Warrior Cats Roleplay RP Topic

in Roleplaying

Any changes?

Deleted • 25 February 2017 at 9:32 PM

This topic is only for roleplaying. If you would like to make new cats or ask questions, do so here:


1. No godmodding, powerplaying, or taking control of other cats. You will receive a warning.

2. No Mary Sues or being mean to other people

3. If you would like to have a battle or death happen, PM me a couple days in advance.

4. Only eight cats per person.

5. 2 important roles each person. Side accounts not allowed.

6. If you are leaving the RP, PM me or say on this topic to let us know. Your character will then be controlled by me, as an NPC.

7. Try not to make something happen without getting permission from me first.

8. If you get three warnings, you will be kicked out of the roleplay.

9. Have fun!!!

P.S you CAN be a rouge or loner. You can also be a kittypet that joins the clans.

Cat Positions


Leader- Moonstar (doyoueverwonder/me)

Deputy- Dewheart (flowerlynx) -might be mentoring Icepaw

Medicine Cat- Spiritwish (pitch)

Warriors- CLOSED

Tawnyears (silverlite)

Heronclaw (keesa)

Hawkstorm (leafstarofskyclan)

Dawnheart (panda)

Birchpool (pitch)


Sparrowwing (silverlite)

Goldentail (silverlite)

Nightshade (valleries1)

Icestorm (valleries1)

Stormcloud (valleries1)

Apprentices- OPEN

Crystalpaw (degong)

Icepaw (degong) -Mentor- Dewheart/flowerlynx

Sunpaw (panda)

Snowpaw (panda)-Mentor- Might be Hawkstorm

Duskpaw (togepi)

Kits- OPEN
Skykit (doyoueverwonder)




Leader- Blazestar (valleries1)

Deputy- Leafstorm (panda)

Medicine Cat- Frostfur (leafstarofskyclan)-mentor of Falconpaw

Warriors- OPEN

Mousefur (flowerlynx)

Leafshade (leafstarofskyclan)

Willowpath (lannisfire)

Acornfire (leafstarofskyclan)

Mythtail (lucie)

Speckledream (pitch)

Brightheart (panda)

Darkbird (lucie)

Hopeseeker (lucie)

Apprentices- OPEN

Falconpaw (keesa- mentor is Frostfur/leafstar)

Firepaw (panda)

Streampaw (pink)

Lightningpaw (pink)

Kits- OPEN

Queens- OPEN

Valleyfeather (leafstarofskyclan)


Blur (doyoueverwonder)
Rain (lucie)
Bandit (pitch)


Thunder (pitch)
Brine (ammolite)
Scout (pitch)
Leaf (iris)
Forestfire (togepi)


Shadow (flowerlynx)
Chloe (degong)
Comet (iris)

(@valleries1 is this okay?)

Basically a more evil BloodClan.
This clan accepts cats who are willing to seek power through murder, betrayal, and lying.
(including loners, kittypets, rouges, and clan cats.)

Leader - Blood

Deputy -

Warriors -

Apprentices -

Kits -


These are cats that died in un-needed battles, age, or murdered by Blood for betraying the rouge clan.


❤️Love Chart❤️

Moonstar x Shadowcreek

Icepaw x Sunpaw

Spiritwish x Heronclaw

Mousefur x Birchpool

Dewheart x Hawkstorm

Blur x Shadow

Sootface x Tawnyears

Nightshade x Leafshade

Streampaw x Lightningpaw

Chloe x Thunder

Rain x Mythtail


The Moonpool is north of the two-leg place, inside a bundle of trees.

CURRENT NEWS: Mentor arrangements are happening now!

WEATHER: It is the end of leaf-fall, almost leaf-bare.

OMENS AND PROPHECIES: Moonstar has found a strange leaf with two big holes, and one small hole. The end of the leaf has mountain shapes on it.

DEATH: None yet.

KITS: None yet.

GATHERINGS: The next gathering is happening in a quarter-moon.



Moonstar squinted at the night sky. It was clear and full of stars, her warrior ancestors.

"StarClan can you hear me?"

She sighed and flopped down in the grass. She was tired but she couldn't sleep. Something was bothering her, and she didn't know what!

Quietly she slipped into a dreamless sleep.


Blur slowly padded through the forest, avoiding any ferns or rocks that might make noise. He picked up his pace and reached the familiar circle of rocks he called home.

What now? he thought. He decided to hunt a little and go to sleep in the nest in the middle of the rocks.


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2,221 posts


pitch1226 • 25 February 2017 at 10:03 PM


Dashing through the forest, Thunder hopped from branch to branch as he made his way towards the two-leg place. His stomach was grumbling and two-legs were the easiest way to get a quick meal. Carefully climbing down from the tree he was in, he could see the two-leg place through the last few trees ahead.

Thunder looked around while cautiously walking forward. Although there were other cats to look out for, certain two-legs had made a hobby out of capturing cats. The idea of being retrained and trapped sent chills down Thunder's spine.


Spiritwish gently sorted the herbs he had just come back from gathering. During the process, Moonstar's sleeping body caught his attention. He worried for her, wondering if something was bothering her.

After finishing his task, he looked up at Silverpelt and thought how StarClan was doing. Letting out a sigh, Spiritwish laid on his back, belly up. Silverpelt was always his favorite part about the night.


1,589 posts


flowerlynx • 25 February 2017 at 10:05 PM

Too many people... I can't do that many pings X.X

Dewheart settled down in her nest. It was near Hawkstorm's, of course, she quite liked him. Restless, she stared up at the ceiling. The thought of finally mentoring a 'paw, and the fact that she had to get up early in the morning to organize dawn patrol, put her to sleep easier.

Deleted • 25 February 2017 at 10:12 PM

@flowerlynx Don't worry, you can always copy and paste. ^W^

Moonstar opened her eyes. The moon was still shining and a piece of grass had managed to sneak it's way down her ruffled pelt. She pawed it off and stood up. As she looked around, she saw Spiritwish laying on his back facing the sky.

She paced around, restless and itching for sunrise to come. Moonstar was more comfortable at night of course, but this time it bothered her.


Blur settled down in the leaves and closed his eyes. It sounded like there were cats talking in the east, or moving around. "Must be those clan cats." he muttered.

He always wondered what it would be like to be in a clan. Quietly he stood, stretched and padded toward the DawnClan border.

1,223 posts


degong • 25 February 2017 at 10:31 PM

Whoop~! ^-^



Icepaw sat atop one of the hills quite a ways away from the other cats. She stared up at the stars, thinking deeply about the next day. She wondered what she would be taught, and thought about how she would try to accomplish it.
The she-cat glanced at the lake and the reflection of the moon. She cocked her head, how close was it to a full moon? A fish broke through the surface, causing ripples that concealed the moon. Icepaw sighed before her eyes widened in surprise at the sound of her sister, Crystalpaw. She had never seen Crystalpaw wake up in the middle of the night!
Icepaw turned her head to see Crystalpaw bounding across the landscape, crushing grass as she went. "Crystalpaw..." she shook her head, not of disapproval but of pure disbelief.

Crystalpaw bounded across the last hill until she reached her sister. "Sis!" she cried, just barely quiet enough to be inaudible, "What are you doing out so late at night?" She made her way up the hill Icepaw was sitting upon on joined her.
Icepaw sighed, "I could ask you the same question."
"Well, I just learned that you weren't in your nest! So I got worried, ok? Such a lovely night it is, though, isn't it? There isn't any clouds, no fog, just a clear night!"
"I'm out here every night, I'm not sure how you haven't noticed. You're a deep sleeper, anyway."
"I am!" Crystalpaw squealed in delight, "I'm pretty sure a badger couldn't wake me up!"
"Why are you up?"
"I'm not really sure, actually, I guess tonight I just wasn't too tired!"

105 posts


keesa • 25 February 2017 at 10:46 PM

She was awake in the warrior den, laying quietly near the entrence so that she could look outside. Heronclaw always loved the night, the air always seemed to feel cleaner somehow in the stillness. Movement caught her eye and she raised her head to see Moonstar pacing through camp. She wondered what her leader might be thinking.


1,924 posts


reality • 26 February 2017 at 2:51 AM


Leafstorm padded out to the clearing. Its lovely she thought. She laid down and looked up at the sky. "Starclan has a mind of its own," she mused.
Sunpaw awoke his sister and together the headed out. "Hello Icepaw and Crystalpaw." Sunpaw said. Snowpaw just went over, like they were friends for years. Well, they were born around the same time and grew up with each other.

1,223 posts


degong • 26 February 2017 at 9:59 AM


Crystalpaw smiled, "Hi Sunpaw! Hi Snowpaw!"
Startled, Icepaw twirled around to face Sunpaw. "Sunpaw?" she exclaimed, "What are you doing out here so late?"
Crystalpaw immediately jumped in and answered it, "They're probably out here for the same reason I was! You wondered where sis was, right?"
She turned and looked at Sunpaw for clarification, since she wasn't sure if she was right or not.

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2,221 posts


pitch1226 • 26 February 2017 at 11:47 AM


He darted into the two-leg place, using the shadows as a cloak. Looking around, all the monsters thankfully appeared to be asleep and the two-legs were no where in sight. Thunder darted into a bush when a smell reached his nose. He followed it to a silver boulder, or trash can as the two-legs liked to call it, and swiftly knocked it over.

A crash rang through the air and he knew he would have a limited amount of time before the two-legs came to investigate. Using his paws to dig through the spilled material, Thunder found what he was looking for. The juicy and delicious taste of chicken greeted his tongue as he grabbed it and raced back into the forest.


Timidly, Spiritwish rolled over back onto his paws and padded up to Moonstar. He dipped his head in respect and flicked his tail warily.

"Are you alright, Moonstar? You seem awfully restless," Spiritwish asked.


Deleted • 26 February 2017 at 11:52 AM


"I'm fine Spiritwish. I just need to go for a walk."

Moonstar edged to the end of camp. She could see Snowpaw, Icepaw, Sunpaw, and Crystalpaw gathered about talking.

Furtively looking around, Moonstar quickly went out of camp. She took a walk around the DawnClan territory and realized that she was nearing the two-leg place, and the large boulders where they held gatherings.

Padding closer, Moonstar tripped over a rock and fell face down in a pile of crackly dry red leaves.

Something in the pile caught her attention. There was a slick wet green leaf that clearly had three holes in it, two big, one small. They were small incisions on the side that looked like big stony hills. "What could this be?" Moonstar thought aloud.

Quietly she took the leaf in her mouth and walked back to camp, to show Spiritwish.

Blur continued sleeping, and his dreams were terrible. There was a small white cat walking into a valley with two bigger cats. A howl ripped through the wind and Blur could see all the cats standing stock still in his dream.

Blur woke up with a startled yelp.

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2,221 posts


pitch1226 • 26 February 2017 at 12:19 PM


The tom scampered up a tree to enjoy his late meal. As he began to eat it, a cry pierced his ears and caused him to pause. Climbing down and burring the remains for later, Thunder's tail flicked with nervous excitement.

"Wonder what that was," he mused. "I bet it's one of those clan cats again. I will never understand why they prefer to live together. No, much to cramped for me." Then a thought popped into his head. "It could be one of the rouges..."


Spiritwish watched as Moonstar headed for the borders and sighed. He there was something she wasn't telling him, but he decided not to pry. Spiritwish had great respect for his leader and if she didn't want to share her thoughts then he would respect her decision as well.

Lost in thought, he found his thoughts wandering to Heronclaw, including his eyes. Spiritwish glanced at the she-cat and quickly looked away, scolding himself. You gave up that wish for the your other, he coldly thought. You chose to be a medicine cat and you will always abide by clan rules!

His thoughts were interrupted by the return of Moonstar. He turned around to see her with something in her mouth.

@doyoueverwonder Just realized that only the first 5 pings work.

1,589 posts


flowerlynx • 26 February 2017 at 12:27 PM

Dewheart awoke suddenly. She had experienced the same nightmare last night, the one that she had been having. It went something like this: she walked through the forest, she heard a twig snapping, she looked there, and she saw another of her clan mates. The cat would viciously attack her, the dream would end. The problem was, she couldn't distinguish who the clanmate was; she didn't even know if it was a tom, or a she-cat. All she knew was that it was a cat from her clan. Maybe she should tell Moonstar, or Spiritwish? No, Dewheart thought, that was something for later. She stretched, and looked outside. She had awoken at the right time, thankfully. It was just before dawn. After she had prodded the sides of Hawkstorm, Owlfeather, and Heronclaw, she walked out into the clearing. Dewheart spotted the three apprentices across the clearing. "Icepaw; since you're up, go make sure that Hawkstorm, Owlfeather, and Heronclaw are awake and coming with me on the dawn patrol."

105 posts


keesa • 26 February 2017 at 12:44 PM


The she cat was still curled up, looking at the stars. When she was a kit silver pelt had always made her feel so small and the feeling had not lessend with growing up but now it came with the security that starclan was watching over them. Her fur ruffled a bit as she felt someone watching her but when she looked around all she saw was Spiritwish looking at Moonstar. The warrior put her head down on her paws. She hadn't seen much of him since he became an medicine cat and hoped he was happy with his role. She looked away from them and turned towards the forest, looking into the trees. Not at anything in particular but her ears twitching at any harmless moment of the leaves. she turned to look at Dewheart as she left the den. The warroir stood up, hoping that ment she was about to go on patrol.

Deleted • 26 February 2017 at 12:47 PM


Moonstar saw that cats were milling about in her return, and Spritwish was looking at the leaf in her mouth.

"Hey Spritwish, I found this weird leaf on the ground when I tripped over a rock. It seems like a prophecy or something. There are strange holes on it."

As she said that, she saw that Dewheart was getting ready for the dawn patrol, and Heronclaw was awake. "It must be sunrise already!" Moonstar thought.

Blur realized it was the strange dream again, he hated that dream! It seemed to haunt him, like it was trying to tell him something. Blur stood up and shook his pelt, clearing his thoughts for a moment.

He heard some rattling nearby, and out of curiosity, he walked toward the noise. Blur spotted a grey cat eating something on a ledge.

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2,221 posts


pitch1226 • 26 February 2017 at 1:01 PM


Thunder stopped mid bite, noticing a pair of green eyes looking at him. Turning his head to make eye contact, he saw a sandy colored cat looking up at him. For a moment he just stared back at the stranger.

"Um... Hey," he mewed. "You don't happen to be one of those clan cats, right?"


"Perhaps it's a sign from StarClan. I'll look into and get back to you on what a find," he said, gently taking the leaf. "Unless... you have any ideas of what it's about?"

He looked around and realized his leader was right. Cats were getting ready for morning routine while the sun started to peek above the hills.


Deleted • 26 February 2017 at 1:09 PM


"I think the smaller hole might be an apprentice, and the stone hills are mountains. The bigger holes could be warriors."

Moonstar decided that a couple warriors and herself should go on a hunting patrol. Leaf-bare was coming, and they needed all the prey they could get.

She hoped that no one had gotten a cough during the cold leaf-fall months. "Sunpaw and Crystalpaw, could you go on a hunting patrol with me? We really need the fresh-kill."

Blur's throat tangled up. "Uh, no I'm not. I used to be a kittypet. Now I live on my own in the forest."

Blur padded around the grey cat, judging on his size, he was probably a rouge or loner. "My name's Blur. What's yours?"

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2,221 posts


pitch1226 • 26 February 2017 at 1:23 PM


Raising a furry eyebrow skeptically, Thunder watched as Blur circled around him. Well at least he's not a clan cat, he thought. Thunder gave a friendly smile and flick of his tail.

"Name's Thunder. Used to be a kittypet? Hmm not surprised actually. Cats that don't belong to a clan usually are. I'm one of the few that have been a loner for all their life. What about you? If you aren't a clan cat and no longer a kittypet, that means you're a loner or rouge, right?"


Keeping Moonstar's thoughts in mind, Spiritwish brought the leaf over to the medicine den to analyze.

I've subscribed so no need to ping me. That being said, the notifications come later than if I were pinged so my replies will be later than usual. 😊

1,223 posts


degong • 26 February 2017 at 1:29 PM

@pitch1226 (Yup, lol.)


Icepaw nodded glad to have a reason to walk away, "Of course Dewheart."
She bid farewell to her sister and cast a sideways glance at the Sunpaw and Snowpaw before making her way to the warriors' nests. She saw that Heronclaw was awake and she talked to her first, "Heronclaw? Dewheart sent me to make sure you were awake for dawn patrol, but I see you already are."
After recognition from the warrior, she proded Hawkstorm and Owlfeather awake before telling them the same message, "Dewheart sent me to make sure you were awake... she wants you for Dawn patrol."

Crystalpaw watched her sister go and she turned toward Sunpaw and Snowpaw. "So... you two planning anything? I'm thinking of joining a hunting patrol to freshen up on my skills!"

1,589 posts


flowerlynx • 26 February 2017 at 1:44 PM

(I'll subscribe too, there are too many people to ping.)
Dewheart saw that Icepaw had done as she had asked, and Dewheart was pleased. "Okay cats, let's go patrol the borders. You never know who might have shown up on them." She spotted Moonstar, who was talking to Spritwish. Moonstar was carrying a... leaf, with marks on it. Dewheart headed towards the edge of camp.

Deleted • 26 February 2017 at 1:50 PM

@degong Oh, degong! I like how you use pink.

Moonstar saw Icepaw pad toward the warriors to wake them up for the dawn patrol. Moonstar wished they could get more kits, to strengthen their clan. "Oh well, we have enough apprentices for now." Moonstar thought aloud.

It was getting close to the gathering, and they hadn't had any border skirmishes between the last one. A wind came and chilled her pelt. She sneezed, and hoped that she didn't have a chill.

"I'm more of a rouge than a loner actually." Blur answered. "Now what are you eating Thunder? Looks weird."

Blur's blind eye stung a little while he said that. "It must have scratched on a bramble or something..." Blur thought.

Deleted • 26 February 2017 at 1:50 PM

@degong Oh, degong! I like how you use pink.

Oops it double posted...

105 posts


keesa • 26 February 2017 at 2:05 PM

She smiled as the apprentice aproached and nodded. She sat down and waited for the others to come out for the patrol. The sky was bright with the rising sun and soon the whole camp would be up and moving around.hopefully there would be some prey out to.

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2,221 posts


pitch1226 • 26 February 2017 at 2:05 PM


Looking at his unfinished meal, Thunder used his claw to cut of a piece and pushed it of his branch. It fell to the ground a small distance from Blur.

"Chicken," he replied while eating the rest of his piece. "Got it from the two-legs place. They're pretty wasteful, really. There is always scraps of food in their silver boulders."

He cocked his head, looking at Blur's eye. It seemed to bother him, though Thunder didn't know why.


Spiritwish stared at the leaf for a moment, but his attention was quickly turned to Moonstar's sneeze. He tucked the leaf away for safe keeping and padded out of the den. Catmint and Coltsfoot would be needed for bareleaf in case of greencough or sickness.

Spiritwish decided to go collect some and look at the leaf later. Perhaps he would find out more about it anyway while doing his task.

Deleted • 26 February 2017 at 2:23 PM


the other people are going to be buried under ping notifications.😋

Moonstar noticed that it was nearly sun-high, so she decided to go to check on the lake. She was surprised when she saw that the lake was frozen! How would they get water now?

She walked back and climbed up to one of the big hills.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey meet below the hill for a clan meeting!" Moonstar yowled.

"Thanks, I needed it." Blur said to Thunder. "I never know why the two-legs throw away so much good food." He added.

Blur noticed that Thunder was staring at his blind eye.

"Sorry, when I was a kit my eye went blind when some brambles pierced it."

1,924 posts


reality • 26 February 2017 at 3:04 PM

I'll subscribe.

Sunpaw nodded at Crystalpaw. He went off back to the camp. Snowpaw followed, gathering around Moonstar. Dawnheart padded to the place they were gathering.

1,047 posts


leafstarofskyclan • 26 February 2017 at 3:25 PM


Shadowcreek padded into camp, Hawkstorm on his tail. They both carried prey, and brought it to the fresh kill pile. "Well done, Hawkstorm." He purred. "The Clan will feast on pigeons and squirrels tonight."

"Thanks, Shadowcreek. You did amazing, too. Two rabbits? I still can't believe it." Hawkstorm flicked his tail to the pile. "I'll take one to the elders den." As he walked off, Shadowcreek headed to the hill for the Clan meeting. Hawkstorm soon caught up.


Leafshade headed to the medicine den. Frostfur had called her. She said it was important. When she arrived, she greeted her sister with a nod. "Hello Frostfur. I've been summoned?"

"I had a most awful dream last night...I still need to talk to Blazestar." She turned to her apprentice, who was sorting herbs. "Flamepaw, come here. This is an important lesson." She waited for the young apprentice.


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2,221 posts


pitch1226 • 26 February 2017 at 5:01 PM

Then probably best not to ping them anymore 😉


"Yeah, no problem. I can always get more. Just have to be careful nowadays. The two-legs are starting to catch on and catch cats who try to take what they've thrown away."

Blur's response caused Thunder to shake his head apologetically. "No, it's fine. It looked like it was bothering you. You manage fairly well with a blind eye though! Pretty impressive actually."


He quickly turned around at the sound of Moonstar's call. Spiritwish wondered why she had called a meeting. He doubted it was about the leaf, although it was quite possible. Finding a spot, the medicine cat sat down, tail wrapped around his paws as he looked up at Moonstar and waited for her announcement.

2,892 posts


skymoare • 26 February 2017 at 5:10 PM


(Can some one fill me in on what is happening?)

Blazestar yawned as he paddled out of his den "Leafstorm! where are you?!"

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2,221 posts


pitch1226 • 26 February 2017 at 5:34 PM


Sure! I'll sort it by Clan:


Moonstar found a leaf that foreshadows a prophecy. She also found that the lake is frozen and is calling a clan meeting. Spiritwish the medicine cat put the leaf in his den for safe keeping and to analyze it more later. Border Patrol is going out soon. Dewheart had a dream.


Leafshade(warrior) is with Frostfur the medicine cat and her apprentice Falconpaw. Frostfur had a dream and called Blazestar.


Thunder(loner) and Blur(rouge) have met.

Other users, feel free to add anything I forgot!

105 posts


keesa • 26 February 2017 at 5:34 PM


She looked up at her leader announcing a clan meeting, a little startled. Maybe this had something to do with her earlier restlessness Heronclaw wondered. Getting up she made her way to the hill. Finding Spiritwish already there, she sat beside the medicine cat and nodded a hello before looking up at Moonstar. The warrior's tail twitched, feeling restless waiting for the rest of the cats to arrive.

