šŸ’ø EC to CC Conversion Terminal

in Site Feedback & Ideas

89 posts


dougprishpreed • 23 January 2022 at 3:33 PM

I agree, the way it is now you basically just pay for creatures. It seems like more of a shop than a game site. I have fun here, but the site seems like shopping with extra steps (purchase CC, finding trades). Is that what the developers want the site to be?

574 posts


iia • 24 January 2022 at 10:04 PM

I'm seeing so many great suggestions! I totally agree, and hope @Ian does too and gives this some serious thought. I think it can have only benefits in the long run.

150 posts


greengrassoftunnel • 25 January 2022 at 3:22 PM

I agree too. I hope Ian will read this! It seems like a majority of players want this kind of feature implemented. And I agree that it would bring more activity to the site and get more new players šŸ˜Š

139 posts


viltuvitrast • 25 January 2022 at 3:50 PM

This feature would be so great, I would love it. I still think that CC is very inflated these days. There simply isn't enough of it to go around for casual players, to the point where it frustrates them and causes them to leave the site.

2,157 posts


prairie • 25 January 2022 at 4:01 PM

Thanks for all the support!
I do see alot of the same users kinda dog piling this, which is cool and all, but I'd love to see other users voice their opinion on this - either to agree or to ask questions about any concerns about this being implemented.
Cause of that, I'm gonna try to ping some people to bring in more discussion.
(apologies if you've seen or commented on this already)


2,450 posts


ida92 • 25 January 2022 at 4:33 PM

@prairie On one hand I like and support the idea. Onthe other, I'm worried about the site's economy. I'm aware that there are a lot of kids and people who cannot buy or afford CC for various reasons. Perhaps the limit could be like 200CC a month if 500 would be too much. Also, I agree that this should not be accessible from side accounts. I havebeen thinking of a suggestion for quite some time now,namely the option to link side accounts to the main account. This could disable the Cave,Gobblers, Chocolate boxes and other stuff on the side accounts, which should not be accessible from them.

2,157 posts


prairie • 25 January 2022 at 4:49 PM

I agree that I think in the end there's going to need to be a side account 'link'. It would just make it much more easy for users and mods alike.
while I could see 200cc being a ok cap (if there's going to be a 200cc creature available perhaps, like there once was) however since there isn't as many 200cc creatures being released out there (as I think is ok - especially with 2 500ccs and 2 1000cc re-releases) I think it would lead to users being more frustrated than anything tbh. They;d have to build up for 2 months.
If the cap was per say 400cc, that would be enough to were the user could get 2 freezes or only be 100cc away, in wich case if they buy 500cc, that can carry them for 5 main CSPs, so it'd actively encourage buying CC.
400cc cap I could totally see as a acceptable cap. 200cc to me is a bit too low and 300cc is kinda getting there in a way.
Though I will say I still thing 500cc as the cap is better for user:site relations

Thanks so much for your input!!

574 posts


iia • 25 January 2022 at 6:20 PM

@prairie @ida92

Personally, I think it is fair to have a cap at 500cc simply because 2-3(1kcc+ Each) rereleases plus 2 cash shop creatures(1kcc) and 4 cash shop travels(200cc) released every month. For someone that tries to buy everything thatā€™s about 4.2kcc($42USD) of releases PER MONTH. Honestly I find that a bit absurd for a site that claimed it would always be free (not to mention a KIDS site) O.o

500cc would buy about 12%(rounded up) of monthly releases šŸ˜‰

(Iā€™m not at all arguing with either of you, itā€™s more for the information of anyone who reads this šŸ˜Š)

97 posts


riceboysleeps • 25 January 2022 at 9:03 PM

@prairie @ida92

I also think that a 200cc cap would be too little. 500 seems great to me. I'd also be okay with 400cc.

2,450 posts


ida92 • 26 January 2022 at 1:44 AM

@prairie @iia @riceboysleeps I was in bed when writing the previous post and pretty tired already. I haven't taken re-releases under consideration. Now that you have mentioned it, 500CC does seem to be fair, since the overall price of all the CC stuff per month exceeds 4kCC.

Also, I like the idea of a comulative login streak, but I still think this should only be accessible from the main account. Perhaps even a 50CC voucher for a big login streak, like 300 days would be a nice reward. I doesn't have to be a big amount of CC.

One more thing I have to add is that adding some small fun activities like mini games would increase the site's popularity and that would have a positive impact on the economy in consequence. These games should not rewards with CC, but maybe EC and occasionally views, clicks or feeds for the pets. I personally love the simplicity of the site, I don't feel overwhelmed when playing EggCave. I know though that there are some people complaining about it being boring for them.

84 posts


quinoafuntime • 26 January 2022 at 3:29 PM

500cc a month seems fair. Free players can get 1 CSP or save up to get 1 rerelease every 2 months. I think it's a good foot in the door. Lots of people will want more and then will be more likely to spend money. Plus all of the benefits that other people have already mentioned like more activity on the site and more new players sticking around.

89 posts


dougprishpreed • 26 January 2022 at 11:16 PM

While I agree with @ida92 that more mini games would be nice, that seems like it would be a lot of work to develop. Since I think only one person is doing all the work, that might not be possible at this time. However, the ability to convert 5 million ec to 500 cc a month should be pretty easy to implement and would have a big impact on making the site less of a shop and more of an inclusive game and community.

99 posts


justagiannamoment • 27 January 2022 at 3:15 AM

I think this is an excellent idea! I also like the idea of login rewards! I created my first account back in 2012, and Iā€™ve gone through phases where I play a lot and then where if donā€™t play for a really long time. I think that having the 500cc a month would be a great incentive to continue playing. While I can sympathize with people who say it it difficult to have to collect large amounts of EC, I have always felt as though the main focus and activity of egg cave is visiting others caves and feeding creatures. Itā€™s how creatures evolve and in game currency is collected.

The necessity of large amounts of CC has definitely increased, particularly since the re-releases have been implemented, there are now atleast four CC creatures every month and only new 2 creatures in the cave. Which has made collecting the monthlies impossible without a large amount of CC every month. I personally cannot afford to consistently purchase CC, I do on occasion when I can, but it can get extremely expensive, so I personally never pay much attention to the rereleases or even the CC monthlies, which I feel is a disservice to the creators when work so hard come up with beautiful creatures to release in the Cash Shop every month. Plus, Iā€™ve always appreciated how over time creatures would become rarer and more valuable, but lately, most of the rarest creatures are the more recent CC creatures as not as many are being purchased every month.

I think adding a CC terminal might bring some vitality back into Eggcave, which IMO is really needed, cause personally Iā€™ve felt a bit drained from the constant push for CC, which has definitely changed the way I view the game.

97 posts


riceboysleeps • 27 January 2022 at 3:36 PM

I agree with @justagiannamoment about how collecting EC is the main focus of the site. Or at least how it should be the main focus of the site. It used to be, but it seems like nowadays it's more about buying CC. I say this as a brand new player of course, but that's how it seems to me.

1,867 posts


brookie • 28 January 2022 at 3:14 PM

@prairie @iia @riceboysleeps

Just wanted to add on to this conversation. I think the 500 CC amount should be the minimum amount honestly. It seems reasonable given the amount of CC creature releases for each month, which can total $3k CC+.

2,157 posts


prairie • 28 January 2022 at 4:14 PM

I certainly would agree with you that I'd prefer 500cc be the minimum.
400cc is the absolute lowest I'd possibly set it at if I was to choose. But even then its kinda a bit of a jerk move as its just dangling that 500cc mark in front of people who are working hard to collect EC and being active on the site.

I definitely agree that 500cc is perfectly fair and reasonable for the site to set as even minus one 500cc creature, the cash shop has 2500cc (and if there's a 200cc creature, 2700cc) worth of things per month, so 25$ worth of CC.

112 posts


autumnal • 29 January 2022 at 3:00 PM

Let's make this happen! Right now The site is too focused on getting you to spend money. It's killing the site imo. Either make a premium website that costs money to get in, or make a free site that's truly free (ie you can get your dream cove without spending money). Spending money will make the process of getting your dream cove faster and easier, but it seems like a trick to advertise the site as free to play with tons of creatures and then have most of the creatures be unavailable unless you spend money. @prairie lays out a reasonable compromise: 5 mil ec to 500 cc per month per person.


2,157 posts


prairie • 29 January 2022 at 4:55 PM

And thatā€™s a 500cc cap, you can buy however much you can (like min purchase of 50cc ofc); the limit is just 500cc.
That way if users canā€™t make 5mil that month, but they have 1mill they can at least buy 100cc for example.

146 posts


aquafaba • 29 January 2022 at 10:32 PM

Yes, I wouldn't want it to be only 5mil to 500cc. 500k to 50cc 10 times a month, for sure šŸ˜Š

Cisgender Male
306 posts


tryvegan4theanimals • 30 January 2022 at 12:34 PM

I'd like to bump this thread again, and thank you everyone who has commented with your thoughts šŸ’• As a student with not a lot of money to spend, it's sad when so many potential trades are refused because I don't have the premium currency. I hope that the powers that be will consider this idea.

@Ian I hope you're okay with me pinging you! Sorry if it's annoying, as I'm sure you're busy. Let me know if it is and I won't do it again. I just really want you to see and consider this šŸ˜Š

150 posts


greengrassoftunnel • 30 January 2022 at 2:52 PM

It's worrisome that @Ian said "EC can be converted into cash to be used at the cash shop... Egg Cave will ALWAYS BE FREE šŸ˜ƒ" and 12 years later this still isn't true. Please implement what you said you would, Ian. Maybe just try it for a year like with the rereleases and see how it goes?

@prairie's suggestion of imposing a monthly cap is a great idea. CC is not in danger of being devalued. If anything, it's inflated to an unhealthy degree. This terminal would help to allow more players into the game.

97 posts


riceboysleeps • 30 January 2022 at 4:19 PM

I agree with @justagiannamoment. Since CC is more important now than it used to be because of rereleases, there needs to be a way for players to acquire at least a little bit of it by playing the game and not just by purchasing. Pasting what she said:

"The necessity of large amounts of CC has definitely increased, particularly since the re-releases have been implemented, there are now atleast four CC creatures every month and only new 2 creatures in the cave. Which has made collecting the monthlies impossible without a large amount of CC every month. I personally cannot afford to consistently purchase CC, I do on occasion when I can, but it can get extremely expensive, so I personally never pay much attention to the rereleases or even the CC monthlies, which I feel is a disservice to the creators when work so hard come up with beautiful creatures to release in the Cash Shop every month. Plus, Iā€™ve always appreciated how over time creatures would become rarer and more valuable, but lately, most of the rarest creatures are the more recent CC creatures as not as many are being purchased every month.

I think adding a CC terminal might bring some vitality back into Eggcave, which IMO is really needed, cause personally Iā€™ve felt a bit drained from the constant push for CC, which has definitely changed the way I view the game."

146 posts


aquafaba • 31 January 2022 at 6:17 PM

I want to bump what @iia said near the beginning of this conversation:

"Eggcave has surely been making a good chuck of cash with rereleases especially considering some of them have a value of 22USD. If they arenā€™t making money itā€™s because theyā€™re is a decline of activity on this site. I find that laughable because they were all but asking for it.

I really liked when they released the Foo into the VEND machine. People had to work for it! They had to have Ec to buy items to spend time doing quest to get the tokens they want. I think it would be very beneficial to put the rereleases there. (But thatā€™s off topic)

Things like questing, feeding, the XC, and trading are a substantial part of the community and attraction to staying the site. Right now the players who are ok with feeling left out of Cash Shop stuff and the players who pay to play are the only ones who really stick around. I donā€™t want to sound like a broken record, but EggCave is lacking the community and activity it COULD have.

It is so obvious to me that the focus of the site isnā€™t questing, it isnā€™t feeding, it isnā€™t trading, itā€™s the Cash Shop. Thatā€™s ridiculous especially considering this is a kids site.

Personally I was slightly disgusted that they put the rereleases in the cash shop especially starting at such high prices and after the experiment with the foo at the VEND machine. *bangs head against wall* to me this whole ā€œrerelease schemeā€ just looks like a huge money grab and Iā€™ll only mention that ā€œthe hunt for ccā€ has messed with this site."

I see the logic behind putting rereleases in the Cash Shop since they were originally in the Cash Shop, but now that there is just so much content only available for CC, there needs to be a way for free players to get a consistent amount of it. It can be a small amount, but it needs to be significant enough that free players can actually have a shot at getting the creatures they want. 500cc is just a fraction of the value of Cash Shop creatures every month, which as @brookie pointed out is over 3000cc.

The site should reward both spending money and hard work/time, and currently it only rewards spending money.

Come on @ian. Talk to us šŸ˜Š as you can see, this is what the majority of players want.

3,057 posts


jirachiwishmaker • 31 January 2022 at 7:02 PM

Here's a suggestion that would be a fun one, create a scavenger hunt, and as for the reward the person playing can choose the amount of cc voucher they'd like to win if they find all the items for it. An example could be 20 items gets you 50 cc, but if you found 50 plus items you could get 500 cc voucher as the reward, if you're unable to win the reward that you were trying to get you can forfeit to get a smaller voucher prize. We need more events/games so I'm pretty sure a scavenger hunt would be a fun one to work for. The person can play as many times as they want, and eventually collect enough vouchers to pay for a cc creature. Also, the scavenger hunt would be like the gobbler event where you try to find the items everywhere to get them all. People can post on the forums what reward they got just to show that they're playing the game and that they won something, it would stir others to want to play the game too.

584 posts


hinokazes • 1 February 2022 at 7:00 AM

Why not keeping the mini game that is around april fools iirc ? There could be different difficulties, and the hardest one give a little amount of CC and can only be done once a week (or even a month if you think a week is too short). And when I say hardest one, I'm not saying something that is still easy. No, a big puzzle that is actually very difficult (but not impossible or there's no point of doing it) to make it worth winning at least 50CC (or even a pet worth 50CC max how know ?). And the regular small ones could give some EC or items/travels and could be done once a day. I'm pretty sure this could stay alongside the terminal without impacting the financial income of eggcave

574 posts


iia • 1 February 2022 at 9:38 AM

Itā€™s clear that the ec to cc terminal is something pretty much all of us stand behind. Weā€™ve discussed several possible consequences and the possible benefits! The benefits outweigh the consequences for eggcave in the long run.
It would be great to get a word from @ian so we can stop feeling like we need to discuss until we get noticed.

112 posts


autumnal • 1 February 2022 at 8:14 PM

I agree @iia, the benefits outweigh the consequences. Don't worry @ian, the site will be okay. Why not just give it a try? Let us know šŸ˜Š

118 posts


lobstertheremin • 1 February 2022 at 8:29 PM

While there are many ideas for improving the site that would take lots of time to code and implement, an EC to CC terminal would be relatively easy.

What say you, @Ian? Don't lose sight of the forest for the trees. It might be tempting to keep the status quo, but look at the site long-term. The player base has been slowly dwindling for a while now, but some generosity could do a lot to revitalize this community.

I'm not gonna lie. If a feature like this isn't implemented, I'm never going to spend money here. No offense meant, but I don't want to reward greedy behavior.

87 posts


structuresfromsilence • 3 February 2022 at 12:41 PM

"EC can be converted into cash to be used at the cash shop... Egg Cave will ALWAYS BE FREE " @ian

Any updates on this? @prairie @iia Anyone hear anything?

574 posts


iia • 3 February 2022 at 1:15 PM

Sorry if you have already been pinged or if itā€™s a bother :/

@structuresfromsilence no updates that I heard. We really just need to get as many people on board as possible. Pinging people who may be interested is a great way to spread the word. Honestly just telling people and bugging @ian by continuously posing and bringing this up until he talks to us are really the only things we can do.
I meannnn if you want to get serious you can boycott buying cc if you buy it regularly.
I really do think this NEEDS to happen to improve eggcave. We need more regular contact with @ian and his perspective and thoughts.
Thatā€™s my take. Do with it what you will.
