The Hunger Games Roleplay

in Roleplaying

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 7 February 2013 at 7:56 PM

Melody ~ 11

I don't talk, my energy fading as I struggle to keep my blade up. It seems like Lauri is attacking Tess, so I can only hope Tess emerges victorious, and soon. The two are equal in age, and according to their training scores, skill, but Lauri is much smaller. If she can help me, I may just survive.

But it looks like Tess is about to go down, and is hardly objecting, until she throws out a suggestion.

The four of us. Allies.

I know I could never be allies with Jade or Lauri. If we join forces, I will be the first to leave the alliance, if one of them doesn't kill me before then. Though with their skill and strength they are definitely tributes you want on your side, I can't break the feeling that under the surface, we wouldn't really be allies. And a knife in the back would prove it.

It takes a few seconds for it to dawn on me that if we become allies, even temporarily, Jade would have to cease her attack. There still may be hope, if I can convince Jade to allow it within the next few minutes.

"If we were allies," I gasp. "We'd be unbeatable." I swallow, gathering up the courage and breath to continue. "Tess is a career. I can get food."

5,632 posts


linpug • 7 February 2013 at 10:37 PM

"OMG" I scream and burst into tears. "I'm sorry Tessy." All of this time, I was acting strong for the cameras but I can't hold my true feelings in anymore. I push Tess away and bandage my wound with the medicine I got. There are multiple tubes, but I don't bother to read the label and squirt a bit of each on. My arm starts to sting, swing, I get some muscle spasms and then my arm goes numb. I bandage it with some cloth, and am satisfied with the medicine. I cry in the corner and stuff my mouth with some T~U~N~I~P~S!

It's like midnight, so I cuddle up in my sleeping bag, letting Jade to fend for herself. Then I zip the sleeping bag up around me, to keep the heat in.
I over did it.
I zipped my self inside the sleeping bag, and I can't get out!! The zipper is stuck! "Help" I scream. Oops I screamed. I promised not to. Whateve. I scream again!!! I can't breath anymore. I'm suffocating. to death! Jade, my BFF, she will surely safe me. Anyways, my plan is working, and I get toasty warm. I start to drift off, despite of my lack of oxygen.

5,680 posts


trish • 20 February 2013 at 9:32 PM


I sighed. "Lord Poseidon, save me please." I muttered under my breath. Then, still straddling Melody, I turned my head slightly to bark at Lauri, "You're being pathetic!"
Turning back to Melody, I sneered, "Your ally left you. I won't let you scamper off, you'll never see beyond this tent ever again." And pushed harder on my knife against her's while I secretly withdraw another knife I keep stashed in my boots.

5,632 posts


linpug • 20 February 2013 at 9:36 PM

Lauri~ 5
I fall asleep. Someone screams at me and I jump awake. Literally! I jump with my sleeping bag still clutching my body. I stumble forward and fall on two people, Melody and Trish I presume. "Look out below!" I scream.

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 20 February 2013 at 10:06 PM

Melody ~ 11

Lauri seems to be strangely uninvolved, but maybe she can help me out by stopping the fight. Instead, she suffocates herself in a sleeping bag.

Unlike me, Jade doesn't seem to be tiring. I tighten my grip while she takes something out of her boot.

Is that... a blade?

/I'm going to die./

Trying to steady my breathing, I make the decision to attempt to knock the blade out of her hand - not a very well thought out decision, but I'm not exactly in a position to consider every option. Since I can't move much, I figure I must hit her knife with enough force.

So, I slash at the blade as hard as I can. But my aching hand slips, and I drop my knife.

I /drop my knife./

And then Lauri shouts an inaudible message as she tumbles down upon us.


5,680 posts


trish • 20 February 2013 at 11:05 PM

Jade - 4.

As Melody hacks at my blade, then drops it, it surprised me so much that my knife went flying across the tent.

No matter, I have another one.

I hold my knife hand back then strike at Melody, who is weaponless and exposed, but just before I nail in her death, Lauri tumbled on to us. She knocked me to the right, and the knife drives imbeds itself, but rather shallowly, into my upper left arm.

5,632 posts


linpug • 21 February 2013 at 9:46 PM

My body tumbles and I severe the bond between Trish and Melody. I know my warning came a little late, but I pretend not to notice. "Oops, my body must be faster than the speed of sound." I giggle, and choke a little as I breathe.

5,680 posts


trish • 23 February 2013 at 8:05 PM

Jade - 4.

"Remind me to pound you silly later Lauri." I say, frustrated as I rip the knife painfully from my arm. A weak spot. My eyes quickly slid over to Melody, who Lauri is partially on top of. "Kill her!" I yell at Lauri.

5,632 posts


linpug • 23 February 2013 at 8:16 PM

I think I hear Jade shout ," Kill her" and I assume I'm ontop of Melody. I start punching what's below me, but my punches are cushioned by the soft fluffy sleeping back.

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 7 April 2013 at 5:37 PM

Melody ~ 11

Wow, I can't believe I actually knocked the knife out of Jade's hand. Maybe I won't be stabbed to death by that particular blade but instead the one she removes from her arm.

Jade has been fairly unlucky when it comes to knives - first, the one Tess flung into her shoulder, now the one that was in her arm a few moments ago.

Regardless, she obviously wants me dead. Lauri punches me from above, but with minimal affect.

To the exit. I frantically crawl out from under her as fast as I can, but my arms, weak from pushing against Jade's knife, collapse under my weight. When I'm free, I hurriedly stand up and look around. I need a weapon first. There were two knives: mine, and Jade's. Where are they?

5,632 posts


linpug • 2 May 2013 at 11:22 PM

Lauri ~ 5
Melody crawls out from under me, seeming to be unhurt. I scream at the top of my lungs, hoping to hurt her vocally. Like, really. The screaming may hurt her ear's and she'll go deaf or something, but the idea isn't that great, because my ears hurt now. Something hits me on the head. I peep out of my sleeping bag, and see a knife. I scream, and run backwards, terrified.

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 11 May 2013 at 7:50 PM

Melody ~ 11

I spot a knife in the corner and immediately rush over to get it with Lauri screaming in the background. Whoever's watching right now is probably laughing at how stupid this situation is.

I stumble, the poison from the bite fully kicking in. Seriously, I can hardly move my leg at all. My only hope is that the crows' claws aren't poisoned or anything, or else my arm may face a similar fate.

Oh, shoot. Crows.

Almost forgot about them after becoming so preoccupied with Jade and Lauri. I try not to think about the birds and instead focus on the current problem.


5,632 posts


linpug • 16 July 2013 at 2:29 PM


Lauri ~ 5

I see Melody dash for a knife in the corner. I cover my head in the non protective sleeping bag. I know she is going to kill me with it. That isn't very knife. I meant nice.

I stick my foot from the sleeping bag. I kick up the knife in the corner with my foot. It flies upward while I take the sleeping bag off of me. I stand up, then grab the knife by it's hilt. Melody seems to be dizzy, as she stumbles over.

I really want to win the hunger games, but I don't really want to win the hunger games. I know my sister would have been proud. I attempt to slice melody with my sword.

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 16 July 2013 at 2:42 PM


Melody ~ 11

Lauri kicks a knife into her hand and rushes at me with her sword. Fumbling, I push open the door flap of the tent and glance around, wary of any signs of the crows. The blade cuts through my backpack, reminding me not to stop.

I dash out of the tent, crashing through the tall blades of grass. Abnormally bright stars light up my path, but it's still to dark for me to properly see where I'm going. Though I usually run quite fast, my injuries hinder me. If Lauri or Jade decide to come after me, they probably won't have any trouble catching up. And if the crows appear, I'm doomed.

5,680 posts


trish • 17 July 2013 at 3:43 AM


"You are pathetic Lauri." Jade groans as she too pushes out of the tent. She was going to chase down Melody, even though her left shoulder blade and upper arm was injured and hindered some activity.

Jade stealthily moved through the grassland until she spotted the girl. They were still near the edge of the pond, which was her advantage territory. Melody wasn't very fast and Jade quickly caught up to her, wrapping her right arm around Melody's waist and spun both of them around until they reached the edge of the pond, then dropped down and pushed Melody's head into the water in an attempt to drown her.

"I swear to God if Lauri ruins anything else Ill beat her senseless." Jade mumbled under her breath.

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 19 July 2013 at 8:38 PM

Melody ~ 11

I keep running, hearing the grass rustle as I make my way through. It seems that I'm not the only one running through the turf, though; when I hear Jade behind me, there's not enough time to escape.

Struggling to free myself, I feel adrenaline rush through me. If only it weren't for my injuries, I might be able to leave the grassland terrain with my life. Icy cold water surrounds me, cutting short my breathing. My vision is clouded until I can't see at all, but I feel the force pushing me down.

Hardly able to move, I do my best to open my backpack, but my attempts fail. Instead, I claw at Jade's arm as a last resort.

@trish @linpug

5,632 posts


linpug • 20 July 2013 at 12:01 AM

Lauri ~ 5

Melody run's out the tent, desperate to escape. "Hey!" I yell at her, as she is running away. "You forgot your knife!" I wave it around in the air, hoping to get her to come back.
Jade runs after Melody, in an attempt to kill her. I run after the two, to see Melody inside of the pond. Jade seems to whisper something about pounding me, so I decide to be on my watch. [Trish...>.> XD]

Well, you can last about 4 minutes without oxygen... Wait. There is oxygen in the water! Melody can breath that! She must be a fish...
"Jade, that isn't going to work, Melody can breath the oxygen out of water." I tell her, looking down at the two. I don't do anything, not try and get Jade to stop, try and save Melody or even assist Jade. I just stand there, watching things play out. Melody seems to be itching Jade's arm. How nice. Suddenly, a crow comes swooping in, heading for Jade. Instinctively, I hold out my sword to stop the crow. It latches onto the blade of my sword, the sharp claws not being damaged by the sharp blade. "JADE! Help!" I scream toppling over.

5,680 posts


trish • 20 July 2013 at 4:16 AM

Jade - 4
(I'm just gonna switch to 1st person PoV)

"You are such an idiot Laurie." I grumble.
Melody seems to have lost her strength and I know that I have her now. Her blood on my hands. The first of my kills. Just as I think we've entered the final minutes of her life, I feel claws digging into my back.

I scream as they pierced me, but that only increased my grip on Melody. I immediately knew that there was more than 1 crow around, as I heard Laurie's plea, and that I'd have to protect myself.

The only immediate exit was the water.
Birds can't go underwater. But that'd mean Id have to take Melody down with me. I could be protecting her from crows, or I could be drowning her again if I plunge both of us.

I made the quick decision to take her down.
I dragged and threw both of us deep into the pond. And then, I don't know what happened, but something inside me tells me to release Melody and let her float to the top to breathe.

So I do. I let go of her.
Why I did that I can't comprehend. I was about to kill her, but instead I stopped and let her live.
I was suppose to be ruthless.

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 21 July 2013 at 8:37 PM

Melody ~ 11

I feel the effects of oxygen deprivation and attempt to fight my way up to the surface. My hands are empty, my knife somewhere in the grass when I need it most. With the strength leaving my body, I lose track of my thoughts, wishing for air.

Several seconds pass, and I feel limp and weakened. Then, the force pushing down on me disappears and I float to the top. Gasping for breath, I struggle to keep myself above the surface of the water, since I don't know how to swim. I splash wildly, choking on the water and gulping in the air.

I feel the grass and grasp for the ground, coughing. My head pounds, and I can't see anything as I pull myself out of the water.

5,680 posts


trish • 21 July 2013 at 11:28 PM

Jade - 4

My moment of being a pansycake was over. I don't even give what I did a second thought. Melody was splashing around in the water, and I wasn't sure if she was aware of the crows.

I decided I won't go up there as long as the crows are there. As a child, I played a game where my friends and I held our breath the longest underwater to see who could last te longest without breathing. I always won. So I should be good now.

Oh yeah. I forgot Lauri. Wait, forget about her again, my supplies were still up there. To get or not to get?

5,632 posts


linpug • 21 July 2013 at 11:41 PM

[D: Why... are you so mean to lauri]

I am left to fend for myself. My partner tries to kill Melody, and forgets about me. Again. Maybe I should kill them both now.Jade obviously does not consider me as a team mate, not to mention I could kill two birds with one stone. I'll probably get more sponsors that way. Right, the crow.

I have the knife in my left hand. I forgot about it.I stab it, holding it poorly. The bird tries to bite my finger off, and I release the knife. It goes flying, and launches into the ground. I throw the sword, hoping the bird will fly off. It does. Then it goes after me, I need to get to my sword. "JADE!" I scream. "Stop trying to down the fish and save me!" I dive into the water. I can't swim

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 28 July 2013 at 5:12 PM

Melody ~ 11

What I hope is my blade glints in the grass, and I reach toward it, dragging myself forward. I grasp the hilt, almost feeling a sense of achievement at doing so. With soaking wet clothes and a numb feeling from the lack of warmth, my ability to move seems to leave me. The call of the crows fills my ears, never vanishing or dying down. An endless field of grass surounds me with no place to hide and no shelter. Only the tall, green blades offer any sort of concealment as I crawl through them noisily.

Jade seems to have disappeared, but Lauri is still nearby, shouting. I shiver, freezing and drenched. /Caw! Caw! Caw!/ I crawl without any sense of direction, unable to stand up, until I lose my strength and just lie on the ground with the grass around me.

5,680 posts


trish • 28 July 2013 at 6:36 PM

Jade -4

I held my breath for about 7 to 8 minutes, then broke the surface and gasped for air just in time to hear Lauri scream for my name. I thought about just sitting in the water hippo-style, with my eyes and nose above water, watching both Lauri and Melody getting pecked to death. I mean, I'm safe right?

My stuff was still in the camp though. That was the only thing worth saving. I thought I'd make a sprint for it, so I ducked back underwater to the edge of the pond, and launched myself out. I ran for the camp, but my clothes were so water-logged that it slowed me down.

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 29 July 2013 at 9:35 PM

I watched from a distance as the others floundered around in the water, dodging crows. I giggled to myself a little, despite knowing exactly how dangerous this all was.

/No wonder a group of crows is called a murder./ I thought to myself.

Maybe if I was lucky, the crows would get them and I wouldn't have to. Easy win. All the glory and riches and I'd never have to work another day in my life. I could play my games all I wanted.

I'd found a large tree to hide in, and hadn't been bothered much since the whole thing started. I'd kept a few small darts that I'd found on the far away from the cornucopia and some food. There was also a small backpack of first-aid supplies and a thin blanket. Nothing really useful, but I didn't dare venture close to the center of the cornucopia.

@trish @ladybugheart @linpug

5,632 posts


linpug • 14 August 2013 at 6:28 PM

I see Jade running for the camp, and I follow her. I'm wet, and I'm weighed down by the water. I slowly walk there, afraid I was being followed. I looked behind my back, seeing no one, I run towards my camp. Hopefully no one else will follow me. I run inside the tent.

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 14 August 2013 at 10:31 PM

I smiled to myself as they ran towards a tent I hadn't noticed. It was a fair distance away and mostly blocked by the branches of the dense tree I'd hidden in, but now that I knew it was there, I could see a corner of it peeking out.

That would be useful, I was sure. If they left again, I could check for supplies... maybe something a little more substantial than what I had already.

My mentor had been useless thus far. I hadn't gotten anything at all and I /knew/ that there were interested sponsors. She must've won one of the first hunger games ever with how old she looked and seeing as she barely remembered my name half the time, never mind why she was helping me, I didn't have high hopes of getting anything.

@linpug @trish @ladybugheart

5,632 posts


linpug • 16 August 2013 at 2:55 PM

Lauri ~ 5

I look outside, and see a few crows. I am about to close the tent, but the crows fly away, till they aren't in sight. I see Trish, and I yell to her. "They crows are going away! I think they are drawing back!" I'm glad, but tired. I've been up nearly all night. I should probably go to sleep.

6 posts


fern • 18 August 2013 at 2:44 PM

@ladybugheart may I join?

Username: Fern
Character name: Fern
Gender: Female
Age: 12
Appearance: (Long, black hair with green eyes)
Personality: Fern is shy, caring, stealthy, and sensitive.
Background: Refuses to tell anyone
District: 10 (What does Textiles mean?)
Skills: Knowledge of Plants, Good with animals, Great with a Bow and Arrow
Other: None

5,632 posts


linpug • 18 August 2013 at 6:37 PM

Try and do complete sentences for your form instead of listing things like "Shy, Mysterious, Caring, Sneaky, Sensitive"
Also, I think it would be more helpful for Ladybugheart if you where to describe your character rather than list a picture.
You should list your character's background even if she refuses to tell anyone, it helps ladybugheart and the other roleplayers to understand more. 😊

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 18 August 2013 at 10:24 PM

Melody ~ 11

The tall, thick grass ends high above me. Peering upward, to me they look like tall Capitol buildings at night, colors unrecognizable in the darkness. I should probably get up off the muddy ground, but the thought hardly crosses my foggy mind. Water drips from my hair and clothes, leaving me freezing.

Death by crows seems like the obvious outcome, unless Jade has returned. Lauri's splashing and the calls of the birds grow fainter... am I going deaf or something? Falling unconscious?

I can hide in the grass for a while, if what I'm doing can even be called hiding. Vegetating would be more accurate.

It would seem that the first thing on my mind would be to get out of this place and flee to an entirely new terrain - perhaps the vast forest, or even toward the cliff and whatever lies under it. I don't really have any will to move, though.

Maybe Lauri and Jade will simultaneously kill each other and everyone else will be killed by crows, and I won't have to.
