The Hunger Games Roleplay

in Roleplaying

51 posts


kira • 18 October 2012 at 1:30 AM

Sylvia ~ 1

Once I began to breath regularly again, I started out at a quick pace in the direction I believe the cornucopia was located. After what seemed like eternity, I spotted the cornucopia in the distance. I got closer, then stopped and held my spear in an defensive position. There didn't seem to be anybody around, but you never knew. If there were the careers, I would be in luck. If it was one of the others, I would still probably be in luck. I could knock a few of them off so the gamemakers would have a show to enjoy. Finally, I stepped towards the golden horn, and towards whatever supplies that were left.

5,680 posts


trish • 19 October 2012 at 8:21 PM

Jade - 4.

What seemed like hours could have been minutes, but Jade finally pushed herself off the ground and into the tent, hearing her name being called a while ago.

Her eyes zoom in on Lauri's hand.
"Do you want me to cut that off for you?"

5,632 posts


linpug • 19 October 2012 at 8:51 PM


Lauri ~ 5
The claw marks had left bright red flesh, which didn't hurt, but it covered my entire wrist, so I wouldn't be surprised if it happened to get infection.
Trish burst through the door.

She asks if she wants to cut off my arm.
"Nah, it isn't that badly hurt."
I've learned you should cut your arm off only when it's damaged so badly that your body is taking up so much energy for a lost cause. My arm could probably heal, and I might as well admit it.
I don't want to cut of my hand. [ xD ]

The birds have stopped attacking, but they are probably just resting. I take this window of opportunity. "Can you please find some medicine at the cornucopia?" I ask urgently. When sitting on my tent pack, I managed to trip over a few objects. I suddenly remember the first age kit, the flashlight and Knife. I tell Jade to get them.

5,680 posts


trish • 19 October 2012 at 9:38 PM

Jade - 4

Jade's lips set into a straight line.
"You want me to risk my life, plunging cluelessly around until I find the Cornucopia?" she asked, disgusted.
She knew they were allies though.
Well, they were right now.
Who knows what Lauri's condition could be when she got back? Dead?

Jade ran her hand through her hair, then smiled.
"On second thought, I will. But I will need to be equipped." She reached for her knife and tucked it into her boots, carrying her bow and sheath of arrows with her. "See you soon."

5,632 posts


linpug • 19 October 2012 at 10:45 PM

Lauri ~5
"Have you forgotten I risked my life to your sleeping bag?" I say, returning the sarcasm.
Jade's attitude quickly changed though, and she went outside.

(Sorry I dont have more to say 😋 ) @trish

5,680 posts


trish • 20 October 2012 at 12:29 AM

Jade - 4.

She estimated that the distance from the Cornucopia and their campsite was about an hours trek through undergrowth. But as far as Jade cared, she could have 12 hours.

Alert, with her bow poised by her side, she silently walked in a random direction, not sure which way the Cornucopia was.

16,170 posts


bunnyshadow • 20 October 2012 at 11:23 PM

Sylvia ~ 1

I dug through the items, a smirk set on my face. Lots of useful item were still laying around. She crouched down on the ground to pick up a very small container of what seemed to be burn medicine. She stored it in a purple backpack, before searching for other items that could provide help.

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 25 October 2012 at 8:25 PM


Melody ~ 11

I kneel in the tall grass with Tess, hoping to avoid the crow mutts' shrewd eyes. Have the gamemakers withdrawn them from the area for a while to give us a chance to do something interesting?

Jade seems to be gone, hopefully being killed by the hands of crows. I observe the tent that I believe Lauri is in. That girl who got a really high score. Could she be injured as well? Though I don't doubt her ability, maybe she won't try to come after us or anything.

The cawing echoes in my ears. I crouch lower, looking around; where could it be coming from?

A large black bird crashes into me, and I stumble over from its surprisingly strong impact. There are more, but only a few are in sight. The birds launch themselves at me. I run. I forget about Tess, but there really is no time to worry about her. I run, approaching the tent, dodging the birds.

8 posts


purplekitten232 • 29 October 2012 at 11:55 AM

Username: Purplekitten232
Character name: Shadow
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Appearance: Waist legnth raven hair, gray eyes
Personality: keeps to self
History: Theft
District: 12
Skills: Bow and arrows, knife, sneaking around, sword, hunting

1,184 posts


fuzzykins412 • 6 November 2012 at 7:12 PM

Username: @fuzzykins412
Character name: Celestine
Gender: Female
Age: 12
Appearance: Long, silky waist length blonde hair. Celestine has piercing blue eyes with golden flecks that seem to stare into your soul.
Personality: Very talkative, tends to get in trouble a lot. She is really quite kind when you get to know her, but is not afraid to hurt someone, if necessary.
History: Celestine has tons of friends, but no siblings. Her parents mysteriously disappeared when she was 10, and has been living with her best friend ever since.
District: 9
Skills: Fighting with swords, climbing trees, and hunting.

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 23 November 2012 at 3:02 AM

[Welcome into the roleplay. ^^ Sorry for the late response.]

1,184 posts


fuzzykins412 • 23 November 2012 at 10:41 AM


{Thank you, and that's alright. (: }

Deleted • 23 November 2012 at 10:54 AM

user name: kodakthewolf
character name: angel
gender: female
long brown hair & sky blue eyes she is kind, smart, & brave not afraid of any thing. wishes the kids didn't have to go to war
district: 12
skills: bow & arrow good hunter/fighter, is a good healer for such things other unknown

5,632 posts


linpug • 23 November 2012 at 11:37 AM

Lauri ~ 5
The birds seemed to be holding back, so I venture off, still keeping in range of my camp. I Get about 5 yards from my camp, before I notice that Trish isn't back. I decide to go to the cornicopia, to see if she is there. I pack up all my supplies in the tent, but leave the tent. I mean, really? Who can steal a tent without causing a disruption. I set 3 snares around it, just to be safe, and trot off to the cornicopia.

I don't see Trish on the way, but I do see someone running away with something. Whatever. I grab both the first aid kits, stuffing the in my back pack, and start to look for more. Then I notice the string and wire and snatch it up. I know that there are millions of weapons and other stuff, but I just leave it, knowing the best thing I could ever have is my sword. I'm not as "Energetic" As I was on the way here, because my arm was acting funny. I still try to walk as silently and fast as I can when I bump into Syliva. I start to fall, so I reflexively plan to use my hands, stopping me from hitting the ground, then use them to launch into the air doing a flip effectively launching me away from my foe, and getting me on my feet, which I had nearly done so in training. I try to carry out this act, so I use my hands, but it's unbalanced! My left hand cannot hold the weight of my body, and although my right hand can, I'm not sure it's the best idea to do that. I push my self up, and get my sword out, in case Sylvia attempts to follow as I dash away.


Deleted • 2 December 2012 at 3:22 PM

@ladybugheart Can they be like part MockingJay??

Tess~ 2

When the birds dive down I crouch into the grass. I lay flatly on the ground, the grass is somewhat tall enough so you cant see me. I wish that I had a bow and arrows. I still have a knife though. I pull it out and lunge at the birds. One falls, not dead sadly but hurt. I think that I gave the birds a reason to chase me. Were they MockingJays? I wondered. Maybe.. They looked the part, but the attitude wasnt consistant. I sung a quiet tune
"Deep in the Meadow, Under the Willow
A bed of Grass, A soft green pillow
Lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes
And when you awake, the sun will rise" I had heard it before in school. I would sing it and the class would become quiet listening. Somebody had recorded my voice and they snet it to the capitol. Now at the reaping I would hear my voice while they played the last death of the previous year. It made me horrifyed. How could my voice be used for such evil.

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 9 December 2012 at 4:01 AM

Melody - 11

The night becomes eerily silent large when the large, inky birds pause in their attacks for a moment. Immediately, I duck down so quickly that my leg starts to ache, and I lean over with my hands protectively guarding the back of my neck. My breathing is heavy, my forehead damp with sweat although the air is cool. Though the crows scarcely make a sound, their silhouetted bodies perch on the slim tree branches, midnight black against the radiant stars. A stone's throw away from me is Lauri's tent, which is still empty of Jade.

And in the dead silence, I hear the stirring as the tent opens up and Lauri appears. Dread sweeps over me. Though the tall grass obscures my view for the most part, I peer through the blades to find that her arm is injured. However, she is seemingly undaunted by the threat of the crows while I'm here, kneeling in the grass trying to catch my breath. Lauri must be pretty confident; it's no wonder she's teamed up with a career since she seems to act like one enough. Then again, I've teamed up with a career too.

When she leaves the tent, heading toward in what I guess to be the direction of the Cornucopia, I feel a sense of relief. Both she and Trish are gone, one more danger eliminated. Although she has taken the supplies with her, the tent remains. Now I only have to decide what my next action will be.

Deleted • 9 December 2012 at 6:21 PM

i run to the forest as i dont stop i fall down to the ground getting leaves in my hair i growl & whipe them off my face as i continue going straight finding a good camp site to have as i look around a deer crunches the leaves with its hooves i grab my bow and arrow and shoot the deer

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 24 December 2012 at 3:23 PM

Melody ~ 11

"Tess," I whisper loudly to capture her attention. Getting on my knees, I start to crawl over to the tent. But when I'm close enough to touch the fabric, I notice wires set around it. They seem vaguely familiar from training, some sort of snares.

Now, to destroy the tent or to take it?

When the birds begin to hop down from their perches on the few puny trees that rise from the field, I clumsily stand and step over the snares. Pushing away the entrance of the tent, I stumble inside. It's empty.


13 posts


wolfwings • 24 December 2012 at 7:53 PM

User name: wolfwings
Caricter: Rue
Personality:a tiny bit shy, loves trees
Appearence:brown skin, brown eyes, brownish black hair.
Tallents: good tree climer, good with animals,sneaky
Weapon, slingshot,sharp rock shard
Outhers, awsome

Deleted • 26 December 2012 at 11:03 AM


Tess~~ 2

I sense some hesitation in the birds... could they be.... nope. A change in direction.. They were moving to Melody.. I had to distract them. Thinking hard I saw her dive in the tent. The only thing I could think of to do was scream.

"HEY STUPID BIRDS!" I screamed and instantly regretted it. I hit the ground as birds began to turn around and dive bomb at me. I hit the floor to slow and I got a cut down my back. I bit my lip holding back the urge to scream. It was so painful I had to get to Melody. My arms hurt so badly as I pulled myself into the empty tent.

"Hey... Do you have anything for this?" I asked. I had managed to get up and as I said that I turned around to show Melody to gash down my back.

@wolfwings We have to create our own charies. Not charies that are in the book...

13 posts


wolfwings • 26 December 2012 at 11:18 AM


User name wolfwings

Caricter name callia

Gender female
Caricteristics baby blue eyes brown hair with blond streaks rosey cheeks and a bead necklace.

Weapon a double bladed spear

Talents good at swiming and sneaky

District 1

Age 14

History hunter

Personality shy but funny loves animals

5,632 posts


linpug • 26 December 2012 at 12:06 PM

I run to the tent. I encounter a few, bunnies, but I don't bother, because of the food crate there. I hear rustles into leaves, and I think of the birds. I finally see the tent after 10 minutes of running. I'm out of breath.

I come into range of the tent, when. I here rustling in leaves. I ignore it, though and continue to the tent, because I'm so tired. I peek at the tent to find the snares untouched, but the door opened. I walk inside, casually preparing to see Trish. I want to tell here,after the I counter with bunnyshadow (idk the name ), but I see melody instead. I point my sword at her accusingly. "Can you leave? I do not ant to engage in battle" I don't mention my arm.

Deleted • 26 December 2012 at 12:55 PM

@linpug @ladybugheart


I can smell blood, though I assume its mine. I guess that Lauri didn't see me. I tried to get around to see if it was her. I saw a cut on her arm.

I mouth to Melody 'She's hurt'

5,632 posts


linpug • 26 December 2012 at 1:17 PM

I turn to both Tess and Melody. " Um, can you please both leave? I don't really care to fight and I need to get off this stuff out of my backpack. It's killing my shoulders," I say, rubbing one of them. I open the door and say " the exit is this way. Your free to leave!" but I have a feeling they won't.

Deleted • 26 December 2012 at 5:20 PM

@linpug @ladybugheart

I thought. We could leave, no harm done... There were birds outside though, and I had the horrible odors of blood oozing around me. I would be such an easy target... If we stayed we could be killed... What a dilemma.

I was contemplating our situation when a bird flew threw the opening to the tent and dove. My knees buckled and I dropped, the beak in my back. A short scream escaped my lips and I started to cry a little. I shoved my arm back and ripped at the bird, it flew free. I tried to get up, but I was unable. I couldn't move my left leg and I wouldn't be able to soon. I was so injured, and in so much pain. If I could only just let go. I was about to open my mouth, when I blacked out.

5,632 posts


linpug • 30 December 2012 at 11:47 AM

I penetrate the birds' body with my sword and toss it outside, not caring it isn't dead. I zip up the ten and find Tess. She isn't movin. I should probably kill her now. "So Melody, you thought teaming up with the girl who got a ten could help you? Yeah right. This is was happens" I sat to melody.

5,680 posts


trish • 31 December 2012 at 2:59 AM

Jade - 4
(First POVing from now on)

"What have we got here?" I teased. "Why have you not killed them yet Lauri? Saving them for a particularly bored girl with a sense of bloodlust like...a Career? Like me?"
I raised my bow, point of my arrow aimed at Melody.
I am ruthless, I try and remind myself.

Deleted • 31 December 2012 at 11:18 AM


Though my eyes were still closed, I had woken up and I was aware of my senses. Knife still in hand I pretended to wake up, confused like I had forgotten everything.
"What's going on? Good god why are you pointing an arrow at her?" I asked. God I hoped I was a good enough actor. Then I picked my hand up and looked astonished that I was holding a knife. One flick of the wrist. That is all it took for the blade to wedge itself in Jade's shoulder.

5,632 posts


linpug • 1 January 2013 at 1:15 AM

That may be godmod if Trish did not agree to get hurt. XD

"I guess I didn't want to." I reply, "after all, what's the rush? It's not even midnight and look at all that has happened." I say thinking about everything. Ugh. Acting for the cameras is tremendously boring. I mean, there is no dought that I am featured on every screen in he entire country .I don't really want to kill anyone.

I see Tess's blade has punctured jades's flesh. Enough. I've had enough of this all. It isn't deep, because your strength is limited when your lying down. Not only is my aly hurt, but I am as well. I am my sword for Tess's hand, which threw the knife, hoping to puncture it

5,680 posts


trish • 1 January 2013 at 3:32 AM

Jade - 4

I maneuvered out of the way after Lauri aims her sword down at Tess.
"Countless hours and years dedicated to swimming the ocean gives me quite the amount of muscles in my shoulders." I grimaced and pulled the knife out.
"To kill a person you aim for the vital organs, like THIS."
I finish saying just as I sharply turned and tackled Melody down, crouching over her with Tess's knife teasing over the skin over Melody's heart.

(I don't mind that she injured me without consent.)
