❅ The Terflox ❅ A hybrid creature suggestion by wild_wonders.

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senkou • 14 June 2019 at 7:59 AM

Hey all! It's me again back with another creature suggestion. ^^ This is probably one of the more 'daring' creatures I've made, just because the last stage looks a fair bit different to all the others, even though it was intentional (I was going for the same kinda thing as unusith baby stage compared to last stage). An alternative colour to the blue, to make it look more similar, would probably be a dark green or something. This creature is based off a fennec fox crossed with a caterpillar during a caterpillars life cycle (caterpillar, coccoon, butterfly). Was kinda contemplating whether or not to post as I'm kinda scared what y'all will think bit I'm just gonna wing it lol. [Name pronounced TER-flocks,, inspired by butTERFLy-fOX]

Here's the art:
Sorry about the terrible quality. 😋

Description (by @stevepat2002)

About Terflox eggs:
Terflox eggs are not as delicate as they seem. In fact, they are some of the hardest eggs in all of Ark. They are always moist, since they are laid in the marshes of Ark. The buttery substance on the antennas of the egg has been identified as its saliva.

About the Terflox:
The Terflox is known for it's amazing ability to go without food for weeks. Whenever it has trouble finding a shedded erthona leaf or two to munch on, it can survive by eating it's own saliva (according to research from the SARC). This creature goes through metamorphosis, similar to a caterpillar, while still retaining its cat-like form.

Here's some pings (sorry if you don't like them!)


Thanks and have a great day! ^^

2,243 posts


beta • 14 June 2019 at 8:09 AM

@wild_wonders. Love it. I'm working on my desc writing so may I write a desc about this?

2,491 posts


leafmelody • 14 June 2019 at 8:26 AM

i can't get over my obsession with the baby stage lol it looks so cute!! and the shading for the cocoon is just.... goals (; and haha yes it's not a deer lol d: again, i'd totally buy that (if i wasn't broke haha)

1,243 posts


senkou • 14 June 2019 at 8:40 AM

Sure! I'm actually looking for someone to help me write them so it's kinda perfect timing haha 😋

thanks ily! I hope it gets made but i really doubt this one will, it's too daring. :') just did it for the fun lol

2,243 posts


beta • 14 June 2019 at 10:10 AM

@wild_wonders anything you want in it?

About Terflox eggs:
Terflox eggs are not as delicate as they seem. In fact, they are some of the hardest eggs in all of Ark. They are always moist, since they are laid in the marshes of Ark. The buttery substance on the antennas of the egg has been identified as its saliva.

About the Terflox:
The Terflox is known for it's amazing ability to go without food for weeks. This is because, according to the SARC, it can survive by eating it's own saliva. This creature goes through metamorphosis, similar to a caterpillar, while still retaining its cat-like form.

Feel free to modify that to make it better, my writing is bad, which is why I just write random stuff
I wouldn't be surprised if hour creature was made, however I would be if this was the description. Its trash [my writing is] ;P

156 posts


warghost141 • 14 June 2019 at 10:27 AM

I like the fantasy that u have brought into this creature. I like it they should make a fantasy theme month I would pay for this in cash the last stage is too cute

1,243 posts


senkou • 14 June 2019 at 7:23 PM

It's actually really good! I'd say maybe that they eat erthona or kaihon leaves but can also survive in their saliva. And I think they'd love in the rainforest, personally. 😋

Thank you! Was really nervous to post it, glad someone likes it~ ❤️

156 posts


warghost141 • 14 June 2019 at 7:42 PM

I think it looks really cool u did a great thing uploading have faith in yourself u are doing fine love.

2,160 posts


prairie • 14 June 2019 at 8:56 PM

I love the art on this!! 😃 ❤️
I really love the 'creature' stages. ❤️ I think the 1st stage looks super cool with the detail you put on it with the (prongs? can't remeber what they call them). 😱

1,243 posts


senkou • 14 June 2019 at 10:03 PM

Yeah! I actually looked up pictures of different caterpillars to see which one would look the best incorporated with a fox.. glad you like it! And yeah, they're just small stubs that turn into the antenna of the lasts stage. 😊 Hope that makes sense. XD

And oh! Iforgot to mention, I used your guide to make this suggestion, combining two creatures that are rare on the site and combining the two main words to make the name. 😊

2,160 posts


prairie • 14 June 2019 at 10:11 PM

That totally makes sense to me. x3

And happy the guide I made was of help to you! 😃 That's what it's there for lol (for those who find it anywho)

2,243 posts


beta • 14 June 2019 at 10:22 PM

@wild_wonders, as I said feel free to modify it ;D

1,513 posts


froot • 15 June 2019 at 5:52 AM

@wild_wonders OMG THAT'S ADORABLE ❤️

I love the eyes in the last stage, it's so pretty O_o

Beautifully done art, I must say. The egg stage and the last stage are my favourite.
Hope it gets made 😃
