The Sunflower Club! A New Years Resolution

in Chit-Chat

Does This Seem Like a Good Idea?

516 posts


qerrats • 2 January 2020 at 12:44 AM

First of all, welcome to the Sunflower Club!

Are you one of those people who want to have a good New Year's resolution? Or perhaps you're looking for a way to light up the world for others around you?

Well, this is the right club for you! The Sunflower club focuses on doing one kind thing for someone each and every day. Were you ever having a bad morning, and felt like you wanted to just run home and hide in your room, when someone smiled at you? Instantly you're spirits are lifting! Or perhaps you find a dying cove right here on Egg Cave, and decide to feed all of the creatures, and say hello! Or... maybe the man carrying the cardboard sign reading 'anything helps'. Maybe.. just maybe, you could help him have a meal for the night. It could be a small, or big, kindness!

So how do I join? How does this work?
It's easy! Just tell me that you want to join! That's it! Then, whenever you can, simply post here saying 'I helped my sibling with their homework', or whatever you did! I will keep track of all of your good deeds, and, every month, do a shoutout to the top _____ people who got their deeds done.

Should we have a raffle? What would we raffle off? Tell me!

Competitions? Should we have competitions with rewards? Tell me what you think!

Want to participate in raising the Sunflower club's mascot, Laminae?

Sunflower Staff!
@qerrats (Owner)
If we begin to get that many members, I'll probably have more staff!

Competition! What type of contest/competition should our club host? Tell us! 😊

Also, feel free to just talk, and, well, Chit-Chat in this forum! I know it's based off of kindness, but this is a club. Make new friends, tell some jokes, chit-chat!


Starting pings
@???? Ping Your Friends!

Sorry for the noise, thanks for looking, and have a great year! Just don't forget: You have the power to give someone happiness ❤️

Deleted • 2 January 2020 at 2:39 AM

@qerrats Mascot, the Sunflower child- Asteran.

I would like to join please. Does anyone have a stash of Asterans? Can u raffle that? Or are there any sunflower items?

“If you’re reading this… Congratulations, you’re alive. If that’s not something to smile about, then I don’t know what is.”
– Chad Sugg

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1,346 posts


kayuubii • 2 January 2020 at 3:42 AM

Thanks for the ping 😸
I’d love to join! Yes I think the asteran should be our mascot!

516 posts


qerrats • 2 January 2020 at 12:57 PM

@playermocha345 Yes, I definitely think an Asteran would be appropriate... I have one Asteran personally? Maybe we could host some donating contest/thingy, and we could use all our profits to get Asterans? xD Just an idea. Also, love that quote, and welcome to the Sunflower Club!

@galaxyleopard No problem, I'm glad you didn't mind 😸 Alright, two votes for Asteran! ❤️ Welcome welcome welcome!

2,718 posts


jlya • 2 January 2020 at 1:05 PM

I'd love to join. ❤️
Yes, the Asteran is the perfect mascot.
However, giving a shoutout to the person who did the most kind things seems a bit counterintuitive. Part of doing the kindness is doing it for no personal gain. You might start doing the kindness just to get your name shouted out. 😋 Just speaking my mind, though.

516 posts


qerrats • 2 January 2020 at 1:14 PM

@jlya Hurray, I'll add ya!
Okay, that's three votes (wow)!
I like your point of view 😊 I actually agree, because being kind or helpful or nice for a reward isn't being selflessly kind. Which is why I simply mean to the people who just did their good deed. However, you are right, and I might change it. I've been thinking about this club for awhile now, and decided to do it on New Years, but I still have a lot to work on 😋 But yes! Adding you, and for now I'll probably leave that be, but as I continue to fix stuff, I will probably take that out. 😊

2,718 posts


jlya • 2 January 2020 at 1:23 PM

The Asteran was a good idea!
I'd been thinking of something like this for a while, but I didn't want to be the one to start it. Thank you for creating it, because it's a wonderful idea. ❤️ I might consider being staff if you need.
It would be a lot simpler if you could see everyone's heart and tell what their motivations were. 😋 But some people you can just tell are doing it for the good of others and not for themselves.
Oh, yeah, it's fine to leave it up, I just thought I would point it out. 😊

516 posts


qerrats • 2 January 2020 at 1:35 PM

I know, I think I've had this in my head since November or something xD My brain wouldn't let it go, so now it's my goal to do (consciously) one kind thing for someone every day. 😸 And yeah, you're welcome! I don't know if this'll be a big club, or just a small little thing, but I'm glad I started it too 😋 Kind of like motivation 😊
Yes yes yes! I think sometimes I'm too critical of people, thinking that they're doing kindnesses for themselves, but literally every time I'm proved wrong. xD I try to remind myself that though you try to read their expressions, or their body-language, or you ask others around you, you don't know what's in their heart. The heart is the most important thing of all to judge, and you can't judge it, because our eyes and ears can't truly see it. 😊 Okay, I'm getting a bit poetic and sappy, but that's my opinion xD

2,718 posts


jlya • 2 January 2020 at 1:57 PM

Lol. I think it's a good sign that neither of us could get the idea out of our heads. 😊 I also think it's good timing to start it on the New Year. Kindness not only helps the receiver, it also brings joy to the giver.
Yeah, I think it's a good reminder and little booster to help us be kind. ❤️
No, I agree completely, thanks for saying it. ^^ We never know the whole story, and we can never see a person's heart. That's why it's so important to be kind. A simple smile could be the difference between life and death for some person. That one kind word you said offhand could be the only lighthearted thing that keeps someone going who was giving up on their goal, or for someone whose family member is dying. Kindness never harms, it always helps. ❤️

516 posts


qerrats • 2 January 2020 at 2:16 PM

Yeah, I was like 'well, today's new years, seems like a good time to put this up there!' xD But yes, you're right. Doing a kindness for someone and watching (or even simply knowing) how happy they are brings you just as much joy as it did them. I love that feeling when you really help someone, then you walk away with a smile, a spring in your step, and a happy, victorious feeling in your heart ❤️
Never a truer a sentence! Kindness never harms, it always helps. ❤️ 😸
Alright, now because we're just talking back and forth... have you ever read the book called Stargirl?

2,718 posts


jlya • 2 January 2020 at 2:23 PM

For sure! I always find that encouraging others encourages me, and it gives me a victorious-feeling heart ❤️
Oh, I didn't realize we were allowed to chit-chat. xD No, I've never read it.

1,783 posts


skyfall4 • 2 January 2020 at 2:43 PM

@qerrats Me join! 😃

Asteran mascot!!!

1,935 posts


mechanicalheart • 2 January 2020 at 4:35 PM

@qerrats I'd love to join! I also think the Asteran should be the mascot.
By the way I think this is such a great idea. ❤️

516 posts


qerrats • 2 January 2020 at 11:37 PM

@jlya You should really read it! The main character, Stargirl, is super amazing and awesome (in my opinion), and as you learn about her, you kinda realize how cool she is. Every day, every minute of her life she goes out of her way to help others, and never credits herself or gives a second thought to it. Really, someone we can all aspire to xD

@skyfall4 Hiya, added you, that's Asteran four 😱

@mechanicalheart Awww, thanks! I've wanted to do this for such a long time, and I've finally put this up 😸 Asteran is now at five, and added you!

Deleted • 3 January 2020 at 2:18 AM

@qerrats Aww thanks! Well it is nice to be noticed for the little things. Like:

I called out to my neighbour's dog this afternoon. Wanted the pet her for a little while. However, she ignored me. Ahhh! Woe is me. I can't believe that she turned her cute furry butt away!

The book Stargirl sounds nice.. I might read it up later. In any case, have you guys ever come across this self-discovery clicker app called Alter Ego??

“I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone, it’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people that make you feel all alone.” ~Inspirational quote website

Are we really alone or is it just us perceiving it that way? You can be alone and feel lonely in a crowd but should you reach out to talk to someone, are you still alone or is it just your thinking just because you haven't spilled your deepest darkest secrets or a funny story that happened the day before?

You know, my parents told me this. As I very well know that I am not a great conversationalist, that I should remember a joke or two to tell people. The stories you remember don't have to be memorized, you can just exaggerate them, or just repeat the same hilarious story to another person. You can tell the Knock Knock joke multiple times, right? 😊

516 posts


qerrats • 3 January 2020 at 12:38 PM

xD I'm sorry! There's a dog in my neighborhood like that... so cute, but has that aloofness that a lot of cats do.
I think maybe I've heard of it a few times? And yes, it's my personal belief that every human household should own that book, but, ah, I'm in the minority ^^
I agree with you in that we're never truly alone. Sometimes, though this definitely isn't always the case, it's the person feeling lonely. If the took a deep breath, sentiments aside, and said hello, who knows what would happen?
Yeah, sometimes you just need a conversation starter. I'm a big story-teller, but I know not everyone is. And yes, exaggeration is key xD

1,783 posts


skyfall4 • 3 January 2020 at 1:51 PM


My deed this morning?

I cooked myself eggs xD

516 posts


qerrats • 3 January 2020 at 3:59 PM

@skyfall4 xD Well, there you go! Saved your parents the work!

As for me, I took the doggo on a looooong walk. Hmmm..... I'll add onto that, as it's still morning for me xD

2,718 posts


jlya • 3 January 2020 at 6:14 PM

Sounds like a good book!

That's a really good quote! Kind of sad, but it's got a lot of meaning to it. Something we should all keep in mind. Find people who appreciate and love you for who you are.

YAY welcome, friend! 😃 ❤️ And yes, Asteran for the win.
I actually cooked myself some eggs, too! 😱

Deleted • 3 January 2020 at 11:18 PM

Cooking eggs sound good. How do we find the time to do things?

When you matter to a person, they'll make time for you. No lies. No excuses. ~Inspirational quote photo

I do make time for my phone addiction. And spend way too much time on my phone. If my phone is dead, the tablet isn't. If the tablet is dead too, the computer isn't. Why don't I go pick up my textbooks?

Speaking of eggs, what types do y'all like? Poached, boiled, steamed or fried? I myself prefer steamed or scrambled eggs.

516 posts


qerrats • 4 January 2020 at 1:54 AM

@playermocha345 Scrambled is my personal favorite ^.^ If you make it with sour cream instead of milk, ahhhhh... xD

1,088 posts


moonweaver • 4 January 2020 at 1:02 PM


I want join! You already know my resolution, but I'll still post it. I want to....

1. Beat friends in arm wrestle (Cheating doesn't count)
2. Be in good moos constantly

As for a mascot, I agree with Mocha for an Asteran. (I have the perfect one with a nice travel here if you want one that exists)

516 posts


qerrats • 4 January 2020 at 1:26 PM


Great! 😸 I'll add you, and put another vote up for the Asteran... xD It's at six now... and yes, I'm not sure whether I want an existing Asteran, or what. What do you guys think?

1,088 posts


moonweaver • 4 January 2020 at 2:16 PM

Psst, hey guys! Join this


2,235 posts


beta • 4 January 2020 at 2:56 PM

@moonweaver I saw it

2,718 posts


jlya • 4 January 2020 at 10:29 PM

@Moonweaver thanks but I'm already here. xD Glad you're joining, though! ❤️

Scrambled all the way. Though my mom used to make them 'frambled', and for a while that was the only way I'd eat them. They were scrambled and then fried in a pan. So good. 😱

Deleted • 5 January 2020 at 12:53 AM

@jlya *wide eyes* fr-frambled? What a genius word! Just like brunch, where someone slammed breakfast and lunch into one word. Hey, I wonder if there are any people around who like to mess with words like Robin the Boy Wonder? Disaster x Aster..

@moonweaver Like the travel, what about the Sunflower Patch travel then?

Sunflowers end up facing the sun, but they go through a lot of dirt to find their way there. ∼J.R. Rim

2,718 posts


jlya • 5 January 2020 at 4:08 PM

Half of the fun of scrambled eggs was getting to say frambled. xD
Also, sunflowers resonate with me so much. ❤️ I have sunflower eyes, as I've been told, and facing the sun has another meaning for me. It's wonderful because right after I decided sunflowers were a thing for me, two sunflowers grew outside my backdoor. More and more grew each day and a few days later I've got a whole bush of them. 😸 ❤️

53 posts


apple_dumpling • 5 January 2020 at 4:56 PM

I’d love to join, unfortunately I’m a little anti-social and wouldn’t really have anybody to do something nice for everyday.

What I think would be cute for a mascot, however, would be getting an Asteran egg and everyone in the group raising it. It could have a travel like Sunflower Leaves, Sunflower Patch, or a travel made specifically for Asterans—maybe it would change between each meant for the current stage as it evolves.

516 posts


qerrats • 5 January 2020 at 11:54 PM

@jlya I can imagine myself making frambled eggs for the sake of telling my friends "today I had frambled eggs..." xD Also, that book Stargirl I told you about? In the end, it mentions something about a club called the sunflower club... the members try to do one kind thing for someone every day xD I already had the kindness thing in mind, but when I read that I was like 'Sunflower Club! Yas yas!' xD

@playermocha345 xD Wow, you're full of great quotes. That's a pretty good quote, too. Interesting, in a way, if you think about it. Dirt is (pretty obviously) hardships and such, and the sunflower is supposed to be a person. The sun is, well, prosperity or happiness. I read somewhere that when we're born we are loved, as we live we love. I think that's a good perspective to have, to constantly love and to acknowledge that others love you. Sometimes I think we are blind to love 😉

@apple_dumpling You can join, or not. If you never did a single kind thing for any person in your entire life, you could still join xD I won't check up on you or anything 😋 Also, I love that idea. There was that one with the creature that people traded around, and I think we could do that as a club! Each member could spoil the asteran rotten, give it whatever travel or items. Community building! What do you guys think? 😃 Good idea?
