The Phantom's Rise (Roleplay!)

in Roleplaying

496 posts


shadow_girl • 2 July 2016 at 11:48 AM


Iris gasps as the pain upruptly disappears. "A-Alissa?" She stammers, staring at the girl who now is about to die. "You healed me? Why?" She starts trying to think of a way to save her, She died (temporarily) of her injuries. They were fatal. If Alissa took them...

She's as good as dead. "Alisa...thank you."


Jeff gawks at everything happening. He stares at...Alissa, the now-dying girl. He stares at Iris, the now healed lump on the ground. The only one left must be Lycia.
"Anyone care to tell a poor, uninformed guy what's going on?"

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 2 July 2016 at 12:58 PM

Lycia feels tears run down her face. "Thank you Alissa... I'm sorry....." She said and hugs Alissa.

"The guy held by the dragon is crazy, he's trying to kill us all." she says to Jeff. "He killed Iris, and then Alissa healed her.. and now she's.."


Alissa mutters some words. "Your welcome.." Before she takes her last breath. Alissa floats above her body in ghost form, she watches the others sadly.


190 posts


shadowtail_flamestorm • 2 July 2016 at 10:06 PM

@lailaluckyseal87 @shadow_girl

Keesha shifted back to human form and bowed deeply at Alissa's ghost. 'Rest in peace.' She murmured. She slung the girl's body over her shoulders and walked away, determined to find a perfect resting place for the hero.
Naiga padded through the dense forest beside her daughter, not saying a word. She stopped before turning back to the others. 'Come,' She said clearly and strongly. 'Have a rest. It's a tough day.' The dragon goddess grabbed Damien in her jaws and continued after Keesha.

496 posts


shadow_girl • 6 July 2016 at 8:40 AM

@shadowtail_flamestorm @lailaluckyseal87

So sorry I wasn't posting for awhile! ☹️ We lost Internet for awhile and then I learned how to play mine craft for the first time 😸

Iris breaks into sobs. "It should've...SHOULD'VE BEEN ME!!! Waaaaaahhhh..." She cries out all the pain shed'd felt, screaming through her tears. Basically, a temper tantrum bordering on misery.


Jeff awkwardly watches Iris cry. When she accidentally kicks him in the shin, he drops down to one knee. "'s okay..." Well, his confort isn't working, that's for sure.

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 6 July 2016 at 8:52 AM

Damien begins to melt back into reality and feels bad for killing Alissa. "Lemme down!" he says pushing against Naiga. He broke free and ran to Alissa's body. "If you want me to heal you, give me any sign!" he yelled.


Alissa looked around panicing until she found a rock. She was a ghost, so it took a lot of energy but she managed to scratch out the word "Yes" into the dirt.


Lycia grabs Iris and rocks her. "It's okay... Alissa is a ghost, she hasn't left us yet. I know it."

@shadow_girl @shadowtail_flamestorm

496 posts


shadow_girl • 6 July 2016 at 9:03 AM

@shadowtail_flamestorm @lailaluckyseal87

Jeff stares openly at the guy in the dragon's mouth. "Well. He's the crazy one, I bet." He mutters to himself. Then the letters start being scratched into the ground.

"What type of prank is this?! Is someone here able to move objects with their mind?!"


Iris glares at Damien. "If you really had a conscience, you wouldn't have tried to kill Lycia multiple times!" She snaps. She doesn't mention herself, but she is mentally adding, and killing me and Alissa.

" a ghost, she can only watch what's going on!" She wails at Lycia. "IT SHOULD'VE BEEN ME!!!"

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 6 July 2016 at 9:09 AM

Alissa scowls and walks over to Jeff, taking a deep breathe and then she slaps him on his face with as much energy as she could she laughs and collapses to the ground exhausted.


Damien runs and snatches Alissa's body from the dragons. "Look, I only feel pity for this kid because she saved me." he growled at Iris. He concentrated all his life into healing Alissa, very, very slowly healing her. "It'll take a while Alissa, hang in there." he says.

@shadow_girl @shadowtail_flamestorm

190 posts


shadowtail_flamestorm • 6 July 2016 at 9:15 AM

@lailaluckyseal87 @shadow_girl

Keesha, Naiga and Ini watched silently. Keesha thought in her mind, Please, mighty lord of all, let Alissa live. She knows she has done wrongly, and has redeemed herself. Let her live again. Keesha crouched opposite Damien, nodding in encouragement. She turned to Alissa's ghost. 'Relax.' She whispered.

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 6 July 2016 at 9:16 AM

Alissa gapes at Keesha. "You can see me? But I'm a ghost." She said. "I want to live so badly. I don't want to be stuck where no one can see me forever!"

@shadowtail_flamestorm @shadow_girl

496 posts


shadow_girl • 6 July 2016 at 9:20 AM

@lailaluckyseal87 @shadowtail_flamestorm

Jeff holds his cheek. "Okay, jeez! I believe you. Alissa, right?!" He grumbles the last part. For a ghost, that was a hard slap. Ow.


Iris stops her wailing. "Typical." She grumbles at Damien, shooting dirty looks at him from under her hair. She doesn't say anything though. After all, she does want Alissa to live.


3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 6 July 2016 at 9:23 AM

Damien concentrates on Alissa and can feel her coming back to life. He gasps for air as he struggles to continue healing her.


Alissa is pulled back to her body and she smiles. "yes!" she says and she looses consciousness as she reaches her body.

@shadow_girl @shadowtail_flamestorm

190 posts


shadowtail_flamestorm • 6 July 2016 at 9:24 AM

@shadow_girl I know how you feel! XD

Keesha held up a hand for Alissa to hold. 'This is gonna hurt. Brace yourself.' She whispered for Damien to finish the last healing process.


496 posts


shadow_girl • 6 July 2016 at 9:31 AM

@lailaluckyseal87 @shadowtail_flamestorm

Iris continues to watch from afar. If she got any closer, she'd just mess something up. But the second Damien finishes healing Alissa...she silently seethes at him.


Jeff is confused. Nothing else to say. It's like he stumbled into a drama performance and can't get off the stage. "Umm..."

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 6 July 2016 at 9:36 AM

Damien finishes healing her and collapses to the ground panting. "She'll still.... Be in... Pain.." he mutters panting.


Alissa wakes up pain crawling through her body. "D-Did that really just happen?" she asks shocked.

@shadow_girl @shadowtail_flamestorm

496 posts


shadow_girl • 6 July 2016 at 1:18 PM

@shadowtail_flamestorm @lailaluckyseal87

Iris runs to Alissa. "thank you for healing me! Thank you!" She hugs her hard.

Then she turns on Damien. "And you're the one who killed me! Sure you healed Alissa, but that's called normal! You're a psychopath! You should've died at the pond!" she pummels him with her fists, then grabs him and drops him in a tree, courtesy of her wings. "I hate you! I hope you die!"

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 6 July 2016 at 2:43 PM

Damien glares at Iris from the tree and then quickly grabs his bow, shoving a sharp arrow in it. He aims it at Iris's heart and shoots it, all within a few seconds. "Alissa will be too weak to heal you!" He yells.

Lycia watches and yells at Damien. She tries to run towards Iris, but knows she won't make it in time.

Alissa lays there closing her eyes, breathing heavily. She groans at the pain and hears Lycia scream.

@shadow_girl @shadowtail_flamestorm

190 posts


shadowtail_flamestorm • 6 July 2016 at 11:17 PM

@lailaluckyseal87 @shadow_girl

Keesha flung her knife at the arrows, knocking them all away but her blade tumbled away into the bushes. 'Attempt foiled.' She smirked. 'Alright. Cut it out, you two! It's over! I know you hate each other's guts, but for goodness sake, stop!'

496 posts


shadow_girl • 9 July 2016 at 9:23 AM

@lailaluckyseal87 @shadowtail_flamestorm

"BUT I WANNA KILL HIM!"Iris pulls out Lycia's dagger and pitches it at Damien's heart. Her aim's a bit off, though. It's heading for his shoulder instead.

"Aw, why?!"

And Jeff just stares blankly at the entire thing.

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 9 July 2016 at 9:26 AM

Damien feels the knife hit his shoulder and he winces in pain. "You asked for it." He muttered and sent a bunch of arrows flying at every place in her body as he pulled out the dagger.


Lycia jumps in front of Iris and gets hit with all the arrows. She collapses to the ground struggling to breathe.

@shadow_girl @shadowtail_flamestorm

496 posts


shadow_girl • 9 July 2016 at 9:32 AM

@shadowtail_flamestorm @lailaluckyseal87

Lycia NO!!!


Jeff has had some basic medical training, so he really does try his hardest to help Lycia. Sadly, his best doesn't seem like enough. He can't even pull the arrows out—that would cause more damage than leaving them in. "But they won't stop bleeding..." he mutters to himself.


Iris moves to yank out an arrow. Jeff slaps her arm away. "Hey, watch it!" She snaps, sticking out her tongue. Then she gets the "leave the arrow in" medical talk.


3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 9 July 2016 at 9:34 AM

"Iris.." Lycia whimpers. "Help... find someone to heal me... please.." she mutters and fights again loosing consciousness


496 posts


shadow_girl • 9 July 2016 at 9:43 AM


"HEY, CHUMP! GET OVER HERE AND HEAL LYCIA!" Iris shrieks at Damien. As a back-up plan, she hollers at Alissa and Keesha. "YOU TOO, PLEASE! WORK TOGETHER OR SOMETHING!"


Jeff stars growing annoyed at his (and Iris's) apparent lack of skill. Why couldn't he have been a healer instead of a stoup shape-shifter?! He can't use his gift, anyways. He's cursed. No shifting for him until someone fixes that.

And he doesn't even know the cure. So basically, he's useless.

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 12 July 2016 at 6:11 PM

Lycia whimpered as she passes out. Her body fights against dying but death slowly begins to overtake her.


Damien rolled his eyes. "Nah, I'm good." he said smirking. "She's useless. I don't need her right now."


Alissa groans and pulls herself up, crawling to Lycia as she says, "Don't let the pain tranfer... please.. I know it's rare.. just don't do it again.." she begs out loud. She puts her hand on Lycia and mostly heals her, Lycia just had a quarter of the pain left. Alissa collapses on the ground exhausted. "the pain didn't transfer.." she says smiling as she blacks out.

@shadow_girl @shadowtail_flamestorm

190 posts


shadowtail_flamestorm • 13 July 2016 at 7:48 AM


Keesha crept up behind Damien stealthily and tackled him to the ground. She pinned him down and twisted his arm behind his back, tugging strongly for a few times for good measure. She knocked him out with a stone and dragged him to the top of a tree.

496 posts


shadow_girl • 13 July 2016 at 5:28 PM

@lailaluckyseal87 @shadowtail_flamestorm

Ashlyn sobs with relief and hugs Lycia, then turns and hugs Alissa. Smiling big, she hugs Jeff as well, just for good measure. She doesn't hug Keesha, she feels that is she does, it'll break her concentration and Damien might escape.

She doesn't even talk to Damien. If he's currently silent, may he stay that way.

190 posts


shadowtail_flamestorm • 13 July 2016 at 10:42 PM

@shadow_girl @lailaluckyseal87

Keesha didn't mind at all. She kept an eye on the unconscious boy who was hanging on a branch. Pathetic excuse for a non-human. She thought, rolling her eyes.

496 posts


shadow_girl • 14 July 2016 at 5:29 PM

@lailaluckyseal87 @shadowtail_flamestorm I FORGOT JEFF... sorry...


Jeff stares at everyone around him, nervous and excited at the same time. More nervous, though. "I-who-what...You're all crazy!" he stammers, looking around. "Absolutely, positively crazy! Bonkers! Nuts!"

He scoots back from Iris, the one who'd hugged him. "What did I do to get into this mess..."

Iris takes in Jeff's words. "You might be right..." she murmurs. "Or...maybe we're all normal and you're the crazy one, hmm?" she grins evilly and laughs. "Yes, dear, this isn't a nightmare. In your words, we're all crazy. And..."

"You're stuck with us." Cue the crazy laughter.

190 posts


shadowtail_flamestorm • 14 July 2016 at 11:23 PM

@shadow_girl @lailaluckyseal87

Keesha shrugged. 'Crazy is a subjective word, actually. You can call someone crazy if you're normal, and also when you are the one who isn't.' She glanced at Damien without thinking much, alert to his presence.

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 15 July 2016 at 5:07 PM

Lycia walks towards Jeff and sits next to him. "We aren't crazy." She says in a calm voice. "If anyone's crazy it's him." She says pointing to the unconscious Damien. "He's a psychopath murderer" @shadowtail_flamestorm @shadow_girl

190 posts


shadowtail_flamestorm • 15 July 2016 at 10:39 PM

@lailaluckyseal87 @shadow_girl

Keesha shifted uneasily. 'Can I go now? I gotta wash this scent off me. I stink.' She muttered, sniffing her arm disgustedly.
