The Sectors Roleplay (Open)

in Roleplaying

1,428 posts


asrieldreemurr • 29 September 2019 at 9:53 PM

I narrow my eyes at the girl.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 30 September 2019 at 1:53 PM

~ I look over at Neva and pick up the flag. "Where should we hide this?" I ask. I didn't know who was the leader as of now, but I assumed it would be Neva because she had decided the name.

~ I look at the hole in the wall. It was far too small for me to go through. I motion for Jolie to go first with my head. I had another plan to get through.

1,610 posts


shadowdragon28 • 30 September 2019 at 2:01 PM

Neva shrugged, "Uhh...Do you have any good ideas?" She looked around at their spawning point. They were in a forest, with no sight of the other team. "Maybe we can hide it under a rock or something?"

Charlotte stifled a yelp of surprise as she and the others fell into the hole, blasted by dirt. The girl standing over them was around eight years old. She was too young for this, Charlotte thought. A feeling of guilt welled over her, but she knew she had to do something. Snatching a gun out of her holster, she attempted to fire at the girl.

Callum looked through the darkness, "Is everyone okay?" He set the wolf down on a springy object and shifted into human form. Flying with a wolf had taken a lot out of him.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 30 September 2019 at 2:12 PM

~"What if we put it up there?" I point to a tall tree. "I could hide it with clouds and put a few more in the sky to make it look normal."

1,478 posts


arcana • 30 September 2019 at 2:44 PM

(Remember that to some extent, it has to be visible)
I scan the area and see a tree that the flag could blend in with. I clamber over and inspect it, looking for an optimal spot.
I crawl out of the hole and run under an overhanging that would shield me from the rain. I concentrate on making more illusions.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 30 September 2019 at 2:53 PM

(It will be)

1,327 posts


bgunny • 30 September 2019 at 3:49 PM

I follow Meri over to a tree. It seemed like a good place to hide the flag. "I can climb up if you tell me where I should put the flag."

I run outside. The rain was coming down like bullets. It was hard to see. I put up a shield, which helped. I wouldn't be able to keep it up for long. I look around the area. We were in an alleyway. I wasn't sure where to go from here or what to do. I didn't like to make the choices. Once Galen came out we could make a plan. Not having a plan wouldn't work in a simulation like this. What we were doing now wasn't good enough. There had to be something we were missing.

I shift into human form. It was a bad idea because as soon as I did, I couldn't see anything. It was too dark. "Where's Skrye?" I ask. Phoenix seemed to be okay. She was alive at least.

I groan. "Yep, I'm perfectly fine. I didn't just fall down a hole or anything." I sit up and conjure a ball of fire so we could see. I shriek and fall out of the bed when I saw what I was laying on. It was a skeleton. I raise the fire so I could see better. We were in some sort of dungeon and there was skeletons lying all over the place. I walk over to the prison gate. It was locked.

"Woah!" the girl says. She raises rock and dirt around her as a shield. "I don't want to hurt you. I just want to play!" She doesn't seem to understand that we were hunting her down. "Dillon told me to stay hidden so he could play with you. And I did, so now I want my turn to play!" I hear a rumbling, then a side of the wall in the hole falls down. It looked like the girl had create some kind of maze for us. She laughs happily.

1,428 posts


asrieldreemurr • 30 September 2019 at 8:32 PM

I stand. "Well, may I ask who you are?" I smile.

1,610 posts


shadowdragon28 • 30 September 2019 at 9:11 PM

"That sounds like a great idea," Neva turned to Paige, eyes alight with excitement, "Team Stormy Storm will totally win."

Charlotte glanced up at the girl and turned to the maze, eyes wide in fear. She could feel the walls closing in on her...She shivered, ever since getting stuck in a closet when she was young, she was terrified of small spaces, including mazes. "How..will we get out?"(Charlotte is claustrophobic)

Callum looked around, horrified, "Isn't this a simulation? Why are there skeletons here?"

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 30 September 2019 at 9:19 PM

~ "Yeah we will!" I exclaim. Neva's excitement was contagious. "Do you want to climb up there, or should I?" I ask.

~ I watch Jolie leave, then I back up as much as I could and take a running start at the hole. I break through with a shower of shards and splinters of wood. I look at her and make a bear-y smile, then turn back to the house, which was now shaking.

1,478 posts


arcana • 30 September 2019 at 9:40 PM

I hand the flag off to Cliff and point to a place on the tree that would hide it in plain sight. "Can you put it there? I'm going to look around to grab some stuff before we start. I'll come back when I've got something!" I look around for weapons and find a box, holding a potion, dagger and bow.
I make myself visible to them, and stop all of my other illusions.

1,327 posts


bgunny • 30 September 2019 at 9:47 PM

“Sure thing!” I say. I jump up and swing onto the lowest tree branch. It was easy climbing this tree. I was in the spot Meri had pointed to within seconds. I place the flag down and hide it as much as was allowed. I climb back down and look up at the hiding spot. Meri had picked a good spot. I could see it easily, but that’s because I had placed it there. The other team would have to look closer to find it.

Even though I was in a shield, I flinch when the debris showers over me. For some reason, I smile back at Galen. I wasn’t sure why. The house lets out one last creak before collapsing. I sigh and turn back to Galen. “Would you mind shifting back into a human?” I ask. “I’d like to discuss our options.” I notice that Selene had become visible again. I gesture for her to come over. I think back to what I’d read in the information. There had been another object to this simulation than just surviving. I had to remember what it was.

I shrug. “Maybe they are part of the simulation,” I suggest. I wasn’t worried about the skeletons anymore. I wanted to find a way out of this cage. I walk over to a skeleton and grab its arm. I pull off its pointer finger and move back to the door. I was going to try lock picking it.

I watch the girl curiously. I was a little too absorbed in what she was doing that I didn’t notice when the skeletons started to come alive and move.

The girl smiles and twirls. “My name is Aite,” she says. “Now that I told you my name, you have to tell me your names! You can do it while you walk, though. I’ll follow. From above, of course. I don’t want to give away the maze.” “I guess we’ll have to do the maze.” I would suggest that we try attacking her from down here, but if we killed her, the dirt would cave in on us. I start to walk. It couldn’t be that hard. It was made by an 8 year old.

1,428 posts


asrieldreemurr • 30 September 2019 at 9:51 PM

"My name is Carrie!" I put on a smile. Was it forced?

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 30 September 2019 at 9:54 PM

~ I stick my tongue out at nothing in particular and stand up on two legs. A painful burning sensation filly my body. I make a small noise and suddenly I'm a human again. I'm wearing a white shirt with a furry collar and white pants. I have no shoes. I shake myself off to clear the sensation of being a bear. I turn to Jolie and see something appear out of the corner of my eye. Selene was there. I send her a smile and turn so that I was facing both of them.

1,610 posts


shadowdragon28 • 30 September 2019 at 10:59 PM

"You wanna try?" Neva felt adrenaline, or was it electricity, pumping through her veins, and she was not sure if she could make it to the top of the tree without letting out a few sparks. "I'm pretty sure I'm a little to sparkly to climb that tree."

Charlotte shivered, but followed Valerie. Be brave, she chanted to herself mentally. The walls were totally not closing in on her.

Callum winced a bit as the grumpy girl pulled a bone off the skeleton. His instincts were telling him that something was wrong here. It was a little too quiet. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a bone twitch. " it just me or are the skeletons moving?"

1,327 posts


bgunny • 1 October 2019 at 3:38 PM

I extend my shield to cover Galen too. I felt bad letting him stand in the rain. "Okay, if I remember correctly we have to make it to an underground safe base, but I have no idea where it is, and if we die twice, we turn into a 'ghost,'" I say. "The game ends if we make it to the base safely or we all become ghosts." I bite my lip. I hated talking this much. "At the rate we're going, we're all going to be ghosts. We need a plan. Does anyone have one?" I ask hopefully.

I twist my arm so I can reach the lock. "It's probably just you," I grunt, without even looking back. I was too absorbed in unlocking the door.

I glance over my shoulder. The skeletons were moving. They were starting to stand up now. I walk over to Callum. "Um, they are moving," I say. It still doesn't earn the girl's attention. At least they were skeletons. I liked skeletons. They had bones.

Aite follows us. "Carrie is a great name!" she says. "How about you two? What are your names? And I want to know all of your ages, and what you like to do, and everything about you!" I ignore the girl. Carrie could keep her entertained. "You okay?" I ask Charlotte. She looked a little stressed and nervous. I turn into a dead end. I make a frustrated noise and go back the way I came from. This was harder than I thought it would be.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 1 October 2019 at 7:00 PM

~ "I'll do it, then." I start walking toward the tree and when I reach it, I jump as hard as I can. I use my air powers and nearly fly up to the top of the tree. I shoot past the point that I had intended, so I let myself fall a little ways onto the tree. I stick the flag into it. I look down and realize that I had gone probably a little too high. I take a deep breath and jump out of the tree. I slow my fall and land lightly on the forest floor.

~ I shake off the extra water. "I would vote that we split up and cover more ground, except that would probably get us all turned into ghosts. They would probably hide the safe zone somewhere we wouldn't expect." I offer.

1,478 posts


arcana • 1 October 2019 at 7:11 PM

I hate speaking, but I do it anyway it a short burst. "I can disguise one of you and the other can attack the monsters or try to find the base on their own."
I find another box with another potion and another dagger. I bring them back to the tree and set down the box I had dumped all of the stuff in.

1,428 posts


asrieldreemurr • 1 October 2019 at 11:11 PM

"Oh, I don't really have an age." I glance at the others, silently asking them if I could tell the girl their names.

1,327 posts


bgunny • 2 October 2019 at 3:24 PM

I walk over to Meri and peer inside the box. "What did you find? Anything useful?" I ask.

I brush of a few drops of water Galen sprayed on my arm. I tried to do it as inconspicuously as possible. I didn't like the idea of separately, mainly because I was a coward. "I mean, I guess we could do that if it's what you guys want. I'd prefer to stay together, though." I wasn't sure if I could fight the monsters. I'd become a ghost within a matter of minutes. I didn't have a better idea. An idea pops in my head. "Could you disguise as monsters for a little while?" I ask. I wasn't sure how long Selene could hold illusions, but it might give us enough time to find the information we needed.

I notice Carrie's glance and shake my head. I wasn't going to tell Aite my name, at least not my real name. "It's Veronica," I say. Aite smiles and tells me I have a nice name. She turns back to Carrie and I turn back to Charlotte, still waiting for a response. "What do you mean you don't have an age?" Aite asks with big eyes. "Everyone has an age! Oh, and you guys are doing really good in the maze! I won't tell you how much farther you have, though!"

(I wanted to tell you guys, I'm doing this thing for Halloween that people used to do a few years back. You can post trick or treat on my wall and then I will give you a trick or a treat. You can do it at most once a day. I'll be doing it as long as it's October and I have the word 'lights on' in my status. Only one person has been coming, so now I've been telling people about it.)

1,610 posts


shadowdragon28 • 2 October 2019 at 3:52 PM

Neva looked in amazement. She wished that she could fly. Looking away, she checked the site for boxes. Finding one, she pulled out a sword and a dagger and held them up, "Look what I found!" she called.

"I'm...uhhh...okay," Charlotte says unconvincingly as they bump into another dead end. Turning to the excited girl, "Umm....Cathy." She had noticed that Valerie hadn't used her real name. And the walls towering over her certainly told her she shouldn't.

Callum jumped up and shifted in the air. Last time he checked, skeletons couldn't fly. He would be safer. Flying over, he landed on the grumpy girl's shoulder. "They're actually moving. Hurry up!"

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 2 October 2019 at 3:59 PM

~ "Good job!" I walk over to Neva and look closer at the sharp things. They would come in handy.

~ "I think we should stay together and have Selene make illusions. It might be a better one if you two ride me as a bear while she does that so we look like a bigger monster." I reply. I liked all the ideas.

1,428 posts


asrieldreemurr • 2 October 2019 at 10:51 PM

"Well, it's just that I don't remember." I turn.

1,327 posts


bgunny • 3 October 2019 at 9:39 PM

I nod at Galen’s suggestion. That was a good idea. I look at Selene, waiting to hear her answer and opinion.

Exasperated, I turn around. “There are no… Oh, crap.” The skeletons were moving after all. The one I’d took the finger from points at me. It looked strange because he didn’t have his pointer finger, so it looked more like he wanted to give me a fist bump. I fumble with the bone and put it back in the lock. I had to do this fast. “Can’t you stall for me or are you that scared of skeletons? It’s going to take me a minute to do this right.”

I shift into my wolf form and stare at the bones. I really wanted to get one of them. Bones were the best. I glance over at Phoenix and Callum. I wasn’t going to attack unless they said so. I didn’t want to do the wrong thing.

“Okay, if you say so,” I reply. Charlotte didn’t look okay. I didn’t want her to get upset if I kept asking, though. I didn’t care that much anyway. I was starting to get frustrated walking aimlessly in the maze, so it was a relief when Aite said, “You’re almost out! You only have a few more turns to go!” She turns to Carrie with big eyes. “You can’t remember your age?! Are you a fairy or something?” She stares at her adoringly.

“Once we’re out of here, what should our plan be?” I whisper to Charlotte. “She doesn’t seem to have any clue about what we’re here for.” I narrow my eyes. Charlotte had trouble with the lion. I wondered if she could help us take care of this ‘cute’ kid. “Will you be able to help us?” There was a challenge to my voice.

1,478 posts


arcana • 3 October 2019 at 11:30 PM

I nod. I didn't really feel like speaking again after that. It hurt my throat.
I hand him a potion and dagger. "There's also a bow and some arrows, but who do you think is a better shot?" I set down the box and scamper off to grab some more supplies. "I'm gonna grab some more stuff, you can choose to take the bow or just leave!"

1,610 posts


shadowdragon28 • 4 October 2019 at 5:13 PM

"Thanks dude," Neva replied, "We should probably find some more stuff before attacking. We are going to rock this!"

Charlotte swallowed heavily, "Uhh....," she thought back to her life from before, and her life now. If she didn't do as MASK told her to....she didn't even want to think about it. "Yes," she said, the word echoing painfully in the maze.

Callum glared at the grumpy girl before sighing, "Fine, if you really want us too." He nodded to Kaeden, "You okay with that?"

1,428 posts


asrieldreemurr • 4 October 2019 at 7:12 PM

"No, I'm sure I'm not thousands of years old. I just don't remember." Carrie shrugs.

1,327 posts


bgunny • 4 October 2019 at 10:11 PM

I take the dagger and potion from Meri, and place them in my pocket. "Uh, yeah, not me. I'm the musician and gymnast. I can't do archery." I stand up. "I'll go look for some stuff too. Might as well, while we have the time."

"Okay, I guess that's settled then. Is everyone ready? Galen?" I ask. The rain was starting to lighten up. I was anxious to get going while everything was calmer. The monsters would find us soon and who knew what the next natural disaster was.

I fidget with the bone. Note to self, bones are not good to use when you want to pick a lock quickly. "Okay, good, just focus on keeping them away from me."

I nod eagerly. Without waiting for an order, I pounce on the nearest skeleton. I clamp my teeth on its leg and pull. The skeleton falls to the ground. I start to drag it around the room, happily. I had a bone!

Aite still seems amazed by Carrie. "That's so cool!" She says. "Oh! Look the stairs are right up there! You can see them from here! I'll run up ahead and think about the next fun thing we can do." Aite runs out of sight. I nod at Charlotte. Finally! I was glad we were out of here. I start to speed walk towards the stairs. We could finally finish what we came here to do.

(Yeah, I don't think I can kill Aite. If you guys want to that's fine, but I'm good with just letting her go unconscious. I'll do whatever you want to do, though.)

1,428 posts


asrieldreemurr • 4 October 2019 at 10:20 PM

I sigh. I walk up the stairs.

1,610 posts


shadowdragon28 • 4 October 2019 at 11:58 PM

(Alright, we can leave her unconscious. I don't really care though)
Charlotte literally sprinted towards the stairs. Taking them two at a time, she reached the top quickly, panting in relief.

Callum shrieked a cry as he landed on a skeletons head and pulled the skull off. He cringed at the sound of bones snapping. Why had he ended up here?
