Pokemon High School (reborn)

in Roleplaying

1,089 posts


animalliterature • 10 January 2018 at 2:54 PM

Everyone nodded, shooting glances at Adea. Even she noticed she would be the one to do that.

812 posts


totallynotjoey • 10 January 2018 at 6:27 PM

Frost woke up late, the drama of yesterday still clear in her mind.
Wow, last night I met an undead, super old Charizard... that's totally normal

1,135 posts


lazyanon • 10 January 2018 at 6:37 PM

Mr.Mewtwo:*he is rummaging though paperwork*"damage costs.... damage costs....ah! Damage co-Oh. Oh dear. That's. Uh. The school is in debt now. I'm im debt now.. oh dear how do I handle this...? Wait. Don't several of the students have Poketube accounts? Maybe I could host a fundraiser and they could tell others. And stuff. Oh. That won't work.. That won't work. Oh what am I going to do? I owe the bank 50k."

4,575 posts


wigglytuff • 10 January 2018 at 6:45 PM

Allie noticed Mr. Mewtwo rummaging through a stick of papers.
"In dept? It says $5000, not $50k" she said, flipping the paper upside down.

1,135 posts


lazyanon • 10 January 2018 at 6:48 PM

Mr.Mewtwo:"thank goodness."

CCharm:*he realizes he might scare others.*

812 posts


totallynotjoey • 10 January 2018 at 6:50 PM

Yawning, Frost got out of bed. Mist and Frond were still asleep. {I still need one more dorm mate}
It seems like Mist day-dreams and night-dreams alot she thought to herself, chuckling slightly. She crept out the door, making sure not to wake her friends and headed to her locker, planning to find her timetable. She pulled out a sheet of paper:

7:30-8:26: English, room 405
8:30-9:26: Science/Pokémon Anatomy, room 303
9:30-10:26: History, room 108
10:30-11:26: Math, room 501
11:30-12:06: Lunch
12:10-1:06: Fighting/Training, courtyard/PE fields
1:10-2:10: Free period

Grabbing her books, she headed off to room 405.

1,135 posts


lazyanon • 10 January 2018 at 6:53 PM

(It's the weekend)
Joker:* she walked around aimlessly till she got to one of the several computer rooms. See looked in and it seemed like no one was in there.*

4,575 posts


wigglytuff • 10 January 2018 at 7:03 PM

"Okay, next, be really funny. That'll definitely get your reputation up," Allie said."Lastly, once you have enough subscribers, do a collab. Maybe Zack can do one with you guys. When you have more subscribers, then you can feature people in you videos. One of them can have me in it," she winked.

1,135 posts


lazyanon • 10 January 2018 at 7:08 PM

(Ooooh she slipped that Zack does a Poketube.)
Jumanji:*she looked around for a brush. But was fruitless.*
Cream:* she lazily got up and walk to the kitchen to get something to eat.*

4,575 posts


wigglytuff • 10 January 2018 at 7:10 PM

Lealynn woke up and saw Cream in the kitchen. She made a fancy French breakfast, Crepes and extra fast using her leaves.
"Fancy any crepes?" Lealynn asked as she put on some chocolate.

812 posts


totallynotjoey • 10 January 2018 at 7:11 PM


Realising it was the weekend and feeling stupid, she raced back to her locker, shoved everything in, thought of sleeping a bit more, dashed around a corner, right into Thor, who was heading to the Library.
"Oh shoot, I'm so sorry!" and then realising who it was she blushed.
"Oh no it's fine" he said, blushing slightly himself.
"Are you, are you alright?" she offered, all the while eyeing the floor
"Yeah it's cool, no problem" he replied, "so uh, are you going anywhere right now?"
"Me?" she asked in surprise, "Uh, I'm just going to catch up on some sleep because of all the drama late last night"
"What drama?" he asked
"Oh that?" she said, sheepish that she'd just spilled the beans a bit, "it's... nothing, don't worry about it"
"Oh alright then"
"Yeah, I'm gonna go take a rest now" she said mustering a smile.
"K, seeya"


What did she mean by drama last night? Thor thought to himself, Was she talking about the scream?
He soon forgot about it as he got whisked away to another world through his books

3,811 posts


sparklefox • 10 January 2018 at 7:14 PM

Zilla sat in her bed, staring into space. She thought about the events of yesterday. Well, what she witnessed about them. The group around the boiler room, whoever noticed her running away (well, their voice, she didn't see their face), the Charizard which was grabbing their attention, and even the sudden fight. At least the fighting had stopped, she no longer needed to listen to that. While thinking about what to do and study during this weekend, she grabbed her phone and a pair of headphones to listen to some music with. ...Then she began to stare into space again, looking right at the wall.
So far, I've been imaging Zilla being alone in a dorm room because she doesn't seem to have anyone in her's so far. Unless, anyone wants her in their's.

1,135 posts


lazyanon • 10 January 2018 at 7:16 PM

(I have actually done this before)
Cream:"nah but thanks for the offer."* she mistakes the Half and Half for milk and takes it out and a bowl and some corn flakes. She pours the Corn flakes into the bowl then the Half and Half and starts eating it with a spoon. Right in front of Lealynn. Cream is not fully awake or aware in the mornings.*

812 posts


totallynotjoey • 10 January 2018 at 7:17 PM

(She can be in Frost's Frond's and Mist's since they only have 3 people 😊)

4,575 posts


wigglytuff • 10 January 2018 at 7:46 PM

@sparklefox she can be in Lillian, Aria and Jumanji's bunk.😊

"Cream, that's the half and half..."

1,135 posts


lazyanon • 10 January 2018 at 7:52 PM

Cream:"Huh. No wonder it tastes better."

1,089 posts


animalliterature • 10 January 2018 at 8:55 PM

Adea tipped her head to the side. "Zack?"

Jax slipped out of the doors, walking up to the girls and immediately sitting down to chat with Adea. Calla's face grew hot with anger, glaring at the pair. Illusion snatched Stone's camera and began silently recording.

1,135 posts


lazyanon • 10 January 2018 at 9:46 PM

Zack:*he recorded another video as The Illusionist Gamer. This time a calmer video. Animal crossing pocket camp. It got the average amount of views he usually gets for a game like this. He better start making a review for it. He checks his subs. 1M. He did it. Chuck the review out the window. He going to do something thing special. Over half of the comments begged him to do Minecraft or FNaF so he'll do both AND review it. Then the pocket camp review. It'll be great.*"WHOOOOOO!"

4,575 posts


wigglytuff • 10 January 2018 at 10:13 PM

"Zack? Oh nevermind that. Let's get started!" Allie exclaimed.


"Congrats on a million!" Allie said to Zack later in the day."I play Minecraft too, mind if I join you?"

1,135 posts


lazyanon • 10 January 2018 at 10:23 PM

Zack:"Yea. You're probably waaaay better than me. Like it seems so simple. But I die sooo much. I'm in need of a tutorial."

1,089 posts


animalliterature • 11 January 2018 at 4:22 PM

Adea glanced up and cocked her head to the side. ``Illusion---`` she seemed to realize what her sister was doing. Leaping to her paws, she blushed madly and said, ``Illusion, it's nothing! Stop recording!`` Illusion rolled her eyes. ``Illusion, we're just friends!``

``Just friends?`` Calla growled, leaping up to push her muzzle in front of Adea's. ``Like no-one's noticed!`` Adea reared back, her leafy tail flicking over Calla's mouth.

``It's not what you think!`` she whined.

``It's exactly what we think!`` Calla snarled, biting Adea's tail. Adea shrieked and leaped backwards. She backed away toward Jax, shrinking to the ground. Calla leaped at her, paws outstretched. Adea darted past her, squealing as Calla screeched, ``Leave him alone!``


Illusion had focused the camera on the two of them. This is getting good. she smirked. Jax rose and threw Calla off of Adea as she grappled her to the ground. At least they weren't using moves---Calla would knock Adea out. Jax shouldered Calla away, snarling, ``Leave her alone, Calla. For the last time, we're over.`` he turned to Adea. ``As for you---I've been waiting to ask you a question.`` Adea had been staring at her paws. She looked up, her ears pinned back in fear.


What's he going to say? Adea trembled.

1,135 posts


lazyanon • 11 January 2018 at 4:50 PM

Joker:*no one was in the computer room so she walked in. And looked around*
Cream:* she continued to eat her abomination to cooking. Half and Half with corn flakes.*

1,089 posts


animalliterature • 11 January 2018 at 5:17 PM

Adea was relieved and surprised as Jax finished his sentence. ``I---um---I'm free at three on Tuesday,``

``Meet at my dorm? I'll order some food.``

``Um... a-alright...``

``Good! Can't wait to see you there!`` with that Jax sprinted off, sensing Calla's muscles growing stiff with hot anger.

1,135 posts


lazyanon • 11 January 2018 at 6:16 PM

Jumanji:*she stopped looking for her brush and gave up and went back to bed*

1,089 posts


animalliterature • 11 January 2018 at 6:42 PM

Illusion stopped recording and smiled. ``It'll make a great first video,`` her eyes twinkled. She had always loved causing chaos. Adea sighed.

``Lets' edit it and put in a friendly beginning first.`` she began dragging a log to a grassy patch between a few trees. The log wasn't doing much good in the parking lot, anyways. She sat down and Illusion began recording while the others stood back. While dragging the log, they had planned that just before the intro ended, everyone would jump in beside her, Illusion would set down the camera and join them, too. Calla wasn't happy with any plan, but they went with it anyways.

4,575 posts


wigglytuff • 11 January 2018 at 6:56 PM

"I prefer creative, but I can manage with survival," Allie said. She turned on her computer and showed Zack a big castle with a wigglytuff that looked like Allie on it. Then she went on another world and showed him a huge temple with giant trees and boulders everywhere. "I was thinking of turning this temple world into a survival games. It has chests in it already and lots of corridors as well as zombie spawned at the end of them, so it'll be interesting as our first minecraft video,"

1,135 posts


lazyanon • 11 January 2018 at 6:58 PM

Zack:"okay!.......... How do i walk?"

1,089 posts


animalliterature • 11 January 2018 at 7:04 PM

They edited the video---Stone guiding the way; she had taken tutoring classes on things like this last year. They finally relaxed as the video began to upload. ``Yikes,`` Adea winced. ``Two and a half hours. What are we going to do in the meantime?``

``We could battle,`` Taima flexed her shoulders, grinning.

``There's enough damage already,`` Stone reminded them sharply.

``We could do it at home!`` Baara argued.

``A fight doesn't sound bad at all,`` Illusion agreed.

``Ugh. If I ever have to battle again, it'll be too soon.`` Calla whined.

``Know what, you three battle, I'll take Calla and Adea out for a ride.`` Illusion nodded and Taima and Baara hopped into her car.


Stone turned her head to Calla and Adea as they pulled out of the driveway and headed home. ``Where should we go, girls?``

``We could go shopping,`` Calla suggested. She glanced at Adea. ``You're not hanging out with Jax looking like that.`` Adea gasped, then narrowed her eyes angrily.

4,575 posts


wigglytuff • 11 January 2018 at 7:08 PM

"Umm... you press w to go forward, a to go to the left, s backwards and d right. And to access your inventory press e, to hold an item in your hot bar press the number of the slot it's in and to turn around just use your touchpad"

1,089 posts


animalliterature • 11 January 2018 at 7:12 PM

Stone sighed. ``Lets' divide it between things we all want to do. Calla, we can go shopping first. What do you want to do, Adea?``

``I heard there's a new park? We could go take a walk.``

``Great! After that we can eat. I know this good restaurant that just opened up a week or two ago. It's only a few blocks away from the park.`` The three of them hopped into Stone's car and they drove off towards the mall.
