The Hunger Games Roleplay

in Roleplaying

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 14 December 2011 at 12:42 AM

Melody ~ 11

My eyes are glued to the wide screen as I see ten other districts flash by. The careers, of course, had predictably high scores. The girl from two got a nine... and she's only 12... /maybe she'll be a good ally, if I can trust her./ I slurp down some more hot chocolate, and start choking on a marshmallow when I see another nine flash under Lauri's picture. /Maybe she can be an ally.../ I ponder after forcing the marshmallow down my throat. She was the tiny girl, who was always crying. Right before my district comes Ten--one. I find it almost funny. Then I see a six flash across the screen. Garret comes up from behind me. "Nice job," he says in his usual grumpy tone.
"Thanks," I reply. It's not the best score, but for a girl from District 11, it's pretty good.

2,591 posts


celeste • 15 December 2011 at 12:31 AM

Fence - District 3


My voice sounded choked and cracked. My only hope is that somebody from my district would help me... but what are the chances? Many would rather die than find a way to support the Hunger Games - and that includes sponsoring. Yet I could still hold onto a little bit of hope that I could have sponsors, right? I'll need to distinguish myself if I can hope to survive... but how? I'll leave it up to the Games to decide...

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 16 December 2011 at 6:55 PM

Melody ~ 11

I stretch luxuriously as I rise from my cushioned bed, letting the morning sunlight fall on my tanned skin. A golden clock is hooked to the wall, announcing the time: 7: 30. Everyone else seems to be asleep - I suppose in the Capitol, where they live a relaxing life, nobody wants to wake up early. /Must be a habit after 14 years of living in Eleven./ I sigh, recalling the years of the harvest when we woke up just as the blazing sun made its way over the horizon.

I stare out the window, watching it, just as I did perched high in a emerald tree or with the lush grass surrounding me in my District. As vivid bursts of sunlight gleam through the window, I can almost see it in the vibrant Capitol buildings - an orchard. As the sunlight fades, illuminating the glorious city, Sara starts banging on my door. "Interview time!" she trills. "We'd better start preparing."

[[I had a dream last night that I was my RP character. I swung on vines, and it was amazing. xDD]]

Deleted • 16 December 2011 at 7:07 PM

Lauri ~5
I lay on my sofa And stretch out, and I picture cute little ponies, doggys, kittys, turltles hamsters, tarantulas, and A cute adorable eyelash viper! I quickly replace the thought with, 'If I win, I can afford everything' I sit and watch the birds fly across the tree. I quickly make a mental note, I want to buy song birds too. I smile and day dream about the animals again. Charlotte, my extreme weird male stylist ecos through my head. I cover my ears, trying to avoid thinking of anyone from the capitol.

Also can you please stop saying, "Lauri got a nine, so I'm not guilty about killing human life and innocent little 12 year old girls" XD It's... weird. XD

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 16 December 2011 at 7:18 PM


Melody ~ 11

"Lauri got a nine," I whisper. Even with the private training session a day behind us, the thought still echos through my mind. I can't help but ponder over what her strategy might be. /Maybe I won't feel so guilty killing her, even if it is a human life. An innocent 12 year old girl's human life./ I think.

jk, jk xDD

5,680 posts


trish • 17 December 2011 at 1:22 AM


I spent an hour prepping myself for nothing.
Felicia soon entered my room, and when she did, I sighed and plopped down on my bed. Of course I knew she was gonna say something, she was like a leader, leader of my prep team, aside from Kro. She wasn't dumb like the rest, well, not always.

"Your hair is silky enough." Felicia stopped me from brushing my hair. "What's wrong?" she demanded, and I heard a bit of that silly Capitol accent in her voice.

"Nothing." I didn't dare look up.
Oh well, Felicia grabbed my chin and made me look at her. "Wrong answer. Tell me."

I sighed. "Okay fine. I don't want to be in the Games. I want to live. I want to love a boy, hang out, write music, swim, and do what normal upper class people do." I spilled. "I don't want my life to go away."

Deleted • 17 December 2011 at 9:22 PM

Greff, My mentor opens the door and it makes a long creak. I almost scream. He doesn't bother to calm me, doesn't even look at me. That makes me mad, and I say, "You scared me" He just raises his eyebrows, when I discover he is not the talkative type. "Hey, how'd you get that jagged cut on your face?" I suddenly say. He doesn't answer, and immediately changes the subject. "We are working on your interview." He says softly. His voice is like a soft melody, but it doesn't last long. "So," I begin, "What's my approach?"

Deleted • 19 December 2011 at 4:17 PM

I look on the screen. A nine, of course. I looked down through the list. District 11 got a six. I thought that girl had looked pretty nice. I would love to have her as an ally. If I died I wanted to give one of my allies something. And only one person I thought would be kind. I wrote a note on a small [archment, my tatered writing was pretty good for a girl with no education, except from what she saw through the schools windows. "I would love to be allies, please think. -Tess" the note read. I would keep it in my pocket the whole time. If I saw Melody-I found out her name was Melody when her score came up- I would give her the note.

@ladybugheart Can Melody and tess meet in the elevator and have Tess give Melody the note?

9,386 posts


smilies • 19 December 2011 at 4:43 PM

# Hash # District 10 #
"So." Sylvania gestured for me to sit down on the plush couch.
I ignored it and remained standing. She suppressed a smile.
"With a score as awful and pathetic as yours, you won't get a single sponsor or ally."
I retained my composure, but inside I was indignant. Wasn't she the one who had told me to do nothing and get that 1?
"Maybe someone will take pity on me, or will consider me an easily disposable ally," I suggested.
"Good thinking, but shut up," she ordered.
"You can't rely on donations and maybes. This is life or death."
No, really? I thought sarcastically, but didn't risk speaking.
"And because you're not a career, you have to use this precious interview to hint that you do have skill, you were just playing down."
I have skill? I wondered.
"Of course you do!" She snapped, reading the look. "I've seen you! And you face is like an open book. Fix, -now-," she demanded.
I worked hard to make my expression unreadable.
"You know the personality you're going for, so just -make it work-, got it? I have to go for my manicure now, so just practice infront of a mirror or something until your stylist comes for you. Break a leg," she strode off.
My mentor always fills me with such confidence.

3,556 posts


pegasasu • 19 December 2011 at 4:56 PM

[I need an ally xD Anybody? 😋 ]

*<Valarie>*<District 9>*

My mentor entered my room silently, unnoticed by me as I shuffled through a list of ideas I had made in my head, as I was illiterate of course. She grabbed me from behind, and I gave a small yelp as she held my head in her rough, leathery hands.

"If I were a Career, you'd be dead."

She growled, dropping my limp body that was still numb form the adrenaline rushing through me. She trained her amber eyes on me, studying my face.

"What's your strategies for the Games? Have you made any allies? Probably not."

A gruff mumble of annoyance came from her dried lips, and I held back an ebullient retort.

"Maybe that pathetic Tribute that got the 1 could be your ally. Or the one with the 4."

My mentor scoffed, shaking her head. She had such faith in me.

9,386 posts


smilies • 19 December 2011 at 5:14 PM

@pegasasu The pathetic Tribute that got the 1 will be your ally! XD

3,556 posts


pegasasu • 19 December 2011 at 5:20 PM

@smilies Okay lol xD Still an ally! [Insert Valarie's mentor name here] will be so proud. ... Yeah, I forgot her mentor's name... ;.;

*<Valarie>*<District 9>*

"Fine, I'll just go look for an ally. You'll see, I'll have Careers lining up to be allied with me!"

I told my mentor haughtily, receiving only a loud guffaw in response. I glared at her, walking out of the room with a bit of a wounded pride. Who would want to be the lousy District 9's ally? I pondered on this as I paced around the hallway.

9,386 posts


smilies • 19 December 2011 at 5:27 PM

@pegasasu LOL XD

# Hash # District 10 #
After smashing the mirror into a thousand million pieces, as doubtless would please my mentor, I wandered around the corridors as a distraction. How would I act in the interview? What would I say to that weirdo? What questions would he ask me? How would I not freak out, get stagefright and fall off my chair, or whatever that last kid from my district had done the year before. How embarrassing.
Lost in thought and not looking where I was going, I bumped into someone by mistake and hurriedly helped them up. "Sorry," I said. @pegasasu

5,680 posts


trish • 19 December 2011 at 5:31 PM

@pegasasu @ladybugheart ahem. Please note there is only ONE Career this year. T-T

Deleted • 19 December 2011 at 6:00 PM

Greff Just stares at the floor, and doesn't answer. He grunts. Suddenly a cold feeling runs down my spine. What... What if he's a Vulcan. I check for any sign of pointed ears, but again, I'm wrong. He opens his mouth, but instead it's just a yawn.

3,556 posts


pegasasu • 19 December 2011 at 7:56 PM

*<Valarie>*<District 9>*
A mindless Tribute walked into me. I was about to mutter meaningless apologies, and looked up to see it was the Tribute with the score of 1. I wondered if he actually would be a good ally. Probably just laying low, hiding skill to avoid being targeted.

"I think we met during training. You're District 10- Hash, right?"

I asked, piecing together vague memories that seemed to be so long ago. Time was moving too quickly now that the Games were almost here.

"Do you have an ally yet?"

9,386 posts


smilies • 19 December 2011 at 11:52 PM

# Hash # District 10 #
I hid a smile. "With my score? Not likely." Errr what to say? "What about you?" I asked blankly.

2,591 posts


celeste • 20 December 2011 at 12:30 AM

Fence - District 3

With a score like that, nobody would want to be her ally. She was nothing more than a weakling, someone to kill before the real fire starts. She would have liked to sit down in a corner and cry. Well, there was one person who had got a one.... seemed like an easier target than her... and it seemed kind of reasonable to try and make friends... right? She shyly approached two people in discussion, recognising one as the boy who got one.. and managed to pipe up "Hi..." before her glasses loosened again.

9,386 posts


smilies • 20 December 2011 at 2:27 AM

# Hash # District 10 #
I was caught off guard when a girl Tribute who looked to me about twelve and like she wanted to hide in one of those giant Capitol ice cream tubs came over and said.... Hi.
I thought back hard and identified her as from district 3.
"... Hey," I said awkwardly.

@Celeste :X

2,591 posts


celeste • 20 December 2011 at 2:35 AM

Fence- District 3
The boy looked upon me, as if I was some sort of pest. At least it was some condescending look. I could sense the iciness settling around the atmosphere around us. At this time, I would have liked nothing more than to cower in some small corner, waiting for my death, but not any more. I was hoping to make some friends, but, instead, with my clumsiness and awkward expression, it would be clear nobody would want to be tied down by someone like me. Rather, I felt like some sort of dirty pest, like an unwanted plague. But I was here already. Might as well make the situation worse. Could get a quicker death. I swallow, and say:

"S-so... what do you think the arena's going to be like...?"

9,386 posts


smilies • 20 December 2011 at 2:56 AM

I made a pained expression. "How should I know? Look..." I didn't know what to say. I shook my head. "It could be anything from a desert to a snowfield. I wouldn't waste my time with idle speculation."
I realized as soon as I'd said it that I'd let on too much. My personality... Quiet. Unemotional. As few words as possible. As little effort as possible. Don't draw attention to yourself.
Mentally, I sighed.

2,591 posts


celeste • 20 December 2011 at 3:05 AM

Fence - District 3
"O-oh....." I sniffed a bit, determined to keep my tears from rolling down my face, but they were becoming more and more noticeable by the second. Now I'd done it. Made the worst fool as possible out of myself. Made potential enemies. Made myself look like a weak, snivelling fool. Yet, at the same time, I was angry. Angry at this... this... this... this.. mockery, I could say, made towards me. Tears now streaming in lakes down my face, I ran away, into the nearest corner I could find, and let myself go loose and cry my heart out. Sure, this would be attracting attention, but so what? I never had a chance of winning anyway.

@smilies :l

9,386 posts


smilies • 20 December 2011 at 3:13 AM

"Aah...!" I was stunned beyond belief when she burst out crying and ran away. Darn it! With all Sylvania's unemotional, unfeeling, inhuman cr*p I'd ended up forgetting that everyone here was human, and everyone had emotions.
And now I'd gone and made a little girl cry.
The less-honourable side of my mind rolled his eyes skeptically. I mean, she is twelve years old already, isn't that a bit old to be a "little girl"? What if she's putting on an act, what if she's really a vicious, psycopathic killer and-
Shut it.
No way was I going to let the games change who I was. No, that was the one thing they couldn't take from me.
Sighing, I slumped down in a corner and wondered if or how I should make it up to her.

@Celeste XD

2,591 posts


celeste • 20 December 2011 at 3:16 AM

Fence - District 3
I noticed he was next to me. What business would he have anyway, coming here? Probably just to demoralise me even more. Well, whatever. I'll die in the Cornucopia bloodbath, on the first day... In between my choking noises, I manage to just say "What... what do you want?" before 'hic'-ing again and the tears ran down even more.

9,386 posts


smilies • 20 December 2011 at 3:40 AM

@Celeste In a corner.... She kinda ran away.... >o<

2,591 posts


celeste • 20 December 2011 at 3:40 AM

What do you mean? Does this mean Fence committed.. suicide? 😱

9,386 posts


smilies • 20 December 2011 at 4:27 AM

@Celeste What.... Are you talking about??? O_o

2,591 posts


celeste • 20 December 2011 at 4:30 AM

So, what did you mean by what you said? XD Can we continue RPing? I need your reply 😋

9,386 posts


smilies • 20 December 2011 at 4:50 AM

@Celeste I said that he wasn't there >o< He merely sat down in a corner >o< I'mma go to bed.... Sorry >o<

2,591 posts


celeste • 20 December 2011 at 5:05 AM

'Kay 😸 But.. I need to do something... Continuity error, no? 😸 And I'm drawing a picture of Fence for some reason XD

Fence- District 3
Wait... he wasn't there... I must seem like a madman now... hallucinations, crying... Oh well, I guess this 'madman' image could promote myself in terms of danger - madmen are pretty dangerous - I know that first-hand from my experiences with my sister... almost shot me once...

"What? Really? So, how was your day today?" I ask, although my sobs still obscured the statement.
