The Hunger Games Roleplay

in Roleplaying

5,680 posts


trish • 24 March 2012 at 7:53 PM

Jade- 4.

She gave some thought to this new idea.
A little girl.
A little girl that could set off a whole forest with her screams.
And wow, a little girl that could put up a tent and set up shelter okay.

"On a few conditions. One, promise me to down your screams to a maximum of zero for forever. Two, I hope that you can act and be more mature than your age permits. And size too. And three, where's the nearest water source?"

5,632 posts


linpug • 24 March 2012 at 8:03 PM

@trish My camp is right next to a pond. 😉

I actually planed on killing Jade if I ever met her. Whatever. I try to answer as reasonable as possible. "Well, for number one, I'll try, and for number two, I'll try as well. But the reason I screamed was because an earwig pinched me." I say, pointing at the water bottle.

I invite her inside the tent. "Let's split up our supplies." I tell her. I tell her how I got a blanket, sword, sack, two iodine bottles (Well one now that one is emptied in the lake) a flashlight, and some dead leaves, and a water bottle, which is outside on the ground.

5,680 posts


trish • 24 March 2012 at 8:10 PM

@linpug Psh. I so knew that. 😋

"Allies then." As I also entered the tent.
"Let's see... I grabbed an orange small pack if you don't mind, but let's see what the contents are."
And I just shook them out carelessly.

A pack of dried fruit. An empty water skin. One pack of matches. One pair of socks.

"Amazing haul isn't it?" I was simply content. This was already lucky.

"Oh, and I have a bow, a sheath of arrows, and a knife which someone supposedly threw at you."

5,632 posts


linpug • 24 March 2012 at 8:21 PM

Lauri ~ 5
"Wow!" I exclaim as I see everything. "There are no dead leave! The game makers must like you!" I say. I take a look at the bow and arrows, and knife. "You got some great stuff"


533 posts


dewpaw • 24 March 2012 at 9:32 PM

Venta 12

I watch as Jade runs after District 5, but hold my ground. "If I can fend everyone else off I can stay at the cornucopia and have all this supplies to myself." I whisper to myself.

5,632 posts


linpug • 24 March 2012 at 10:13 PM

This is going interesting so fare >8)

533 posts


dewpaw • 24 March 2012 at 10:17 PM


5,632 posts


linpug • 24 March 2012 at 10:31 PM

@dewpaw Nuthin' much goin' on, eh?

5,680 posts


trish • 24 March 2012 at 10:53 PM

"Thanks. Hey, can I get that bottle of iodine? I'm gonna get some water." Jade asked, getting the essentials done.

5,632 posts


linpug • 24 March 2012 at 10:56 PM

Lauri ~ 5

"The water is already purified" I tell her "I dumped all the other iodine bottle in? And plus, there are earwigs on the water bottle I have outside" Having an ally is much better, then I hoped for. I thought it might be trouble having to hunt, and leave the tent, but she can guard it, if I'm gone.

5,680 posts


trish • 24 March 2012 at 11:02 PM

Jade -4.

"Um. You should've left it alone. What if we move our site? What if they didn't have iodine? We could've eliminated this source for them if they didn't have iodine. But still, are you hungry?" Jade asked, moving from subject to another subject.

5,632 posts


linpug • 24 March 2012 at 11:17 PM

Lauri ~ 5

"I still have an extra water bottle in my pack" I tell her. "I'm not really that hungry, but I guess I'll hunt." I jump out of the tent, not waiting for an answer.

I draw my sword. I first look inside the pond for any fish, and I'm not disappointed. I manage to get 8 fish from the lake.

Next I look around for any more food sources. Then I heard a rustle in the grass. I turn around, to find a flock of groosling. I lunge forward, and I easily get 6, with a swing of my sword.

3,331 posts


carter • 24 March 2012 at 11:18 PM

Is it to late to join?

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 24 March 2012 at 11:18 PM

Nope. ^^

3,331 posts


carter • 24 March 2012 at 11:24 PM

@ladybugheart 😃 yay!
This good?

Username: @carter
Character name:Carter
Age:12 almost 13
Appearance:looks just like her mother did at her age. Long darkbrown hair. Green hazel eyes.
Personality:Nice, shy, keeps to her self more often
History: Not much to tell, she lived in the Seam, and hunted in the woods like she was tought.
District: One
Skills:shoots bow and arrow like her mother. was tought how to hunt in the woods
Other: was also tought how to play Violin for no real reason she just liked the sound

16,170 posts


bunnyshadow • 24 March 2012 at 11:25 PM

Sylvia ~ 8

Sylvia caught the water bottle and yelled out after Melody. "Thanx!"

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 24 March 2012 at 11:28 PM

From the front page:
"Don't use or mention any characters or events in the books."

Additionally, we already have Venta from District 12, so I'm afraid you'll have to choose another one. 😉

5,632 posts


linpug • 24 March 2012 at 11:28 PM

Lauri ~ 5

I giggle, and enter the tent pack with 6 fish, and 3 grooslings. "Look what I caught!" I say to Jade. "Should we cook it? I don't want to risk the change of a fire, but we can't eat it raw" I ask.

3,331 posts


carter • 24 March 2012 at 11:31 PM

Better? and sorry i dont read much of an Rp thats this long before i join so could i have a summary XD

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 24 March 2012 at 11:35 PM

There's nothing much to say, we basically went through everything and we just started going into the arena. ^^ Everything you need to know is on the front page and on page 26. 😉

Sorry, no District 13. ;]

16,170 posts


bunnyshadow • 24 March 2012 at 11:35 PM

Sylvia ~ 8

Sylvia wandered around the cornucopis, bored. She was the only one left there

3,331 posts


carter • 24 March 2012 at 11:36 PM

@ladybugheart what districts are left? and kk

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 24 March 2012 at 11:36 PM

One, six, seven, and nine. 😊

3,331 posts


carter • 24 March 2012 at 11:39 PM

@ladybugheart Fixed it. 😋

5,632 posts


linpug • 24 March 2012 at 11:41 PM

@bunnyshadow More tributes are there, such as bluegirl80, tess, and dewpaw, celeste, and carter 😋

Bad thing about an ally, you have to wait for them to get online 😋

Lauri ~ 5
I hand the food up in the tent, and go back to the cornucopia, before all the good stuff is gone. I see Sylvia pacing around. I think of all the stuff I will need now that I got an ally. "I need a sleeping bag" I think. I dash to the sleeping bag, and in an instant, It's in my hands.

3,621 posts


asi • 24 March 2012 at 11:45 PM

# Hash # D10 #
After catching my breath, I continued into the hills. Eventually I found a nice small spot where the hill curved so that the spot was hidden from view in four out of six directions (stupidly counting the ground as one of the obviously hidden directions).
I hadn't managed to get any blankets or a tent to make shelter with, but I was used to sleeping out on the hills, and well, it'd be a little worse without a blanket, but hey. You can't have everything.
I was still alive. And that was definitely something.
I reviewed what else I had. A full water bottle was a win for sure. Often in the Games water was very hard to find. Matches and string, not so much. If I were in a forest, I would probably be able to set up snares for animals with the string and so get food- but there was very little in the hills, and I only knew how to make snares from watching the other tributes.
And matches, well. I could make a good fire, I'd had plenty of practice in the hills, but the smoke would give away my location, which was a big no.
I didn't want to go into the forests. I'd never seen so many trees in my life than the ones I'd caught snatches of today, before I had started running in the opposite direction. I'd be at a huge disadvantage in such unfamiliar territory.
I figured my strategy would be to wait it out in the hills. That, I could do.

Deleted • 24 March 2012 at 11:46 PM

Username: @skibunny9
Character name: Eliza
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Appearance: brown skin, brown eyes, heart shaped lip, pouted mouth, and red full lips
Personality: mysterious and hard to get
History: came from a rich family and was put into a foster home with no family
District: 4
Skills: bow and arrow, and sling shot
Other: N/A

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 24 March 2012 at 11:49 PM

We already have Trish from District 4. 😉

Deleted • 24 March 2012 at 11:51 PM

Were we allowed to makeup districts or something. 😃
Becuase I would have said District 690,978,487

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 24 March 2012 at 11:58 PM

No. 😋 On the character list on the front page you can see which districts are open. (;
