's blood froze at this. If this man was anything like his son, or if he was worse, she had no doubt that she had every reason to fear his return.

"I'm sure you have a great many things to attend to, but I assure you that I will make every effort to drastically improve your son's living conditions in the next three days. I look forward to seeing you then."


16,162 posts


bunnyshadow • 22 January 2017 at 7:50 PM



The new room Vladan had been assigned was certainly a lot more comfortable than the older one. There was an adjacent bathroom, which meant he could actually cleanse his body of all the dirt and grime that stuck to his clothes. Along with that, there was a bed and though it was hard, it actually had sheets on it.

It was a little less than mediocre, but at least now he felt less like a prisoner and more like a compliant captive.

"Here are your papers, Veitkov." A soldier said.

Vladan took the files rudely from the soldier's hands, before dropping the pile on the bed. Even locked up he had to work.

At least it kept his mind off things.

He picked up the first packet, slowly reading through it. Vladan flipped to the next page, skimming the paragraphs as he did so.

"...Corporation is deemed....government ruled....this is-" Vladan squinted at the typed writing suddenly, going quite as he finished reading that page.

Keep holding on Vladan. Don't let them get to your head. James and I are trying to figure things out. I know it must be hard, and it might take another month, but I think I've got something. Keep calm, W.Z.

Vladan flipped the page, smiling slightly as he began to focus back on the actual paperwork.


Greg scrolled through his phone as he waited for the other man to arrive in the office. It had been exactly 3 days since his last visit, and approximately two weeks since Vladan had been taken away. The soldier had just left to go fetch Lee, and he casually sent a message to an unsaved number.

I dropped off the papers. Hopefully he actually reads his contracts for once.

The man closed the phone when the door was opened.

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 22 January 2017 at 8:24 PM

Me. Lee walked in, smiling.

"Glad to see you again, Greg! I hope you were pleased with the accommodations given to your son. They are the best in the facility." He said, sitting across from him.

Kita lay back in her bed. Her head was still swimming from her most recent session with Verity's power. At first, she had found the feeling incredibly disconcerting, but she now found the calm and confusion relaxing in contrast to everything else.

Mr. Lee was going to visit Vladan's father today. She didn't like the thought of it one bit... so she had asked Verity to use her powers. She had no interrogations today, but she needed something to relax her, and Verity had been more than happy to comply, though she seemed confused by the request.

She didn't want to think right now.


16,162 posts


bunnyshadow • 22 January 2017 at 8:43 PM



"It was satisfactory." Greg replied. "Mediocre at best, it's a lot less luxurious then what he's used to at home." He pocketed the cell phone.

"Vladan inquired about getting some physical exercise." Greg said plainly. "There doesn't look to be any workout rooms around here, and I assume that your soldiers won't want to be tossed around like rag dolls."

"I'm sure Altobelli would love to be his punching bag." He smiled with pleasantness that did not fit the conversation at the least.

"I've set some ground rules with the poor boy. I told him to take care of himself and to make sure not to take things too far. He's one to act before thinking, and I'd like to apologize on his behalf for the loss of staff."

He placed a envelope bulging with bills on the desk. "For the grieving families. The least I could do."

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dada_dragon • 22 January 2017 at 10:41 PM

He smiled.

"I would like nothing more than to offer that girl as a punching bag, Greg. However, it would appear that your son has affections for her. When given the opportunity, he went out of his way to leave her unharmed." He said, storing the envelope in a drawer to give to the families later. "Unless you know of a way to convince him otherwise."

"Regardless, I will ensure he has some means of exercising."


16,162 posts


bunnyshadow • 22 January 2017 at 11:10 PM



He leaned forward now. "Elaborate, Mr. Lee." Greg said thinly. The man had known that the woman probably was associated with Vladan, but never to this extent.

"My son is stronger than this." He said thinly. "When push comes to shove, he always complies." Greg looked the other man in the eye.

"If you have something he wants, Vladan will do whatever it takes to get it." He cleared his throat. "It's a shame he's a man of few wants."

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 22 January 2017 at 11:38 PM

"While she was under the influence of one of my assistants, she was only able to tell the truth. He asked if she loved him. When I asked him to show me his abilities, I put her forth as an easy target, and he went after the armed guards instead."

He smiled. "He is aggressive, violent, and cunning. It truly is most impressive, and yet no matter what situation I put him in, he will not harm that girl."


16,162 posts


bunnyshadow • 23 January 2017 at 12:35 AM



Greg scoffed. "I don't see anything special about her." He stood up swiftly, nodding his head in thanks as the soldier by the door handed him his jacket.

"Just another girl that he chooses to favor for a little bit." He opened the door. "I'm done here." He said bluntly, though he did turn to face Mr. Lee one last time before leaving.

"Throw her in there. Tell him that she attacked me and he will remain indifferent. Tell him she destroyed one of his beloved cars--indifference."

"But mention the names Kirah or Ero, and you'll have him on his knees."
