The Hunger Games Roleplay

in Roleplaying

6 posts


fern • 19 August 2013 at 5:18 PM


I modified. Am I accepted?

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 25 August 2013 at 10:50 AM

I looked away from the girls and looked back at the cornucopia. I hadn't seen anyone go in for a while, so maybe I could get something...

I had shown promise with knives during training, but the thought of using them made me sick to my stomach. I slowly climbed down from the tree. If there was one thing I was good at, it was not being noticed...

An average score on the presentation to the game makers... No out-of-the-ordinary displays of power at training... And when it came to the interview, I made sure that I didn't appear weak, but also didn't stand out.

The glorious average. Just like at work. Do a little more work than was asked but don't draw attention...

When I reached the cornucopia, darts at the ready, I could already see that not all of it was taken.

Working quickly, I found a bigger backpack and dumped in the contents of my original one. I ran into the cornucopia and grabbed a knife, tucking it into my belt. I grabbed as much food as I could stuff into my bag, all the while keeping an eye on the entrance to the cornucopia.

@linpug @trish @ladybugheart

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 31 August 2013 at 7:06 PM

Melody ~ 11

Exhausted, I close my eyes and lay my face in the soft, moist dirt. In this condition, the mud sticking to me is among the least of my concerns; it's a good thing, really, since it helps camouflage me. But in the darkness, I find it unlikely that anyone will spot me in the grass either way.

I feel alone, as if the other tributes are miles away. Strange, the campsite seemed relatively close by when we were fighting.

It doesn't really matter anymore; I start to drift off, my perception of the world fading.

Wait, no. If I remain like this, I'll probably die before morning comes. Should I go to sleep and risk my life, or leave to find shelter and probably still end up risking my life?

Augh, choices. I slowly drag myself to my feet and look around. Huh, the campsite hasn't moved. I rub my eyes; I'm getting too tired.

Slowly, I walk in the direction I had come with my feet dragging across the ground. Walking here had taken a fairly long time, so the journey back definitely won't be fun. If things go well, I'll reach the cornucopia, where I can choose between the vast forest and the cliff without the pressure of getting out of the area.

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 2 September 2013 at 11:50 PM

I was about to leave the cornucopia when a spear caught my eye. I hadn't really tried one of them during training, but it could come in handy. More than that, it would be in /my/ hands and not in the hands of someone else who could use it against me.

Just as I was leaving the cornucopia, I spotted something near the starting platforms... socks?

Now to anyone else, these would have seemed like useless items, but I'd learned to think of things differently, seeing alternate uses. That's how I got so good at building electronics. While the others were looking for a specific difficult-to-find part, I was building my own out of something else.

Near the cornucopia, I saw some fist-sized rocks. These were not intended to be weapons, I was sure, but I knew they could be.

I stuffed a rock in each of the socks and tied them to the straps of my backpack. I swung one of them around by the top half and smiled. I could throw one of these pretty far at another tribute if they were coming at me...

I was beginning to feel a little better about my chances at these hunger games...

@ladybugheart @linpug @trish

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 7 September 2013 at 4:35 PM

Melody ~ 11

Walk. Walk. Walk.

How long has it been? I continue. An eternity passes.

I begin to count the seconds that go by, but when I get to sixty I realize that I've been skipping numbers. My counting is too slow; my brain is foggy. Why am I counting, anyway? Where am I even going?

Am I still alive?

I stop walking for a moment and look around. Nobody. At least, that's what I think. And anyway, if someone wanted to ambush me, they would have done it already.

I don't even care anymore. Stupid Capitol. What does this achieve? Why are there the Hunger Games? Oh, right, to keep order. Is there order here? If anything, I feel unorganized; my mind is scattered.

I recall that I was headed toward the Cornucopia, where the Games started, but that seems impossible at the moment. The only thing that seems possible is walking toward that tree over there. It's the only tree I've seen in a long time, and like the other trees in the grassland, it's short with hardly any leaves.

It's a nice tree. I slump down on the ground next to it, the grass high above my head. I grab some and wrap it around me for warmth, but it doesn't do much. My clothes are still damp.

I decide that I'm not leaving this place; even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to muster the will to move. My limbs are stuff anyway.

I don't want to leave, though. I just want to get some sleep.

5,632 posts


linpug • 8 September 2013 at 12:44 AM

Lauri ~ 5

I run towards the camp, gasping for air. The crows seemed to withdraw. How long do we get to rest before other mutts attack. My hand is hard to move, I can hardly feel it. I don't do anything though because I am tired and I know I must get rest.

Laying on the tent, my back cushioned by my sleeping bag, my hands extended. Taking deep breaths I wonder whether my arm will be OK, and slowly drift off.

I am not asleep for long though, I am quickly awakened by the pain my arm brings me.What is happening? Why is it hurting so much?

Groaning, I sit up. Of course. I completely forgot. A few minutes ago I had tied cloth around my shoulder. Luckily, it was not the best. It stopped the flow of blood to my arm partially I untie it, but there is no instant relief.

[@trish Please post. xD My post are kind of reliant on yours. I was thinking of having Lauri break the alliance. ]

5,680 posts


trish • 8 September 2013 at 12:50 AM


I collapse from exhaustion near the entrance of the camp.
"Good." I managed to say. It looks as if Melody has successfully run away, and clearly neither Lauri or herself has the energy to chase.
"We'll rest tonight and then check out the Cornucopia tomorrow for more supplies and weapons. Okay?"
Then I proceed to squeeze all the water out of my clothes.

5,632 posts


linpug • 8 September 2013 at 1:01 AM

Lauri ~ 5

"Seems like a good idea," I say, as my arm gradually returns to it's normal color. It still hurts and I don't know what to do because I am not a doctor. Where there poison on the bird's claws? I have no idea.

I don't want to get my hopes to high and rely on sponsors, but I wish sponsors would help and give me some medicine. My clothes are already soaking wet so I decide to go and wash out my clothes. "I don't believe that everything is taken yet at corn."

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 11 November 2013 at 4:06 PM

Melody ~ 11

My eyes open just as the sun begins to rise. The air is still a little chilly to me with my damp clothes, but the sun warms my face.

Urgh, no. Too early.

Although my brain wants me to get up just as it always has, nagging me to start working in the orchards, my body is exhausted from the recent fight.

But it's more important to get on the move. I stand up, my hair falling around my neck. Conveniently, it's completely dry - one of the benefits of short hair, I figure. Just barely past my view is the Cornucopia, not too far away. Once I'm there, I'll be able to leave the fields and stay in the forest, a much better place for me.

Thirsty, I open my backpack and drink some of the water in my canteen. Some food would be nice, but I'll have the dried fruit when I'm in a safer area since Jade and Lauri are nearby. The tall grasses are good for hiding, so I need to make sure I'm the one who stays hidden instead of falling victim to an ambush.

5,632 posts


linpug • 2 January 2014 at 7:40 PM

Lauri ~ 5
I hear a noise in the grass and turn around. I sigh. I know that the girl from 11 may be stalking me because I had let her go. I should probably break my alliance, but Jade would be the first to murder me.

5,680 posts


trish • 2 January 2014 at 9:59 PM


I decided now was the best time to strike Lauri. She was pretty pathetic for my taste and she'd never win anyway. I had to win. Even if it meant killing everyone else. I wasn't a [yeep], I just wanted to live. But was I really going to live after this or just exist haunted by this lethal game?

I gathered nearly everything that could fit in my backpack while Lauri was washing her clothes. Then I slowly slid out of the tent, notched two regular arrows and aimed them at Lauri's back where her heart should be. I let the arrows fly and didn't wait to see if they'd kill her. The cannon sound should reassure me. I just ran through the grass, a different direction then Melody took, and ran as far away as I could before collapsing under the shade of a tree. No one should find me here, I try to assure myself.
I think Jade will stay hidden until maybe the next two characters meet and she'll come swinging in on a vine like Tarzan and just attempt to chop up everyone's head. xD
@ladybugheart @linpug

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 8 January 2014 at 8:22 PM

Melody ~ 11

I limp in the direction I'm pretty sure is opposite from where Jade and Lauri are. Although I can't clearly see the trees that should be there, instinct tells me where they are. The forest gives me an advantage since I'm light and good at climbing. Trees are scarce here in the grassland, and most of them are scrawny.

Along the way, I dig around in the dirt a little for anything edible. There are some root vegetables that I recognize, so I store them in my backpack. Cassava, ginger, turnips.

The clearing finally comes into view! Although I'm relieved that I made it out of the grass alive, there's nothing concealing me. It's unsurprising that there's nothing left at the cornucopia; the gamemakers probably cleared it while we slept, or while we were busy being killed by crows. Fun.

I walk by it, heading into the forest. After walking for a while, I find a tall tree and begin to climb.

85 posts


lechubacabra • 10 January 2014 at 7:12 AM

DISTRICT 7!!!!!! go joanna (finnick is way awesomer but 5 is taken)
im not even sur eif i am going to do this yet so....... idk lol @ladybugheart

5,632 posts


linpug • 11 February 2014 at 10:59 PM

Lauri ~ 5
I heard a noise and dashed around. Trish was dead? She wasn't inside. She must have left. Why didn't she kill me? I probably could have taken her. Is the alliance severed? So many unanswered questions. I might just see her again. Right now, I guess I'm still in an alliance. I couldn't bring myself to kill her if we had teamed.

@trish Which of the items did your character put in the backpack?

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 1 March 2014 at 6:55 PM

Melody ~ 11

This tree seems like a good place to hide out for a while. Or maybe even more than a while; if nothing happens, what's stopping me from staying here? Lauri and Jade are probably hanging out in their tent, sleeping. Or figuring out how to kill me... either one.

I wish I had a tent of my own, but you can't set up a tent in a tree as far as know. As I observe the scenery through the branches, I take a sip of water from my canteen. Since I'm used to long periods without food, hunger hasn't started to really bother me yet. However, since the recent fighting has taken up a lot of energy, I replenish myself with a little food. Besides, who knows when I'll get another chance to just sit around and rest?

4 posts


sunthorn • 2 March 2014 at 2:46 AM


5,632 posts


linpug • 13 June 2014 at 10:11 PM

Lauri ~ 5

I had hardly gotten any sleep at all so I decided to rest. Like, still be awake resting.

But that didn't work out too well and I slowly drifted asleep. I awoke a few minutes later. I expected my mom to be carrying a jug of water ins o I could was hmy face, like she always did. My dad would return from work in a few hours. I would eat food, then go to school. I was surprisingly hungry. But, no, I wasn't at home. I was in the Hunger Games and inside my tent, pressed against my food crate with my hand on my sword ready to attack. Of course though, no one attacked. And my Dad wouldn't return from work but instead be at home watching me from the TV screen.

This made me realize, I was being watched. By my dad, my mom, and possibly my sister. And I realized...

I HAD NO PRIVACY! Everything I did would be like me acting for some show. I had to act my best, stay on the top of my toes for sponsors and even mutts. (Ugh I still remember the first day's mutts vividly)

I replenished myself from my seemingly abundant pile of food and some water. And now what? I finished drinking water and eating food and even was generally in good shape, besides my arm which could use a little medicine. I could hardly feel the pain. I took off the bandaid of my arm and I gasped. The cut was horrible, I could probably die from the site of it. How could I not feel it? I could move it around fine but if I didn't get any medicine, I could tell I would die from infection. Well, there wasn't anything to do. Trish kinda died... Not really but like I abandoned her. I guess I'll kill her lol.
