Avian Roleplay

in Roleplaying

How long would a wingspan have to be to lift a human off the ground? (Multiple answers allowed.)

1,467 posts


robinn • 23 December 2019 at 10:07 PM

"Yeah right, and have all of them turn against me? No thanks." Sirin says.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 25 December 2019 at 1:12 PM

"Think. You can fly, you have super strength... Well, compared to a human, which would make you a super human. You could beat them all with a flick of your finger. We did." Jaela argues.

1,467 posts


robinn • 25 December 2019 at 10:17 PM

"Listen, the humans gave me a comfortable place to stay, food, and basically anything I wanted as long as I did what they wanted. So I didn't argue with that." Sirin says.

1,610 posts


shadowdragon28 • 25 December 2019 at 10:40 PM

(Thx ppl. I finally got online!)
Raina blinks slowly, "A-are the others okay?"

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 28 December 2019 at 2:20 PM

(Mhm! No problem.)

"Well, now you don't have to." Jaela says. "You're using past tense anyway. You probably know you'd leave anyway."

Ralem hesitates. "I... I don't know..." He whispers. "It was looking good for our side when we escaped."

1,467 posts


robinn • 28 December 2019 at 2:58 PM

Lyon inches his dagger closer to Sirin. "I don't think we should trust him. We'd be better off if we just kill him."

Sirin's eyes widen. "No, let's not do that!"

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 28 December 2019 at 5:16 PM

Jaela bites her lip. "No. Don't kill him. You'd be just as bad as he is. Just... Make sure he can't come after us again... Like, cut off his wings or pluck all his feathers."

1,467 posts


robinn • 28 December 2019 at 5:39 PM

That last line made Lyon feel slightly queasy. "No, we should just kill him. That way we don't have to worry about him coming after us ever again."

"How about you guys don't do anything to me and just let me go?" Sirin suggests.

Lyon glares at him.

1,327 posts


bgunny • 29 December 2019 at 11:31 AM

Thanks again for letting me join! Iā€™m working on creating my other character now. I can join in after the other character is created.

Hi everyone! Hope you don't mind me joining in! This roleplay seems like a lot of fun. šŸ˜Š

Donā€™t you people know? No one likes a child of Death.

Name: Shiva Ximena Garcia
Age: 16 (Technically 39)
Gender: Female


Shiva has long black hair that goes down to her thighs. Her hair is straight and never knots. She has bangs. Her hair is shorter in the front. Her eyes are silver. They glow whenever she feels a strong flash of negative emotions or uses her powers. They glow a lot and most of the time itā€™s not because sheā€™s using her powersā€¦ Her skin is sickly pale, but is starting to tan from her exposure to the sun. She has large and strong black wings. Her wings were created so she could fly fast and for hours on end, but she is still getting used to them. She is tall, standing at around 5ā€™6. She wears a gray dress that goes down to her knees. The dress is sleeveless, but she wears gray arm covers. She also wears black leggings. She has a sheathed dagger clipped onto her belt. She looks strong and has a cold exterior.

Appearance of wings: Description and Picture

Shiva was a normal human being at one time in her life. She lived in a rundown home. The place was literally falling apart, but no one cared enough to do anything. She had a younger brother, a mother she rarely ever saw, and an alcoholic dad. Her father wasā€¦ letā€™s just say not the most pleasant person to be around. The few times she saw her mother, they acted like distant friends. She and her brother tended to stay away from home. They spent a lot of time at a friendā€™s house.

Her life wasnā€™t even close to being perfect, but it only became worse when she turned 15. She sacrificed her own life to save her brother in an accident that she keeps secret. She lived in what she describes as an eternal darkness. Fortunately, she was given a second chance at life because she had sacrificed herself to save a life. She had no idea how long sheā€™d been gone. She was aware that she looked completely different from her previous life. She was scared of her powers. And to top it all, a voice had spoken to her when she woke up. It had said: ā€You are my child now, Shivaā€¦ā€ None of that mattered to her. She knew she had to find her brother. She could explain everything to him. He would understand. She spent a year looking for him. It didnā€™t go well when she did.

23 years had passed. Her brother had grown up, moved out, gotten married, and had kids. He didnā€™t recognize her, wouldnā€™t believe her. He had seen his sister be buried. Sheā€™d been dead for 23 years. He attacked Shiva and injured her. She has since realized what a monster she really was.


Shiva is a lot more mature than her age. She acts more like an adult than the 16 year old she is. She is always serious and never takes the time to have fun. She never smiles, never laughs, and always frowns. To those she doesnā€™t trust she acts somewhat stiff. She doesnā€™t trust anyone. Her mind and heart are hardened because of what she went through in her life. She is quiet most of the time, but she does have a sharp tongue and will speak up if someone says anything that annoys her or she doesnā€™t agree with. She is stubborn and strong, both mentally and physically. Her nightmares and past experiences have wrecked her mind a little, though. She has a fear of the dark and even sleeping. She doesnā€™t know how to work well with a team. She refuses to rely or work with others. She really would like to find a place where she belongs and friends, but she thinks sheā€™s a monster. She doesnā€™t even trust her own self. She is one the most hopeless people you will ever meet, a pessimist for sure.


Shiva has certain aspects of death manipulation, though a lot of the associated abilities are ones she refuses to use. Death inducement is one of them. She believes people should die based on their fate not because she snaps her fingers and calls them dead. She can also control darkness, a power she feels much more comfortable using, and has an ability called Energy Inducement. The effects of that power is she can go for days without eating, drinking, or needing to sleep.


She is still getting used to her powers. She hasnā€™t really worked on them all that much, having been completely focused on finding her brother. There are a lot of abilities in her power death manipulation that are still uncomfortable for her to use. She outright refuses to use some of them. She needs to ā€˜rechargeā€™ after using Energy Inducement. She went a long time without exposure to the sun, so she is still getting used to it. Strong flashes of lights hurt her. She gets nightmares a lot. Theyā€™re more like sleep terrors. Sheā€™ll scream and thrash until she wakes up.

Other: Her first name used to be Ximena, but just like her looks, it changed upon being resurrected.

1,610 posts


shadowdragon28 • 30 December 2019 at 9:12 PM

Raina smiles weakly at Ralem, "T-that sounds good. Now if you don't mind I'm just going to close my eyes for a bit...."

1,327 posts


bgunny • 30 December 2019 at 11:14 PM

Here's my other character.

Name: Lailani ā€˜Lanaā€™ Faye Blythe
Age: 18
Gender: Female

Lana has hair that could be spotted in even the largest of crowds. It is light pink. Her hair is very long and goes down to her waist. She leaves it loose for the most part, but puts it up in a ponytail when she is going to be more active. It is straight, but she works hard to make it that way. In the morning, when she first wakes up, her hair looks like a mess. She has two side bangs on either side, and always wears a white flower hair clip that used to be her motherā€™s. Her eyes are gold (a little darker and more gold than the picture). They match the color of her wingsā€¦ wingā€¦ Lana only has one wing due to something that happened when she was younger. She is very ashamed of her oddity and wears a black cloak to hide the fact. She likes to wear long white shirts and jeans. She is about an average height and weight.

Appearance of wings: She has one single large golden wing that is always hidden behind her black cloak.

Lana lived with her family in their tribe. They were located in a beautiful canyon area with some greenery and a lake. She had a mom, dad, and older sister and brother. Her siblings were twins and liked to gang up on her. Just as often, she tricked them back. Everyone in her tribe had the natural/main powers, but they were also required to learn a certain type magic. Lana was delicate and weak at the time, so her parents enrolled her into the defense training. However, she wanted to join the fighting group like her elder siblings. They secretly trained her. Her defense mentor was an older avian named Inari. She was very skilled and picked up on her training quickly.

Human interference was a common occurrence for Lanaā€™s tribe. They would do minor attacks or raids, but nothing big. It still put tension on the avian tribe. They never knew when the humans were going to attack next and how big the attack was. When Lana was 16, the humans came and did a full on attack. Her tribe was strong, but they hadnā€™t been expecting it. Lana fought aside her losing tribe, until a human cut of one of her wings. She was told to run and hide. Looking back on it, she feels ashamed that she did so. She should have stayed with her tribe to the very end. Thatā€™s not what happened, though. She hid in a nearby forest. She was weak and her wounds were bleeding. She knew she was going to die. One of the soldiers came. He was a young man, not much older than Lana. He looked really upset. Lana wasnā€™t sure why, didnā€™t really care. She was sure he was going to kill her on the spot. She didnā€™t have any energy to fight back, and actually fell unconscious (which is another action she feels ashamed of). When she woke- yes, she did wake- her wounds had been cleaned and bandaged. The human was gone.

She rested for a few more hours before going to where her tribe was located. Everyone was dead, her siblings, her parents, her friends, everyone. No one had been spared by the humans, except her. Sheā€™s been wandering around now for the past 2 years.


At first glance, Lana is a sweet person, who seems like they can never do any wrong, and is the epitome of innocenceā€¦ Wrong! She is a sweet person, but she has a wild side. She likes to have fun. If you tease and prank her, sheā€™ll throw them right back at you. She doesnā€™t mind getting dirty at all. She is very accepting of everyone, and likes to see the good side in everyone and everything. However, if you betray her easily gained trust, you wonā€™t be getting it back anytime soon. She might seem naĆÆve and gullible, but sheā€™s really not. She canā€™t lie for the life of her. Sheā€™s so horrible at it, and sheā€™s tried so many times. Sheā€™s always smiling and itā€™s hard to make her mad, but when she gets angry, sheā€™s angry! She is loyal to those she cares about, and will protect them with her life. She has a fear of loud noises, especially the sound of gun shots. She freezes up sometimes when she sees a gun. They remind her of when the humans attacked. She gets really anxious and nervous when she thinks someone she cares about is going to die.


When she was part of her tribe, she was trained in protecting and defense based powers. She can create shields, ward off evil, and other things like that. She was also trained in healing. Her natural power is Empathy. She can sense others emotions and manipulate them when she sings.


She doesnā€™t have any control over who she manipulates. If they can hear her sing, their emotions will be manipulated. She tries not to use her natural power much for that reason. She gets headaches a lot because of her sensing emotions ability. She canā€™t heal herself. She knows how to fight, though sheā€™s not the best at it. She depends on her powers more than anything. She also canā€™t fly, so if she needs to get away from anything, sheā€™ll have to run and hope she isnā€™t caught.

Other: If her one wing and no flying thing becomes a drag, I have a loop hole prepared.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 31 December 2019 at 7:35 PM

(Welcome to the roleplay, @bgunny!)

Jaela sighs. "Fine. But I wasn't part of this..." She fingers her dagger for a moment, when whips it out of its sheath and slashes it across Sirin's face.

Ralen nods. "Alright. Sleep well." He says.

1,467 posts


robinn • 31 December 2019 at 9:38 PM

Sirin feels the blood run down his face after Jaela slashes him. "Wait, please don't kill me! If you let me go I'll never come back and try to attack you guys. I promise!" Sirin begs.

"Sounds like an empty promise." Lyon says.

Sirin desperately glances at Jaela.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 31 December 2019 at 10:25 PM

Jaela wipes the dagger on the grass, not looking at Sirin. She moved carefully and smoothly so that she didn't open her face wound again. "Sorry, Sirin." She says. "You shouldn't have betrayed us."

1,327 posts


bgunny • 31 December 2019 at 11:33 PM


How would you like me to join in? I can wait until after the whole Sirin thing ends or Shiva could sense that someone is about to die and go check it out. If you have any ideas, I'll do those. Whatever works.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 31 December 2019 at 11:35 PM

( šŸ˜Š Maybe the second one? I can see the roleplay going farther that way... And Sirin may not die, instead coming back for revenge on Jaela, Lyon and Raina- Sorry, my typing wandered a little there.)

1,327 posts


bgunny • 31 December 2019 at 11:39 PM

(Okay, I'll make a post soon then. Also- just an idea, ignore it if you don't like it- if you want to mortally injure Sirin, to the point where they think he's going to die, Lana could always come and heal him.)

1,467 posts


robinn • 1 January 2020 at 12:18 AM

(Yeah we could do that, plus I've grown attached to Sirin)

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 1 January 2020 at 12:34 AM

(Me too, to be honest.)

Jaela looks over at Lyon. The slash on her face started throbbing again now that adrenaline wasn't stopping the pain.

1,327 posts


bgunny • 1 January 2020 at 12:04 PM

(Okay, Iā€™ll wait to make a post for Lana until then.)

Running, running, running, running, Shiva sat up abruptly. She was breathing hard and sweat sleeked her body. She put her head in her knees and took deep, gasping breaths to calm herself down. Itā€™s late. I shouldnā€™t have slept so late. She stood up and looked around her. I shouldnā€™t have left myself so unprotected either. She mentally beat herself as she looked around the clearing. She had been wandering late last night, so late that eventually she just dropped and slept. She felt the need to get away from her brother. Heā€™d called her a monster, grabbed a knife, andā€¦ She looked down at the long and ugly gash on her arm. It wasnā€™t healing the best, despite her best efforts. She wasnā€™t a healer, not by a long shot. She wasā€¦ she was a monster, a destroyer, just like her brother had said. She walked over to a little creek and looked down at her reflection. She touched her wings. She was a monster. She was a child of Death.

She splashed water on her face to wake herself up and cleaned her wound. She began to pick her way through the forest. After a few minutes, her senses started to go wild. Myā€¦ death sense. She felt sick getting the words out. Sheā€™d been in contact with the voice who had spoken to her, Death, a few times. Heā€™d told her about her powers. She still couldnā€™t get over it. She started towards where her senses were telling her to go. She was curious to see what had happened. ā€œHelpā€¦help me,ā€ someone said when they heard rustling in the bushes. She peeked to see who had called. It was a human soldier. Maybe there had been a fight. He looked like heā€™d been bashed against a tree. He quieted and stared at her when their gaze met. She glanced away from him when she heard people talking. She could sense that they were all injured. There were three of them. She couldnā€™t see them, but she didnā€™t have to in order to know. Her sense had seemed pretty accurate so far. She passed by the human without so much as a glance. He wasnā€™t any of her concern. He would die soon anyway.

1,467 posts


robinn • 1 January 2020 at 12:38 PM

Lyon points his dagger closer to Sirin. This guy was the worst of the worst, lower than scum. How could someone possibly side with humans? Lyon felt his anger boiling up. He slashes across Sirin's neck and watches the blood trickle down.

"No.." Sirin murmurs weakly.

1,610 posts


shadowdragon28 • 1 January 2020 at 1:49 PM

Raina sinks down into the seemingly bottomless pit of darkness. For the first time in a while, she wasn't able to see through the dark. She didn't know why, but she felt safe even though the darkness was all around her.

(I created a new character! Feel free to kill him off though!)

Name: Elias Branwen
Age: 17
Gender: male
Appearance: https://render.fineartamerica.com/images/rendered/medium/print/images/artworkimages/medium/1/dark-angel-gabriel-baez.jpg
Elias has black spiky hair and a tall and slightly muscular build. He has gray eyes and usually wears a serious face. He has daggers and a sword clipped onto his belt.
Appearance of wings:
He has large charcoal gray wings.
History: (Optional)
Elias's dad was the heir to a tribe of avians, and was destined to marry another avian of the tribe. Instead of marrying his the other avian, his dad fell in love with an avian of no noble background, Elias's mom. Because of that, Elias was born. He was exiled and left in the woods because of this affair when he was a baby. He was found by a few crows who took him in as one of their hatchlings. One day when he was about 5, a a hunter came and shot the crows and discovered Elias. He raised him to hunt other avians. Elias did not have a normal childhood and was mistreated and forced to work just for the hunter's profit as an avian hunter. The hunter would use the money that Elias earned for his own gain and didn't give any to Elias. While the hunter grew rich and lived a comfortable life of riches, Elias had to work every hour for scraps of food from the hunter. Because of this, he grew to despise the hunter and one day rebelled and managed to overpower and kill him. He realized that to live a happy life, he would need money. Elias became a mercenary in order to live a comfortable life like the hunter's, and earned a name for himself as "The Avian Hunter." The humans that hire him think that he is a fellow human as he retracts his wings when bargaining with them for a price.

Personality: Elias has a cold and hardened exterior. He is selfish and ultimately cares more about money than other peoples life. He only remembers being raised by the hunter and has a few memories of the crows, so he does not hold any loyalty towards the Avian race as a whole. He is jealous of humans as he thinks that they have the easy life. He is intelligent and good at battle tactics and knows when to retreat or when his is beaten. He does not hesitate when taking a life. He is somewhat of a coward when he knows he is beaten and retreats easily.

Power: (Optional) Elias's power is the ability to create illusions. He can craft realistic illusions that can fool almost anyone. Elias has the ability to use his power to create illusions(clones) of himself that he uses to confuse enemies during his attacks. He can also hide and retract his wings, allowing him to pass as a human sometimes. Elias is also good at assassinations as he has done them from a young age, and he is trained to take down Avians.
Weakness: A few very observant people can tell his clones apart as they do not breath. His clones do not have emotion too(so avians who can sense emotion can tell them apart, ahem ahem), and all of his illusions cannot touch things.

Other: (Optional) His weapons are his sword(Wilt), and his daggers that he throws sometimes. He is skilled at combating other avians.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 1 January 2020 at 4:59 PM

(Oooooooh! He's so cool! I just had a random idea. What if there were two rival flocks? One with the older characters and one with the newer and some of the older?)

Jaela grabs Lyon's hand and jumps into the air. "Come on. Let's go." She says softly.

Ralem shifts the placement of the mist from Raina's entire body to just the broken bones. He could sense that they were healing well.

1,467 posts


robinn • 1 January 2020 at 5:05 PM

(Oooh, that does sound interesting.)

"Where's Ralem and Raina?" Lyon asks, following behind Jaela.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 1 January 2020 at 5:07 PM


Jaela lets go of Lyon's hand. "I saw them go that way." I point towards the end of the forest.

1,327 posts


bgunny • 1 January 2020 at 5:32 PM

(Yeah, that might be cool.)

Shiva watched from the bushes as the two winged creatures - she was pretty sure they were called again - attacked the one on the ground. She wondered for just a second why they would have done that before flicking the thought away. The avian on the ground was dying. She was concerned about the living ones. They were like her. She watched as they began to fly away. I should follow them and see what they do.

Lana wandered through the forest. She had heard gunshots earlier. After a long debate with herself, she had decided to venture to the area were she heard the house and investigate. She couldn't get out of her head that there might be an avian on the ground, dying from a bullet shot. Her family would want her to help. She was very scared the person or people with the gun were still there, though. On the bright side, she hadn't heard it in a while so maybe the attackers had left.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 1 January 2020 at 5:36 PM

(It's just an idea though. We don't have to do it)

Jaela tries not to look back at Sirin. She understood that he shouldn't live...But how would killing him fix anything? It would only make us as bad as he was. It was okay for humans, but Avians were so much higher than they were. We shouldn't do things like that... But Lyon just did...

1,467 posts


robinn • 1 January 2020 at 5:55 PM

Lyon flies shakily in the air. He makes a clumsy landing and checks his wing. I forgot it was injured. His wing was bleeding badly. "Jaela, I don't think I can fly." He calls to her.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 1 January 2020 at 7:12 PM

Jaela lands beside Lyon. Her shoulder still hurt, but by now it was easy to ignore. "Then let's walk. They can't have gotten that far." She says.

1,610 posts


shadowdragon28 • 1 January 2020 at 7:20 PM

(Yee! That sounds cool!)
A soothing sensation came over Raina, the pain rushing away. The darkness receded, and she wearily opened her eyes again. She lifted her right arm up and moved it. "Wow," Raina turns to look at Ralem, "Did you just heal it?"

Elias glances at the paper he was holding again. On it was the information on his new quest-to exterminate some Avians spotted in the nearby forest.
