Avian Roleplay

in Roleplaying

How long would a wingspan have to be to lift a human off the ground? (Multiple answers allowed.)

1,467 posts


robinn • 19 December 2019 at 8:50 PM

Sirin quickly opens his wings to keep himself from falling with Raina. He tries to move out of the way before Lyon could attack him, but was too late.

Lyon quickly slashes at Sirin's wing with his dagger, causing him to fall. Lyon jumps down the tree after him.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 19 December 2019 at 8:54 PM

Ralem sees Sirin start falling and he jumps away from where he was falling to the other side of Raina. He called Sirin some very fancy and rude names.

Jaela burst through a bush and saw Sirin, Lyon, Ralem and Raina less than ten feet away. "You!" She yells at Sirin.

1,467 posts


robinn • 19 December 2019 at 8:57 PM

(Yes all the rude names)

Sirin starts to panic. He was outnumbered again. Those humans were no help at all.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 19 December 2019 at 9:00 PM


"What's going on in that twisted mind of yours? Notice that you're losing again?" Jaela calls angrily.

Ralem looks down at Raina again. "You're in no shape to fight right now. Is it okay with you if I move you to a more safe place?" He hissed.

1,467 posts


robinn • 19 December 2019 at 9:23 PM

Sirin glances at Ralem and Raina. It looks like they're leaving. I can get them later. Two against one isn't as bad. "I haven't lost yet." He growls. He takes out his gun and aims for Jaela, she seemed to be the most dangerous out of the two.

Lyon sees Sirin aim for Jaela. He makes a rash decision. "Drop the gun!" He yells.

Sirin feels his mind go blank for a second. When his mind clears he sees his gun on the ground. What just happened?

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 19 December 2019 at 9:35 PM

Jaela sees the gun aimed at her and she freezes up. She expected to die... But it never came. She heard Lyon shout and she looked over at him in surprise. Sirin dropped the gun and she took the chance to jump forward and grab it. She smashed it against a tree, then looked back at Lyon. What had he done?

Ralem glances up. Something felt off about the way Lyon had said it, but he didn't care at this point.

1,467 posts


robinn • 19 December 2019 at 9:52 PM

Now that his gun was destroyed, Sirin pulls out a knife to use instead. I lost my advantage, this is looking bad.

Lyon sighs in relief. The gun was gone now at least, but he sees Sirin pull out a knife and slashes at Jaela.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 19 December 2019 at 10:11 PM

Jaela tries to duck the knife but she was still in shock from whatever Lyon had said. The knife slashes from her right temple to the bottom left corner of her face. She shouts in pain and falls to the ground, clutching at the wound. She curses loudly.

1,467 posts


robinn • 19 December 2019 at 11:08 PM

"Jaela!" Lyon calls. He rushes towards Sirin to stab him, but Sirin dodges and grab's Lyon arm.

Sirin quickly uses his power on him. Lyon collapses and Sirin picks up his dagger.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 20 December 2019 at 11:32 AM

Jaela looks up and tries to see what was happening, but there was so much red dripping down her face that she couldn't see anything. She wipes it away and puts her hand on the healing ball that they hadn't taken. A tingling sensation started in her face and the red stopped flowing. She looked up to see Lyon on the ground and Sirin with his knife again.

1,467 posts


robinn • 20 December 2019 at 3:32 PM

Lyon could hear loud noises around him. He opens his eyes and sees a knife heading towards him. He quickly backs up.

"Stop moving!" Sirin yells.

What was going on? The last thing he could remember was Jaela knocking him back with her wind. How did he get here?

I didn't erase enough of his memory, he woke up too quickly. Sirin thinks.

Lyon reaches in his pocket for his dagger, but wasn't there. He panics. How was he going to attack now?

1,610 posts


shadowdragon28 • 20 December 2019 at 3:43 PM

"But...we need to help," Raina gasps, gripping at the healing ball. She tries to stand but her vision blurs, and she quickly sits back down. "I think...I hurt more than my wing..." Raina says. She could faintly hear Lyon shouting, and the figure she presumed to be Sirin drops the gun. Sirin slashes at Jaela and somehow makes Lyon fall down. Sirin moves in with a dagger and..."We've got to help!" Raina yells.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 20 December 2019 at 3:53 PM

"Make the mist again if you can. We can escape through it." Ralem thinks fast. What was Sirin doing to Lyon?

Jaela pants and tries to block out the pain. She watches Lyon and Sirin, feeling helpless. She makes a hasty decision to help him. "Lyon, duck!" She shouts at him. She readies a thin and strong blast of air.

1,467 posts


robinn • 20 December 2019 at 4:16 PM

Lyon does as Jaela says. "Jaela, what's going on?!?"

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 20 December 2019 at 4:20 PM

Jaela blasts Sirin with the gust of air. She did her best to make it as sharp as possible. "Sirin's trying to kill us and he just did something to you! Snap out of it already!" She shouts to Lyon. Blood trickled down her face again and she tightened her grip on the healing ball.

1,610 posts


shadowdragon28 • 20 December 2019 at 4:28 PM

Raina winces and whimpers, but forms another mist like substance in her hands. Her arm screams in pain as she moves it. She forms it, and releases. The mist flows over the clearing, weaker and thinner than before.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 20 December 2019 at 4:32 PM

Jaela saw the mist flow into the clearing and she takes the chance to run away from it and Sirin.

Ralem creates a gold mist around his own hands and makes it cover Raina. It would keep healing her until he stopped powering it. "Thank you..." He says. He very carefully scoops her into his arms and jumps into the air. "Fly, Lyon and Jaela!" He shouts down to them.

1,467 posts


robinn • 20 December 2019 at 5:04 PM

"Okay!" Lyon stands up and prepares to take off.

"You're not getting away!" Sirin throws his knife at Lyon's wing. It pierces through the center.

Lyon winces in pain. He pulls the knife out of his wing. "Get out of here!" He calls to Jaela.

1,610 posts


shadowdragon28 • 20 December 2019 at 6:43 PM

Raina slumps in Ralem's arms, feeling the gold mist healing her. Sleep was so tempting....the pain had gone away. She strained to keep her eyes open but lost the fight against unconsciousness.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 21 December 2019 at 2:29 PM

"No, I'm not leaving you!" Jaela yells. She skids to a stop in the leaf litter and turns around. She runs back to Lyon. "Just run!" She calls. "I'll stall him." She blows more air at Sirin. "Buzz off, you creep!"

Ralem feels Raina go limp. It spurs him on to fly faster. "Just hold on," he whispers. He flies onwards, hoping that the others would be okay.

137 posts


dragonborn • 21 December 2019 at 4:49 PM

Zaron started launching daggers out of his hiding place.

1,467 posts


robinn • 21 December 2019 at 11:12 PM

"Running away won't do anything. We have to stop him here and now." Lyon says.

Sirin lifts up a wing to shield himself from the wind.

"Wait, I have an idea. Aim a strong gust of wind at him. I'll attack while he's distracted." Lyon says.

1,610 posts


shadowdragon28 • 22 December 2019 at 12:27 PM

Deep within, Raina thought she heard a whisper.

137 posts


dragonborn • 22 December 2019 at 8:48 PM

Zaron started aiming his daggers at Sirin.

(Wingedfox can't be on right now, so here's her post... We're siblings.)

Jaela could barely hear Lyon over the rushing wind, but she nodded and did what she thought he said. She made the wind blow harder.

Ralem landed a mile away in a calm clearing and set Raina down on some soft grass.

1,467 posts


robinn • 23 December 2019 at 12:16 AM

Sirin lifts up both of his wings to block the wind.

Now's my chance! Lyon thinks. I can't fly, but I may be able to glide. He turns to Jaela. "I don't know how well this is going to turn out." Lyon gets a running start. He rushes toward and leaps into the gust of wind. He unfurls his wings and lets the wind carry him. He delivers a powerful kick to Sirin and knocks him down.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 23 December 2019 at 7:30 PM

(Thanks, @dragonborn)

Jaela stops the gust of wind and runs towards Sirin. "Nice one, Lyon!" She says, skidding to a stop beside them. She makes a gust of wind blow straight down at Sirin to try and hold him down.

Ralem makes a few golden balls and sets them around Raina. He makes the mist around her extend to the others and use them as a sort of battery to power the mist.

1,610 posts


shadowdragon28 • 23 December 2019 at 8:50 PM

(Ima be on hiatus until Jan 1 or 2 for vaca. Also...should I make a new character?)
Raina wearily blinks and opens her eyes. "Ralem? Where...are we?"

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 23 December 2019 at 9:04 PM

(Oki doki. Have fun! Also, you can if you want to. It's up to you.)

Ralem keeps the mist moving. "We're about a mile away from the others and out of danger... More specifically, we're in a meadow in the mountains."

1,467 posts


robinn • 23 December 2019 at 9:39 PM

Lyon points his dagger at Sirin. "Why are you trying to kill us?"

"I was forced to by the humans! They captured me when I was young and forced me to be their weapon." Sirin says quickly.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 23 December 2019 at 10:00 PM

"Why don't you just turn against them?" Jaela asks. She could hear a faint crashing a little ways away but she didn't worry about it.
