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Deleted • 3 January 2014 at 10:34 AM

. Okay, so I decided to start again to suggest ... I don't care anymore, I discovered I like to create, to draw. So I'll continue to do it *forever hopeless* xD
Don't ask me what is it ... a cross between a cat and a sheep? I don't know. It was night and I was tired. Its name is random too. xD


Deleted • 3 January 2014 at 10:30 AM

. Okay, so I decided to start again to suggest ... I don't care anymore, I discovered I like to create, to draw. So I'll continue to do it *forever hopeless* xD
This one should be ... an albino fluffy centipede. xD



. Picture >>> http://i.imgur...

june • 3 January 2014 at 7:25 AM

About the Xeeky:
Xeeky eggs are usually buried under the sand in beaches. Xeeks (plural of Xeeky) can survive in very hot temperatures but will freeze to death in the cold. Their egg's peculiar designs seems to be made...

faybaybay • 2 January 2014 at 6:32 PM

I wasn't going to post this one because I didn't like the way it turned out, but I figured I would so I wouldn't have wasted my time drawing it. Anyone who wants to can write a description ^^ include a part in it explaining why they go from tan to black with lights & why they're being strangled...

raitonchidori • 2 January 2014 at 2:12 PM

It's been a long time, but after all I decided to suggest another creature, the Baiacu.


About Baiacu Eggs:

All it's surface is covered with sharp spines, able to penetrate deep into the skin.

More About the Baiacu:

Baiacu has one of the most...

circus • 2 January 2014 at 1:25 PM

Thanks for the input, spirithawk 😊 I changed the description so that it doesn't seem that the flower can't leave the Zuli, which just wouldn't make sense. xD

And I forgot to put the hashtag:


More livepulse pings:

sarahzafirah • 1 January 2014 at 5:31 AM

I spent the whole day thinking about this and here it is! ^3^ Sorry if it's been suggested before.
Egg Description:
If you encounter a leaf-covered egg while taking a dip in Ark Bay, don't avoid it! Mimousea eggs are very delicate and though laid in water, cannot survive for very long without...

momokie • 31 December 2013 at 5:34 AM

Since we have yet to have a Lemur like creature, and they are my favorite animal, here's my idea ❤️ sorry if it's been done ^^"


Around the homes in ark, when candy hearts, roses, and chocolate a...

life • 30 December 2013 at 4:56 PM

Creature Suggestion - the Nara (Creature suggestion for valentine's day)

Here is the picture:

Description is coming...

Made by: ~Life (~Hemester)


life • 30 December 2013 at 4:27 PM

Creature Suggestion - the Tubetic

Here is the picture:

Description is coming...

Made by: ~Life (~Hemester)


Pings (sorry):

phoenixfire • 30 December 2013 at 4:53 AM


Hello! I made a new creature suggestion 😃

It's called the Pintpeck. I don't mind if you suggest a different name. It looks like a peacock... In fact... It IS a peacock!

Here we go!




arcticwonders • 28 December 2013 at 8:43 PM

Creature: The Skia, though cloaked in shadow, is actually quite a sweet cat. Though the sweetness is only confined to the living cat itself. The shadows that often swarm around the feline tend to bite or wrap around anyone that tries to harm or get too close to it,...

phoenixfire • 18 December 2013 at 1:50 AM


Hello I made a creature! Since most of the cats have retired, I made a cat to 'increase' their population.
I don't know what the name is going to be, probably relating to bells or something.


angelwolfeh • 14 December 2013 at 10:34 AM


Hi, Angel here and I have a creature suggestion (and cat food on my thumb). This is the Snoutous; a friendly little pig with a huge personality.


Egg: This egg is slightly furry and soft, not to mention...

aedia • 11 December 2013 at 2:34 AM

I enjoy reading up on cryptozoology, so I thought I would create a suggestion that came off of a legend, the Cadborosaurus.

If anyone could improve the imaging to make it look more like the description, that would be great!...

june • 7 December 2013 at 2:30 AM

Heya! This is the Frozils. Yeah, it's a horned jellyfish. It's creative, nuff said 😋
Blue fire bursts out of this scalding hot egg. Only the bravest explorers and adventurers dare to touch the surface, and often times, they have to say bye-bye to their hands. The fir...

nenielsen • 1 December 2013 at 4:05 PM

Sorry for the focus... PX

Pronounced Oh-Nar

Blends into its environment perfectly: From the sky, it's blue, from underground, brown, and from the side, grass green.

Please, ping your friends! 😃


june • 1 December 2013 at 1:30 AM

Hi guys!
I was just looking around and I realized there aren't that many plant creatures (or maybe none), there are plant-based creatures like the Rosse, but they aren't really plants (I'd say the closest would be Flor, but since I haven't been on in a while maybe there are new ones? I guess Trenka...

nenielsen • 30 November 2013 at 12:20 AM

The egg is made of whipped cream

Hatched Shoklate are made of pure chocolate, apart from their whipped cream wool. Milk produced from a Shoklate ewe is actually hot chocolate!


june • 29 November 2013 at 3:39 AM

You see a small tree by a serene lakeside, with soft pink petals drifting down.. twirling, dancing..
.. that's how you know a Faepetal has been there.

The blessing of the Faepetal gives nature it's most beautiful possible appearance. Faepetals nourish, enhance and let barren lands grow lush and viv...

june • 29 November 2013 at 3:31 AM

My favorite creature suggestion by me yet, I bring you the Seala, based on New Zealand's fur seals!

I'm not really sure what to write for the description, and I know the egg is very simple, but I hope you'll like the Seala anywa...

june • 29 November 2013 at 3:29 AM

Hello again! Another repost of my previous designs, though this time I've named it the Bawooka! (isn't that a funny sounding name?) Which is my way of saying that it's black and white. Yes, this creature will only be black, white and gray!

june • 29 November 2013 at 3:13 AM

Hello all! May I repost to you my idea, the Kyten (from a year ago)!
Egg Stage: Kyten eggs are soft, warm and furry, just like a baby kitten. Ooh, look, there are even little cat ears! Kyten eggs require a lot of attention and tender...

dragonii • 23 November 2013 at 10:22 AM

i notice that their are no kangaroos based Creature eggcave so here is The christaroo

I worked really hard one this one and i hope it paid off. 😸 Enjoy

#dragoniiCreatureSuggestion --- #creaturesuggestion


* * * >>> The Cristaroo<<< * * *
Picture >>>http://fav...

megadash • 19 November 2013 at 8:30 PM

Since the next animal in the Chinese zodiac is the Horse, I thought that I'd make a creature that I'd been meaning to make for some time. I would have colored it sooner, but my computer crashed and I lost a lot of the files.
As you may have guessed, I've patterned the coats on one of my favorite an...

nenielsen • 16 November 2013 at 2:14 AM

Here's the link:

I based the design on the musk ox, and the name is a mix of both words (duh!). 😋


nenielsen • 13 November 2013 at 11:45 PM

Here's the link:

I based the design off of the arctic fox, and named it after the Japanese fox spirit, the Myobu (Kitsune).

Constructive criticism is great, but praise is even better! 😋 Lol please don'...

nappipappi • 12 November 2013 at 12:53 PM

so title says almost all : 3 i love sheep so i think i make one sheep related Creature suggestion : ) this is fully made by me. the idea and the picture. Picture is done in simple MS paint so im sorry rough edges. Hope you enjoy!

Name is Dreshep and its short of Dream Sheep and that did not sou...

whispers • 10 November 2013 at 4:49 PM

I based this suggestion off of Capricorn, a sign during part of the winter month.

Colors: I was thinking the fur be of a traditional, realistic goat, while the scales of the tail be a dark indigo



Pings! (sorry, not trying to be a both...

cherryish • 10 November 2013 at 3:35 PM

The last topic I made about the Leokolate was more of an idea, and not really planed. I have made a new drawing of it, here it is 😊[user]=130224266&filters;[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0

When I scanned this drawin...