The Hunger Games Roleplay

in Roleplaying

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 21 December 2011 at 5:22 PM

This is amusing. o3o

I might jump in later.

Deleted • 22 December 2011 at 4:56 PM

@Ladybugheart So... Uh can they?

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 22 December 2011 at 6:36 PM

@bluegirl80 Yes. :]

Deleted • 22 December 2011 at 6:45 PM

I wonder for a second if I can team up with 2. She's strong and got a 9 in training. I know that if I team up with her, I'm going to make a mistake of dying in my sleep. I really want to team up with hash. I mean not for pity, but maybe he was hiding his skill.
@Smilies can I? X]

9,386 posts


smilies • 22 December 2011 at 6:53 PM

@live Sounds good 😊

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 22 December 2011 at 7:43 PM

Rofl, everyone's teaming up. xDD Soon our characters are going to be one big bunch of friends.

3,556 posts


pegasasu • 23 December 2011 at 9:27 AM

Valarie ~ District 9

"No allies, much to the delight of my mentor."

Valarie groaned, shaking her head, but when she looked up, seh couldn't see Hash anymore. I saw the younger girl, District 3. It looked like tears were about to break loose from a weakening dam, and I just stared at her a bit akwardly.

"Are you okay?"

Valarie asked her, hesitant.

Deleted • 23 December 2011 at 10:57 AM

I walk into the elevator and YES I see her. The one to give the note. Before I leave I drop the note tap her hand and look down at it. Hopefully she will read it.


2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 23 December 2011 at 12:43 PM

Melody ~ 11

I look at Tess and pick up the note. My finger jams the button that reads "11" and I am swept up.

I see Garrett from the corner of my eye as I open up the slip of paper. "I would love to be allies, please think."

"Garret?" I ask.

"Yes?" he replies, eyes trained on me.

I shuffle closer and show the note to him. "Do you think I can trust her?"

He snatches the note and reads it. "District Two," he starts. "Dunno why they'd want to be allies with you, but she seems okay. Anyway, Sara needs you."

I trot into Sara's room. "Hello, Melody!" she exclaims. "Where were you? Let's start our training!"

Sara lectures me on posture, walking, and smiling. "No, no, keep your back straight!" she trills, placing a heavy textbook on my head. I strain to keep my head up, but soon the book tumbles down. "My neck," I groan.

"Hopeless!" she exclaims, shaking her head. "Try it again."

She makes me take the whole lesson with the book on my head.

We go over walking in high heels and strutting around in puffy dresses. Sara glances at the clock. "Keep that in mind and practice in your free time. Time to go see your mentor!"

Deleted • 23 December 2011 at 12:46 PM

Let's be BFFS!! XD

9,386 posts


smilies • 23 December 2011 at 8:54 PM

@live *Can't be bothered going back to pg1 to see who you are X)*

@Pegasasu Hai :X

3,556 posts


pegasasu • 24 December 2011 at 8:13 PM

@smilies Hiyas! I was so confused on what happened to Hash, is he in a corner too?

Valarie ~ District 9

"So, are we allies?"

Valarie asked Hash, her voice the slightest bit shaky but strong nonetheless. She couldn't help but wonder what would happen if he said no, her mentor would cast her as hopeless, already a dead body in the mysterious Arena.

9,386 posts


smilies • 24 December 2011 at 8:19 PM

# Hash # District 10 #
Hash looked at her.
"Fine," he said.
Then he walked away.

@pegasasu XD

5,680 posts


trish • 24 December 2011 at 8:20 PM

Jade. District 4. xxxLoner4Lifexxx X]

"Everybody is teaming up." Emmett shook his head.
"What have you've been planning lately while this happened?" Kro asked, forcing back a smile.

"Today, while everyone made allies, I was in my room curling my hair." Jade scrunched her newly curled bleached blonde hair.
"Also, I dressed myself!" Gesturing to her plaid tank top and khaki skinny jeans. "Now I look gorgeous. Mission accomplished for the day!" Jade cheered and pumped up a fist.

(Hey, I had to do SOMETHING while you guise made allies. XP )

3,556 posts


pegasasu • 24 December 2011 at 8:28 PM

Valarie ~ District 9

Valarie had an ally. Finally. Hash didn't seem quite too happy, giving her a simple, monosyllabic answer, but it was still a yes. Not a content, bursting with convivial joy yes, but it was still a yes.

"I have an ally!"

Valarie declared to her mentor, proud. Valarie looked at her mentor with a smug smile painted across her lips, and her mentor looked at her with... hope?

"Who? The Career? Or that girl with the 9?"

Valarie's pride vanished with the set of questions. She blushed and looked down at her feet, which suddenly became much more interesting then looking her mentor in the eye.

"Um... The Tribute who got the 1..."

Her mentor burst out in a guffaw, obviously not taking ehr seriously. The crude laughter vanished with Valarie's pride when her mentor realized she was serious, groaning and grumbling, back to her normal self.

2,591 posts


celeste • 24 December 2011 at 8:33 PM

Fence - District 3
I watched the girl form 9 walk away. "Hey!" I called "Wait up!" I wanted her to turn around. I wanted her to acknowledge me "A-are you looking for teammates?" I called, regardless of how much my tears obscured my voice "I-I could be a teammate! I'm-I'm much less weaker t-than I look!"


3,556 posts


pegasasu • 24 December 2011 at 8:38 PM

Valarie ~ District 9

Valarie stopped in her tracks, spinning on her heel to face the girl from District 3. Her hair hung in wild clumps, giving her the impression as if waves of electric shocks had traveled up and down her spine. Her voice was subtle and hesitant, yet determined to achieve a goal. Valarie gave her a smile, which was a bit out of character for her. She had to give the impression she was softer then she really was.

"Yes, I'm looking for allies. Glad to be a teammate. May the odds be ever in your favor."

Valarie flashed the District 3 Tribute a grin. She used a Capitol accent, for fun.

2,591 posts


celeste • 24 December 2011 at 8:42 PM

Fence - District 3

So.. she said yes... I felt quite proud at this achievement. I had not only one - but two allies - I had seen her ally with the boy who scored one. It sounded pretty good to me. We could be a great team.

As the girl from District 9 was about to walk away, escorted by her mentor, and I was going to be escorted by my mentor, I managed to say to the Asian girl with tanned skin "And may the odds be ever in YOUR favour!" before my mentor walked me away.

9,386 posts


smilies • 24 December 2011 at 9:06 PM

Hash retreated to his room, mentally strategizing the best way to act around his new ally. Growing to like another Tribute, or being decieved by one, was one of the worst traps you could fall into in the arena.
He supposed he'd gain her trust, then when the numbers were down by about half (IF he made it that far, he doubted), he'd take night watch and slip away. Maybe if he was lucky she'd be found by another Tribute and killed for him.
He sighed, hating himself.

5,680 posts


trish • 24 December 2011 at 10:01 PM

Jade. 4. xxxLoner4Lifexxx

"Go!" Emmett kicked her out.
"I'm going!" Jade pushed him back.
"Come back LATER and tell me what happens." Emmett yelled at her, slamming the door shut.
Jade pulled her leather jacket back to its snug position. "Somebody might not make it before me." she shook her head and walked away, going nowhere in specific.
"At least Felicia tossed me the can." Jade mindlessly sprayed her curls with hair spray.

As Jade moved around the building, she couldn't help thinking about the situation at hand. Her mentor's problem was that he wasn't satisfied with her. No allies. No attention...? Well, she was the only Career this year. Basically. She hated...some....most other tributes. Her only approach to sponsors for the Careers was being pretty.

3,556 posts


pegasasu • 26 December 2011 at 9:59 AM

Valarie ~ District 9

Valarie grinned, tossing her midnight black hair out of her piercing, dark eyes. She had two allies. Two! That was perfect. If she needed to, she could really ally with one and plot to kill the other. But how would she be able to kill somebody that may have trusted her? She would have to make it painless, perhaps in their sleep or something of the sorts. The Games were changing her, twisting her all the more into the rotten soul she used to be.

Self-loathing began to build, but Valarie shoved it into a dark corner of her mind as she walked along side her mentor.

Deleted • 27 December 2011 at 3:20 PM

@trish there's two careers.

Tess district two

I had to get out of my interveiw, the one I had been to before was practice set up by my mentor. I had one idea I was allergic to potatoes for some odd reason. I ordered some mashed potato and called my mentor down. I took a bite and instantly regretted t. My legs went numb and my throat swelled. I got dizzy and fell onto the floor, a death grip around throat. My mentor knew what was Happening and dragged me to the elevator. When I got to the infirmary a needle was driven into my leg and the world went black as I passes out.

5,680 posts


trish • 27 December 2011 at 10:29 PM

@bluegirl80 Doesn't count when she's not IN the Career pack. -_- Population: 1. ~Thanks.

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 27 December 2011 at 11:05 PM

There are three careers; One dies at the bloodbath/doesn't exist unless someone makes a charrie, Two's taming up with other peeps, and Four is actually being a normal career. xD

Two technically is a career because of her training; however, because she's not part of the pack, it wouldn't be completely wrong to call her otherwise.

Melody ~ 11

"Okay," Garett grunts, pulling up a chair across from me. "Got any strategies I need to know about?"


"Then I'll interview you and see what we can do."

He asks me questions about my life back home, the Games, how the Capitol is, stuff like that. "You're not supposed to say you don't like the Games," he groans at one point.

Finally he suggests, "You can be the imaginative, adventurous, aspiring girl from the orchards of District Eleven."

I shrug. "I guess I could pull it off."

"Alright. We're done for the day. Your stylist will give you your outfit later." He briskly walks out the door.

Deleted • 28 December 2011 at 10:09 AM

Tess, district 2 (sorry if I mess up I'm on my iPod touch)

I fuss around in the infermary nothing to do. Boredom takes over and I get up. I had missed my interveiw but they had rescudualed it. The woman who had prepared my meal had been thrown out on the streets. They thought she had been trying to kill me or poison me, I tryes to lie that I had no idea I was allergic to potatoes and that I had ordered them myself. Well some of what I said had been true.

3,556 posts


pegasasu • 28 December 2011 at 12:28 PM

Valarie - District 9

"Who are you going to be for your interview?"

My mentor, Anastasia, asked, sitting herself down in a large, red velvet chair. What did she mean, who was I going to be? I couldn't be anybody else, could I?

"I guess I'll be Valarie. If you wanted, I could be one of the other Tributes. We could work our way around that."

I answered, the dry words rolling off my tongue. Anastasia held her head in her hands, muttering words undoubtedly about my incompetence. I caught a few pieces of the fragmented mumbles, including "idiot" and "sure to die". That didn't sound good.

"No, I meant what kind of girl you're going to be. Are you going to be the surprisingly tough kid, the funny little child, or the sob story girl?"

Anastasia explained, talking like all of those were things I should've already known.

"I'll be the sob story girl. That'll be the easiest to portray."

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 28 December 2011 at 1:50 PM

We didn't do the interview yet. In addition, every tribute has to do the interview so there's no way you can "miss" it. Also, I don't find it very reasonable that somebody was killed. Please edit your post or write a new one. (: Make sure you're contributing to the plot. ;] Thanks!

Deleted • 29 December 2011 at 2:51 PM

@ladybugheart I fixed it, better 😉

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 29 December 2011 at 3:20 PM

@bluegirl80 Thanks. ^^ But to keep it simple, let's say she missed prepping for her interview or something like that.

Melody ~ 11

Allie, Lanawas, and Stella work on styling my hair, adding waves and a few curls. Lanawas, who I can tell is the more quiet, artistic one, carefully paints delicate golden vines on my arms.

"Jordan let us see your outfit," Stella says enthusiastically. She turns to the other two. "How about this nail polish?" Stella holds up a clear one with a hint of golden sparkle.

"Yes!" Allie exclaims. "Perfect. Here, I'll do it." She puts an even layer on me. Lanawas adds some golden eyeshadow and curls my lashes.

"Jordan!" Allie shouts. We're ready!" My stylist enters with an outfit hidden by a black sheet.

"Don't look," he says. I close my eyes and feel a soft fabric engulf me. "Okay." He turns me around and I open my eyes, starting into a mirror. A strapless white dress with complex, golden designs. Someone might look at first and say it's too simple. But that's the thing; they look again and find the white designs, the shimmering gold, the beauty of the dress, making it hard to pull your eyes away. The skirt of the dress is almost like a flower in full bloom, ending around my knees. Jordan places a magnolia in my hair, and my prep team squeals.

"Beautiful!" they scream, their eyes watering.

Garett enters. "This," he says simply, placing the golden locket - my district token - around my neck.

Deleted • 29 December 2011 at 3:57 PM

Ok 😉 but cab she still prep alittle?

There was something I wanted to do. I pulled the golden ring from Zack off my hand. I wanted a way to know if the girl from 11 was going to be my ally. I wrote another not telling her to wear the ring I'd she wanted to be allies and not to if she didn't. I wondered how I would get it to her. I took a box placed the ring and note inside. Then I glossed the Lise and wrote on the box "For melody's eyes only." Then I walked to the elevator opened the door put the box sown and hit the eleven button. Hopefully her mentor would find the box and not look inside but deliver it to melody. I hoped for the best as the doors closed.

