The Hunger Games Roleplay

in Roleplaying

5,632 posts


linpug • 22 July 2012 at 12:00 PM

Lauri ~ 5

I fell back into the pond because of gravity. The bird was beating it's wings, as if was desperate to escape the hydrogen and oxygen (Lol xD) particles. The bird bit my shoulder, causing me to wince.

Its wings were wet and heavy, and the crow floated to the edge of the pond. However, my shoulder was aching from its attack.

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 23 July 2012 at 1:41 AM

Melody ~ 11

I scramble to my feet as the large, ebony birds peck at me. My backpack and jacket provide some protection from their sharp beaks, but I can tell that I've been injured. Gasping for breath, I take my backpack and swing it at them, stalling them temporarily, and begin to take off toward the lake. The grass hardly provides any protection or place to hide, but there are more trees and foliage by the pond where there is a source of water. One of the crow's claws attack shoulder, and I nearly stumble over.

As I near the lake, I hear splashing. Jade and Lauri? If they are there as well, hopefully they will be preoccupied with the crows. Breathing heavily, I finally reach the pond, and dart behind a tree as I frantically zip my backpack open and pull out my knife. My hands are shaking as I zip it closed and swing it around my shoulders. The muttations have finally caught up to me, and I swing my knife at them in defense against their beaks and claws.

5,632 posts


linpug • 29 July 2012 at 3:35 PM

Lauri ~ 5

I pull the bird away, and I swim to the edge of the pool. The water is growing colder. Is it the gamemakers? I am shivering as I slowly make my way to the camp. I discover that my arm was injured more badly than I had thought. It's kind of numbing, but I know I have to treat it and bring a bandage to my shoulder.

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 29 July 2012 at 4:16 PM

Melody ~ 11

I fight off the vicious black birds, when I hear a noise. The sound echoes throughout the arena, and I know it must be coming from a nearby tribute. Will this new monster be coming for me now? I steal a glance at the other side of the pond, seeing only additional crows who must be preoccupied with someone else.

The birds see this as an opportunity, and one creates a rip in my backpack. His claw catches on the fabric, but I stop it. The beast lets out a "caw" and dies, tumbling to the ground. Several more peck at me like chickens pecking at their feed. Tall bushes surround me, as there is a notable amount of foliage here compared to the rest of the grassy area. I dash away, hoping to lead my pursuers to the other tributes. More likely the other tributes will come after me, or the crows attacking them will at the very least. I know there are others here, but I can't identify where they are.

As a run, my long black hair snags on a bush. I try to pull it away, but it only becomes more tangled. The crows approach, and I impulsively raise my gleaming knife and cut off my hair. I won't need my hair if I die at the hands of crows, and I suppose long hair could prove an obstacle. Still, I look back in regret as my hair hangs limply from the bush's branches.

5,680 posts


trish • 7 August 2012 at 8:30 PM

Jade - 4.
(So I'm guessing the birds are out of the picture.)

I emerged dripping with water from the pond, seeing as the birds left to, I don't know, pursue someone else.
Lauri is in the tent, possibly bleeding to death, but something else catches my attention on the bushes.

Someone's hair. Pft.
Well whoever's hair that is, must've driven the crows away.

I turn back to the tent, wondering what I could say to Lauri. Got it. Better get it out with.
I crouch infront of Lauri, looking intently into her eyes.

"You're either gonna bleed to death, or die from hypothermia."

So I took a little pity on Lauri. I didn't offer to kill her.

5,632 posts


linpug • 8 August 2012 at 8:34 PM

"I think I'm okay now, really. It's not that cold." However, being in the freezing water did drain some of my energy. I probably should avoid going back outside, where the birds are. I hear a thud, and peek through the tent's fabric. It's a silver parachute. My first gift from a sponsor! I'm so excited and overflowing with joy. My hands fumble to untie the knot, and I ponder over what's inside. Could it be medicine? It sure is heavy. I finally open it to find...

A flower. And? A tombstone. I scream in frustration. This is all Greff could give me? That guy's so stingy. I angrily throw it inside.
Gee, thanks a lot Greff. Instead of using the money to buy something useful, I get a few petals on a stem and a heavy rock.

16,170 posts


bunnyshadow • 8 August 2012 at 8:40 PM

@linpug LMFAO. Greff is giving that to Lauri in case she dies. xD

I don't know how to make Sylvia active. o-o

@ladybugheart @trish
Any ideas?

5,632 posts


linpug • 8 August 2012 at 8:52 PM

Augh. Another swarm of birds is coming. I position myself with my sword. It's bad enough I don't have an working arm... Some birds try to attack me, but I falter. I'm not as swift, and my injuries are slowing my down. More are coming. I react of out instinct, running in to position my self, but I...

I trip on a germ. I fall and my sword flies out of reach. I only have time to hold out my flower I got from Greff and pray. But none of the birds come toward me. Could it be flowers are the bird weakness? Pfft. As if Greff would ever help me. I go back inside the tent.

I tie the flower to the sword, since it is kinda pretty. I walk inside, plopping the sword down. Then I notice a bird is attacking. I react out my my instinct. I throw the tombstone at the bird, stopping it.

Deleted • 8 August 2012 at 9:13 PM


Tess~~ 2

I hesitate to follow Melody. But I hear the scream peircing into the night and I cant tell if its hers...
I bolt into the top of a tree as fast and high as I can. I see or at least think I see her cutting her hair maybe... I climb down and run over to the figure, knife drawn and start to walk forward. Then I see the crows and call out to Melody.
"Are they muttations?"

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 8 August 2012 at 9:47 PM

[I guess this is kind of a Gamemaker note or something, so I'll just post it here. Also because I was the last one to post on the OOC. ;P

The crows should still be there, as I don't believe they left - also, there may be more coming. ;]

Is Lauri bluffing? She seemed injured.

Post out-of-character posts on the OOC when you can. ;D Sylvia should be at the grass near the lake. There are crows around and other tributes in the grass.]

5,632 posts


linpug • 12 August 2012 at 1:21 AM

Lauri is not bluffing. ^^

5,680 posts


trish • 12 August 2012 at 1:28 AM

@linpug tourniquet*. XD That is true, but only temporarily. But I can't see how she did it herself with one arm. 😋 It involves pressure and tightness which cannot come from only one working arm. xP

5,632 posts


linpug • 12 August 2012 at 1:29 AM

I don't know about that stuff. D:

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 12 August 2012 at 9:10 PM


[You had her bandage her arm, and then it appeared to just be "Now I can't use my arm." She'd also be weakened as well. 😉

And... OOC, guys? >_>]

3,621 posts


asi • 16 August 2012 at 2:45 AM

# Hash # D10 #
As the harsh, unnatural stars above shone their false light down on me, I decided to finally catch some sleep while I could.
But after a few minutes lying stretched out on the ground and bored out of my skull, I realized rest wasn't coming easily to me any time soon. A little thirsty, I grabbed my drink bottle impulsively and unscrewed the lid.
As I did so, I caught a whiff of a strange smell. Curious, I leaned forward to sniff the water.
Then a pair of steely talons, glinting in the starlight, tore the bottle right out of my hands. Scrambling back, I looked around wildly, disbelieving. What in the world WAS that?! I opened and clenched my hands into fists as proof of the bottle's absence. I heard a splashing sound and saw the contents of the bottle spilling from the sky onto the grass. I huffed in outrage, looking around angrily for the theif with narrowed eyes.
Again, I didn't see it coming. This time, I was the claw's target. I cried out in pain as it tore at my cheek, lost my balance, fell backwards onto the ground. The things ripped at me, my clothes, everything. They seemed to be coming from all directions; birds, I realized, despite my panic. Mutts. A mob of them.
They were going to eat me alive!
Though while I screamed in agony, my hand which i had been using as a shield, trying to ward them off with, fell to the ground and closed around something small and rectangular.

5,632 posts


linpug • 10 September 2012 at 12:39 AM

Lauri ~ 5

I go outside of my tent and see what seems to be a crow sitting on a tree. It's very large to be your average crow, so I grab my sword and head for the mysterious bird.
I go over to the bird, and find out that it is not a crow.
It's a different type I've never seen before.
I start to wonder what species it is when the same kind of birds start attacking me, and I unsheathe my sword, and kill it instantly.
I swoop around and find tons of them hiding in the trees.
They attack, and I try my best to defend myself, but there is so many.
One unexpectedly swoops in from behind.
It lands, in my hair and gets tangled.
It starts to peck at the hair were it's feet is caught.
(Whatever. I have lice anyways. Jkjkjkjkj XD)

16,170 posts


bunnyshadow • 16 September 2012 at 11:50 AM

@ladybugheart I still have no idea where Sylvia is. Also, do you know what time we get back from camp? ;-;

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 16 September 2012 at 6:42 PM

[Use the OOC! ;P
Sylvia was in the grassy area around the pond.
1 PM.]

5,632 posts


linpug • 23 September 2012 at 12:36 PM


Lauri ~11

I realize that even though my wound looks okay, but there's still infection.
I think about going to the cornucopia for some medicine, but I'm to tired to move.
I'm hoping that I would get a gift from a sponsor, but after time passes, I loose hope.

I decide to rest on my "bed", so I lie down, but I here a thud outside.
I unzip a little hole, and see a parachute. I try to grab it, swiftly, but I can't, because of my arm.
I unwrap it, hoping to find some medicine, but instead I find a bandage.
It's not medicine, but I'm still very happy to get it, because It is much more effective than the scratchy sack.

Perhaps Greff hasn't neglected me after all.

Nah, actually, I'm pretty sure he's gonna forget me.

16,170 posts


bunnyshadow • 23 September 2012 at 12:54 PM


5,680 posts


trish • 25 September 2012 at 11:59 PM

Jade - 4.

I sit outside the tent for a while. Drawing my legs closer to me, I bury my head into my knees so no one will see my tears.

Let's get this straight. I cry silently. Nor do I shake when I sob. It's hardly crying. Silent tears run down my face and that's it.

I cannot stand this torture.
A painless death isn't so bad. My chances here are likely a slow painful death.

But all I do is sit there, head buried in my knees, for what seems to be eternity.

122 posts


nightlock • 26 September 2012 at 12:00 AM

Is it to late to join?

5,632 posts


linpug • 8 October 2012 at 10:21 PM

Did trish get hurt? 😋 From what I read, she's ok? XD

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 8 October 2012 at 10:25 PM

[I suppose I'll have to post in this thread, since nobody has posted in the OOC for a while. My dad keeps blocking Egg Cave, so I apologize if I'm not consistent about when I'm on. 😋

If we agreed that "She found Melody, before she began to drag the girl towards the empty cornucopia. When they arrived, Sylvia dragged Melody towards the cornucopia, before they hid inside to hide from maniacal crows." then I'm afraid my memory has failed me. Thus, I'll have to ask you to edit or remove pretty much everything you've stated in the post as it violates the power-playing and god-modding rule. ;P

Let's work out something more reasonable in the discussion thread. 😊

Nope! ^^ Though I'll have to ask that you post out-of-character things in the OOC. A link is on the first post.

Post in the OOC!!!!!!! xP

@linpug and @bunnyshadow
Also, Sylvia is in District 1 and Lauri is in 11 now??]

5,632 posts


linpug • 8 October 2012 at 10:29 PM

[ @ladybugheart
Oops. o.o I mean 5. I got them confused ]

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 15 October 2012 at 8:56 PM


Melody ~ 11

The crows soar off into the darkened trees momentarily while I gasp for breath. "I... I think so," I pant. I kneel down to regain my energy. My rough fingers prod the earth by the lake, familiar, like the soil in the orchards almost.

I stand up, ready to move. "Jade and Lauri are over there," I murmur. "They have a tent or something. The two got a ton of things from the Cornucopia."

The Capitol is probably hoping to see some bloodshed, now that there are four of us by the lake. Stupid gamemakers. Honestly, there's no use in ignoring my loathing toward the Capitol anymore. As long as the sponsors don't see it.

I can only hope that Lauri and Jade get into a brawl and distract the audience for a while. Then Tess and I won't have to avoid the crows when they return.

16,170 posts


bunnyshadow • 15 October 2012 at 10:20 PM

@ladybugheart Yup, Sylv's in 1 ;3 I think she has a spear. o_o not sure. The first post I put my heart into writing in a while.

Sylvia ~ 1

I was ready when the first of the crows began coming. It had been quiet for the day, and I expected at least a couple mutations or a disaster. I heard a fluttering coming from the tree that I was sitting beneath, and I looked up to see multiple crows sitting by the trees. Not taking any chances, I lifted my spear from my lap. I held it tightly in my right hand. That's all I had a chance to do before they dove towards me, screeching, sharp beaks trying to tear my hair and skin, feet scratching and tearing anything they could get ahold of.

I used my spear to smack away the first few of them, but for every one I got rid of, more came along. After a while of me cursing and running, whilst still trying to keep the crows away by stabbing and swiping with my spear, the birds withdrew. I ran for a few more minutes, trying to get as much distance between me and the mutations as possible. Then, I leant against a tree, catching my breath.

Deleted • 16 October 2012 at 3:41 PM



"Oh just our luck." I whisper to myself. "Well do you think we can move out and try to hit the grasslands?" I ask Melody. While I do like trees, I would rather be away from them. "Or we could go to the edge of the forest in the other direction." I offer with a shrug. I still am being careful of the mutations, but I hop down from the tree and draw my blade ready to kill the crows.

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 18 October 2012 at 12:57 AM


Melody ~ 11

Although the flock of vicious birds had dissolved into the trees, an eerie feeling remains. I know the crows that had been attacking me weren't completely gone. "Let's stay here for a while," I whisper. The gamemakers might not let us leave even if we wanted to, not with everyone so close and a fight bound to begin. Silently, my eyes dart around, and I observe the tent by the pond. It would be safer to avoid it, but the supplies are tempting. Trying not to be seen, I lean over to get a better view. Jade and Lauri are nearby. The familiar sound of the crows echoes throughout the air. "If we can get the two to leave, perhaps we can take some supplies." Perhaps it's a little bit impulsive, but the Capitol will want to see something interesting. I'd rather not face the crows again. Their cawing grows closer, and I kneel in the tall grass while my heart quickens.

5,632 posts


linpug • 18 October 2012 at 1:09 AM

Lauri ~ 5
Not daring to leave my tent, I try and call out to Jade, but I think my attempts can not be heard over the commotion.
I feel anxious, and want to unzip the tent, and get some medicine for my injured hand, but I don't dare leave my precious shelter.
I try and all for @trish again. Hopefully the Capitol would retrieve the birds, so I can to look for some medicine.
The minutes seem agonizing, as I clutch my hand, but I manage to bear it.
