The Hunger Games Roleplay

in Roleplaying

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 13 March 2012 at 1:07 AM


Inside ~
Two swords
Two bows, each with a sheath of twelve arrows
Three knives
One spear
Two crates containing food
Two boomerangs
Two large purple backpacks
One medium green backpack
Two sleeping bags
One very small container of burn medicine
One tent pack
One jacket
Two bags of food
Two containers of iodine to purify water
Two axes

In between~
Two medium green backpacks
Two small orange backpacks
One bag of food
Two flashlights
Two first aid kits containing basic supplies
Two knives
Two blankets
Two bottles of water
One jacket
One bag filled with apples
Two cases of matches
Two full water bottles
One slingshot
One container of iodine to purify water

Around tributes~
Four loaves of bread
Two three foot pieces of cloth
Three pairs of socks
Two empty water bottles
One roll of string
Two three-foot pieces of wire
Two empty water skins

Subject to change.

5,632 posts


linpug • 13 March 2012 at 1:09 AM

Post for @linpug

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 13 March 2012 at 1:09 AM


Arena in general~

- Absolutely no god-modding or power-playing.
- You may not add your own addition to the arena; this includes disasters, storms, water sources, landforms, muttations, and anything a Gamemaker might create.
- When in combat, if you make an attack, you do not decide whether it misses or hits; the user you are attacking will.
- Because you are now interacting more with other characters, unless your character is alone please do not make posts that ignore other users. For example, if you are at the cornucopia, instead of stating that you "took a backpack and ran into the forest," first say that you ran for the backpack. However, this goes for other things outside of the Cornucopia, too.
- Give other users a chance to attack you. This goes with the previous rule.
- Do not plan your posts or what will happen to your character in advance. In addition, other characters are free to attack you, attempt to steal your things, ect.
- We will stay in the same time of day until we agree to do a time skip. This means you may not say something like "the sun was beginning to set" unless it was stated that we would go into night.

Subject to change.

5,632 posts


linpug • 13 March 2012 at 1:14 AM

ONE more post for you? 😱 😋 Ahhh... ohhh

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 13 March 2012 at 1:15 AM


Please do the Bloodbath with multiple posts. Do not decide in advance what supplies your character will get. Other users are free to try to take your characters' supplies or attack you during the Bloodbath. In addition, do not immediately have your character leave the Cornucopia. As previously stated, you must give other users a chance to attack you.

Do not post something like "I ran for the Cornucopia, grabbing a sword and a backpack and escaping for the grass." Instead, split it into multiple posts. For example:
Post one: I ran for the Cornucopia, running for a purple backpack.
This gives other characters a chance to fight you for that object or try to attack you.
Post two: Holding the backpack, I run for the sword in the center.
Post three: Grabbing the sword, I begin to run for the grass to my left.
This gives users a chance to attempt stop you or attack you instead of having your character immediately escaping.
Post four: I finally escape into the grass.

Keep in mind that this is NOT a "race" to post first so you can get the Cornucopia items you want your character to have. Honestly, what fun is it if you get everything you need? If I see this, I may send in a Gamemaker tool - no good in boring the viewers.

Lastly, all of the supplies must be taken by the end of the Bloodbath.

16,170 posts


bunnyshadow • 13 March 2012 at 1:25 AM

@ladybugheart Am i allowed to join?

Username: bunnyshadow
Character name: Sylvia
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Appearance: Black chest lengh hair, long purple bangs cover left eye, which is her stylists dyed it, Dark purple eyes and is considered pretty by some. She is pale, and is half asian, half french
Personality: Is not afraid to attack and can be cold, nice only to certain people she likes.
History: She lives in District 8 with a semi-rich family.
District: 8
Skills: Shes good with aiming, knows how to use bow and arrows, can throw pretty far, very good at fighting with spears and daggers.

1,803 posts


boxofcrayons • 13 March 2012 at 1:35 AM

@live I don't roleplay 😋

16,170 posts


bunnyshadow • 13 March 2012 at 1:38 AM


3,621 posts


asi • 13 March 2012 at 2:53 AM

@ladybugheart Sounds good 😊 You start us off?

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 13 March 2012 at 10:37 AM


Looks good, but needs a few minor changes. 😊 I don't really think it's reasonable to have her originally come from District 1. It's interesting how she attempted to run away, but she should be in the district she was born in, as she most likely wouldn't be able to find a new home in another district. (: Secondly, you should try to have a few words for her personality just to start her out~ ^^ Lastly, although this isn't really a change, although it is fine to say she's Asian and French as to let roleplayers imagine her, be sure not to mention it while roleplaying, as citizens of Panem shouldn't have knowledge of that stuff. :] Also, I personally think it would be a better idea if her makeover team died her hair or something like that. xD

I'll start after school if I can, I have to go now~

16,170 posts


bunnyshadow • 13 March 2012 at 7:06 PM

@ladybugheart Edited 😸 Can we start?!? LOLZ member school?
Me: "Sylvia runs for the cornucopia."
*noone stops her*
"Sylvia takes the cornucopia and runs."
*no one stops her*
"Sylvia kidnaps Melody and runs far away with the cornucopia."
You: O_O "Sylvia dies by being crushed by the cornucopia."
Me: O_O

5,680 posts


trish • 13 March 2012 at 9:14 PM

@bunnyshadow You do know the Cornucopia is the place where everything is right? (Before I finish reading your entire post) O___o I do not see unless Sylvia is a Giant how she can take the Cornucopia. XD Then it crushes her. Nice. X3

Do you want to team up.....? 😋 I'm 100% alone and I like being XxForeverAloneXx. (:

@ladybugheart So, what is the minimum of writing per post? & are the backpacks empty, and you grab the supplies from around them?

16,170 posts


bunnyshadow • 13 March 2012 at 9:24 PM

@trish xD Suuuuure 😸
Sylvia felt her little metal circle platform moving up, and she breathed deeply, taking a few deep breathes and a last look around, before she heard a small click and her platform stopped.

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 16 March 2012 at 11:10 AM

@trish The backpacks are full; anything can be in them, but be reasonable. ^^ There is no minimum writing, although this is a literate roleplay - try to do five sentences per post if you can.

[I'll make up some random number for the Games. ^^]

Melody ~ 11

A glass tube encloses me, and lifts me up into the darkness. As my metal plate elevates into the arena, the bright light dazzles my eyes. Caesar Flickerman's voice echos throughout the arena.

"Ladies and gentleman, let the 86th Hunger Games begin!"

I glance around, taking a deep breath to ease my nerves. I look around to see where Tess is, but I quickly change divert my attention to the Cornucopia. There are a couple bow and arrows inside, but considering that I'm not the best with them, I don't think it would be worth it. I decide a backpack might be my best shot, although they could be filled with anything, so it's risky. A knife would also be important. I'll need warmth, water, food, and most likely a weapon. I look around the arena. It consists of mainly tall grasses and forest; there's also a steep slope, but I can't make out what's beyond it. The tall grasses most likely have a source of food I will recognize, but concealment is also important and I will most likely find a source in the forest, too. I decide that's where I will go, and prepare to dash toward the supplies.

5,632 posts


linpug • 16 March 2012 at 11:13 AM

I'm lifted up from my circle, and the arena encloses me. I'm so nervous. I take a small breath to ease myself, and I try not to move, because I don't want the land mines to go off.

I look around fo hash. He's about 3 tributes to my right, but I once I see 3 girls looking at him dreamily, I forget him.

I view the cornicorpia. So many things catch my eye, but I could never get them all. The things that stick out in my are a crate of food, a blanket , and a purple backpack, and, then something right next to the purple blanket, I find a two swords. One has a wooden sheeth, but the other, is much better, like the ones I saw in the training grounds.

Then I look at the area. In frount of me, I see trees, and next to that, some grass. Then I see a lake and a slope near my right.

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 16 March 2012 at 11:31 AM

[Sending out PMs to everyone.]

16,170 posts


bunnyshadow • 16 March 2012 at 12:59 PM

The metal circle stopped and I quickly take a look around to see some ponds, trees and slopes. I see the cornucopia and get rrady to run for it. I see an purplr backpack and decide to go for it, and two knives nearby that I'll grab. Ill escape into the southern woods, grabbing as many supplies along the way, and hopefully some bread.

46 posts


near • 16 March 2012 at 1:04 PM

Interesting roleplay

5,632 posts


linpug • 16 March 2012 at 1:08 PM

Suddenly the gong rings out and I grab everything I wanted, then I dash to the woods after killing everyone and stealing everything else in the cornicopia then I am plucked into the air by a hover craft and go home, safe and sound.


3,621 posts


asi • 16 March 2012 at 3:09 PM

@ladybugheart Ugh, I haven't read it that recently, so like where they start in relation to the cornicopia? Like, randomly near it, right? X3

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 16 March 2012 at 4:30 PM

Forty yards. ^^

5,680 posts


trish • 16 March 2012 at 10:03 PM

Jade- District 4.

The gong sounds. I sprint for the Cornucopia which is 40 yards away. Nevermind what was around where the tributes originally stand, I couldn't see much use to it.

Luckily, I wasn't the last to reach it.
My fingers close in on a Medium sized Green backpack.
I spin around once quickly, seeing that no one wanted to attack so I grab the sack of apples and a sleeping bag.

And I believe I'll be out of the Cornucopia.

Then, as lucky as I am.....

An apple fell out of the sack; and I tripped/stumbled over it. I didn't fall, luckily, but I was probably the most vulnerable by that second. And by that second, I lost the privilege to be one of the earliest people out of the Cornucopia.

16,170 posts


bunnyshadow • 17 March 2012 at 2:57 AM


I run for the cornucopia as the gong rings and i quickly pluck an purply backpack off the ground, i unziped it while running and stuffed a full waterbottle and a knfe inside. I dig through the cornucopia and pick up a handful of knives, I watch as a girl tripped and fell and headed towards her, i heavr her up and say,"Ally's or No? If no, I kill you now, decided quickly, actually decided later, next time we see each other, we talk." Sylvia sprinted and spotted a girl staring at the hills, I'm right behind her and push her down on the ground. "Ally's or no?", One of the knives Sylvia held were close by.

3,621 posts


asi • 17 March 2012 at 3:24 AM

@bunnyshadow ... The only reason I can imagine you PINGED me would be if you misnamed my charrie... For a girl >< Please don't tell me... ><

And everyone? I think @Ladybugheart wrote those rules for a reason ><

16,170 posts


bunnyshadow • 17 March 2012 at 8:56 AM

@asi ??? I pinged you because you were online .-.

3,621 posts


asi • 17 March 2012 at 3:14 PM

@Bunnyshadow X3 Good, what a relief XD So, who did your charrie attack? ._.

5,680 posts


trish • 17 March 2012 at 6:48 PM

@asi At least I fell. XD And I also was like, AHAHAHA. SOMEONE MISTAKED HASH FOR A GIRL. Then I see the last few posts. ^^

3,621 posts


asi • 17 March 2012 at 6:52 PM

@trish Yeah ^^"

5,680 posts


trish • 17 March 2012 at 6:56 PM

Jade- 4.

I cross my eyes to look at the knife infront of me before it leaves my sight.
I could almost HEAR my mentor saying 'Oh look. Someone wants to ally up with feeble petty little Jade. And oh look! Looks like they had second thoughts.'

WELL. That took awhile. I'm guessing a few more minutes are up. So I sling on my pack, and stand at the edge of the Cornucopia, looking around quickly for the emptiest way.

16,170 posts


bunnyshadow • 18 March 2012 at 2:08 AM

Sylvia - 8

Sylvia grabbed some iodine off the grounf and headed for the forest. She reached the trees and continued running, straight through, she needed to get away from the BloodBath fast before something unlucky would happen.
