The Hunger Games Roleplay

in Roleplaying

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smilies • 29 December 2011 at 6:01 PM

# Hash # District 10 #
Luckily, it seemed my mentor had had a quiet word with the stylist I had long decided had completely lost it. Apparently she had taught him the meaning of the word, "restraint".
I'd been terrified of some kind of emo or heavy metal getup, so I was completely caught off guard when I saw how completely NORMAL I looked.
But somehow, I still managed to look nothing like me.
"Your mentor doesn't want you to stand out," the nutter observed.
"Won't not standing out be even more conspicuous, as everyone else wants to stand out?" I questioned.
The stylist scratched his chin. "Now that I think about it, maybe she wants you to stand out for not standing out!"
Mental facepalm.
They had seriously attacked my hair, which last time they had kept long for the spikes, now it was short, and they had brought out gold highlights.
My shirt was black, collared and sleeveless, and my jeans were ripped but not excessively so.
Looking in the mirror, I found I actually liked how I looked. It wasn't me, but it wasn't a bad person either. Maybe it was someone I could have been, if life was different.

3,556 posts


pegasasu • 29 December 2011 at 8:09 PM

Valarie~District 9

Valarie?s style team eagerly began preparing her, pulling out cases of makeup. Katarina held up a white polish with a bright, ear to ear grin.

"Lilliana gave us a sneak peak at your outfit so we could pick out makeup accordingly."

Katarina explained, painting French tips on her long, luxurious nails. Back in 9, her nails would've been chewed to a stub, what little left of them coated in dirt. Len, another one of her stylists who seemed oblivious to the death they prepared Tributes for, held up thick, black fake eyelashes with purple sparkles. Valarie's eyes widened as he glued the long, pre-curled lashes on.

"This saves time, and now we know for sure that your makeup won't smear if you end up crying during your Interview. Anastasia told us you were going for the sob story child personality. Oh, gosh, Katarina, Bellavine, look at the time! We have to finish makeup and move on to accessories."

Len shrieked, pointing to a clock in the distance. He began applying faint blush to Valarie's cheeks. A light purple lipstick was daintily put on to her lips, like a gentle iris beginning to bloom. Bellavine pulled a light purple ribbon out from a nearby drawer, wrapping it a bit too tightly around Valarie's small wrists. She then began wrapping several other shades of purple ribbon in a form-fitting way around her neck and just below her shoulders.

Deleted • 30 December 2011 at 8:07 PM

Tess~ District 2

When they let Tess out of the hospital she was rushed to her stylists imediatly. They had been told the kind of girl I was going to be. When I found out I smiled. Very happily I got up and I grabbed a paper towel and got it wet. I started to scrub away at my neck. Spots of black began to appear as the paper towel began to turn peach. At the end there was a spider web tattoo on neck. My stylists looked pleased and so did I. They had come up with a make up and a nail polish that would change the same color as the clothes I was wearing. They put on eyeshadow and eyeliner thick as the heavens. Then they brushed small streaks of powder under my eyes in lines. Then a thick layer of nail polish and lipstick.

Sean came out and he looked pleased with my other stylists work, so was I. I closesd my eyes for I didnt want to see my outfit. Sean helped me into it and then put a white robe on me. All the make up and nail polish turned white and pretty.

3,556 posts


pegasasu • 30 December 2011 at 8:51 PM

Valarie - District 9

"Now it's time for your outfit!"

Bellavine sang happily, pulling my rolling chair over towards another station they had set up. She instructed me to close my eyes, warning that opening would be disastrous for me, my makeup, and my outfit.

I could feel something draped over my skin, lightly. It had three layers, the layers cut at an angle going down from my mid thigh down to just below my knee. Something thin and sheer was laid over my arms, perhaps a shawl of some sort. It was tied around my upper arm. Anklets were slipped on my ankles. I could hear Len cursing and struggling under his breath with sandals that apparently had complicated straps and ribbons.

Somebody, presumably Katarina, tied my hair up in a side ponytail and put beads in my hair of some sort. I could feel her soft hands gently tuck a feather into the tie that held my hair. On the other side of my hair, something large was put on me.


Katarina's gentle voice instructed, and my eyes were astonished as they rested upon my outfit.

Deleted • 1 January 2012 at 5:32 PM

My stylists did one more thing before my interveiw, they sharpened my nails. That was a bad idea.

I steped outside and waited for my turn. I saw the trubite from district 1 come out and I stepped on to the stage. The first question was easy. "Did you ever think that you would be put in the games?"

"Yes I did. I have to put in more tickets so I can provie myself grains." I replied. My makeup climmered in the sunlight. "Do you mind if I take off my jacket? Its warm out here." I ask. Ceasar nods because it is dying hot outside. I pull off the jacket and black lights flash as I look like a demond in the night. There were streak of black make up under my eyes. MY lipstick was so dark and my nails looked like a dead mans eyes.

Next question. "So how does it feel that nobody out there cares that you in the games?" he asked. My eye starts twitching. "I mean really you have no family and your to poor to have met friends in school. Bet nobody has wanted to be your freind probably. You dont seem that popular." he said.

Oh that did it. It was now. I got up and lunged myself at him. I draged my sharp talon like nails down his cheek and across his eyelids. There was blood on my nails. I stood and looked at the camera. "And this goes to anyone else who talks that trash about me." I say. I feel someone drive a needle into my arm and I fall down. But luckily I was just in a practice interveiw.

5,680 posts


trish • 1 January 2012 at 7:53 PM


"Your irresistible with these beautiful bleached blonde curls!" Felicia squealed. "I was thinking that since your a rich girl, like, for REAL, not some wanna-be-dressed-nicely-for-once-in-my-poor-life, that you would go 'Nightlift' style." Kro approved of his own idea.

He then whipped out a semi-sparkly very short night sky blue dress. The thick hem of the dress shimmered with complex black design.

"Sassy." Jade smiled.

"Fancy and sassy. But no heels. Here." Ashley slipped on black flats with a big be-dazzled bow on each.

"Remember what Emmett rehearsed with you." Kro adjusted Jade's trident necklace made of emerald.

"Of course." she touched the golden yet sea-stained studded bangle set.

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 1 January 2012 at 8:19 PM

We're waiting a while before doing the interview. (:
Also, I think you need to be more reasonable when roleplaying.

5,680 posts


trish • 1 January 2012 at 8:37 PM

@bluegirl80 I don't appreciate that you... slicing Caesar's face before we all get interviews. O_O

Deleted • 2 January 2012 at 9:50 AM

@ladybugheart @trash sorry my girl has some....... Issues... Lol I'll change it to her doing that on a practice run with her mentor?

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 2 January 2012 at 9:22 PM

Sure. xD

Deleted • 2 January 2012 at 9:37 PM

Lauri~ 5
(I am linpugs storage)

"Soooooo" Charlotte squiggled, "Your adorable mentor told me that your going for cutsie!" He started to pet Greffs head like a dog and then brushed it with is hand.

"Get you disgusting gubby hands off me!!!" Greff stood up from the chair and screamed.

My stylist jerked back.

"Hey" I said beaming, "You talked!"

"Anyways" The MANtor continued "Charlotte made you an outfit"

"Yes! OH YES! Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes."

"Um, what is my costume?" I asked trying to get on topic again.

"COSTUME?!" My stylist exclaimed? "Why, I forgot! Oh yeah, it was this BUNNY OUTFIT!" He said holding up a bunny outfit! My mentor looked confuzzled.

"Thats not what we agreed on...Um, I'll design lauri's outfit instead" My mentor protested.

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 2 January 2012 at 9:38 PM

@live / @linpug
Work on being a little more literate, though. : D

9,386 posts


smilies • 2 January 2012 at 9:39 PM

@live XD GO BUNNY ❤️

Deleted • 2 January 2012 at 9:40 PM

I can't wait for the interview!!! 😸 @bluegirl80 o_o

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 2 January 2012 at 9:41 PM

@linpug / @live

Deleted • 3 January 2012 at 4:57 PM

Okay that can be her mentor she scratched.

Tess, District 2.

I sat in my room hating my mentor at the moment. I took my sharp nails and began to drag them across my arm gently. A frown was spread across my face. With out knowing it my nails began to dig into my skin creating words in blood. 'I am a puppet.' on one arm. Then I moved to the other arm. 'The capitol my puppetmaster.' The avox girl walked in and saw my bloody arms. She ran and pulled my mentor in. He screamed at me. And grabbed my hands and made me stop. I layed back as one of the nurses walked in. I didnt feel anything. But I thought she was done and I looked up. Stitches. So I would always know that I was a puppet and I had a puppet master. Hmmm I had an idea. I took a paper and asked my avox to write something down. On one side it said: 'Welcome me home.' on the other. 'And look what the puppet master did to me?' I would take the scroll into the feild with me. Well sneak it in and when I was about to die I would roll up my sleeves and put the scroll on my chest and wait there to die. I would tell the capitol 'I am I puppet. The capitol my puppet master. And look what the puppet master did to me?'

9,386 posts


smilies • 6 January 2012 at 6:01 PM

@ladybugheart When will we start on the interviews?

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 7 January 2012 at 5:12 PM

Wait... wut. o_o

I think we have almost everyone. Let's start. (:

Deleted • 7 January 2012 at 7:01 PM

@ladybugheat she was being emo because she felt bad about her mentorp

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 7 January 2012 at 7:45 PM

Here are interview questions. You're more than welcome to use them, although it would also be nice if you added/created your own. (: If they got an amazing score, for example, it would be a good idea to have him bring it up.

What was your life like back at home?
What parts of the Capitol impressed you the most?
How do you feel about the arena?
What do you think your advantages might be in the arena?

Of course, don't forget follow-ups. This means that Caesar shouldn't just ask completely unrelated questions; if your character replies with something that might catch attention, he'd probably ask about that.

While you get to choose what Caesar says, make sure it follows his personality. As stated in the book, he sets the nervous at ease and will turn a lame response into a memorable one. He's very encouraging. :]

Deleted • 7 January 2012 at 7:51 PM

@ladybugheart can Melody get the ring?

5,632 posts


linpug • 7 January 2012 at 8:09 PM

I slowly put on my Snoloflake dress. The dress had long sleeves and it stopped at my knees. I noticed something on the forearm on my left arm: a flap.

"What's this for?" I asked holding it up.

"Oh, that's a tissue," He replied.

"A tissue?" I asked confuzzled.

"Yeah, to blow your nose when you cry," He answers and leads me to the interview room. "Remember what I told you. And try not to cry so fast."

I walk into the stadium, and I blush. Everybody is looking at me. I smile at the cameras and put on my bunny innocent face.

I'm in the chair with Caesar's face staring right at me. It's almost funny and I can smell his breath. It's so stinky. I back away a bit, trying to make it look like a shy motion. I think he notices something and sprays something into his mouth. His hair is powder blue.

Can someone post so I can continue?

9,386 posts


smilies • 7 January 2012 at 8:12 PM


5,632 posts


linpug • 7 January 2012 at 8:15 PM

Thanks 😊

"So..." He starts. His breath isn't that bad this time. I wonder what he put in his mouth. "What's your favorite thing here?" I pause and think a little and I'm almost temped to say, "The soft tissues" But I don't.

"The garden!" I giggle. "I really love the smell of the roses, but my favorite is the cherry blossoms." I put on a cute smile.

"Of course, they're quite lovely," he replies, grinning and I see his spinach green teeth. "How do you feel about your opponents?"

"Nothing I can't handle," I giggle cheerfully.

Caesar smiles. "With that nine of yours, I wouldn't be surprised. I admit I wasn't expecting that. Would you mind telling us how that happened?"

(Can someone post one last time please? 😸)

9,386 posts


smilies • 7 January 2012 at 8:18 PM

@limpug 😊

5,632 posts


linpug • 7 January 2012 at 8:19 PM

In the crowd, I see my mentor shaking his head wildly and using his finger to slice his neck. He keeps mouthing the word "no." I giggle and wave at him. I almost say, "Hey, Greff, can you talk a little louder? I can't hear you."

"My mentor has been very helpful, even if he doesn't talk," I smile sweetly. The cameras turn to him, and he immediately stops.

"I'm glad Greff has been training you well. How was your life at home?"

Bringing up this subject always makes me cry. I start to sniffle, and I look down shyly. I take the tissue from the pocket and wipe my eyes. I hold up my snowflake necklace.

"This is from my sister," I say.

"Your district token, eh?" he replies. "I'll bet she's supporting you."

"She's dead, but... I made a promise... and I'm still going to do everything I can to to win for her." I smile through my teary eyes and the buzzer goes off. Over the roaring crowd, I can barely make out someone yelling "I'M NOT DEAD."

"May the odds be ever in your favor, Lauri." Caesar smiles. The thing is starting to wear off and now I can smell his breath again. It's stinkier. I walk off the stage desperate to get the smell out of my nose.

Done ^-^

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 7 January 2012 at 8:30 PM

Melody ~ 11

Sara gives me white satin slippers as I prepare to leave the building. "Oh, yeah," Garett adds, chucking a small, unopened box at me. I catch it and open it, finding a gleaming silver ring studded with diamonds. "Woah..." I gasp. A note flutters from the box, and I read it. /This belongs to Tess?/ I slip it on, finally making my decision.

"You can always break the alliance," my mentor says from the other side of the room.

/How did he know--/

"Let's get going!" my Capitol attendant trills, and I smile wistfully as I swoop down the elevator. I go into the stadium, slightly nervous, and take the eleventh seat.

9,386 posts


smilies • 7 January 2012 at 8:50 PM

# Hash # District 10 #
The girl from District 11 slipped into a seat to my left and I stole a look at her, then quickly turned away. Of course, all the girl tributes looked stunning. I started feeling somewhat self-concious. Watching the little girl from District 5 giggle and breeze through the interview didn't help. The room temperature was sickly hot. Is it just me, or was the ground shaking just now? I closed my eyes.
I was NOT going to throw up.

3,556 posts


pegasasu • 7 January 2012 at 9:12 PM

((WOAH I just looked at my character app and realized my character's 12... She doesn't act like a 12 year old o.o' ))

Valarie ~ District 9

I waltzed into the stands, afraid of falling over the dangerously high heels my stylists had wrapped around my small ankles. The dress was like a gradient of a deep, blooming purple with thick layers to a single layer of a porcelain white on the top. The dress slanted upwards from just below my knee to halfway up my thigh. I had questioned Bellavine how she expected me to sit down in the death contraption they had entangled me in, but she just responded with her laugh like the reverberation of tinkling bells.

A thin ribbon was laced in an intricate, angular pattern like a delicate choker around my tanned neck, similar patterns tied around my forearms and ankles. My hair was draped down around my shoulders, in wavy locks that caressed my now unblemished skin. It was tied up half up half down. The tie that held up the upper half of my hair was tied with a dark purple ribbon and a lighter purple feather. There was one finishing detail that stood out to me the most, the large, periwinkle lotus that gently bloomed on the side of my head. It was as if the lotus was hesitant, gingerly poking out of its petals to open into a beautiful, strong flower.

((Post please someone? 😋))

5,680 posts


trish • 7 January 2012 at 9:14 PM


Sure. Others look worthy of being presented in this very room, but can they charm some silly Capitol people? I didn't smile when I passed eight chairs from the end to get to my seat. I saw that girl from 11 dressed up all prettily. Well, sure, it can win favors. But not all, am I right?
