⭐️💰 Monthly Challenge & Dailies Feedback Megathread

in Site Feedback & Ideas

1,807 posts


minnie298a • 18 February 2023 at 2:14 AM


That's the way I've always read it. The 100cc counter resets each month. Which I do think could be difficult for some, particularly this month as it's a couple of days shorter.

The following is also from the announcement blog:
"After you complete 25 days worth of dailies in a month (note that you don't have to be on every day!) you can claim your Monthly Challenge reward of 100 CaveCash".

419 posts


mrsgiggles • 18 February 2023 at 4:38 AM

I second the 20 egg approaches daily as being excessive. I've seen waits between turns after the first 10 tries go from 9 minutes to 30 minutes (my 10th try just now throws a 29 mins wait before I can try for the 11th time).

If these challenges are to continue, the people designing this should understand that not everyone spends hours on the sides just to click and restock and whatever. If the requirements to complete the challenges are so strict, expect participation to drop off, especially when the rewards are sometimes paltry compared to the time and EC spent to complete the challenges.

Oh, and I never once get a cave monthly as part of the prize for completing all 5 challenges of the day, despite completing all but 2 days of dailies - it's all commons! I'm starting to feel that these dailies are just a time and EC sink with little rewards.

3,621 posts


asi • 18 February 2023 at 6:35 AM


You're right. I wasn't paying much attention to it, and originally thought it was a month's worth due to the not every day part. So it's just almost every day...

Yeah, being on that many consecutive days for that much time just isn't sustainable for me. I have time during the weekends but the middle of the week is too busy to spend so long feeding and cave-lurking on here as a daily thing!
If it was a month's worth of dailies, and I could do it at my own pace, I'd keep at it, but I definitely can't keep up with this on a monthly basis.
Did have fun with it though! Good luck to everyone hanging in there~

I'll just focus on stocking up my shop for the quest days, I think ^^ Business is booming...

42 posts


mysticgirl916 • 18 February 2023 at 9:41 AM

The 10 quest task yesterday wasn't so bad, I just mainly did the Miserable Meltdown ones because it only asked for 1 item each time. The prizes I get go right into my shop

78 posts


kediset • 18 February 2023 at 9:51 AM

first time of 10 tasks, it ended up ok.. yesterday, it absolutely sucked. I feel bad for anyone who doesn't have the time to do 'em.

881 posts


elluwah • 18 February 2023 at 10:06 AM

I still think 10 quests is an awful thing as a daily, it required so much time and EC. I tried waiting for the items I needed in the shop, which never restocked what I wanted, so that wasted my time. Buying from user shops wasted my EC. With the miserable meltdown each user wanted *at least* 4k EC every item. That’s still over 40k EC wasted on a task that I wouldn’t be doing otherwise (I have no need for the tokens or creatures, but I DO need the EC). I don’t like the quests at all, but I’m alright doing 5 as a ‘difficult’ task. The 10 is just too much.

Same with cave attempts, I can do 15 but the 20 is just a bit too much to be feasible for people who can’t keep checking the website every half an hour. I feel like I’ve been online all day and I still have 3 more attempts to wait for, it’s all taking sooo looooonnnggggg ;_;

I’ve done a lot of complaining about these two things, but everything else I really like. The feeding and click exchange are my most favourite. The EC rewards for the dailies themselves are barely noticeable so at least I can earn some EC back by feeding I guess 🙈

Not sure I can keep this up every month if it continues like this, but it’s definitely a nice feature and I’m grateful we have some way of earning free CC.

475 posts


spell • 18 February 2023 at 10:31 AM

Also support reducing vending machine quests to 1, 3, and 5!

I've been able to complete 10 alright these past couple of times because I've had more free time but for those with lower item/EC reserves or who are unable to repeatedly come back to the site (especially if they fail quests that are too expensive/hard to find), it is too much of a struggle and not very friendly towards newer players

42 posts


mysticgirl916 • 18 February 2023 at 12:27 PM

Not too fussy about the use 10 items task either. Using 5 items is just right

141 posts


mindwhiper • 18 February 2023 at 12:42 PM

My god, I'm so tired from "do 10 quests, loose all your EC, spent all your free time" and "approach 20 times to cave, you have a lot of time" kind of tasks. Time zones DOESN'T make everything easy, because in the active period on site I'm sleep at night. But it's ok, I can live with this, but what about users who can't and users which ASK to reduce some quests in daily? PPl just want to play, not to work.

2,043 posts


lynncrow • 18 February 2023 at 12:49 PM

We're over halfway there, so I'm back with a remix of my previous opinions with some new ones sprinkled in. Ooof this turned into an essay.

I've seen a lot of user input, but not a whole lot of mod input. Not trying to throw shade, just curious if any changes are being considered from this thread since the blog one got vetoed fairly quick and I haven't heard anything since then. But I also could've missed something. lol

• I still like the idea of this overall, but I disagree about having to do them for 25 days. I think the suggestion of making it X number of tasks overall is more feasible for people who can't sink time into this every day or have unexpected interruptions occur. Someone could suddenly get deployed, lose power/ internet, have a sudden death in the family, or something else.
Sure, if it was changed to a certain number of tasks someone really dedicated could knock out most if not all them in a day, but wouldn't give them an advantage in any way. Whereas this month, if you miss 4 days, that's it. You 100% miss out on CC you could've gotten and you can't make those days up.

• The little bit of EC you get from finishing a daily could be tweaked in my opinion. You're already getting EC from having to feed pets. Maybe make it something possibly different each time like the Advent Tree but on a smaller scale. Like 500 EC won't do me much but if I got a random item from one of the shops I could possibly put it towards a Quest, sell it in a shop/ trade, or use it for myself. When the quest is asking you to spend 40k, getting 200ec for finishing it just seems like a kick in the shins if that makes sense.

• A lot of people seem to be getting burnt out. I can see it. Some are against the forced social interactions and are being drained by it. Others by the huge time sink that is the cave. Then more by the money pit that is the quests. If this is an every month thing and you want participation, things need to be tweaked.

• 10 quests is a bit much, I've seen a lot of people say 1, 3, and 5 would be more reasonable tiers of difficulty. If you have bad luck with quests, 10 is a lot of time. You're also at the mercy of pricing at other player's shops so you could be spending a lot more than what the original price was. You can kinda work around the time issue if you're willing to empty your wallet, but not everyone has that luxury.

• Attempt 20 steals from the cave is another one where it's a huge time sink. People can do it, and have been doing it, but they aren't happy about it. There's no work around for how long it takes, there's only one cave and you're at the mercy of RNG for when you can try again. If you are really unlucky you could spend 5 hours on this one alone. For one out of five dailies, it is way too much time. I'd say the numbers on this one need tweaking or the cave to be less RNG with it's timing.

74 posts


zoruna • 18 February 2023 at 12:56 PM

10 quests and 20 cave clic is very very hard and not funny ☹️

323 posts


ravensong • 18 February 2023 at 4:14 PM

I can handle 15 cave attempts, but not 20 ☹️ I barely have time.

10 tasks was not too bad. User shops should really be reasonable with their prices. I never spend over 10K on an item. For each item I buy, it usually takes about 30 creatures to feed. I think that using the ~Quest Swapping Page~ would help users more! I'm always ready to help users out 😊

42 posts


mysticgirl916 • 18 February 2023 at 5:15 PM

I am in agreement with the 20 cave visits task, it takes way too long depending on the wait time between attempts

151 posts


dragongirl02 • 18 February 2023 at 6:08 PM

1. It might be better to have 125-150 tasks per month, with the goal being a minimum of 125 complete tasks per month for CC; this allows people with limited time on weekdays to knock out ten tasks in one day during the weekend; it could also help people with strict computer free time limits on the weekday; as I see it, the ridiculous 20 cave attempt is currently not possible to do in 2 hours or less, as from the notes I've been taking it takes at least 3 hours or more.

2. If you leave it at 25 days, give an exception for February and reduce the days to maybe 23 days to have the equivalent of at least five days off (since it is a shorter month with only 28 days usually). However, most of us would appreciate a bit more leeway since not everyone has much spare time on the weekday, and a busy day can lead to forgetting about the dailies till the last hours.

3. I suggest clarifying the wording on some of these tasks, for example, mentioning in the forum post goal one. Posting in-game forums for the forum will count for the task. However, it will not count for your post content. There seems to be a misconception that since the post doesn't count for your post count, it will not count for the task. I also had that assumption initially, but I saw one of the mods mention that the game forum does work task-wise. They seem to be pretty standard forum games, count till a mod post, count up to x number, and paste what is on your clipboard (as long as it's not sensitive info). I use a mix of "What happened at the Mysterious Asteroid today?"," Count to 1 million", "Avoid The Moderator" (aka: count till a mod post), & "Paste the last thing you've copied!". That is if I am not posting something for this topic that also happens to work in favor of the task.

I'm only continuing this month in the hope they give us a little break for the first month, considering we are helping with an open Beta, and it's a short month. They were not precise about what the CC event would entail last month, and I only came by a few days into February to check Valentine's day event start date and saw it, so I started late and then had rotten RNG luck one day.

Edited: Clarifying some points.

3,066 posts


heatherm19 • 18 February 2023 at 6:46 PM

Just want to say I 100% agree with everything @lynncrow said!

Just summing up my agreements/opinions:

Changing to number of tasks required instead of number of days would be SO helpful for so many people. I don't see it negatively affecting site usage or anything like that, it would just make it *possible* for users who can't be on every day to still participate and get the CC.

The EC rewards are honestly kind of a joke. Especially the tasks that actually require spending ec to begin with (quests!!), you spend 10k, 20k, or more just to get the task done and are rewarded with a few hundred? I do like the idea of items being a possible reward, that would actually be very helpful.

In general I just think it's all too much to be sustainable for many players month after month. Some of the tasks are just too much on their own (10 quests, 300 feeds, etc) but when they are paired together in the same day that's even worse. I think the general time/energy require each day needs to be tweaked, especially when it comes to harder/longer tasks. (Changing to tasks-required instead of days-required would also help here!)

An then there are the social tasks. This is where I think the idea of being able to 'swap' a task or something similar would be extremely helpful. There are definitely going to be days where posting 3 times in the forum will be *way* more difficult for me than feeding 100 creatures; If I could just 'swap' the social task when I'm feeling especially anxious I'd still be able to complete all tasks and stay on track for the reward.

(excuse any typos, keyboard dying)

5,411 posts


Orderedchaos • 18 February 2023 at 8:57 PM

We are currently discussing altering the difficulties of certain dailies, especially the cave one. Thank you for your continued patience.

1,668 posts


musicgurl333 • 18 February 2023 at 11:46 PM

@Orderedchaos This is so good to hear! 😊 It’s frustrating, because I’ve been quite active, but I can’t (and don’t want to be) checking into the site all day long. Because of that, it is now literally IMPOSSIBLE for me get to 20 cave tries today. Currently at 17, and the most I can get is one more.

I’m also hoping the 10 quests is reduced as well. It’s not bad if you get lucky, but the last time, something like 3 of my first 5 quests asked for items that weren’t available anywhere for sale, or that were only available for like…100k+ in a user shop. Canceling means waiting an hour before I can try again, and there’s no guarantee I’ll have better luck the next time, which can mean canceling again and waiting another hour, and repeat.

1,165 posts


valorieviolet • 19 February 2023 at 12:03 AM

Wait until you guys see the 15 quests for today hehe... :|

3,066 posts


heatherm19 • 19 February 2023 at 12:12 AM

@valorieviolet Wow, it kind of seems to be going in the opposite direction of what everyone wants! Most people are asking the quest number to be lower, but instead it's getting higher! 15... Fifteen, my goodness. That's a LOT of time and ec spent.

(Thank you to the staff for considering the feedback and discussing changes, it's relieving to know we are being heard!)

1,668 posts


musicgurl333 • 19 February 2023 at 12:28 AM

15 quests?? Aaaaaand I'm out. I literally couldn't finish yesterday's 20 cave tries because I ran out of time. Now, it's gets followed up with this. I can't miss any more days to qualify for the CC, and I honestly can't be bothered to do 15 QUESTS! Forget the cost...it's a big time investment! I'm frustrated and disappointed. Better luck next month, I guess. ☹️

248 posts


captaincookies • 19 February 2023 at 12:45 AM

15 quests is simultaneously a MASSIVE time and ec sink for everyone without a huge stockpile of items to pull from at will, and kind of a breeze for people who quest regularly and therefore have big strongrooms to reflect that. I think the problem here is that it is impossible to make such a thing an equal challenge for everyone looking to complete the dailies, both questers and non-questers.

911 posts


icecream • 19 February 2023 at 12:51 AM

Thank you so much @Orderedchaos! The cave challenge is definitely the one I have been struggling with the most so that's great to hear.

3,066 posts


heatherm19 • 19 February 2023 at 12:55 AM

(Just for info-gathering sake, even with the 15 quests I was still able to hit my own personal goal of completing all the day's dailies within the first hour. I spent a whole lot more ec than I should have, then I probably would have if I had waited for things to be restocked in the npc shops, and my hand is now cramping from the feeding/clicking... I wouldn't recommend it, lol.)

2,590 posts


dragrawr • 19 February 2023 at 1:01 AM

Okay, Ill admit. 15 quests is a bit much and is having a considerable impact on my wallet. I usually spent 9-10k ec on each quest

1,513 posts


froot • 19 February 2023 at 1:09 AM

in my previous post i'd already expressed my frustration at the cave daily, and now my frustration has increased probably about tenfold.

i've spent loads of ec completing quests as well as lots of time feeding and clicking creatures, to the point where i've started to feel burnt out. and now, i've lost ALL of that progress because i failed to complete the 20 cave approaches daily. (i missed my final cave attempt by a margin of 5 minutes because i had to join a zoom call.)

all of my commitment to completing dailies has now been wasted because of a time issue.

i have no problem with the other dailies, even with the 15 quests, but 20 cave approaches is far too much. these were the only dailies i've failed to complete due to lack of time, juggling school and exams and volunteering and a tutoring job, and i am incredibly frustrated.

unless this issue gets resolved some way or another, i'm done doing dailies, as i really can't afford to spend so much time camping the cave with its cooldowns.

2,590 posts


dragrawr • 19 February 2023 at 1:17 AM

@shadowfaxe I agree completely. It is rather frustrating. I have to focus on homework and college but I need to remember to visit the cave or all my progress is lost. At most the 20 cave attempts should be a once a month occurrence and so should the 10-15 quests.

A part of me feels like this month should be the trial and error month since the mods and staff are still receiving feedback and everyone who has completed say, HALF of these monthly quests receive 100 cc for their feedback and completion.

151 posts


dragongirl02 • 19 February 2023 at 1:26 AM

The 15-quest thing does seem a bit much. I usually do it with the user shop, even though it is likely a little more expensive, but NPC restocks aren't predictable. I like to knock out the dailies as quickly as possible to avoid close calls. I had a close call for Saturday. I'm used to fast-clicking, which I think saved me yesterday. Sunday will likely be extremely busy, and I don't know if I will have time to do this later. However, since it is still technically Saturday night my time (the timezone difference does that), I don't want to screw up any more attempts for this month. As it is, I'm not even sure I'll be able to get the CC this month. I hope that if I continue for this month, something will come out of it at least.

2,841 posts


jlya • 19 February 2023 at 1:46 AM

Lived through the 20 cave attempts but I 100% second all the feedback about it being too many. It's just too much time when you have to wait so long between attempts.

5 quests? Doable. 10 quests? Annoying and originally objected to, but one can begrudgingly get through it. But 15 quests?? It's just too much. Too much time, EC and just not worth it, even if you find the items on the cheaper side. I've been able to do all the dailies so far this month but even I might have to say no to today.

I too have yet to get any monthly from completing the dailies despite 18 tries. Have barely gotten any from the cave either.

475 posts


spell • 19 February 2023 at 1:48 AM

15 quests ;-;

1,325 posts


twinkle • 19 February 2023 at 2:15 AM

I’m not comfortable with ranting online but 15 quests is just too many. I would be pretty okay with 15 if VEND creatures were circulated frequently but there honestly isn't any incentive with asking us to do that many (I have a lot of tokens sitting there cuz there’s nothing I’d like to buy anymore + low demand for trades) because it usually costs 5-15k EC to do each quest, even for me who has over 6k strongroom items. I only spent 16k EC for today's daily cuz almost all the items were in my Strongroom but I feel very bad for those who don't have a lot of items in stock. They would spend roughly 75k-225k EC total for the 15 quests. And that does not include the amount of EC we have to spend to restock our items. At this point, doing 25 dailies is just not worth the 100CC (= 1 mil EC) ☹️ I'm pretty sure that the devs are discussing this and I hope that they make the adjustments newbie-friendly ^-^ We’re supposed to enjoy dailies, have fun and chill but this is tedious to most of us.
