The OSS Starlight Roleplay forum

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2,892 posts


skymoare • 9 December 2019 at 2:53 PM

Yoshi shook her head. Her memories were all jumbled and fuzzy. "ah, who?" she asked very confused. "Can you take me there?"

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 9 December 2019 at 2:56 PM

~ A little worried, I nod and gently take Yoshi's hand to guide her. From my perspective, it looked like she could faint at any moment and I din't want that. I could navigate almost anywhere but I had no idea how to find my way out of that. I slowly and gently pull the girl in the direction of the others.

2,892 posts


skymoare • 9 December 2019 at 3:00 PM

Yoshi let Kova take her hand and guide her. "Hey Kova, where's your uh, dragon, Mahari was it?" Yoshi asked looking around for the small dragon. She remembered the name Mahari, her memories contained a tiny blurry dragon arguing with Blazeshadow.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 9 December 2019 at 3:09 PM

~ "I left her in my dorm, don't worry. She has great hearing so I can call her if you want me to." I say. "There are some stairs here so step carefully." I guide Yoshi to the first step.

2,892 posts


skymoare • 9 December 2019 at 3:15 PM

Yoshi smiled, "I may have forgotten what happened in the past few hours, but I swear I know how to go up stairs," she said laughing.

1,327 posts


bgunny • 9 December 2019 at 3:28 PM

I step into the room, nodding my thanks at Ngar for holding it open. I stare at the commanders nervously. I could see their momentary shock. I remember my lessons with my parents and push aside my nervousness. "Good evening, commanders. Thank you," I say as steadily and clearly as I could manage. I could feel Jolina peek her head out. Even she was curious. I step to the side so I'd be out of the way, but not make it seem like I was hiding in a corner.

"What you're talking about sounds more like a swamp than a forest," I say. I listen to him speak. I was interested in everything he was saying. I hadn't known there would be people out there who had never been to a forest. The forest was my home. I guess I assumed it would be the same for everyone. "It's something to visit when this is all over, I suppose. Forest are quite beautiful," I speak up at last. I finish eating my food. Alwyn had been done eating for a while already.

I nod at the tiger creature. "Yes, thank you," I say. I point to Blazeshadow and look at Viktor. "I agree with him." I knew the tiger was Yoshi's pet, but I hated being told what to do even more than I hated annoying girls.

1,610 posts


shadowdragon28 • 9 December 2019 at 3:52 PM

The crow creature cooed at her and Sabil sighed and nuzzled her in return. Then a person walked up, and she immediately stiffened. "My name is Sabil," she replied coolly, trying to seem like she hadn't been nuzzling a crow a few seconds back, "Your pet has not been bothering me."

Amryn grimaced as he suppressed the memories and emotions of his past hosts. Having Felix stir things up had caused the others to revolt a bit too. An argument started around him, and Amryn could feel another headache start.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 9 December 2019 at 4:16 PM

~ I laugh. "Alright, just making sure."

~ I close the doors and look back to the people at the front. "Please sit." Commander Faralan says to Clem and I. I sit in one of the chairs. and gesture for Clem to do the same. "We have much to cover." I hear a faint shuffle of paper.

~ "I'll bet they are." I say. I scoop the last of my fruit into my mouth. A fanfare blares through the cafeteria, followed by a bored robot voice. "OSS Affiliates. Please finish quickly and return to your quarters to pack. The Assembly Hall briefing is in an hour." There was a click and the speakers shut off.

1,327 posts


bgunny • 9 December 2019 at 4:29 PM

I settle myself into one of the chairs. I make sure my pets are situated before sitting up straight and listening. Dara hopped into my lap, Jo stayed in my pocket, and Nina slithered under my chair. I placed my foot lightly on her so I could make sure she stayed put and didn't do anything bad.

I stand up quickly. "I better go," I say. I grab the trash. "I'm already packed, but I wanted to prepare a little before the briefing." Alwyn walks next to me and bumps my arm. "Alwyn says bye." I hated the friendliness of my Svatana, but he would have hit me with his wing if I hadn't given Amari my message.

2,892 posts


skymoare • 9 December 2019 at 4:40 PM

Blazeshadow's nodded, "You are very welcome," he flashed a smile at Nascha. Despite his master's dislike of the owl, he liked the fiery coming from the owl creature. He can become a great warrior. he thought to himself. Blazeshadow's ears suddenly perked up when he heard Yoshi's voice.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 9 December 2019 at 5:44 PM

~ "What we'll be telling you we'd prefer if you kept quiet about. One of our spies in the Olazar's society found something about the monsters." General Faunlaei said, looking me and Clem in the eyes. "They've created a sickness. It infects an individual when they breathe it in. There... Currently is no cure, but we're working on it. We only intended to tell Captain Bajar'Na about it but it seems that we can tell someone more suited to deal with it now." She smiled warmly at Clem.

~ "Alright, see you on the ship, then." I wave to them, then stand up to put my plate away. It had been really nice talking, but it had left me with more questions than I had started with. What was Rajani? There was no way she was a Dalarilan. Nothing added up. I sigh and put my plate on a conveyor belt to get it cleaned.

~ Once we were up the stairs, I lead Yoshi to the others' group.

1,478 posts


arcana • 9 December 2019 at 6:20 PM

I raised an eyebrow at Kipa, who croaked, slightly offended. "She isn't a pet. If she were a pet, she wouldn't be so troublesome." Kipa bobbed her head happily after the misconception was corrected, ignoring the minor insult. "She's a ... companion. She's her own person, just in crow shape. Her story is complicated." Kipa didn't like people knowing her story. She said it made her more mysterious. I personally thought it was easier to ignore it. Kipa was very settled, and I doubted that she would move now. I would have to wait. In the meantime, I could make small talk with the Arronuk. "What's your job on the ship?"

1,327 posts


bgunny • 9 December 2019 at 6:22 PM

I nod when the general tells us to keep quiet about what she's going to tell us. I wouldn't tell a soul, and I knew Dara and Jo wouldn't either. I put pressure on my foot so Nina knows she can't tell anyone either. I listened with wide eyes when she spoke about the illness. I smile back at her and nod. I would be happy to help them with discovering the cure. I glance over at Ngar. Was I allowed to speak? I had questions, things I needed to know if they wanted me to help.

I wave back. "Uh.. yeah, see you." I hurry to the trash and then to the conveyor belt. "Let's get out of here," I whisper to Alwyn. He follows me out of the cafeteria. "That was a peculiar boy, but I liked him." I sigh. "Yes, I know you did. I have no idea what he is, though." "Does it matter." I give him a look before replying. "Of course it does. I'm curious now." Alwyn chuckles. I shake my head and then walk to my room.

2,892 posts


skymoare • 9 December 2019 at 6:26 PM

Yoshi looked around at the group, "oh hello Blazeshadow," she said stroking the large cat. She looked at the creatures standing before her, there was an owl creature, a boy and an intimating looking man. She tilted her head, for these creatures looked familiar, fuzzy in her memory. "Who are you.. ah.. creatures?" she asked extremely confused because she knew Blaseshadow wasn't the type to make friends, so what was he doing with these creatures?

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 9 December 2019 at 6:31 PM

~ I notice Clem look over at me and I could almost see the question in her eyes. I nod slightly in her direction. The council member opens her mouth to speak again.

~ I look around the cafeteria again at all the people who didn't seem to care about when they had to go. I grin and wish I felt that way. After watching for another moment, I walk to the door. I wanted to pack up and leave as soon as I could. I hear a crashing sound and a familiar roar sound in the hallway outside and I groan, running that way. What was Yolo doing out of her cage again?

~ I release Yoshi's hand now that we were here. I look at them all one by one, then back at Yoshi. Did she remember? I didn't know their names but I hoped she still did. I might be able to find out who they were.

1,327 posts


bgunny • 9 December 2019 at 8:07 PM

Ngar nods at me. I take that as a sign that I was free to ask questions. "If you don't mind, I do have a few questions," I say. I place a hand on Dara for comfort. I couldn't afford to get nervous. "What are the symptoms? How did the Olazar create this sickness?"

I step into my room. I grab my duffel bag. Alwyn grabs his bag between his teeth. I put a hand over my face to hide my smile. "What?" he asks. "You don't look so regal holding the bag like that?" I say. He drops it on the ground. "Oh, well lucky you. Now you get to hold it." I roll my eyes and reach over to grab it. "Fair enough." With all my stuff in my bag, I walk out of my room and head towards the ship.

I smile back at Blazeshadow. Yoshino's pet didn't seem so bad... The girl comes back with another girl. She asks who we are. "Ha, yeah funny joke," I say, arms crossed. I watch her and the annoyed look leaves me and is replaced with a look of confusion. She didn't appear to be joking. She looked too confused for that. I hadn't known her very well, but I didn't take her to be an actor. "I'm Nascha. Did you, like, lose your memory or something?"

2,892 posts


skymoare • 9 December 2019 at 8:19 PM

Yoshi looked at the intriguing owl creature. "Nascha..." Yoshi touched her head, "Ugh, why does that name sound so familiar..." she mumbled to herself. "Lose my memory?" Yoshi asked looking at Blazeshadow who nodded. "Oh shoot..." she sighed in frustration.
"Maybe a night's sleep, those memories might come back" Blazeshadow suggested.

839 posts


thelaizywolf2019 • 9 December 2019 at 11:35 PM

I felt my phone ringing in my pocket. I took it out fo their and checked who was the recipient of the call.

It was, that person from earlier. I picked it up. "Hello? Ah yes... Yes... Yes..." A few minutes later the phone call ended.

"Change of plans.... There's going to be someone new (my character) coming here.. We're going to wait one more hour."

1,610 posts


shadowdragon28 • 10 December 2019 at 2:53 PM

"Ahh...I see. My apologies," Sabil nodded to the crow. She shouldn't have made the mistake of assuming that the creature was a pet, she herself had been subject to that misconception more than once. "I'm a communicator. You?"

Amryn tilted his head in surprise. She...lost her memory? He felt a pain of sympathy for that, his memories were long gone.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 10 December 2019 at 6:37 PM

~ I run out into the hallway and see a white and rainbow draogn jumping from person's face to person's face in the hallway. She sees me and starts jumping onto everyone's faces to get to me. "Yolo." I say to her, making myself look really disappointed. "Why are you out here?" She jumps onto my head and starts walking around my head, messing up my hair. "Well SOMEONE forgot to lock my cage and the door... Again." the dragon squawked.

~ I watch the owl-man talk to Yoshi and I fold my arms. Oh, how much I wanted to butt in here and talk him out of that attitude but I knew that it wasn't my place. I sigh and keep watching quietly.

~ "The first symptom is wheezy coughs and frequent vomiting. What comes next is the ill person or creature will start coughing up blood. We don't know what comes next, to be honest. The Jaliva currently in our care with the sickness hasn't passed to the next stage. We only know so little." Commander Faralon says, then looks back to Faunlei. "The Olazar created it by combining hundreds of illnesses from their society and ours. We don't yet know the specifics but our spy said that he would be transferred to that area soon. We will send details to your device as soon as we learn it. You will be one of the first." She finishes.

1,327 posts


bgunny • 10 December 2019 at 9:39 PM

I nod and lean back in my chair. Wow, I couldn't believe anyone would make an illness like this, even the Olazar. A thoughtful look crossed over my face as I began to think about possibilities to cure this disease. Eventually, I come back from my thoughts. I just didn't have enough information yet. "Okay, thank you," I say.

I consider telling Yoshino we were best friends or something else like that, but then Blazeshadow says about her memories possibly coming back after a good night sleep. I might be pretty daring when it comes to what I say, but I really didn’t have a death wish. I shrug. “Well, good luck getting your memories back,” I say. I meant it in a good way, but it probably came out more rude.

2,892 posts


skymoare • 10 December 2019 at 9:55 PM

Yoshi frowned when Nascha said 'good luck' for her memories. Despite her fuzzy memory. She was sure the owl creature was on the annoying side of her memories. "So, um, what's going on right now?" she asked, still thinking hard to remember the name Nascha.

1,610 posts


shadowdragon28 • 11 December 2019 at 4:17 PM

"Just-" (Yelling at each other and having arguments and driving Amryn mad and-) "-talking to each other," Amryn finished.

2,892 posts


skymoare • 11 December 2019 at 4:45 PM

Lance walked down the hallway, he heard a lot a jabbering from the cafeteria. Curious, Lance entered the large room. He saw a large group of creatures talking. He shrugged and walked up towards the group. "Sup interesting creatures," he said. "I was told there was any other pilot here. Have you seen him or her?" he asked.

Yoshi looked up at the new comer, a large white eagle who loomed over her. Beside her, Blazeshadow growled, his scorpion tail lashing. She looked up at a face that was very very faint in her memories. She touched her head again, where has she seen him? She asked herself.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 11 December 2019 at 5:00 PM

~ "You're welcome." The commander says. They spoke for a few more minutes about the details of the mission that the others likely wouldn't ever know, such as where they might end up and what they might encounter. Most of the possible outcomes were very unlikely but were good to know just in case.

(Later in the roleplay if you want to say something around the lines of 'She remembered something that the Councillors had said, which was ___," that's fine. I honestly have no idea what they would say. Whenever I try to bring up possible things they would say the conversation is long and fuzzy.)

~ I raise what eyebrows I had. "Sounds interesting." I say. I hear something behind me and I turn around.

~ I pull the dragon off my head and hold her tightly in my arms. "Sorry, everyone." I call to the glaring faces in the hall. I start walking back to my dorm.

839 posts


thelaizywolf2019 • 11 December 2019 at 6:08 PM

I enter where the group of creatures were. "Do you know who's the Head of Security, here?" I asked timidly.

"Yes, me, why?" A male replied.

"Oh! Viktor Ivanorov, right? My name is Arthur Sedgewick!" I dipped my head in respect. "I'm your personal assistant..."


I was taken aback. I have a personal assistant?!

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 11 December 2019 at 6:45 PM

~ I see another person walk to the group. I look surprised. How many others would be coming?

839 posts


thelaizywolf2019 • 11 December 2019 at 8:14 PM


When I was still conversating with Viktor, I hadn't noticed that my familiar began to slowly appear out of thin air.

It then was staring, at this person (Kova).

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 11 December 2019 at 8:20 PM

~ I was watching the new person speak fearlessly to Viktor when something moved out of the corner of my eye. I glance toward it and freeze. I didn't know what it was but something about it was utterly terrifying.

839 posts


thelaizywolf2019 • 11 December 2019 at 8:23 PM


I quickly and swiftly watched the person. Seeing it feel fear, is quite interesting to watch.
