⭐️💰 Monthly Challenge & Dailies Feedback Megathread

in Site Feedback & Ideas

760 posts


okami • 6 February 2023 at 3:53 PM

I know it was mentioned that each daily has an easy-medium-hard level that is randomized, so I'm guessing that the 5 quest amount is not the only amount we'll see for the questing daily. My guess is that 5 is the 'hard' level, and maybe the easy and medium levels are 1 and 3 quests, respectively.

The 5 quest daily was very easy for me personally, but I do questing outside of the dailies as well so I'll admit my stockpile of items did significantly help. If I am assuming correctly that the 5 quests is the 'hard level' then I think that is an appropriate and fair amount for that difficulty level.

I also think that many users are expecting the dailies to be very easy and almost effortless, when in reality they are supposed to be a challenge that is still obtainable. It is very generous of the staff to be giving users the opportunity to obtain a currency that is normally paid for with money. Of course that kind of currency isn't going to be handed out, the dailies aren't a cc giveaway, we have to work a bit for it. 😊 They are also meant to encourage users to participate in aspects of the site that they normally wouldn't- like the quests.

One questing tip that I have for those who don't regularly quest is to decide fairly quickly if you're going to cancel a quest or not. Once I see the items requested I will first check the npc shop, then my strongroom, then go to user shops if I still couldn't find the item(s). If I can't purchase the item for lower than 5k ec then I always cancel the quest. You will get penalized 1 hour until a new quest of that type can be done again, but that is still generally faster than posting on the item swap thread and waiting for help that may not come. If you do decide to post on the swap thread then I wouldn't wait hours for help- maybe 30 mins tops- because after that time you could've already been started with a new quest or two.

Miserable Meltdown is also the easiest quest to do because it is the only one that asks for 1 item instead of 2

9,796 posts


chapus • 6 February 2023 at 4:21 PM

I will say, completing 5 quests was very easy for me, but it's aided by the fact that I have a looot of items in my strongroom. I do agree that 3 quests might be more feasible for people who haven't been around a lot, but also 5 quests shouldn't be impossible; there's like 6 different quest givers and many ways to get missing items.

I DO agree that the EC pay out is incredibly low... like on average just 600 EC, which can barely buy you most items in the shops. I think at least 1K EC would be more generous and more worthwhile.

Also, last note, it feels like 100 CC for 25 days is a bit low (also doesn't help that February is a smaller month with only 28 days vs 30 or 31 normally, so even less days can be missed). I already missed a day cause I failed one quest, so if I just happen to miss 3 more days (or heck, just 3 quests) I miss out on the top prize.

I would suggest two alternatives; either have the CC prize be measured by number of quests (instead of days worth of dailies) and/or potentially have tiers. Example; if you complete 13 days of quests (or a number of quests instead), you get 50 CC, then 50 CC more if you do 13 more days. That way you still get CC rewards if you happen to miss a quest or a day, but you get even more if you are more online.

2,748 posts


jlya • 6 February 2023 at 5:13 PM

I personally do not love the "complete 5 quests" daily as I am not a regular quester and it can be difficult to find all the items. I'm okay with 3 quests but 5 is a little too much for me.

Also just a tiny suggestion, could we potentially add a "claim all" button for the daily rewards? I personally like to complete all the dailies before claiming and it would be convenient to get all of them in one click, rather than having to go through all five individually. Just a thought ^^

Again, thank you staff for providing a fun and challenging way to earn CC ❤️

121 posts


mithmel • 6 February 2023 at 5:21 PM

I didn't like the daily: Complete 5 Quests
I've never done Quest before. I had to do it today just because of this daily rate and I must say that I DIDN'T LIKE IT.
I would love for you to remove this daily. :>

7 posts


ravenskyfire • 6 February 2023 at 9:46 PM

Personally don't think the Quests should be part of the Dailies. I clicked all weekend trying to save up EC for something only to have to spend most of it on a Quest. I'm not even really interested in any of the eggs you can get fron the VEND machine so the tokens from the Quest don't really have any meaning for me. So I wasted a bunch of EC only to be rewarded a bare sliver of it back.

All in all i like the Monthly Challenges, just don't like having to spend a bunch of EC to do Quests that have no reward for me.

1,312 posts


daisycat • 6 February 2023 at 9:51 PM

If quests are going to be part of dailies, uhh, maybe we could get new creatures added to the VEND stock sooner? ;D

167 posts


thaliel • 6 February 2023 at 10:52 PM

It is nice you can retract the dailes section of the sidebar, but it won't stay retracted unfortunately

77 posts


salvalli • 7 February 2023 at 1:34 AM

Okay, most of what I have to say has been said already. I'm going to say though, I like that we all have the same dailies for one reason alone:

I can grab something out of the donation center and then throw it back in. Free dailies are good dailies. Pay to complete dailies are sad dailies that make me want to daily less.

However, I too would like all the dailies to either be randomized to individual players, or to do like another pet site does where there is a list of tasks. And as you complete tasks, in whatever order, new tasks become available (so you don't get overwhelmed by 80+ tasks/quests/dailies all at once).

I'm also one of the adult players who works 40 hours a week, and one my days off I have a family to take care of and usually VERY little free time. I'm a super casual player, and having X many tasks to complete in the month would be much kinder on me than completing all tasks for X many days.

I also don't quest, or buy items at all, really. I'd never used any items on any of my creatures before the dailies started. So, I think the quest dailies should either be removed or lowered. And I would prefer that they be removed. I completed all 5 quests, but spent an average of 4k on each item only to be rewarded with less than 1k. Like, I had 55k+ on hand, and went down to 20-something.

BTW, in bumping up the EC rewards from dailies? I think it should go from a 3 digit number to a 4 digit number. Like, whatever calculations you have now? Just add in the thousands space. (Remember math classes? Ones, tens, hundreds, thousands...) Like today, I did all my dailies and then collected them all at once. Two dailies gave me under 200, two gave me 700+ and I think one gave me 900-ish. So, at least 1k for any easy task, 3k for the medium tasks, 5k for the hard tasks.

(10k might be reasonable or too much for hard dailies. IDK, we get 10k from Trivia and that feels like a lot, but I might not understand the economy well enough. Someone with more knowledge weigh in, please.)

I support a chance at items/travels for the dailies. Either for the harder ones or for any of them. I'm not sure if the items would scale based on the rarity of the item or the difficulty of the quest. But getting items that can sell for more than the current highest amount of the dailies is far more attractive to me, and more likely to keep me doing dailies.

IF... the quest daily is not removed, but only shows up once or twice a month... I feel that we should be rewarded with an additional random token. Because, again, I spent nearly 30k to just buy everything so I wouldn't have to shop stalk all day because I CAN'T sit around for hours on end. It gave me war flashbacks to another famous pet-site I could name, that also had quests where users would buy out the NPC shops in seconds, not bothering to haggle the prices down low, and then resell all the items for hundreds of times the original price.

And that's why I stopped questing there too.

And if the Quest daily is too frequent? I'm just giving up on dailies. I did it this once because I'm trying to test this system with you guys, but I am already spending too much time on these dailies. EggCave has gone from my no stress chill site to... borderline nope-town. I'm going to stick it out a little longer to see if things change or get easier.

OH! Two last things...

On account verification, I think we should be allowed to verify by email. If BestBuy lets me verify that I'm really me, and the one buying the gift card by either text or email, I don't see why EggCave can't either. Then people without a smartphone can engage in this chaos too. 😸

Last thing... Fix the daily spin for a *possible* cave monthly please. Or just be transparent about what our baseline percentage of finding a cave monthly is, so we know what it doubles to. 5% doubles to 10% but hey, it's still double and not going to make me cause a riot.

What is? Is what happened to me tonight.

Day one, I didn't get to roll, because of the bug where I completed all 5 dailies when it was still saying 7 dailies. No big. I count that as getting a common and move on.

Day two through six, I rolled cave commons. Annoying. Very annoying and frustrating. But, you know what, I can still find monthlies in my normal cave approaches, I found three deer-creatures and traded the extra female for a puppet child. Fine.

Day seven. This time I just completed all of my dailies and waited to collect them all at once (which was helpful to let me see the difference in the EC rewards. 😸). I hit the spin. It spins. I see commons and monthlies. And then it seems to stutter, to hesitate on a Mariamourette egg, and I think it's stopped! Joy!

Only for it to spin again and now I Have A WHOON?!!?! Cue rage-fest~!

Look. I get that there are bugs. I understand that. I'm now just salty instead of mad. Like, every other day I've only seen commons on the wheel. Maybe it was spinning too fast for my eyes to see the monthlies. But on a night were it looked like I had finally gotten a monthly prize and then it just started to spin again?

Either the bug is that it stutters on rares/monthlies even if you aren'g going to get it as a prize, or the bug is that you can't actually pull a rare/monthly from the daily bonus spin. (If anyone has pulled a monthly/rare/uncommon from the bonus spin, speak up! Prove me wrong! Let's get some usable data flowing.)

If anyone else had this happen to them, please speak up. I'm on an old MacBook Pro running an older version of Safari. My iPad is slightly more up to day, and my phone is a samsung where I use Chrome.

I'm so used to things like this working for some browsers/OSs and then freaking out in others... I do want to see the Monthly Challenge improved. But, at this point, it's gotten so cumbersome that 100CC just isn't worth it on my strained free time. If you don't wanna increase the CC, drop down the required workload.

Also, tweak the bonus spin to have uncommon and rare eggs along with the monthlies and commons. Please? If they are already there, then, ignore this.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. Sorry for any typos.

248 posts


captaincookies • 7 February 2023 at 1:42 AM


You can get a monthly from the spin, I got a mariamourette a few minutes ago.

Also, as a fellow adult player with their own cash money to spend if they want, I think it's important to keep in perspective how little the daily quests actually matter. 100 CC is 1 real life dollar. If Eggcave, your cozy game, has turned into a nopetown for you over 1 real life dollar, it might be worth spending $5 a year and treating yourself to one creature you really enjoy from the CSP, or even reevaluating your relationship to the game, in order to preserve that cozy feeling long-term. I played this game when I was a kid, and it kind of consumed my life for a short time before I realized I was being supremely foolish and took a step back.

2,964 posts


heatherm19 • 7 February 2023 at 2:02 AM

I think it would be nice to know a bit more about how *likely* it is that you'll 'spin' a monthly, like the percentage or whatever. Because despite supposedly being double, we don't know what the base is that is being doubled, so it's hard to really see a difference.

Suggestion re 'forum posts' dailies: Split the 'recent topics' list so all the 'forum games' are shown in their own list and they aren't totally overtaking and burying actual discussions/questions/etc. I'm glad that we have forum games an that they count toward that daily, but we are already seeing them just completely overtaking the 'recent' list.

@salvalli Tip: Give yourself a spending limit when doing quests, an if the items needed go above that limit just cancel the quest an try a different one. There are enough different quests that you don't *need* to spend a ridiculous amount on one quest. (My personal limit is roughly 10-15k per quest, but I have a ton of ec stockpiled. When i didn't have as much ec my limit was more around 5-6k per quest, which did mean cancelling some that were only in user-shops.)

521 posts


sapphire12 • 7 February 2023 at 2:08 AM

To risk ruffling some feathers also:

- CC is a bonus at the end of the day. You don't /need/ it to enjoy the game. Plenty of caves that are very loveable.

- The dailies arent mandatory - if you had fun before this, you could have fun after this.

- we get 1000 CC every year (phone issue a different problem) and realistically you could get another 1000 from the dailies over 12 months. That's 4 free CSP pets for the year: 2 being guaranteed, 2 you have to work for. Both at the expense of not your own money.

My only issue so far was the accessibility for some other users on the site. That's been addressed. The rest are suggestions for possible improvements 😊

77 posts


salvalli • 7 February 2023 at 2:39 AM

@captaincookies Thank you, sincerely, thank you.

I’m fine with being super unlucky, so long as the monthlies really are obtainable. Your win gives me hope.

And, thank you for that perspective, I think you’ve hit the nail on the head with the recurring criticism that we are being asked to do too much in exchange for 1 USD. Saying it like that, 1 USD instead of 100cc… and suddenly that tightness in my chest loosens, you know?

By no means am I asking staff to raise the CC reward for the month. They need to make money through CC sales to keep the site running. 100cc feels like a good bonus for us that won’t put them out of business.

I see now I phrased things badly. I have a tendency to think one way, write another and speak in yet another way. So, I should clarify: Nope-town refers to my relationship with the Daily quests and not EggCave as a whole. Someone else said it first, this has changed my play style so much that I may just go back to doing things as I did before and just collecting the bonus EC for what I was doing around the site naturally… maybe the occasional easy quest I don’t have to go far out of my way for too.

It was just making me think about how much I miss playing on a different site I love so much, because I’ve been dedicating more time here.

I could expand on this, but that might be getting off topic. Totally down for chatting elsewhere, be it forums or in PMs. (Advanced apologies to anyone dealing with me, my responses will be slow and sporadic at best. 😊;; )

Back on topic, I forgot to say I really like the option to re-roll some dailies from the pool. Maybe hard can only be replaced by other hard ones, medium with medium, but different categories. Or true RNG, they could be replaced by any difficulty if the EC rewards are tied into the difficulty of the daily.

I also think if there was a way to set the parameters based on how you access the site, that would help? Something in the settings along the lines of ‘I Typically play on a’ and then drop down options of the kind of device you use.

Then instead of 100, 200, 300 clicks/feeds, phone users would have 50, 100, 150 instead. Or, if that’s still too much for a phone, 25, 50, 75. I switch between desktop and tablet, but primarily play on tablet. 300 ain’t easy, but I can get there… eventually.

1,508 posts


wonder404exe • 7 February 2023 at 2:51 AM

People make essays and paragraphs of paragraphs of words but can i just ask for links to the task because its weird having to go to the page manually. Even “you lost auction” or “XXX didn’t accept ur offer” have links to a useless page.

Just me? ;_;

109 posts


dragonelle • 7 February 2023 at 4:43 AM

Thanks @iia ! I didn't know this topic existed. It will surely help me next time. But as I come from France, there is often a time difference... I'll see next time. THANKS !

735 posts


nut • 7 February 2023 at 9:25 AM

seconding some thoughts above, it would be nice to have tasks randomized for individual players 😊 that way things like the click exchange and donations center can stay active all the time as opposed to a rush every few days. and people can help each other out depending on what the other needs

121 posts


mithmel • 7 February 2023 at 12:42 PM

Yesterday had this mission: Complete 5 Quests
I tried to do a Quest and I couldn't, because 1 item was nowhere to be found and the other cost 4000 EC.
What did I end up doing? I gave up.
So know that I would love for this mission to never come back. Thanks

3,556 posts


pegasasu • 7 February 2023 at 1:35 PM

@wonder404exe 100% agree on this; can we have links to go to the page for the challenge?

I'm not sure if I'm just lazy, but a hyperlink to the Alkub racing for example right on the dailies page or my inventory from there would be phenomenal!

2,562 posts


dragrawr • 7 February 2023 at 2:43 PM

The forums are a bit rough lately, everyone posting in game topics and actual conversations get pushed out in seconds. Maybe the games shouldn’t show up in the recent topics? Just staying in the games area? It would be very helpful, so the larger more community-driven topics don’t get flooded right away.

2,748 posts


jlya • 7 February 2023 at 4:05 PM

I personally disagree with the suggestion to reroll dailies, I think it's perfectly fair to have to play the cards you were dealt, especially when you don't have to complete the dailies every single day in order to get the 100CC. As long as the daily requirements are generally doable I think it's perfect like it is. I will once again point to the quest daily, however, because many adult players have jobs and busy lives that make it impossible to check into Eggcave several times a day. If user shops don't have the items we need at an affordable price, we don't have time to stalk the NPC shops to find our items. I think 1-3 quests is acceptable, as there are several quests types which will allow for people to find an option they can do. 5 is too much.

I am however a supporter of randomizing dailies for users across the site! Seems to add a fun variable that you don't know what you're going to get, and seeing how your dailies compare to others.

42 posts


mysticgirl916 • 7 February 2023 at 7:04 PM

When it came to the quests yesterday, I focused on the ones that I really could do (mainly the quests for the pink tokens). The Gourmand quests are certainly the toughest of the lot

2,964 posts


heatherm19 • 8 February 2023 at 12:09 AM

Okay, today's last task is worded in a very confusing way (at least to me).
"Restock and purchase 15 items from the main shops (excludes the Thief Shop and Donations Center)."

'Restock and purchase', what exactly does that mean? *We* can't 'restock' the main shops, the site does that.... does it mean we have to be there for 15 restock-cycles? 'Cause that's A LOT. Or that we have to buy all of an item so it needs to be restocked? Or... What? I'm really confused.

@Ian @Orderedchaos

5,409 posts


Orderedchaos • 8 February 2023 at 12:19 AM

Looks like the wording of that needs to be fixed, the "restock" part is unneeded. You just need to purchase items from the NPC shops. You don't need to wait around for restock cycles or anything like that.

2,964 posts


heatherm19 • 8 February 2023 at 12:21 AM

@Orderedchaos Thanks for such a quick response, that makes a lot more sense!
*rushes off to buy travels*

1,757 posts


minnie298a • 8 February 2023 at 12:21 AM

I agree it's worded weirdly.

However, you only need to purchase 15 items from the NPC shops. I got it done fairly quickly and definitely wasn't there for 15 restocks.

And as a heads up to newer players, items from the Trinket Travel and Bean Sack shops do not show up as requested shop items.

894 posts


murfijs • 8 February 2023 at 1:53 AM

not a fan of the restock 15 items quest. buying 15 items is kinda expensive for a quest :c
if it was lets say, buy 5 items it would be much more enjoyable.

1,216 posts


pet_cemetery • 8 February 2023 at 1:55 AM

@orderedchaos @ian

I can't do Alkub Racing because it says I already did it. I did put a bet in but it was yesterday (morning? Evening? I can't remember.) Either way it doesn't count towards the task. I can't summit another either?

So what, am I forced to miss a day just because one of the tasks won't let me complete it? I haven't missed a day yet and there are not may days in this month so we don't have much wiggle room.

10 posts


ohanasystem • 8 February 2023 at 3:56 AM

Back with some more feedback/requests, but before that, thank you to everyone with the questing tips, including the very helpful questing thread. I'm reluctant to use it as i don't have much to offer in return at the moment, but it's really good to know it's there! the other tips were super helpful as well. i still think it (questing) is discouraging for new players as is, but those tips will definitely make things more doable for me.

* as others have mentioned, the shop quest might need to be reworded to make it less confusing. i bought something i was going to buy regardless as a tester, so i figured it out pretty quick, but can definitely understand those it tripped up.

* could we please have some changes to either the timetable or having it recognise currently placed bets on things like trivia, wall of sandroden and alkub racing? i tend to place these as soon as i get the notification that the results are in from the previous day - so that i don't forget to do it entirely - but that really screws me up when these pop up as a daily request, especially with alkub racing only having a 6 hour period post-race before ec swaps to the new day and dailies reset. this is made even trickier when you consider that timezones put that period right in my "active day" -- 9am onwards, leaving me (on particular days) with sometimes no chance to get online until after the day switch-over.

thanks! 😊

141 posts


mindwhiper • 8 February 2023 at 9:27 AM

Just a small reminder: I hear that gambling it's something like illegal in normal society. But it's not me to judge ppl from another society, if it OK to them.

42 posts


mysticgirl916 • 8 February 2023 at 10:17 AM

@murfijs 15 items definitely seems to be too much, I agree it should be 5

589 posts


geefriend45 • 8 February 2023 at 11:15 AM

I agree 15 items is a high number to buy from shops, even when I'm actively doing quests I don't think I buy that many items from NPC shops in one day (I buy most quest items from user shops, rather than waiting for NPC shops to restock). Maybe it would help to include items bought from user shops, and reduce the number required like murfijs suggested.
