Warrior Cats Roleplay RP Topic

in Roleplaying

Any changes?

2,892 posts


skymoare • 19 March 2017 at 4:31 PM

"Fine" Viperfang growled as she sheathed her claws.

Deleted • 19 March 2017 at 4:35 PM


"Thank you." Blur meowed gratefully. He turned to face his friends. "See? It's safe now."

2,892 posts


skymoare • 19 March 2017 at 5:04 PM

"So, Blur, what are you doing with these Kittypets?" Viperfang asked

105 posts


keesa • 19 March 2017 at 10:33 PM

She walched as the medcine cat was called away again. With so much going on it was no wonder he was exstremely busy. Still, she wished she had somthing to do to combat this bordum. Her leg was feeling a bit better and she tried stuggling to her feet, this time successfully and limping to the fresh kill pile. For some reason the cold feeling of the water wasn't going away but hopfully food would help some. Taking the smallest mouse she sat down and began to eat.

Currently wandering aimlessly in the forest. :T

1,589 posts


flowerlynx • 19 March 2017 at 10:36 PM

"Yeah, right... we won't." Shadow looked at Chloe, who was looking at her. How was their mission going to be accomplished? Would Shadow go to the camp, or not?

(Sorry about late reply, @degong! I was busy most of the day and couldn't come back to the site. 😋)

1,924 posts


reality • 19 March 2017 at 11:08 PM

"Okay," Snowpaw said. Sun paw nodded and they scampered off back to camp.

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2,221 posts


pitch1226 • 20 March 2017 at 10:28 AM


"Yeah, Blur. What's up with the kittypets? You're not... becoming one of them, are you?" Thunder glanced at the the two she-cats skeptically. Although he disliked clan cats more, the loner still wasn't a big fan of kittypets.

1,589 posts


flowerlynx • 20 March 2017 at 11:55 AM

Shadow glared at Thunder. "First of all, I was captured as a rogue, and hate being a kittypet. Second, you haven't even met Chloe or I until just now, and you don't know us."

2,892 posts


skymoare • 20 March 2017 at 3:33 PM

Viperfang roared with laughter "Once a Kittypet, Always a kittypet" she growled

1,589 posts


flowerlynx • 20 March 2017 at 4:18 PM

"How about YOU get captured by twolegs? That would make YOU A KITTYPET, TOO!" Shadow snarled viciously at Viperfang. Her temper was flaring- and, once it did that, things didn't tend to end in peace.

2,892 posts


skymoare • 20 March 2017 at 4:36 PM

"ME get captured by the Twolegs?! Oh, no. Let me ask you, do your Twolegs feed you?" Viperfang purred, as her claws slowly slid out again.

Blazestar noticed the rouges were gone, he narrowed his eyes and followed the scent. The scent grew stronger and stronger. Then he heard talking. the wind was blowing just right to cover his scent. "ME get captured by the Twolegs?! Oh, no. Let me ask you, do your Twolegs feed you?" he heard a cat purr.

1,589 posts


flowerlynx • 20 March 2017 at 4:41 PM

Shadow's ounce of calm temper was completely gone now. "We'll see who's the REAL kittypet!" She snarled as she leapt forward onto Viperfang, raking her claws on Viperfang's side.

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2,221 posts


pitch1226 • 20 March 2017 at 4:51 PM


"Ok, ok! Calm down ladies! I was just curious, geez," Thunder grumbled. "You both need to quiet down. Are you trying to alert the clan cats?!" He watched the dark kittypet leap at Viperfang.

"Not again," he whined.

2,892 posts


skymoare • 20 March 2017 at 5:02 PM

Viperfang grinned "oh, how I love fights!" as she dodged Shadow's claws, and leapt at her.

Blazestar's eyes widened 'Viperfang!' his thoughts roared, he bunched up his muscles and leapt between the two fighting cats "ENOUGH!" he roared.

1,589 posts


flowerlynx • 20 March 2017 at 5:04 PM

Shadow twisted and landed on the ground, backing away. She still glared at Viperfang, of course, but she sheathed her claws.

Deleted • 20 March 2017 at 5:12 PM

Blur looked at the leader, and back at the cats. "Wait, you know Viperfang?" He asked, bewildered.

He turned to Viperfang. "Stop it!" He screeched. Blur couldn't bear to see any more fighting.

1,589 posts


flowerlynx • 20 March 2017 at 5:22 PM

Shadow hung her head. "Sorry about that, Blur..." she muttered. Hopefully she wouldn't lose her temper again. She stared at her paws, hoping that Blur would forgive her.

1,223 posts


degong • 20 March 2017 at 5:25 PM


Chloe stood in shook as the two cats fought. She watched as they tried to hurt one another. She knew the strong feelings that clan cats had against Kittypets, but rouges, too? And to break out into a fight over Shadow's imprisonment; it perplexed her.
She saw Blazestar run over to try to stop the fight. She backed slowly away from the leader, worried he would recognize her. Chloe had seen Blazestar at the gatherings, but she was uncertain if Leafclan's leader knew her face.
"Don't get into anymore fights, please..." she whispered, worried that she might actually try to defend Shadow if there was ever another fight.

1,924 posts


reality • 20 March 2017 at 6:35 PM

Snowpaw and Sunpaw weren't far before they heard fighting. "Oh no," they whispered in union. Sunpaw ran back while Snowpaw climbed a tree closer to camp in case she needed to message Leafclan.

Firepaw went hunting with Brightheart. There wasn't anything to do. Wandering a little close to the twoleg place, he could make out a white thing in the trees. A rabbit in the tree he thought confused. Shaking off the confusion, he sprung at it, and a yelp came.

Snowpaw felt something knock her down. "Hey," she bristled angrily. She turned around and saw Firepaw, an apprentice from Leafclan.

"Sorry," he smiled sheepishly. "I thought you were a rabbit."
"On a tree, seriously. Rabbits don't climb trees." she said exasperatedly.
Just then Brightheart came. "I was looking for you." she said brightly. Peering over, she saw Snowpaw. "Is that your new mate." Brightheart teased.
"No," Firepaw almost yelled. "That's against the warrior code."
Snowpaw hissed,"Why would I be mates with a mousebrain who mistakened me for a rabbit who can climb trees."
"Okay, okay, I was just teasing." Brightheart said with a smile. "Let's go Firepaw," she mewed to him. Firepaw obediently followed, carrying some of the fresh kill Brightheart caught.

Deleted • 20 March 2017 at 7:05 PM


"Oh... it's fine." Blur meowed to Shadow. He saw Chloe shrink down to hide from the leader. What's with her?

2,892 posts


skymoare • 20 March 2017 at 8:39 PM

"Don't move one more mouse-length!" Blazestar growled at Chloe. "and let me answer that question for her. Matter-of-fact we do know each other." Blazestar said to Blur. Walking toward Chloe.

Viperfang was breathing very hard, "Well, well, well, isn't this Blazepaw! Did is former leader chase you out as well?" she mocked.

"No. and the name is Blazestar!" Blazestar growled.

Deleted • 20 March 2017 at 8:58 PM

(Blur is a tom)

"B-Blazestar?" Blur mewed. "And you know each other? Viperfang, were you once in a clan?" he hissed.

He looked around nervously, and stared at the large tom-Blazestar in front of him.

"U-um. Hi?"

2,892 posts


skymoare • 20 March 2017 at 9:10 PM

"Yes, yes, I was formerly part of a clan, until HE-" pointing her tell at Blazestar. "turned me in" she finished.

"Well, I had to! Listen, you can all go back to Dawnclan camp willingly or I can force you all." Blazestar said

Deleted • 20 March 2017 at 9:30 PM


"We're not going to the DawnClan camp. At least, not me." Blur growled.

"Me, Viperfang, Thunder, Shadow, and Chloe don't want to." he said, flicking his tail toward his friends.

(P.S Chloe can speak out.)

1,223 posts


degong • 20 March 2017 at 9:49 PM

(I'm still going to try to conceal the secret, but I'll try to drop hints. ^-^)


Chloe stopped, her entire body frozen with fear. She heard Blazestar and Viperfang's argument, then Blur's response. She relaxed her muscles and spoke out, "Well, I wouldn't mind seeing the camp," she meowed, "At least for a little bit."

Deleted • 20 March 2017 at 9:53 PM


"Huh? Chloe?" Blur meowed to her. She was a kittypet! Why would she want to see the clans?

(That'll be fine by me.)

2,892 posts


skymoare • 21 March 2017 at 7:28 AM

"Then I guess you choose force, a search party should be here soon.........." Blazestar said as his claws slid out.

(Who is Moonstar send on the search party?)

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2,221 posts


pitch1226 • 21 March 2017 at 8:43 AM


"I am not going back to DawnClan! I don't care who you are, I am not going willingly," he growled. He was glad to hear Blur hadn't changed and didn't want to go back to camp. This Chloe cat, however, made him very skeptical.

1,223 posts


degong • 21 March 2017 at 8:58 AM

@valleries1 (Uh, I think it's Dewheart, Hawkstorm, Crystalpaw, and Icepaw.)

1,589 posts


flowerlynx • 21 March 2017 at 11:51 AM

Shadow sighed. "This doesn't have to end in battle. But if it does..."
(Who's side should Shadow be on, Leafclan or Dawnclan?)
