The Phantom's Rise (Roleplay!)

in Roleplaying

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lailaluckyseal87 • 24 May 2016 at 6:21 PM

You are a creature of myth. Your kind has waited long for your arrival back into the world you can haunt. You have been on earth for 2 years and you are waiting for your kind to go back into power. The werewolves, Vampires, and demons (Etc) are taking over. Your kind will rule the universe. All the phantoms live in the same forest and can tell when other phantoms are around. The phantoms blend in with humans and only try to hang around other phantoms. other phantoms are easy to spot because they give off a little faint blue glow when you first meet them or before you introduce yourself to them.


Lycia brushes her long hair out of her face. She glances around the woods, her eyes darting around. She fixes the collar of her jacket and straightens it out. She prowls around the forest and spots a deer. She smiles to herself and chuckles.

Lycia shifts into a wolf and stalks the deer. She pounces on the deer, pinning it down. She watches the deer struggle to break free. Her eyes sparkle as she releases the deer, watching it scamper away. She turns back into a human and laughs at the unfortunate deer.


496 posts


shadow_girl • 26 May 2016 at 12:35 PM


Iris wakes up from her nap. "Aah..." she yawns, rubbing her eyes. "I NEED TO STRETCH..."

She takes to the air, hovering above the forest she was sleeping in. "So pretty...and no one around for miles." Iris grins. "All mine."

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1,075 posts


thebrokenvibe • 27 May 2016 at 11:38 AM

@shadow_girl @lailaluckyseal87 @nightmaremoon12

Eon lay curled into the side of Lethe, the dragons wing gently resting over his body, shielding him from the harsh light filtering into the forest clearing the duo claimed. Eon, shifted his position, glancing at the sleeping dragon as he maneuvered away from the wings and scales of his friend.

He halted as he stood, glancing around at the forest around him. His eyes fixed on the sky as he judged the approximate time.


Idris walked through the forest, his hands deep in the pockets of his pants as he observed the creatures around him. He had already encountered a few others lime him, or a few other phantoms as they had been called.

He observed a blue glow from above, and squinting he managed to identify a girl hovering above the tree line. The Trickster shrugged as he continued his march. Others didn't yet affect him.

496 posts


shadow_girl • 27 May 2016 at 8:34 PM

@lailaluckyseal87 @nightmaremoon12 @thebrokenvibe

Thinking she sees, as people so creatively call them, Iris looks for a blue glow. However, anything that might've been there was now hidden from sight by trees.

She flapped and picked up speed, flying in a large circle. She thinks she sees another blue glow, and feeling curious, decides to investigate. "Well, I'm bored anyways..." she mutters aloud, and dives down, startling herself when she finds two people—a guy who looks around 23, and a...dragon. Wow! She's never really seen a dragon up close before!

" ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!" She snaps, feeling lost for words. She doesn't particularly like meeting new people—not that she's good at it anyways.

Well. There goes any chance for a good first impression.

2,186 posts


hashtagnight • 27 May 2016 at 8:39 PM

@shadow_girl @thebrokenvibe @lailaluckyseal87

Tariko floated around the forest, grinning as she will try to find anybody else. She saw a blue glow, and decided to investigate.
"Huh? I wonder who's there...? Ha..." She started to giggle for a bit.
"Hello~~? Anybody th~ere?"

496 posts


shadow_girl • 27 May 2016 at 8:44 PM

@lailaluckyseal87 @nightmaremoon12 @thebrokenvibe

"OH MY GOSH WHAT IS THAT IRRITATING GIGGLING NOISE!!!" Iris lashes out again, feeling a bit annoyed. Not only as she happily managed to ruin any friendship between her and those first two WHATEVER, but now some stuttering little thing-person-animal (she had no idea) was giggling...AT HER PROBABLY!!!


2,186 posts


hashtagnight • 27 May 2016 at 9:23 PM

@shadow_girl @thebrokenvibe @lailaluckyseal87

"You're so cute, acting like a little child. Hee hee." Tariko said, and appeared behind Iris, cards flying out.
"I guess I haven't introduced myself to you yet. Hee hee." She winked, and approached Iris.
"Name's Tariko. And you are?"

1,475 posts


emeraldfirefly • 27 May 2016 at 10:58 PM

@shadow_girl @thebrokenvibe @lailaluckyseal87 @nightmaremoon12

Sylene slithered along the forest floor her belly feeling every bump along the way. She turned to see whether Gaia was keeping up, knowing that brambles were tough for her to navigate through. She soon heard the familiar hoof beats of her friend. Suddenly a screech cut through the forest. "What wasss that?" she hissed looking at Gaia.

"I haven't the slightest idea... though I think I see a blue glow..." Gaia replied.

"We are not heading there," Sylene replied. She spun around and slithered. Soon she saw another blue glow that manifested into a... TRICKSTER. Those good for nothing creatures! She knew what trouble they could get into with one. Well... too late they'd seen each other by now. She instinctively glanced at her swords that were strapped to her sides.

Gaia froze when she saw the trickster Sylene had obviously noticed. She hopped they could remain on this particular earth, not one that involves where you go when you are made to disappear by a trickster.

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1,075 posts


thebrokenvibe • 27 May 2016 at 11:39 PM

@emeraldfirefly @nightmaremoon12 @shadow_girl @lailaluckyseal87

Eon scowled at the girls words. Her constant squealing and shouting seeming very rude.

He rested his hand on Lethe's side and the dragon looked at him with sharp eyes. "We need to head out." He said, throwing his leg over the dragons body. "I'd prefer not to have my ears talked off by these people right now."

Lethe nodded, standing up after Eon was perched on his back. He glanced at the duo ee he headed off through the trees, his legs eating up the ground before them.


Idris glanced back as he heard voices. "Greetings." He said, spinning on one heel. He observed as one of them reached back for swords. "Really, that won't be necessary. I'd prefer I don't get rid of people it causes all kinds of problems with the council." He said. "I'd much rather prefer messing with your minds. Removing trees around you. Messing with land marks." He shrugged.

"You don't have to worry about me getting rid of you."

1,475 posts


emeraldfirefly • 27 May 2016 at 11:53 PM

@shadow_girl @thebrokenvibe @lailaluckyseal87 @nightmaremoon12

Sylene arched an eyebrow. "Greetingsss to you asssss well," she hissed her s's going longer than usual. She crossed her arms her bracelets jangling as she did so. She flicked her tail to motion Gaia to come closer. Gaia complied and began to toy with her necklace. She couldn't avoid being curious about this new person she met. "Hi," she said somewhat over excited sounding.

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 28 May 2016 at 1:29 PM

Lucia shifts back into a wolf and her ears perk up. As hears talking close by and she bounds towards them. She sees people and a snake-human creature. She gets into defensive mode with her ears flat and snarls at them. She waits for their reaction, hoping to make them scared. @emeraldfirefly @thebrokenvibe @shadow_girl

496 posts


shadow_girl • 28 May 2016 at 1:46 PM

@emeraldfirefly @lailaluckyseal87 @nightmaremoon12 @thebrokenvibe

"Erm...nice to meet you, Tariko..." Iris mutters, feeling dejected. She glared in the direction the dragon and person had went. "Well...THAT was rude of them."

She hears talking. Completely ditching Tariko, she heads in the direction of the noises. People! She mentally slaps herself. She can't judge. She has wings sprouting out of her back.

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1,075 posts


thebrokenvibe • 28 May 2016 at 2:10 PM

@shadow_girl @lailaluckyseal87 @emeraldfirefly @nightmaremoon12

Idris grinned at the new arrivals. "Such joy to see so many smiling faces." He said, sarcasm evident in his voice. "I do believe we are due in for some introductions." He said, pulling his legs up and hovering in the air. "Our kind wolf friend why don't you start us off?" He asked, locking eyes with the snarling wolf, the blue aura identifying her as one of them.

"And please, you have no right to get mad at us when you were the one who came up to us. Try to act at least a little bit civilized."

496 posts


shadow_girl • 29 May 2016 at 8:27 PM

@lailaluckyseal87 @emeraldfirefly @nightmaremoon12 @thebrokenvibe

Iris looks nervously at the wolf. Well, if bad comes to worse she could start a But, no, that would take forever AND she would pass out. The nightmares during those blackouts were the worst—watching her victim's tortured faces as thy went mad or were dying.

She gasps, memories pouring into her mind. Her brain screams at her—you're part dark angel, you're made for the purpose of torturing—and she presses the memories back. She shouldn't be so remorseful about the past. Wincing, she looks guiltily around her. A dark angel who pitied others. She was truly a lost cause.

Humphing, Iris walks to the others. "Sorry, I'm afraid I missed the introductions. Mind introducing yourself again?" She doesn't think that she heard them, even if they did introduce themselves before.

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 29 May 2016 at 8:37 PM

Lucia shifts back into a human. "Sorry. I'm Lycia." She says stiffly and then relaxes "who are you guys? Why are you here? I never see people like us here." She smiles and runs her hand through her long hair.

@shadow_girl @thebrokenvibe @emeraldfirefly @nightmaremoon12

496 posts


shadow_girl • 29 May 2016 at 8:39 PM

@lailaluckyseal87 @emeraldfirefly @nightmaremoon12 @thebrokenvibe

"Well...Hi, I'm Iris..." Iris mumbles, suddenly feeling awkward. "It' to meet you...?" Gosh, that was stupid. Why was she being so insanely bashful?

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 29 May 2016 at 9:18 PM

"Nice to meet you." Lycia says, remembering her sister.


"iris come on, we have to take this to the vampire. We don't want to be late." Lycia says running to the door. Iris follows and sighs. "I was ready." And she opens the door and walks out.

"Lycia do you hear that?" She asked. "Hear what?" Asked Lycia. "Wait, no, I hear it!" The ground shook with thunderous footsteps. Lycia screamed as a giant dragon approached. The dragon opened it's mouth to kill Lycia, who was frozen on the spot, when suddenly Iris jumped in front of her.

"Run!" Iris yelled as the dragon blew flames and she was engulfed. Lycia ran for her life and dropped on the ground near a stream. She gasped for air on her hands and knees as she cried, and then fainted near the river.

Who knew Iris was still alive, unable to be burned by flames, knowing her sister thought she was dead. Iris searched for her , still searching to this day.

"My sister was named iris.." Lycia said. "She saved my life from a dragon two years ago."

@shadow_girl @thebrokenvibe @emeraldfirefly

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1,075 posts


thebrokenvibe • 30 May 2016 at 12:13 AM

@lailaluckyseal87 @shadow_girl @emeraldfirefly @nightmaremoon12

'yes, yes. All nice and fuzzy feelings all around." Idris snapped. "Lycia and Iris. Lovely names." He turned to the two that originally stumbled upon him. "I don't suppose you two have names either? Or do you prefer someone else name themselves first?"

He shifted his spot, now sitting as if there was a chair beneath him. Lightly bobbing as he floated.

496 posts


shadow_girl • 30 May 2016 at 9:09 AM

@lailaluckyseal87 @emeraldfirefly @nightmaremoon12 @thebrokenvibe


She digs into her memory. She knew a Lycia...her...her...never mind.

"What did your like? I think someone who said something about that." she asks lamely.

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1,075 posts


thebrokenvibe • 30 May 2016 at 2:39 PM

@shadow_girl @lailaluckyseal87 @emeraldfirefly @nightmaremoon12

"What a pleasant way to get on the right side of a trickster. Honestly you wonder why people leave you alone yet you go right around and pull this. You shouldn't be surprised." Idris said shrugging.

He again faced the two who originally spoke to him, heading so he was next to them. "Now watch this." He said, planting his feet under him.

He focused on the space between the trio and Iris and Lycia. "This is what a trickster should do." And with a snap if his fingers a large wall materialized between the two groups. "The best part is, it's sound proof. They can't hear us and we can't hear them."


Eon and Lethe stopped maybe a few feet away from the spot they slept. Observing as the first woman who arrived and started being rather rude wandered off leaving the second to arrive just there.

Eon slid off Lethe's back patting the dragon on the shoulder. "I'll call you if I need help." He said as he walked back to the clearing.

He glanced at the girl who looked maybe about 13. "Hello, sorry I had to run off. Lethe has sensitive ears and that girl wasn't really helping."

1,475 posts


emeraldfirefly • 30 May 2016 at 4:15 PM

@shadow_girl @thebrokenvibe @lailaluckyseal87 @nightmaremoon12

Too many people at once. "My name is Sylene," Sylene hissed flicking her tail,"Her name's Gaia." She pointed at the centaur. Sylene glanced at the wall that appeared. "Lovely..." she said in a voice semi impressed.

496 posts


shadow_girl • 30 May 2016 at 6:20 PM

@lailaluckyseal87 @emeraldfirefly @nightmaremoon12 @thebrokenvibe

"Oh, shoot..." Iris mutters to herself, "I've gone and done it again haven't I?"

"I'm sorry, I have this annoying problem in which I'm rude to everyone. But here's something I need to tell you."

"I had an adoptive sister. We weren't really sisters, but we were together so much that we started to think of each other as such."

"Her...her name was Lycia. Last time I saw her was around 2 years ago."

Iris looks away. "So, there you have it." She turns to Lycia. " what was that about your sister?"

2,186 posts


hashtagnight • 30 May 2016 at 6:23 PM

@shadow_girl @thebrokenvibe @lailaluckyseal87

"Hee hee hee!" Tariko then used her cards to go to another place, by vanishing and going next to Lycia, cards floating off everywhere.
"So, are you like, related or something? That's fun!" She grinned, hoping for an answer.

496 posts


shadow_girl • 30 May 2016 at 6:25 PM

@lailaluckyseal87 @emeraldfirefly @nightmaremoon12 @thebrokenvibe

"Well, I don't actually know..." Iris mumbles. "I'm probably imagining things, right?" She looks at Lycia and Tariko with a hopeful expression. "I must be going crazy!" she tries to joke, but it sounds more like a statement than a laughable subject.

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 30 May 2016 at 9:17 PM

Lycia screams for a second as Tariko teleports to her. "Sorry!" She says apologetically, blushing. "Most likely we are not related. I- how could we be sisters?" Lycia's hand flies up to her forehead to see if she is sick or imagining this.

@shadow_girl @nightmaremoon12 @shadow_girl @emeraldfirefly @thebrokenvibe

496 posts


shadow_girl • 31 May 2016 at 7:36 AM

@lailaluckyseal87 @emeraldfirefly @nightmaremoon12 @thebrokenvibe

"Yes, we're most DEFINITELY not related." iris proclaims loudly. "Right Lycia?" She fixes a pleading expression on her. "I mean, wouldn't we recognize each other?" Cue the nervous laughter. "Ha ha ha...ha?"

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 31 May 2016 at 3:22 PM

Lycia stares at Iris like in a trance. Suddenly, she recognizes Iris and feels her knees give way beneath her. She almost collapses and shakes. "Iris is it really you?" She whispers in shock.


496 posts


shadow_girl • 1 June 2016 at 6:58 PM


"LYCIA?" Iris whispers, then, more sure, shouts it. "LYCIA!!!" she screams, tears pooling in her eyes. "I' know you thought i was dead..." She begins to sob uncontrollably, with happy/sad tears. "Oh, Lycia..."

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 1 June 2016 at 7:36 PM

"Iris!" Lycia yells and hugs her. "I thought you were dead, how did you escape? It- it's not possible! How?" She smiles and lets go of her."Im so glad you're alive!"


496 posts


shadow_girl • 2 June 2016 at 2:41 PM


"I'm so glad to see you to..." Iris smiles happily. "I'm...immune to flames. I didn't tell you because I thought you'd think I was a freak."
