The Phantom's Rise (Roleplay!)

in Roleplaying

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 3 August 2016 at 5:50 PM

Lycia walks over to Jeff and slowly pulls the arrow out, then wrapping it with Leaves. "C'mon. Let's go!"


Damien pulled the last rock away and turned back into a human. He walked over to the trees and swung himself up into one, bow poised to attack.

@shadow_girl @shadowtail_flamestorm

190 posts


shadowtail_flamestorm • 3 August 2016 at 9:33 PM

@lailaluckyseal87 @shadow_girl

Keesha shook her head, 'I'm staying. This is my home.' Kyla spied Damien out of the corners of her eyes. 'Run!' She screamed at the others.

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 3 August 2016 at 9:34 PM

Lycia panicked and turned into a horse, yanking Jeff and Iris over her and running as fast as she could.


"YOU WILL DIE." Damien yelled, shooting arrows at Kyla before disappearing into the treetops.

@shadowtail_flamestorm @shadow_girl

496 posts


shadow_girl • 6 August 2016 at 7:34 AM

@lailaluckyseal87 @shadowtail_flamestorm

Freaking out, Iris grips Lycia's mane tightly. "Jeff, HOLD ON!!!" she shrieks as she flies next to Lycia, hoping to light the load. "MOVE, KYLA YOU IDIOT!" she yells.


Jeff watches as Iris morphs. Feeling a bit indebted to do the same but knowing very well he can't run, he morphs into a hawk. There. No need to use his legs. He screeches loudly and flaps forward as fast as he can.

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 6 August 2016 at 4:06 PM

Lycia runs faster away. She jumps into a cave and turns into a human, shaking in fear. "RUN!!!!!" She screams.


Damien laughs at their fear and morphs into a wolf, slowly walking towards them.

@shadow_girl @shadowtail_flamestorm

190 posts


shadowtail_flamestorm • 7 August 2016 at 8:33 AM

@shadow_girl @lailaluckyseal87

Kyla turned to look at the flying arrow, purple eyes widening briefly, before vanishing on the spot. The arrow passed through and hit a tree with a solid thunk. Keesha roared in fury, shifting into dragon form, and flew straight at Damien.

496 posts


shadow_girl • 13 August 2016 at 6:14 PM

@shadowtail_flamestorm @lailaluckyseal87 YYAAAAHH MORE FIGHT SCENES!!! Oh. Sorry...


Jeff morphs back besides Lycia, stumbling slightly and tripping over himself. "Darn wounded leg..." he mutters angrily as it stings with pain.

"Iris, get the [yeep] in here! Now!"


Iris doesn't hear Jeff. She's being an Iris. As in a crazy, overprotective nutshell set on trying to destroy Damien.

"DIIIIEEEEEEE YOU HORRIBLE PERSON!!!" she shrieks as she dive-bombs toward him, grabbing a branch off a tree and holding it tightly. Waving it wildly, she crashes it down towards his face.

"Don't hurt anyone else! I hope you die!!!"

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 13 August 2016 at 6:16 PM

Damien turns into a wolf and grabs Iris by her neck. He growls angrily.


Lycia begins to panic, seeing Damien attack Iris. "IRIS!!!" She screams.

@shadow_girl @shadowtail_flamestorm YASSSS!!! I LUV THEM!!

496 posts


shadow_girl • 13 August 2016 at 6:20 PM

@lailaluckyseal87 @shadowtail_flamestorm I KNOW RIGHT!!! *fangirls everywhere and makes a disgusting mess of fangirlism*


"NRRRAAARRRAAAGGGHHH!!!" Goes Iris and hisses like a choking cat, which is pretty accurate given that she is in danger of choking. She swings the stick around and hits Damien in the head with it. "I SAID DDDDIIIIIIIIEEEEE!!!"


Jeff stays in his little corner of the cave. He wants to help. Really, he does. It's just...he doesn't want to risk his life for someone he just met. He's not that good of a person.


I feel Jeff right now. That would literally be me 😋

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 13 August 2016 at 6:23 PM

Damien tightens his grip and begins to draw blood. His head aches but he ignores it.


"I SAID STOP!" She screams, running out and turned into a leopard, ripping Damien away from Iris. She freezes when she realizes that she made Damien's teeth slightly rip her throat.

@shadow_girl @shadowtail_flamestorm Tots lycia.

496 posts


shadow_girl • 13 August 2016 at 6:29 PM


"Aaaaahhh..." Iris feels pain. And pain. And pain and pain and...nothing. She slowly draws a finger across her throat. Dark crimson blood stains the skin, pretty in a terrifying, monstrous way.

She blinks, a strange sense of relief flowing through her. Her blood. Half-Angel blood. Doesn't it have some sort of power?

Oh, that's right. It's supposed to burn like the dickens. Smiling, she walks slowly up to Damien. And wipes her finger across his cheek. And laughs. She laughs until the pain comes back and takes her into a sleep.

Ha ha.


Jeff watches Iris's little show, then watches as she crumples to the ground. Running over and picking her up, he carries her over to the cave. What the heck was she doing?! Normal people don't...smear their blood on other people's faces!!!

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 13 August 2016 at 6:31 PM

Damien crumples to the ground as Lycia bites his throat. Then all he sees is darkness.


Lycia turns into a human and runs to them


190 posts


shadowtail_flamestorm • 14 August 2016 at 2:45 AM

@shadow_girl @lailaluckyseal87

Keesha sighed. 'Guess it's up to me to wrap things up. Again.' She muttered. Staring at the bite wound on Damien's throat, she shrugged and pulled him to the bottom of a random tree.

Kyla appears next to her, starting from head down to her feet. She motions at the ground. 'Good idea.' Keesha nodded. Kyla got down to her knees while Keesha shifted to dragon form and scraped a fairly deep hole. They wrapped Damien's limp body in large leaves and bundled him into the hole. The two friends covered the hole with mud.

Kyla pulled up a whole tree with its roots and positioned it over Damien's, ah, final resting place with her mind, dusting her hands clean. Giving it one last look, the two raced back to the others.

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 20 August 2016 at 8:19 AM

Lycia sighs as she sees Damien shoved in the hole. "t-thank you.." she said, hoping he doesn't escape. She looks at the others. "we must leave. We have to go somewhere far away." she shifted into an eagle and began looking for somewhere to go.


Damien woke up covered in blood and completely unaware of where he was. he grabs his neck trying to heal it but only stops the bleeding as he fades into darkness again.

@shadowtail_flamestorm @shadow_girl

496 posts


shadow_girl • 20 August 2016 at 2:28 PM

@shadowtail_flamestorm @lailaluckyseal87

Jeff looks at Lycia. "Yeah, we should...but what about Iris? She's apparently had a little incident and passed out. So...what?" he trails off when she morphs into an eagle and flies away. "Oh...fine. I'll carry her."

He moths into a horse, then looks around. "Someone mind putting her on my back?!" he grumbles, hoping people can understand his horse-speak.


Iris, meanwhile, is having a nightmare. A dark shape singing softly over her. Her mother, the angel. A human shaped light running towards them but never moving from one spot. Her father. And her paralyzed and unable to do anything as they both begin to melt slowly, dripping into nothingness as a voice laughs in the background.

And for some reason, that voice is...Damien.

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 20 August 2016 at 2:31 PM

Lycia flies backwards and sighs, shifting into a human. "I got her." she said picking up her sister. "Iris... wake up.."


Damien keeps drifting in and out of consciousness, every few minutes her manages to heal a small bit before fainting again.

@shadow_girl @shadowtail_flamestorm

190 posts


shadowtail_flamestorm • 20 August 2016 at 10:09 PM

(Damien's actually packed real tight in the earth, so basically he won't be able to breath at all... Like he's buried alive...?)
@lailaluckyseal87 @shadow_girl

Kyla shook her head, 'Go. Now. Don't bother to wake her. You're running out of time, and if,' She pauses, 'If Damien didn't die, he's gonna wake up angry.' Keesha agreed, 'Although I doubt his survival. He's buried alive, for goodness sake.'

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 20 August 2016 at 10:13 PM

Damien finally managed to heal himself and turned into a wolf. He began to have trouble breathing as he tried to dig out.

@shadowtail_flamestorm @shadow_girl

496 posts


shadow_girl • 28 August 2016 at 8:54 AM

@shadowtail_flamestorm @lailaluckyseal87

Iris mumbles incoherently in her sleep. She doesn't notice when Jeff sighs and gives Lycia the thumbs up to go, or when she's picked up by the giant bird that is her sister. Nope. She sees black.

And for whatever reason, that black is terrifying.


Jeff accepts Lycia's statement/offer to carry Iris. He trots off in horse mode. But listening to Iris's slurred mutterings...they sound scared. Almost like she's pleading with something or someone.

It's just strange, that's all. She'll wake up and tell them everything. He's sure of it. Or anyways, he keeps telling himself that he's sure of it.

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 28 August 2016 at 9:43 AM

Lycia began to shake Iris. "Iris! c'mon. Wake up, please!" She said, carrying her to a different clearing.


496 posts


shadow_girl • 3 September 2016 at 9:09 AM


Iris groans and slowly opens her eyes. "L-Lycia? Where are we..." She falls back to sleep, this time with no dreams, just black.


Jeff mutters curses and turns to Lycia. "Come on! She woke up, didn't she? She's gonna be fine. But she WON'T be fine if we don't get moving!"

He continues going forward. He'll at least get himself to semi-safety.

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 3 September 2016 at 9:15 AM

"Iris!" Lycia yells, fearing for her. She sends a small blast of water at Iris's face. "Wake up!!" she begs.

"Yes.. we must go.." she says, tears stinging her eyes. She walks faster, following Jeff.


Damien breaks out, gasping for air. His head is above the surface, he struggles to get the rest of his body out.

@shadow_girl @shadowtail_flamestorm

496 posts


shadow_girl • 3 September 2016 at 9:18 AM


Jeff neighs, seeing Damien's head, and tramped over to him. Then he stomps on his face. A lot. After getting a good amount of dirt back onto Damien, Jeff trots back. "You want me to carry her?"


Iris hears noises. She feels water hitting her face. She wants to wake up.

But she can't, not yet. Not for a while.

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 3 September 2016 at 9:33 AM

Damien barks at jeff furiously. He digs faster, breaking out of the dirt. He raises his hackles and growls at the others.


"RUN!!!" Lycia screamed, turning into an eagle.


496 posts


shadow_girl • 4 September 2016 at 11:08 AM

Iris wakes up on the ground to see Damien bowling. Frightened, she flaps her wings to hep her get up, then runs towards the others. She takes to the air, looking down at Jeff.



Jeff doesn't have Iris, so he's assuming Lycia does. He gallops off like his tail is on fire, neighing loudly and cursing. "I thought he was gone...!!! [yeeeeeep]ing [yeep]!!! RAAAAAH!!" He's probably won the award as world's most dirty-mouthed horse.

He hears Iris shouting at him to morph, so he turns into a hawk and flaps up towards Lycia. Oh, so she must be awake.

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 4 September 2016 at 11:10 AM

Lycia feels more tears sting her eyes. She turns back into a human and walks up to Damien. "Quit it! You're ruining our lives! JUST. LEAVE." she yells at him.


Damien whimpers, a little nervous about before but he then grabs Lycia by the leg, flinging her away.


496 posts


shadow_girl • 5 October 2016 at 6:05 PM

@lailaluckyseal87 I'm BA-ACK! (from nowhere in particular but STILL.) Sorry I was gone for a bit...

"Lycia!" Iris drops like a stone and lands beside her. "Are you okay?" She ignores the pain she got from her less-than-perfect landing, grabbing her friend's arm and whispering softly. "Shhh..."


Jeff sighs. "Seriously...getting into trouble? Someone should just kill the guy! Ugggghhhh..." But he hovers above Damien all the same, morphing into eagle and perching in a tree branch. If anything happens, he'll just jump down. No need to get involved before then, though.

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 5 October 2016 at 6:13 PM

"Ugh." she moans, rolling on her side.


Damien laughs, turning into a human. "Give me someone and I will leave." he says, his eyes glittering with anger. "Forever."

