The Hunger Games Roleplay

in Roleplaying

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 4 February 2012 at 6:04 PM

Arena is almost done. (: Make sure to finish up your interviews and go back to the hotel. I'll post it when it's time to go in. ^^

It's okay for a character to dislike or make fun of another character; don't take it personally. 😊 It's normal to feel like another roleplayer is putting you down as their character puts down yours. However, keep in mind that Cato most likely put down Katniss in his thoughts, and Katniss hated Peeta at one point in the arena. Don't worry too much about it. :]

Melody ~ 11

When the last tribute completes their interview, the anthem plays and the enormous screens displaying the tributes goes black. I exit the stage. A peacekeeper leads me back to the hotel, and I press the "11" button on the elevator. I elevate into the sky, watching the streets of the Capitol diminish as I reach my floor.

Deleted • 5 February 2012 at 11:31 AM

Tess~ 2

I walk off the stage and into the elevator, I need a shower so badly. I hit the two button and walk to my room. I take a shower and change into some soft silk pjs. I walk into the kitchen and ask for a small bowl of soup. When it comes out I eat quietly ad think about the next day the arena... it worries me. And the outfit worries me too. I will look like one of the smallest people there, and my arms will be exposed. I ask if I may go outside with my mentor and he says its fine. So we walk into the elevator and press ground. I take a huge gulp of the sweet air and sigh.

"Whats wrong Tessa?" My full name.

"Oh its nothing. And call me Tess." I say. "Now Im going to practice running now so I can try and get better gear and a better weapon." I say. My montor nods and I jolt. In my mid I picture screaming and running tributes. I stop trying to shake the picture out of my mind. I sigh trying to hold back tears. I was scared. I was really scared and I felt lucky to have an ally. I wanted to cry. just roll into a ball ad cry. I walked to my mentor and asked to back inside. When I reach my room one of the avox girls opens the door. And to her suprize I actually hug her. I needed a hug and she probably did too. And there I did start to cry. I looked small and frail crying into the arms of an Avox.

5,632 posts


linpug • 6 February 2012 at 1:07 AM

Lauri ~ 5

I sigh and go back to the hotel, while my mentor, Greff, screams at me. I don't listen, though. I'm going into the arena tomorrow. I wonder how Hash is doing. Above all, I hope there will be a sword. One year there were just clubs and axes in the cornucopia. My MANtor is shaking me, but I reply with, "You talk a lot," and storm out of the room. I lock myself into some random person's bedroom, and wonder about the arena. I bury my head into the pillow trying to think of something else. Tears flow from my eyes. I wonder about my mom. And my sister. That's when someone busts in. The door shatters into a million pieces and I wonder who it is.

I see a dude I never seen before. Then I remember I'm in someones bedroom, and I quickly dash out. As I make my way through the door, I bump into my stylist, Charlotte. "Time to pretty you up for the arena!" he squeals. I give a scream, and I'm sure everyone in the hotel can hear me.

I want to run away. Away from the very creepy guy in front of me, but I can't. Instead, he picks me up like a doll and flings me behind his back. Greff shoots me an angry look. I think he's glad he is getting his revenge for when I told him he talked too much.

3,556 posts


pegasasu • 6 February 2012 at 4:40 PM

Valarie ~ District 9

I stumble down to the elevator, colors and sounds whirling at me through a confused haze. I can make out the numbers slightly. The buttons were set up in four rows of three. Floor nine. Nine was the third number in the third row. Threes, threes, threes. I pressed the nine three times, slumping against the wall like a limp rag doll. At least their was calming silence in the elevator. Just the empty silence, languidly drifting in the air.

I open the door to my room, and see Anastasia yelling at one of the stylists. Bellavine?

"I told you.... Morphine... No good!"

Anastasia's rough voice growled to Bellavine, whose blurred figure cowered in a corner. Morphine? ... The pieces of the puzzle were flying in my mind, smashing and crashing into each other in an unorganized fit. Slowly, things clicked into place. She had put morphine in my food? Just because I was from District 9?

9,386 posts


smilies • 9 February 2012 at 5:12 AM

# Hash # District 10 #
When I awoke, I was convinced I'd got caught in a livestock stampede back at D10. Darn felt like it.
But really, it was just a migraine.
From, you know, whatever drugs Sylvannia had given me.
I must have said something out loud, because I heard a voice that sounded like it was coming through a long tunnel and a bad speaker say, "All part of the plan, Hash. You can thank me later."
Using my famous powers of deduction, I deduced who it might be (or something like that.) If I could move, I'd definitely THANK her now.
Someone prodded me. "Maybe not such a great idea. They don't use this stuff often in District 10, do they...?"
"Maybe he's alergic!" Another gasped.
"Don't be stupid," said a third. "He's just too dumb to realize he can move already. Or lazy," they added.
Well, I thanked that one.

3,556 posts


pegasasu • 9 February 2012 at 4:13 PM

Valarie - District 9

Anastasia and Bellavine still hadn't realized I had walked in. I heard Anastasia growling, yelling, her voice much louder then I preferred.

"She was so... depressed!"

Bellavine squeaked, a quiet and faint counter. She ducked her head behind long pink hair, frightened of Anastasia's response. There was a brief, tense silence in the air. Come to think of it, I was a bit depressed during my arrival. The Reaping was on little Emmy's birthday, and I still had yet to give the emerald-eyed, adorable toddler her present. I fingered my ring sub-consciously, twirling it in intervals of three. Threes, threes, THREES! Ugh! What had they done to the morphine? It had to have been altered in some way. Normal morphine didn't make people OCD, did it?

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 11 February 2012 at 11:25 PM

Melody ~ 11

I saunter to the dinner table. It looks like everyone had already finished eating without me, so I pick up my plate piled with white rice, chicken, and green onions. I sit in a couch in front of the TV, watching the replay of the interviews with my mentor. I'm mostly thinking about the arena, though, worrying because I don't have a strategy. When the interviews end, I stare at the mentor accusingly. "What?" he screams after it becomes too intense.

"Aren't you supposed to help me survive in the arena?" I say, shoveling down some rice.

"Uhh... I guess," he mumbles. "First of all, /do not/ hang around at the Cornucopia. Trust me, it didn't work well for me." He pauses, as if recalling something. "You'll need water and food, and most likely a source of warmth. Try to get your hands on a weapon. I would suggest going into a forest if they have one, since I'm assuming you're good with trees. Or anywhere where you can hide. Don't wait for your ally, that's just stupid." He goes into serious mentor mode, which I never knew existed for him.

5,632 posts


linpug • 15 February 2012 at 9:37 AM

Lauri ~ 5

Charlotte carries me into a room and puts my outfit on for the arena. "Greffff...." I growl angrily. Greff walks towards me.

"You have to get a sword."

"But, What if it doesn't have any swords or ma=ybe It's too-" I begin

"You HAVE to get a sword." He repeats

"Fine." I say. I'm so angry with greff. "What else?"

"Your gonna need as much of the stuff you can get. You would need food, a sword, and a source of warmth, like a blanket, or a sleeping bag." He says. Then he pauses if remembering something. "And water. But you better stay away from district four."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

@ladybugheart I'm ready for the arena. 😉

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 15 February 2012 at 12:48 PM

Melody ~ 11

When Garrett finishes telling me everything I should or shouldn't do, he growls at me to "Go to bed this instant, young lady," unless I want someone to ambush me while I'm taking a nap.

I go into my room, and order some snacks along with milk, which is apparently supposed to help you sleep. Unfortunately, it doesn't work. Eventually, I become so restless that I get up. I sneak into the elevator and go to the roof. As it comes to a halt, I saunter into the garden and climb a tree.

When I wake up again, it's one in the morning and I'm back in my room. I try to leave again, but the door is locked for some reason.

"Nice try, Garrett," I snicker. I hide in the closet just to spite him.

I think you're slightly ahead. xD Let's wait for everyone else.]

5,632 posts


linpug • 15 February 2012 at 1:40 PM

Lauri ~ 5

When my mentor isn't looking, I go to the roof. Then I go to Level 1. I zoom up and down, watching the Capitol lights shrink and grow. Finally, I go back to my story. I walk down the hall. For some reason, my room has been locked. "Trying to lock me in, Greff?" I laugh, because he must not have realized I was gone. I unlock it and enter the room. I sit on my bed. Then, I hear a noise. I try to ignore the sound, but then curiosity wins out.

"Anyone here?" I ask. I look under the bed. Then I hear a noise from the closet and open it. "District 11!" I shriek. "What are you doing in my room?"


2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 15 February 2012 at 1:48 PM

Melody ~ 11

A shriek wakes me up. /An ambush! Garrett was right!/ I fumble around for a weapon, and throw a hanger.

I hear a gurgling noise and someone growling from outside. "She unlocked it," the voice says, and I groggily realize that it's my mentor. I realize that I'm still in my room, not in the arena. I crawl out of the closet, tangled in clothes, and Garrett walks in. "What are you doing?" he demands. Then, a look of confusion comes over him. "What is District 5 doing in here?"

5,632 posts


linpug • 15 February 2012 at 2:06 PM

A hanger hits my face, and I tumble over. My mentor walks into the room, and asks me what I'm doing. Then, he wants to know what I'm doing in here. "This is my room!" I exclaim.

"No," another voice says, and someone who looks just like my mentor walks up and stands next to Greff. "This is District 11."

I look back and forth at the two Greffs. I notice that one has a scar, and the other doesn't. "Um, Greff, your clone has a flaw," I say.

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 15 February 2012 at 2:13 PM

Melody ~ 11

/Two Garretts?/ I think. /What's going on?/

"I'm not his clone. My name is Garrett, Melody's mentor."

"Who's he?" I ask, motioning toward Garrett's lookalike.

"That's District 5's mentor, Greff," Garrett explains.

It starts to make sense in my head. Lauri wandered into my room. My mentor was here, along with someone who looked like him - Greff, District 5's mentor.

3,556 posts


pegasasu • 15 February 2012 at 4:57 PM

Valarie ~ District 9

"Enough of this nonsense. Let's talk Arena now."

I stated, the words coming out stronger then I expected. Anastasia glared at me, amber eyes burning with fury. She was in an awful mood about the morphine, and I assumed she didn't want to talk.

"If you manage to make it to the weapons without tripping over your own feet, grab whatever you can use. Don't wait for an ally, if you've managed to make one. Listen, you're District 9. Hunting. You have to think like a huntress. The other competitors are your prey. You are the predator. Think like that, and maybe you'll see your family again."

Anastasia growled, her voice dark and throaty. The words ripped at my heart, but I still met her burning eyes with my own icy glare before sauntering off with the coordination I had left.

3,621 posts


asi • 5 March 2012 at 8:51 PM


I don't think I have anything to do until the games start already ><

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 11 March 2012 at 12:54 AM

Did your character go to bed yet? 😊 I think you're pretty much caught up, although I don't believe anyone has woken up and prepared for the arena. You can go ahead and do that if you haven't already. ^^

Reply? =3
I'm mostly waiting for you so my character can go to bed and we can go to the arena, unless you'd like to pretend it never happened. I wouldn't blame you, it is getting a little weird. xD

3,621 posts


asi • 11 March 2012 at 3:11 AM

# Hash # D10 #
Feeling like complete crud, I crawled into bed, without bothering to change into nightclothes.

In the morning, I THINK they prepared me, but I couldn't tell you for sure. All I can say is that not only was I a complete zombie, but I LOOKED like one too.
(No limbs were falling off, I mean, but I had huge shadows under my eyes, and I looked dead, because, you know, I was tired. And hung over. Or something.)

@ladybugheart Done X3

5,680 posts


trish • 11 March 2012 at 5:16 PM

The night before her release to the arena, Jade thought, 'I'm gonna die or I'm gonna leave in many painful pieces.' The happiest thought she could think of.

When Jade woke up, she was so much more resistant than usual. But eventually, she was prepped, and in the same room as her stylist.

Deleted • 11 March 2012 at 5:18 PM

@manlybugheart ok 0.0

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 12 March 2012 at 7:39 PM

@linpug / @tasmas-r-epic

Alright. We can say Lauri left or something, if that's okay with you, and I'll make my charrie go to sleep and we'll act like nothing happened. xD

Melody ~ 11

I lay in bed, restless. I continue to speculate about the endless possibilities of the arena. I hope that I will recognize some of the plants there. I can handle a bow and arrow and I can set a few basic traps I learned from training, but I'm not that great at hunting. District Eleven doesn't find much meat, so I don't really have experience. Hopefully there will be multiple sources of water. Tall trees where I can hide, and food sources I will recognize. However, it will more likely be some sort of jungle, tundra, desert, or another unfamiliar landscape, all which I have seen in past Games. Or another arena that I have never seen before. Finally, I manage to fall asleep. Maybe the other tributes are as restless as me, so I won't have so much of a disadvantage to them.

[Will continue, someone post? ^^]

3,621 posts


asi • 12 March 2012 at 9:56 PM

@ladybugheart 😊

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 12 March 2012 at 10:40 PM

Melody ~ 11

My stylist comes to wake me up before dawn comes. He leads me to the roof, where a hovercraft pulls me up and a woman inserts a tracker into my arm. I nervously gulp down my breakfast, filling myself and trying to enjoy it. We glide over the city and into the wilderness. I watch the clouds calmly float by as I gnaw on my fork, unable to devour any more of the luxurious food.

The windows black out, which makes me feel confined because I know the arena is, dreadfully, nearby. The ladder brings me down underground, under the arena. I prepare in the Launch Room, bathing and brushing my teeth. The clothes include a green blouse, tawny pants, and a black jacket. My stylists nods in approval at the soft leather boots.

"Here you go," he says, giving me my necklace. "How do the clothes fit?"

"Uh..." I choke out, stalling. "Uhh, they're... good..." Immediately afterward I wish I had asked for another set, which would most likely take up some time. I nervously wait for the call until a voice announces it's time to go.

5,632 posts


linpug • 12 March 2012 at 10:46 PM

My stylist wakes me up very early in the morning. I rub my eyes. He leads me to the roof, where a hovercraft freezes me and inserts a tracker inside my arm. It stinkgs. I can barely choke down my breakfast, but decide to stop, knowing it would come right back up.

My stylist gives me a green blous, tawny pants and a jacket. "Lauri would look SO much better in a hedge" I heard him mutter as he zips up my jacket. I put on my necklace from my sister and wait nervously.

3,621 posts


asi • 12 March 2012 at 11:17 PM

# Hash # D10 #
True to my new zombie identity, I did everything robotically and utterly lacking in enthusiasm.
Wake up.
Sorry? Eat in my sleep? ... You must have read that wrong.
The thing landed. I would have had motion sickness, but I was too zombie to throw anything up.
Sylvannia entered the scene. My zombie self doesn't react.
Wake up.
I'm not sure how Zombie managed to eat so much in that time, I guess he was hungry, and brains weren't on the menu.
"You've really got that zombie act down," she says. My zombie alter ego nods and watches her out of the corner of his eye, making sure she keeps her distance.
"It wasn't part of the plan though," he heard her mutter. I would've yelled, "To hell with your plan!" etc, but I wasn't there, Zombie was, and he couldn't work up the energy.
Being lifeless and all.
He waited for the go sign. I wondered how fast he could run when it started. My guess; not very.

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 13 March 2012 at 12:48 AM


[Will post on next page so arena isn't split among two different pages. 😊]

16,170 posts


bunnyshadow • 13 March 2012 at 12:53 AM

@ladybugheart Is it to late to join? I read some and i can just pretend i did everything already? :U

5,632 posts


linpug • 13 March 2012 at 12:53 AM


16,170 posts


bunnyshadow • 13 March 2012 at 1:01 AM

@ladybugheart May i? You can summarize it at school tommorow or call me; and i could take a look at your drawing of the arena tmrw? 😊 This sounds really interesting, and one ofthe only HG roleplays still alive and have gottenthis far 😱

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 13 March 2012 at 1:06 AM


Tributes will be wearing simple tawny pants, green shirt/blouse, sturdy brown belt, thin, hooded black jacket, and leather boots worn over skintight socks.

Tributes start in a circle, equal distance from the Cornucopia on a flat, open stretch of ground consisting of hard-packed dirt. East and south are the woods, starting mainly with pine trees, which farther along become variety of other trees. To the east is a small lake. Farther in that direction are tall grasses. The stretch of ground continues to the north, which later stops at a steep, but climbable, downwards slope that gives way to hills and eventually forest. The forest includes a stream, a pond, and three spring-fed pools. The grasses have a few ponds spread out among the area.


Deleted • 13 March 2012 at 1:06 AM


Post. I'mma gonna pinga soma peoplea

@boxofcrayons *That was random o,o*
