The Hunger Games Roleplay

in Roleplaying

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 23 October 2011 at 1:58 PM

Melody ~ District 11

I trot over to the traps and snares area, hoping I can learn a little about hunting before the Games begin. Being from District Eleven, we hardly get meat. My fingers fumble along the rope as I try to make a decent trap. I'm already very smart when it comes to feeding myself, though. My feet take me to the girl from Two. "Hey," I say, unsure how to start the conversation.

[Lol, I check my and see a wall with "There are new posts in The Hunger Games Roleplay" 30 times. o_o]

3,556 posts


pegasasu • 23 October 2011 at 4:35 PM

Valarie was going to do something brash like seh usually would, but decided to make a better choice and ignore her. She pretended not to hear the Asian profanity. Valarie decided to go back to traps and snares, as she wasn't in the mood to get frusterated at incompetence.

5,680 posts


trish • 23 October 2011 at 4:38 PM

@pegasasu Not really. I'm Asian. It's usually a joke. And we're in an RP. Not like I'm saying it in your face, or my face.

3,556 posts


pegasasu • 23 October 2011 at 4:54 PM

@trish Mkay. Makes more sense now.

Valarie worked with her traps and snares for only a few minutes before reluctantly dragging herself out of hte station.

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 14 November 2011 at 6:28 PM


My charrie is talking to your charrie. 😊

Deleted • 14 November 2011 at 7:44 PM

@Ladybugheart oh sorry. xDD

"Hello" I say. "If you want to make the best trap you should just fold that small bit under the hole right there." I tell her and guide her hands through. "You see?"

533 posts


dewpaw • 14 November 2011 at 11:25 PM

I'll feed 10 eggs for everyone who successfully votes!

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 22 November 2011 at 1:31 AM


Melody ~ 11

"Thanks," I say as Tess skillfully helps me complete the trap. I observe it and try to memorize how to complete it. One thing to remember during training is that I'll have to be prepared for any type of arena, with different types of resources and supplies.

...wut. xD

3,556 posts


pegasasu • 22 November 2011 at 4:57 PM

@ladybugheart In my app I changed her weapon of choice from bow and arrow to boomerang, 'cause everybody likes bows and arrows ;D

Valarie - District 9

I stepped out of the Training Room and headed towards my mentor. We had to prep for our interview. Crap. I didn't even know what I wanted to do yet.

"So? What skills will you be showing the Gamemakers, Valarie?"

Her surprisingly rough voice asked me. I had to think. What was I good at? If there was some kind of forest arena, I'd be fine, but what if the arena was a desert, or water? No. I had to think about training, not the Arena yet. I could climb trees. I hunt. I can throw a boomerang and usually not hit myself in the face with it.

"Uh, something with traps, but a little more showy. And maybe climbing trees, I guess."

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 23 November 2011 at 1:20 AM

Melody ~ District 11

I saunter into the dining room and sit in a cushioned chair to have dinner. Orange slices along with shrimp in a creamy sauce and lush greens. Only one more day of training and I'd show the Gamemakers what I could do. Sara is the first one to bring it up.

"So, Melody, what's your plan during training tomorrow?" she asks cheerfully. "Your Opening Ceremony costume was dazzling; why don't we show the audience your skills, too?"

I pause. "I guess tree climbing would be ideal, although not really impressive," I start. "Maybe try the bows and arrows. I dunno. The girl from Two showed me a trap today."

"How about the edible plants?" my mentor suggests in his not particularly friendly voice, although I can tell he's trying to help.

"Sure," I reply. "But anyone can tell a bunch of plants apart," I continue unenthusiastically.

Garett shakes his head. "Why would they need to? Most of the tributes have been well fed."

I consider this. "I'll try it," I say nonchalantly. Dessert is brought to us: crisp baked apples with cinnamon, topped with vanilla ice cream. My stylist strolls in wearing glasses, carrying a clipboard with careful sketches. "I've started planning out your interview outfit," he smiles. As much as I want to see it, he won't show me.

I go to bed later, wondering about my interview.

9,386 posts


smilies • 23 November 2011 at 1:50 AM

# Hash # District 10 #

We sat around the dining table and ate in silence. The chairs were stiff and uncomfortable, or maybe it was just me. Eventually Sylvania put down her fork and eyed me with those snake-like eyes of hers. "Well?" She said finally.
"Well, what?" I asked tonelessly.
"How is it going?" She asked impatiently.
"Fine," I replied moodily.
"Details," she pressured.
"I helped one girl and everyone else got chummy and followed suit," I rolled my eyes.
"Mmm," her eyes glittered. I could tell she was tossing up between punishment or approval- as she never did praise. She decided to let it slide. "And the Gamemakers? What will you show them?"
"Um," I blinked. I hadn't thought about that! How could I get a good mark there?
Sylvania's (barely visible) eyebrows slanted dangerously. She tapped the table with her long fingernails.
"Right," I said hurriedly.
"Must I spell everything out?" She hissed and proceeded to explain.

3,556 posts


pegasasu • 25 November 2011 at 8:16 PM

Valarie ~ District 9

"Private training starts soon, Valarie. Are you ready?"

The news I had already suspected still hit me hard, I gritted my teeth and took a deep breath. Do it or die. Show them what you've got, I guess.

"Yes. I figure I can hide in the trees. Set up a few traps, I guess. Throw a boomerang?"

I suggested half-heartedly. Her eyes narrowed and she cleared her throat.

"Climb. Hide. Traps. Boomerang."

I said, more clearly and confidently, and she gave a stiff grunt in approval. I had to make my way to the Gamemakers. This was going to be fun.

"Remember, you want to look good, to get sponsers, but the best-scoring Tributes are targeted."

She advised, giving me a stern look. It was time to go.

I shook out my hair and walked into the training room. Looking about, I saw it was some kind of forest. Of course, the actual Arena may not be like that, but this would get me a pretty good score.

I quickly began setting up a trap that I caked in mud and leaves, to provide some sort of disguise for the trap. This was hunting humans. Humans with common sense. Not animals. I grabbed my boomerang and tied a rope around the end. I then threw it up near a tall tree, where it clasped tightly around a hopefully-sturdy branch. I pulled myself up the trunk and waited in the branches.

I broke off a thinner branch and threw it at the trap, pleased as it sliced through the silent air and landed in the trap, which clasped around the branch and broke it with a sickening snap.

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 29 November 2011 at 1:04 AM

"Get ready, Melody. Private training starts in an hour," Garrett says, sullenly stirring a mug filled with rich, dark coffee.

"Not yet," I growl, slouching back on the cushioned couch and sipping hot chocolate. The pillows engulf me and I sink in. "I don't want to go."

"Well, then you can go ahead and get a zero," he sneers. "Bet the sponsors would love that." He throws a pillow at me, barely missing my chocolate. "Get up."

I scowl, but prepare to go into the training area. As I'm about to step into the elevator, he puts a hand on my shoulder. "Good luck."

9,386 posts


smilies • 29 November 2011 at 1:07 AM

@ladybugheart Private training is just showing the peacekeepers what you've got, right? O_o

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 29 November 2011 at 1:08 AM

@smilies. Gamemakers. Yeah. xD

9,386 posts


smilies • 29 November 2011 at 1:10 AM

@ladybugheart *Goldfish memory* RIGHT XD Cool.

2,591 posts


celeste • 29 November 2011 at 1:15 AM

You need a District 3 tribute, right? 😸 (and if you think this is god-modding, I'll change it)

Username: @Celeste
Character name: Fence
Gender: F
Age: 13
Appearance: Hair which looks like she's been electrocuted, blue sets of clothing.
Personality: Uh... will be developed?
History: A calm, smooth life, generally with not much for her to fear (and thus is badly prepared for the Games)
District: 3
Skills: Electronic devices (hacking), manufacturing and manipulation of electricity
Other: Has a fear of water

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 29 November 2011 at 1:17 AM

Welcome to the roleplay! 😃 You can start at training. ^^

2,591 posts


celeste • 29 November 2011 at 1:23 AM

Fence swung around some of the weapons before her. None of them really fit for her, but there was one she could wield with ease. She had asked for the name, and the assistant nearby replied "It's a dartgun, ma'am." Dartgun. Dartgun. It sounded nice to her already, and, to her delight, it was her trademark blue.

"Private training soon, miss," a voice that belonged to her escort announced. She could recognise the cool tone which came with it, reminding her favourite blue. It was a chance to show herself off - and now she wouldn't have to be content with JUST making a few toy robots!

Deleted • 29 November 2011 at 11:26 AM

"So what do you think yyour going to do for your private training?" My mentor asks me.
"I'm probably going to be using camoflouge. Its my second best advantage, my first is arrows,
but everyone will use bows and arrows." I snicker. I have everything in my mind. EVERYTHING. I know exactly what Im going to do to get the highest score. But first I have to wait for district 1's tribute to go.


2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 29 November 2011 at 7:17 PM

Note to everyone: There's no need to wait for the tributes before you to go. ^^

Deleted • 29 November 2011 at 7:34 PM

The elevator door opens up in front of me. I sigh and walk forward. I begin to speak in French so they won't understand me. I take some berries and turn them into paint. I slathered my whole body with the paint until I completely m unable to be found.

Deleted • 30 November 2011 at 10:26 AM

During Training I mostly did gymnastics, like the splits and a few back flips. I didn't want to relieve my true strength. Then after warming up I decided to swing a few big spicky clubs around and I was crushed by them. I started to cry. This was so embarrassing. Now I needed to show my true strength to the game makers.

Deleted • 30 November 2011 at 5:53 PM

I don't know where we are sorry could someone tell me?So sorry!

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 2 December 2011 at 12:06 AM

Announcement: The roleplay may be delayed due to disaster. Thanks! 😊

6,833 posts


whitefall • 3 December 2011 at 11:08 PM

Can I join? xD

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 4 December 2011 at 1:40 PM

@whitefall Sure. xD

New schedule:
Interviews will be on the 15th, we'll go into the arena from the 20th to the 30th. ^^

@bluegirl80 Since everyone lives in Panem, I don't think the tributes would know French; please edit your post. 😉

Just a note;; Katniss might know how to use a bow and arrow, but that doesn't mean a lot of people do. In fact, I think she was the only tribute in the 74th Hunger Games who could use it well.

Deleted • 4 December 2011 at 3:55 PM

@ladybugheart can she know a little French? Please, xD

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 5 December 2011 at 9:57 AM

@bluegirl80 Sorry, but that doesn't seem reasonable to me. xDD

3,556 posts


pegasasu • 5 December 2011 at 5:56 PM

@ladybugheart That's why I changed mine to boomerang xD
