2021 goals (CLOSED)

in User Contests & Giveaways

Do you think 2021 will be a good year?

2,485 posts


yogurt • 12 January 2021 at 4:09 PM

Since it’s a new year...
What is a goal/goals you’re working toward? (Eggcave related but if you have one in real life you want to share thats cool too!! It would make things interesting haha)

I’m not too active but when I come online I’ll check this forum topic and if I can help out in anyway then I’ll do so. Don’t expect to get helped. If I helped you once I may help you again so feel free to post more than once. Also I might not end up helping you at all. It’s just random and what I feel like I am willing to give up.

Help might be big or small. Some days I feel more generous. It might not even be related to your goal. Please don’t complain. I don’t have to help anyone. I just felt like this would be fun and a nice way to give back.

Rules: none really. Just keep the vibe positive and don’t get salty if I don’t help you out. It’s not personal. I can’t help everyone. Try to be honest with your goals and not just choose creatures you want from my cove. I only want to help people who seem to genuinely want and are working toward that goal. If you didn’t get help for one goal you can post again. But once it gets negative then I’ll just stop helping altogether.

If I help you and you want to give back maybe help someone else who posted also! Let’s just have some fun gift giving.

Ex 1: I want to save up 10mil EC.
Might gift you like 2 mil ec to help with that goal.

Ex 2: My dream creature is a pixgog.
I might send over some creatures of value so you can trade for that pixgog.

Ex 3: I want to buy one of the monthly CSP creatures from this month.
I might send over one if I have one UFT. Or some CC to help you reach the goal.

I’ll keep this up as long as I’m still doing this. I might be too inactive though so I might end it at any time if I can’t come on to check this anymore.

968 posts


murmurw • 12 January 2021 at 4:34 PM

@yogurt Wow! This seems like a wonderful idea!❤️

Hmm... am I allowed to put 2? (One EggCave related and one not?)

1st Goal : of course, straight A’s + STEM Program (I better start studying lol)

2nd Goal: Be able to buy the rereleased CSP creatures next month

222 posts


burrito13 • 12 January 2021 at 4:38 PM


This is really sweet of you! I'm not asking for help, but I *am* working on getting a Skrute from someone for 2.2k CC! This is what I'm working on for this year. 😊

A personal goal is to be able to play guitar with my friends. I'm still learning different chords and notes. 😋

Do you have something you're working towards this year?

330 posts


jaywesome • 12 January 2021 at 5:09 PM

This is such a nice idea! I'll check this one once in a while too, to see if I can help 😸

My eggcave goal is getting a Female Kacki. I used to have one, but I think I traded her in about 2013, but now I miss her in my cove 😋

My personal goal is getting pregnant and finishing my management study 😃

852 posts


athanasia • 12 January 2021 at 5:38 PM

My goal(in eggcave) would be to give to others and help new players as much as possible❤️ and save up enough to buy a Polober and a Sammied(I'm selling everything in my side @athanasia_storage😋)
My goal(outside of eggcave) would be to help others in need(ex. charities, homeless people/people in a bad financial situation, etc.)❤️

1,102 posts


distorted • 12 January 2021 at 8:43 PM

@yogurt Aww that's so sweet! But I don't really need help.

My current goal is to save up at least 5 mil ec for my friends birthday (I'm nowhere near that goal...) Another goal related to eggcave is to see if I can get my dad to buy me CC so I can get that Biwo *^*

And outside of eggcave, my goal is to get good grades in my STEM school.

Deleted • 13 January 2021 at 11:28 AM

@yogurt this is really nice of you, thank you for doing this!

My goal outside of eggcave is to maintain my grades, but also keep up with my friends online because I can't see them in person at this time.

My goal for eggcave is to get my ultimate dreamie, a Trisk

2,485 posts


yogurt • 13 January 2021 at 10:42 PM

I’ve been busy haha whoops.

@murmurw ohh stem! I’m in health studies rn. Grades are such a big deal for stem haha good luck. Sent you something and you can offer on this too Trade #973172 ^^

@burrito13 I’m working on getting fit and also just learning to be more independent and being happy alone. Haha good luck on the skrute! Hope you got what i sent over.

@jaywesome whoaaa your personal goal is so exciting haha hope you get some good new soon! I’m not sure if any of these creatures can help but maybe you can trade them for something and then trade it for a kacki LOL Trade #973171

@athanasia very nice! Would you set up a lot with a random item so i can send you some EC haha

@distorted aww. I mean I’d love to help haha I have like a lot of EC wasting away on my account. If you set up a lot with a random item I can send you some.

@preciousgems Trade #973169 hope this helps somehow 😊 hope you stay connected during covid. It’s definitely been hard for me too haha

968 posts


murmurw • 13 January 2021 at 10:53 PM

@yogurt Yeah! Although I’m already having a tough time keeping my grades at where I want it to be, to go down the path that I want, I’m sure the end result will make all my hard work worth it (and I hope this applies to everyone and their different pursuits in life). I do know it’s only going to get more difficult from here on out xD (still have to see if I’m accepted in the following school year owo)

Aww❤️ Are you sure? Tysm❤️

1,863 posts


magenta • 13 January 2021 at 10:59 PM

@yogurt not really a goal but ur back!!!! 😱 how've you been? also i guess a goal for me would be to finish my art portfolio for uni lmao xD

852 posts


athanasia • 13 January 2021 at 11:18 PM

Thanks❤️! I do hope that what ever career path I choose(I've haven't decided yet) I can end up helping people in need😋 Once again thanks for doing this❤️
And here's the trade: Trade #973174

Deleted • 14 January 2021 at 8:40 AM


Thank you ❤️

222 posts


burrito13 • 14 January 2021 at 8:48 AM

Thank you so much! ❤️
I don't know what to say!

Best of luck on your goals for 2021 though! I think I might join on that too lol ❤️

330 posts


jaywesome • 14 January 2021 at 11:07 AM

Thankyou! 😸 You're so nice!
I hope I'll have good news to share soon too ❤️

1,102 posts


distorted • 14 January 2021 at 11:49 AM

@yogurt Aweee you're so generous! Thank you so so so much ❤️ ❤️❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Trade #973183

Omygosh! That's so much- 😱

2,485 posts


yogurt • 14 January 2021 at 2:48 PM

@magenta LOL not really. I Lowkey feel bad that I made this and then I keep forgetting to come online to check it out and reply to people. I’m about to get even busier bc school is starting on Monday and I already don’t have much time as it is XD Trade #973190 Little gift for my friend ❤️ feel free to change stage/trade or whatever if it helps you get your other wishlist.

852 posts


athanasia • 14 January 2021 at 3:53 PM

Wow, that's a lot of EC, I'll send you a Doro😊

1,863 posts


magenta • 14 January 2021 at 9:15 PM

@yogurt oh my god what the!!! im gonna cry thanjs so. much omg.... i sent you one of my favs in return!! ALSOOO dont feel bad!! you're not obligated to and you should remember that, you've done more than enough ❤️ i think everyone can vouch for you even before this thread lmao and also school omg good luck!!! hopefully its online? and ive seen your drink making stories and god they look delicious lmao if you wanna chat more we can continue on our walls or in pm so it doesnt clog up the chat!

1,610 posts


shadowdragon28 • 16 January 2021 at 1:27 AM

Ooh, this is so nice! Thanks for doing this!

Uhh, my goal outside of Eggcave is to keep up my grades while participating in my school clubs. I signed up for some clubs but they've been taking up a lot of time lately. 😊

My goal for Eggcave is to save up to get a Lyralopex.

1,621 posts


solaris • 16 January 2021 at 10:26 AM


It’s so fun reading about everyone’s goals!

My real life goal is to lose the weight I gained during lockdown. Lol!

And my Egg Cave goal is to keep collecting Bean Sack items for my Diablos! I want to eventually have them all.

330 posts


jaywesome • 16 January 2021 at 11:22 AM

@athanasia Sent you a little something 😊
@solaris I think Solaris doesn't have these yet? 😸 Trade #973307

852 posts


athanasia • 16 January 2021 at 11:24 AM

Omg! Thanks sooo much! I’ll take great care of it! Would there be anything I could give in return?

1,621 posts


solaris • 16 January 2021 at 11:26 AM


You’re right!! Thanks so much!

I offered some bonus EC to help you get that Kacki someday!

330 posts


jaywesome • 16 January 2021 at 11:31 AM

@solaris Thank you! 😸

@athanasia No don't worry about it! I trust you'll take good care of her ^^

852 posts


athanasia • 16 January 2021 at 12:00 PM

That's so kind of you! I will😃❤️

Gender Nonconforming
1,249 posts


frankenstein • 16 January 2021 at 1:43 PM


This is a super neat idea. Hope it's not a pain if I join?

1. Outside of EC, I either need a temporary job, or to figure out if I want to go back to school. It's been a long struggle to figure out a career I can settle into, and the last few years haven't been helpful one bit, lol.

2. An EC goal that will probably extend beyond 2021, is getting an Avem. Those elusive little birds are crazy expensive D:

3. A more obtainable EC goal is sustaining a 150k ec savings. I'd like to be able to contribute meaningfully to future SAR donations and to be able to expand my side when needed without stressing too much. I can't buy cc anymore, so this is becoming a slog of a goal, lmao!

4. I want to be more helpful and generous on EC in the coming year (and beyond). I had the means to do so for a minute, and now I'm back to square one.


303 posts


dragiigy • 16 January 2021 at 2:03 PM


I have met some wonderful people here. Like @frankenstein and @laylamocha and @megamisama90 . Guys, I wish you all best in RL and I hope, you will get your favorite creature or even two of them here 😊

My wish for Eggcave: all players would use Budgies price list 😊 , So I could know, how much to spare and buy some "cats". I simply love cats like Manekii

4,265 posts


izziebee1017 • 16 January 2021 at 4:11 PM

Aw, this is so kind ❤️ 😸

My goal is to save up enough CC to get freezes for my creatures in my Don't Feed Tab. (There's so many, I know, but luckily most of them are far from evolving to the stage I want to freeze them in.)

4,151 posts


emo_pattys • 16 January 2021 at 10:42 PM

@yogurt Hey! This is a great idea, very kind of you! 😸

My goal in Eggcave would be to continue gathering one of each species in my main account and in @patty2,
specially the older ones I still don't have. I'm very excited with the re-releases!

About goals in RL, I'd say to be able to go on vacation from work. I've been working too much for more than 2 years without a break and it's been very consuming, I'd like to rest a little 😊

2,485 posts


yogurt • 16 January 2021 at 10:57 PM

@shadowdragon28 yes grade are important! Good luck. I know it gets draining but it’ll be worth it in the end. Trade #973341

@solaris Haha That’s so funny. I think a ton of people can relate to your goal XD
Can you set up a lot? I’d like to send you some EC haha you prob need some to buy items from the shops right?

@jaywesome Loveee this hahaha ❤️

@frankenstein how funny haha Ive been waiting for someone to want an Avem because I have 3 but i already have both the stages I want so I dont need this third one xD Trade #973342

@dragiigy haha budgies is useful but i doubt everyone will agree with it XD not sure if this helps at all but maybe you can trade them for something you want haha Trade #973344

@izziebee1017 I think i have over 35,000CC worth of freezes in my cove hahah they are so expensive!!!! But i like your dedication LOL I dont have much CC to spare so I sent you something but you can make a trade lot with a random item and I can send you some EC and maybe you can buy some CC with it?

@emo_pattys I didnt get to check out what creatures you still need but I hope you can trade these for something you want. Haha a vacation sounds so nice but traveling in my area is so scary now because of covid. ☹️ Trade #973345
