~:~ Birds Of A Feather Club ~:~

in Forum Games

What is your favorite bird creature here on Egg Cave? (Multiple answers allowed.)

2,061 posts


cubexline • 6 February 2013 at 7:01 PM

@musicgurl333 : Yes, you can post your answers here, unless it is specified to PM them/or it seems best to pm them.

441 posts


tetra • 6 February 2013 at 7:01 PM

Thank you so much!!
Sweet!! Didn't know about the Monthly Drawing, pleasant surprise there. A big thank you to the Mods for keeping count!!
I love the club anthem, it's really catchy 😊

Welcome to the BOAF Club!! Wow, that is a lot! All those feathers to deal with. 😊

Thank you for the welcome!! Reading through that post now, ahh math, ahh bedmas.

407 posts


byfelisa • 6 February 2013 at 7:16 PM

Good Evening Everyone! 😃

I hope you are having a great day so far.
We are expecting snow storm coming our way so tomorrow morning have to go shop and prepare for it just in case. It might hit us late afternoon.

There are some fun games going on right now thanks to Duchess and Cubexline. Page 111, posts #3,321 & Post #3,316. One you have to send a PM and the other can post answers in the forum thread and re-edit as you think of more words. Have Fun!!!

**Okay, the moment you all have been waiting for is almost here. I just need to pick the MOTM recipients for December and January and will begin posting everything shortly.

Welcome to the BOAF Club!! It is great to have you join @freerider, @vee, @musicgurl333 and @tetromino. 😸 Introduce yourself and join in everything you like to. A big welcome HUG to you. All new members you will now see what this club does each month and what you are now apart of.

@chapus2009, it is so wonderful you came back. Yes, you are a member and hope you will participate in this month's fun activities and contests. 😊
I think the Owls have gone south for the winter, hehehe. Otherwise, they rule the night in the woods here.

Alright, let me decide the recipients and will be posting again. Evening hugs to you all.


Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new
egg cavers a fun new start!

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

291 posts


ljacks • 6 February 2013 at 7:34 PM

@marie_lily @byfelisa

May I join? I at least have two! This will be so fun.

1,984 posts


marie_lily • 6 February 2013 at 7:36 PM


Welcome to the BOAF Club! You can ask any of the moderators if you have questions. 😊

You're in great company with everyone here and feel free to join in games, conversations and tell us about anything.

@byfelisa will add you to the member's list.

Have fun! 😃


Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new
egg cavers a fun new start!

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

291 posts


ljacks • 6 February 2013 at 7:38 PM

Oops! Missed this part, my bad. 😊

Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new
egg cavers a fun new start!

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

1,539 posts


5eggs79 • 6 February 2013 at 7:43 PM

Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new
egg cavers a fun new start!

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

9,797 posts


chapus • 6 February 2013 at 7:47 PM

@byfelisa Haha, thanks, I'll go check them out. ;3 I though owls came near my corner (Canada) for winter. x3 Well, some species, like Snowy Owls and Great Gray Owls. o3o

God, I really love my National Geographic Bird Guide app so much. ❤️

Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new
egg cavers a fun new start!

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

291 posts


ljacks • 6 February 2013 at 8:40 PM

When do the games end? If you were wanting to post answers, that is. I am assuming that I can post here since they do not say to PM.

2,061 posts


cubexline • 6 February 2013 at 8:45 PM

@ljacks: Mine won't end for awhile, as not many people have played it yet. As for duchess's, you'll have to ask her.

You will post the boggle responses here and you can come back and edit your post as many times as you wish, as for duchess's I think you PM her the answers. Again ask her about it.

291 posts


ljacks • 6 February 2013 at 9:00 PM

@duchess Do you want the answers to your game PM'd or just posted here?

Thank you!

1,166 posts


eggs • 6 February 2013 at 9:47 PM


Hi! 😊 It feels kinda funny, since it's only morning here xD

Deleted • 6 February 2013 at 10:13 PM

Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new
egg cavers a fun new start!

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

1,669 posts


musicgurl333 • 6 February 2013 at 11:01 PM

@tetromino It is a lot! Fortunately most of them are immortal. Although I did I did have a mo die recently. ☹️

@byfelisa Than you for the welcome. 😊 I'll definitely check out some of the games. I entered one already. 😊

116 posts


lululore • 6 February 2013 at 11:08 PM

Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new
egg cavers a fun new start!

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"


@byfelisa yes, cats are certainly a handfull but hopefully when I get a cat (I just cant resist x3 but not right now cuz my life is just too hectic, and adding a kitten would turn it up to a whole other level XD) I'll get used to the biting/scratching 😊"

@cubexline alrighty I'm trying this one out 😃 surprisingly, I believe this will be the first time I've played this sort of game :T

lamp, FLING, amp, PING, sob, LONG, pain, MAIN, aim, DOOM, log, DOG, pin, SON, flap, LAP, song, LIP, lips, MOOD, limp, GOLF, boil, GOD, flaming, POD, nip, SOW, imp, LIMP, booming, BOOM, lion, ION, doing, FAIL, wood, MAPS, map, PODS, spam, pail 😸

@duchess I will pm you the answers shortly 😊

2,031 posts


rojoqueen • 6 February 2013 at 11:41 PM

@byfelisa @marie_lily
May I join???I have a bunch of birds! XD

1,906 posts


jix • 6 February 2013 at 11:49 PM


May I join? ^^

2,061 posts


cubexline • 6 February 2013 at 11:53 PM


Nice list of words you found xD If you find more, you are free to add them.

Welcome to BOAF. @byfelisa will add you to the member list when she can 😊

Right now there are two games going on:
The first one is 5 math problems(post #3,316, page 111), I believe you PM @duchess your answers.

The other is a boggle board(post #3,321, page 111). You can post the words you find here and you may re-edit your post as you find more words.

If you have at least 2 bird creatures(which I checked and you do), read what I said to rojoqueen above.^^

If you guys have any questions, just let us BOAF moderators know.

2,031 posts


rojoqueen • 6 February 2013 at 11:53 PM

Thanks! 😃

407 posts


byfelisa • 7 February 2013 at 2:07 AM

*** End Of The Month News - January 2013 ***

January was a voided month since I didn't have time to make up a newsletter and get activities going club-wide.
I apologize and now that we have 6 moderators, it should be easier for me to concentrate on my tasks. 😉

We have had a surge of new members join us from December to January since the last newsletter was out.
Give a big welcome again and hugs to:
5eggs79, birthday, salla_darktalon, panherc, freerider, vee, musicgurl333, tetromino, ljacks, rojoqueen, jix, brambleleaf, hemester, jennifer, krabbypatty, once, silversimplicity, yts and yuullie

Updated member badges will appear on the club's website before the week ends. 😃

January's Monthly Raffle Drawing Winners were:

@chowchow2012 - 100cc
@nousernamesleft - 100cc
@lululore - 100cc
@cubexline - 100cc
@marie_lily - 100cc
@hemester - 100cc
@world - 100cc
@eggs - 100cc
@funeralforthesun - 100cc
@fuzzykins412 - 100cc
@iulianna1 - 100cc
@rainbowkitty - 100cc
@yts - 100cc
@chowchow2011 - 100cc
@menagerie - 100cc
@ice2505 - 100cc
@silversimplicity - 100cc
@yuullie - 100cc
@lynncrow - 100cc
@aliney - 100cc

I'm adding in both month's CC prizes so you will be sent one time with the total you have earned after all the postings are done.

Congratulations to @lululore you won 50cc, the only one to play the mini-game in the forum. Post #3,234

336 posts


honk • 7 February 2013 at 2:12 AM

Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new
egg cavers a fun new start!

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

Deleted • 7 February 2013 at 2:23 AM

Please help me give a huge applause and congratulate the new recipients of the MOTM Recognition Reward:

@eggs - 600cc - December 2012
@world - 600cc - January 2012

Thank you for being awesome members of our bird club. We are so proud to award you this and well done!

DECEMBER's Monthly Raffle Drawing Winners:

@eggs - Gingerlion
@colette - Gingerlion
@rushingwater - Gingerlion
@iulianna1 - Aosidhe
@world - Aosidhe
@geefriend45 - Aosidhe
@aliney - Cirthark
@cubexline - Cirthark
@fuzzykins412 - Canige
@essieh - Canige
@lululore - Kappice
@honk - Kappice
@menagerie - Kappice
@chowchow2012 - Kappice
@once - Kappice
@monkeymoo993 - Sandrodon
@funeralforthesun - Sandrodon
@marie_lily - Sandrodon
@nousernamesleft - Mirkang
@ice2505 - Mirkang
@hemester - Laniwon
@critter_123 - Octro
@rainbowkitty - Mouflon
@puppymaks - Skrulline
@chowchow2011 - Tific

DECEMBER's Special Random Prize Activity -
Prizes: 1 Cave Creature, 50cc, 10k EC & Rare Travel

50 CC Prize:

10,000 EC:
nousernamesleft (Please send me a common egg trade to: @byfelisa3)

Rare Travel:

Cave Creature
@lululore - Bliz
@eggs - Luciales

116 posts


lululore • 7 February 2013 at 2:25 AM

@byfelisa oh! yay! thank you 😸 😃

407 posts


byfelisa • 7 February 2013 at 2:26 AM

December's 1st Activity - Crack Santa's Safe

Questions and Answers.

1. MSEBORUDIS (Unscramble)
2. A Group of Geese is called?
3. 112 herons flew 19 miles to eat and then back home, total miles flown were?
4. A decigram (dg) of 0.10 is equivalent to how many grains?
5. What two species of eggs on Egg Cave look similar but hatch into different creatures?
6. What bird reaches adulthood at 670 feeds & an excellent hunter in the sky?
7. What creature on EC glows in the dark at night & has a short life span?
8. There are 3,500 varieties of Mint, can you name 4 of them?
9. The TV Show Jeopardy was first aired in what year?
MARCH 30, 1964
10. True or False; Blue Jay feathers are definitely blue?

@chowchow2012 - 9/10 - 100cc
@colette - 9/10 - 100cc
@lululore - 7/10 - 100cc

Winter Jigsaw Puzzle - Code: Kris Kringle - Prize: 50cc

Helpful Elf - Writing Contest
@colette - 500cc
@chowchow2012 - 250cc
@marie_lily - 250cc
@ice2505 - 250cc

116 posts


lululore • 7 February 2013 at 2:31 AM

wow this is a giant newsletter 😱 congrats to all! and to all a good -_-zZ

336 posts


honk • 7 February 2013 at 2:34 AM


2,910 posts


duchess • 7 February 2013 at 2:40 AM

@ljacks It'd be great if you PM me 😃 Thanks 😊

Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new
egg cavers a fun new start!

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

117 posts


menagerie • 7 February 2013 at 2:52 AM

@byfelisa Thank you very much for the CC and creature!! ❤️

Congratulations to the MOTM winners! 😊

Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new
egg cavers a fun new start!

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

Wishing everyone a wonderful day~

Deleted • 7 February 2013 at 3:13 AM

I want to thank everyone for the past two months participation. You all have made this club exceed expectations and it really has become a fun place in the forum. 😊😊


This is just a sneak peek into what you can expect this month but the newsletter will be out by Friday morning.

The Theme is Valentine's Day and you can expect the usual word find, maze puzzle, a recipe, bird facts and an arts and craft article.

- Feeding Contest which is club-wide
- Valentine Poetry Contest
- Special Guessing Jar
- Valentine Random Gift Activity
- Name That Bird Activity
- Swap A Love Bird Activity
- Update Your Status (Only on Valentine's Day)
- Crazy Hearts (7 day Activity - Must follow Forum Posts - Top 10 participants win)

I will try hard to finish the newsletter today as it will be tight since one activity starts on Friday.

Do take your time and enjoy what the month has in store for you. It is plenty to get involved in and you will have games in the forum provided by moderators too. 😃

*Remember in lull periods while waiting for the newsletter, you can play the club's match game to cure boredom and talk to other members here in the forum.

Your daily post if you choose to is to qualify for the monthly drawing by reciting the club's anthem. Tikimaki instituted that you include the club's motto with it. It is the first part that you post and then comes the anthem after it.

Please understand, the motto was written and won by one of our members and rightly so should be used to show just how much fun it is here and it is open to everyone.


Have a beautiful and happy month!! 😸

116 posts


lululore • 7 February 2013 at 4:02 AM

Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new
egg cavers a fun new start!

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"


Oh I am so excited for the activities planned out > w < and thank YOU @byfelisa for all this! and the amaaazing staff! @tikimaki @cubexline @duchess @prettymint @hay7199 and @ian 😸
